Unraveling The Intersection of Socio-Economic Dynamics and Family Planning Accessibility Insights From Women of Reproductive Age in Kween District, Eastern Uganda

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IAA Journal of Applied Sciences 10(1):1-19, 2023. ISSN: 2636-7246

Unraveling the Intersection of Socio-Economic Dynamics and Family

Planning Accessibility: Insights from Women of Reproductive Age in
Kween District, Eastern Uganda

Chemutai Meshak

Faculty of Clinical Medicine and Dentistry Kampala International University Western

Campus Uganda.

The provision and utilization of Family Planning (FP) services play a pivotal role in not only
safeguarding women's health but also significantly enhancing the overall well-being of their
partners, children, and the wider societal fabric. Studies have estimated that optimizing FP
services could potentially save 32% of maternal lives and 10% of child lives. In light of these
critical implications, this research delves into the multifaceted factors hindering women's
access to Family Planning Services within the precincts of the Kween district. Employing a
cross-sectional descriptive study design, this investigation focuses on women aged between
18-49 years. Data collection involved survey questionnaires administered to a strategically
sampled group of 40 women. The quantitative data underwent meticulous analysis utilizing
SPSS version 20, while qualitative data was subjected to content and thematic analysis,
presenting findings in a verbatim format. The study revealed that while 47.5% of women were
utilizing modern FP methods, encompassing pills, implants, and injectables, there existed a
notable unmet contraceptive need of 25%, coupled with a 22.5% contraceptive
discontinuation rate. The primary deterrent to accessing modern FP methods stemmed from
acceptability issues entrenched in prevailing myths, notably the erroneous beliefs
associating Family Planning with infertility and the culturally unfavorable birth of twins.
Moreover, the discontinuation of modern FP methods predominantly stemmed from reported
side effects such as excessive bleeding, backaches, and headaches. Additionally, the research
underscored a correlation between the utilization of modern FP methods, women's
educational attainment, and demographic factors like the number of living male children and
participation in polygamous marriages. Intriguingly, religious affiliations had a limited
impact on FP method utilization, as women demonstrated a tendency to contravene religious
doctrines to access FP services despite religious opposition. This study illuminates critical
barriers obstructing women's access to and sustained use of modern FP methods in the
Kween district, emphasizing the urgency for tailored interventions addressing socio-cultural
misconceptions, side-effect management, and demographic sensitivities to foster more
inclusive and effective FP service delivery in similar contexts.
Keywords: Family Planning, Contraceptives, Injectables, Implants.

