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Inventors and inventions

5. Fill in: invented, discovered, changed, improved, developed

1. The Wright brothers ____________________ the world when they flew the first plane in 1903
2. The invention of radar has _________________________ navigation and safety at sea
3. Alexander Fleming ________________________ penicillin by accident
4. In 1838, Louis Daguerre _________________________ the first practical process of photography
5. The TV was ________________________ by John Logie Baird in 1926

6. Look at the pictures, then put the words into the text. Then replace the words in bold with their synonyms ( sent off
– go around – tools – power – send)

7. Read the text and label the

paragraphs with the correct
headings. One heading does
not match. Then explain the
words in bold.

A. Spoil for choice

B. A journey to remember
C. A dream come true
D. In the lap of luxury
E. An offer you can’t refuse
F. A natural wonder

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