Globally, family planning (FP) is widely children, and their families including
acknowledged as an important access to birth control, contraceptives,
intervention towards achieving sexual education, and other health
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as it resources. Access to FP services can be a
has been proven to reduce maternal and major source of knowledge for birth
child mortality and entrench human rights spacing and can help to make known the
for women and girls [1]. FP covers a wide benefits of birth spacing. Infant mortality
range of services concerning women, can be reduced by such knowledge as it
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plays a critical role. In addition, maternal Fertility rates are high at 6.2 children per
mortality, unwanted pregnancies, and woman overall and 6.8 children per woman
births, as well as improving the overall in rural areas [8] and in 2010 the country’s
health of the mother, child, and ultimately annual population growth rate was 3.2%,
the welfare of the family unit are key the 5th highest globally. Among married
benefits of family planning [2, 3]. Family women, 34.3% have an unmet need for
planning is well known to be crucial in the family planning, with a higher unmet need
deterrence of unwanted pregnancies and in rural compared to urban areas (37% and
unsafe abortions as well as the spread of 23%, respectively) [8]. In 2011, only 30% of
sexually transmitted infections (STIs) currently married women were using
including the much-threaded HIV/AIDS [4- contraceptives [8] compared to a global
6]. As a consequence of the actual and average of 63% [10]. In Uganda, rural
perceived positive impacts of FP, many women face a problem of lack of enough
countries around the globe especially support, information, resources, and
those in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia where training on how to make healthy
birth rates are still unacceptably high, reproductive choices, coupled with the
have embraced FP as one of the means to negative stereotyping of women as
lessen the rate of infant mortality, mothers, which leads to questioning of
improving women and children’s health their parenting abilities in terms of family
and even reducing the rate of population planning and child spacing. The high
growth [7]. Many countries in Sub-Saharan fertility rate results in a high birth rate,
Africa including Uganda have over the last bringing about large family sizes with a
half a century, made substantial progress negative impact on the family, the
not only in promoting FP but also in community, and the nation at large as a
making FP services available and result of economic overload in covering
accessible to their citizens [7]. the additional demand of the persistent
In Uganda, the government through population growth as well as increased
financial and technical support from donor maternal and infant morbidity and
agencies and development partners has mortality. Access to modern
made useful progress in rolling out FP contraceptives encompasses the most
services in the country. Such efforts aim to important intervention in population
enhance access to and utilization of FP, management, thus boosting the nation’s
especially by poor people in rural areas development process. Limited research
and urban slums. This is done against the has been put in place to address the
hope that FP would make very useful socioeconomic factors or barriers to
contributions to poverty alleviation, contraceptive use among rural women in
improving maternal and child health, and Uganda. These factors may vary from one
fostering development [7]. The unmet need society to another due to the gender norms
for family planning refers to women that exist in different societies as far as the
capable of reproducing who are not using use of contraception is concerned [11].
contraception but wish to postpone their This research will help to bridge the efforts
next birth or stop childbearing altogether and reality of contraceptive use among
[8]. Meeting the unmet need for family rural women in Uganda by identifying the
planning and maternal and newborn health possible factors negating or enabling
care in sub-Saharan Africa is estimated to women’s adoption of contraceptive use.
result in a 69 percent reduction in The study also will go ahead to find out
maternal deaths and a 57 percent drop in why rural women don’t access and utilize
newborn deaths [10]. Women in developing contraceptives, despite making them
nations are disproportionately affected by available to relevant stakeholders and this
an unmet need for family planning, with will be done by identifying the major
the highest need in sub-Saharan Africa. challenges to CU. Hence, the study aims to
Uganda, one of the fastest growing understand the access and utilization of
countries in the world is especially in need contraceptives use among rural women in
of increased family planning services. Uganda, Kween District.
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Area of Study d = maximum error the PI was willing to
Kween district is a district in eastern allow, between the estimated prevalence of
Uganda bordering Kapchorwa district to the outcome P and the true prevalence in
the west, Bukwo district to the east, and the population = 5%.
Nakapirpirit district to the north. It covers A convenient sampling procedure was
an area of 851.4 square kilometres and an adopted to recruit women who responded
estimated population of 103,000 people to the study questionnaires.
with the annual growth rate being 4.5 Data collection
percent. The main method for primary data
Research design. collection was structured interviews using
The study employed a cross-sectional a questionnaire. The questionnaire was
descriptive research design using both constructed to contain structured open
quantitative and qualitative approaches. and closed-ended questions and was used
Concurrent triangulation was used to to gather both qualitative and quantitative
triangulate qualitative and quantitative data. These were administered by the
findings. The study described the factors researcher through face-to-face interviews
that hinder women’s access to and and collected data in three sections
utilization of FP services as well as the including; socio-demographic
socio-cultural and socio-economic factors characteristics, factors that hinder
that hinder women in Kween from women’s access to FP services, and factors
accessing FP. that constrain women’s utilization of FP
Target Population and Unit of Analysis. services.
The target population for the study Data Processing and Analysis
comprised all women aged between 18 and At the end of each interview, the filled
49 years living in Kween. Women in this questionnaires were checked for
age bracket were chosen because they completeness and any missing entries. The
constitute a large majority of potential and quantitative data obtained from the
actual consumers of FP services and questionnaires was entered, cleaned, and
therefore are well-positioned to provide analysed using the Statistical Package for
the required information to answer the Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive
questions posed in this research. statistics such as frequency and
Sample size and sampling procedure. percentages were used to present
To estimate the true proportion of women quantitative findings using tables and
with unmet need for family planning charts. Qualitative data from KIIs and
services within ± 5 % points with 95% secondary sources was subjected to
confidence, with p = 0.39(UDHS [8]), (q=1- content and thematic analysis where the
p), d=0.05, α =0.05 and Z=1.96; responses were transcribed and themes
Given that: developed with these themes presented
together with verbatim. Emerging patterns
n = Z2. Pq (Leslie Kish [12]) and themes were compared against the
survey data and the study objectives and
then, were used to complete and supplement
n = (1.96 x1.96) x (0.39 x 0.61) = 365.56 quantitative data.
d2 Ethical Considerations
n = 0.05x0.05 The researcher upheld all the ethical
principles of the study as a whole. The
Thus, the sample size was 366 mothers of researcher considered the following in
reproductive age. ensuring all the ethics were upheld during
p= Prevalence (unmet need for family and after the study: The researcher
planning) = 39% (UDHS [8]) obtained approval from Kampala
q = 100% - 39% =61% International University IREC, ensured a
proper introduction and explanation about
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the research to the participants, and anonymity of respondents. Interviews with
collected data after the respondents had respondents were conducted in a secluded
given their informed consent. The environment which ensured the privacy of
respondents were given an assurance that the respondents. Collected data has been
the information collected would be kept used for this research’s purpose only and
and treated with strict confidentiality and individuals concerned consented in
for academic purposes only. Respondents’ writing to its inclusion beforehand at the
names and any other personal identifiers end of the research.
were not collected which ensured the
Socio-demographic characteristics of were Protestants while 27.5% were
respondents Catholics, there was only 1 Muslim woman
Three-quarters of the respondents were among the respondents. Over a third of the
aged below 35 years while nearly a third respondents were engaged in small
were monogamously married. However, businesses while 32.5% were housewives.
polygamous marriage was also prevalent Among the respondents with quantifiable
with 3 in every 10 respondents being in a income (except housewives), over half
polygamous union. Over half (55%) of the earned below Uganda shillings (UGX).
respondents had attained a primary level 300,000 per month while a paltry 10%
of education and below with only 2 earned above Uganda shillings (UGX).
respondents having not had any formal 300,000.
education. Over a third of the respondents

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Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents. (Number, n=40)

Characteristics Category Frequency Percentage (%)

Age 18-24 6 15.0

25-34 20 50.0
35-44 12 30.0
>=45 2 5.0
Marital status Polygamous. 12 30.0

Monogamous. 13 32.5
Single (never married) 8 20.0
Separated/widowed/divorced 7 17.5

Educational University/ college 5 12.5

level Secondary 13 32.5
Primary and below 22 55.0
Occupation Farmer 6 15.0
Housewife 13 32.5
Business lady 15 37.5
Employed 6 15.0
Religion Catholic 11 27.5
Protestant 14 35.0
Moslem 1 2.5
Pagan 5 12.5
Others 9 22.5
Monthly 0 13 32.5
income (UGX) <300,000 23 57.5
300,000-500,000 2 5.0

>500,000 2 5.0

Socio-demographic characteristics of married to Protestant spouses (36%) who

spouses were mostly (48%) engaged in business
Nearly half (44%) of respondents’ spouses activities. The majority (60%) of
were aged above 45 years with over half respondents’ spouses were also earning
(57.5%) having attained primary education. less than UGX 300,000 per month.
Over a third of the respondents were

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Table 2: Socio-demographic characteristics of spouses. Number, n=25
Characteristics Category Frequency Percentage (%)

Age 25-34 6 24.0

35-44 8 32.0
>=45 11 44.0
Educational University/ college 5 20.0
level Secondary 5 20.0
Primary and below 15 60.0
Occupation Farmer 5 20.0
Business man 12 48.0
Employed 8 32.0
Religion Catholic 8 32.0
Protestant 9 36.0
Moslem 1 4.0
Pagan 4 16.0
Others 3 12.0
Monthly 0 15 60.0
income (UGX) <300,000 5 20.0
300,000-500,000 2 8.0

>500,000 3 12.0

Planned Parenthood including 2 boys and 2 girls. There was

The respondents had between 0 and 9 however wide variation in the number of
living children but on average the boys as compared to several girls alive.
respondents had 4 living children

Table 3: Number of living children

Minimum Maximum Mean Standard
Number of 0 6 2 2
living boy

Number of 0 5 2 1
living children
Total number of 0 9 4 2
living children

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Plan on the number of children you want to give birth to






0 0 0
1 2 3
Planned exceeded Planned did not exceed Did not plan

Figure 1: Planning on the number of children to give birth to

Contraceptive use
Previous use of modern FP methods used implants, and 2.5% used sterilization.
Nearly a third (30%) of the respondents had This indicated that most of the
never used a modern FP method while 70% respondents had used more than one FP
had previously used a modern FP method. method previously. However, the non-
Among the respondents who had never willingness of the respondents to use
used a modern FP method, only 5% were modern FP methods was blamed on
willing to use a modern FP method in the religious objections, fear of side effects,
future. Among the 70% who had previously and husband’s disapproval as well as the
used a modern FP method, over half desire to have more children.
(37.5%) had used injectables, 32.5% had

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80 70%
40 32.5%
30 25% 22.5%
10 5% 5% 2.5%
usewilling to use injectables implants pills IUCDs sterilization
Ever used modern FP modern FP method used

Figure 2: Previous use of modern FP methods

Current use of modern FP methods less than half had dropped using FP
Only 47.5% of the respondents were using methods since they wanted to have
a modern FP method while 62.5% were not another child while the remainder 12.5%
using any modern FP method. This abandoned using modern FP methods due
indicated that 22.5% had dropped from to other reasons. In general, a quarter of
using modern FP methods as70% had the respondents did not like to have a child
indicated they had previously used (or another child) shortly. This means that
modern FP methods. Among the 22.5% the unmet contraceptive use was 25%.
who abandoned using modern FP methods,
Table 4: current use of FP methods
Response Would like to have Frequency Percentage
children in the near
Currently using FP Yes Yes 5 12.5%
No 14 35.0%

No Yes 10 25.0%
No 11 27.5%

Among the 47.5% of the respondents using was the least common (2.5%) type of
FP methods, 17.5% were using pills, 12.5% modern FP method used. No respondent
were using implants while the injectables reported the use of barrier methods of
were the third most common (10%) FP contraception (female condoms).
method used. Sterilization (tube ligation)

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Factors Hindering Access to FP Services
Physical Accessibility of FP Services 12.5% sourced from pharmacists/shops
Centers and 7.5% sourced from friends or relatives.
Among the 47.5% of the respondents using This indicated that women sourced
FP methods, 42.5% sourced the FP method modern FP methods from more than one
from health centers or dispensaries while source.






Figure 3: current source of FP method.

Among the 47.5% of the respondents using thought that the cost implications in
FP methods, over half (30%) of respondents traveling to and fro the source of modern
currently using modern FP methods FP were affordable. This shows that
considered the place where they sourced physical access was not a critical
the FP method not to be far and 32% hindrance to modern FP method use.

Table 5: physical accessibility of FP services. Number n=19 (47.7%)

Frequency Percentage
Affordable Far 1 2.5%
Near 12 30.0%
Not affordable Far 6 15.0%
Total 19 47.5%

Availability of FP Services their chosen FP method. Similar

Among the 47.5% of the respondents using observations were made in an interview
FP methods, 25% were of the opinion that with a nurse at a local health facility who
the method they were using was not always observed that at times the health facility
available while the other 20% always got ran out of FP supplies.

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Table 6: Availability of FP services. n=19
Response Frequency Percentage
Availability Always available 8 20.0%
Not always available 11 25.0%

Availability of FP services within the “Many People complain that they still get
hospital was also hampered by a shortage pregnant even after use”
of personnel which led to limiting the time In agreement with a nurse informant, other
of delivering FP services as revealed by an respondents also feared that using modern
interview with a nurse:“One nurse serves FP services would result in giving birth to
FP, Antenatal Clinics, and Child twins which is culturally unacceptable as it
Immunization which leads to a lot of is perceived to lead to the death of either
workload. We are forced to stop FP service the husband or the wife as illustrated by
delivery at 1 o’clock.” the following statement: “FP use leads to
Affordability of FP Services twin pregnancies. Yet firstborn twins are
Among the 47.5% of the respondents using not acceptable in society as it will lead to
FP methods, 42.5% thought that the costs the death of either the husband or the
they incurred in purchasing FP methods wife.” In addition to perceived resultant
were affordable while the reminder 5% infertility, subsequent births after using
thought that purchasing FP methods was modern FP methods were also riddled with
not affordable. The affordability of myths. According to an interview with a
modern FP methods was linked to the fact nurse, there were some community
that they were offered free of charge in members who believed that a child born
public health facilities. All current users after using FP would have disabilities.
of modern FP methods who reported not Among the 47.5% of the respondents using
affording FP methods sourced these FP methods, 22.5% had experienced side
methods from Pharmacists/drug shops. effects due to the use of modern FP
This shows that the affordability of FP methods while 17.5% of those who were
services was not a major determinant in not currently using FP methods had also
the use of modern FP methods. experienced side effects previously. 30%
Acceptability of FP Services of the respondents were not included since
There were widespread myths regarding they had never used FP services. This
the effects of modern FP methods shows that side effects were equally
especially with regard to its side effects. experienced by current users and current
Some of the mythical effects included non-users of modern FP methods hence the
changes in body size, reduction in libido experience of FP side effects was
and fertility, abnormal births, and that FP widespread. Some of the side effects
causes diseases such as vaginal wall experienced by the respondents included
prolapses, fibroids, high blood pressure, excessive bleeding, general body
and cancer. Some of the respondents weakness, and backaches as illustrated by
perceived the modern FP methods to be the following except where one woman
ineffective in preventing pregnancies as noted; “Personally I bled for a long time
illustrated by the following statements and it culminated to a divorce as I could
not offer conjugal rights to my husband”.

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Table 7: Experience of FP side effects
Experienced side effects Percentage

Currently using FP services Yes 22.5%

No 25.0%
Currently not using FP Yes 17.5%
services No 5.0%

Factors Hindering Utilization of FP Services

Spousal Communication of the respondents who had
In total, over half (55%) of the respondents communicated with their spouses about
had talked with their sexual partners about modern FP methods and were using
the use of modern FP methods. Among the modern FP methods, 25% reported that the
47.5% of the respondents using FP spouses approved of its use. Despite
methods, 30% had communicated with disapproval from the spouses, some
their sexual partners about the use of respondents (5%) reported using modern
modern FP methods. However spousal FP methods without their knowledge. Only
communication about FP was found to be 2.5% were not using modern FP methods
similar across different education levels. despite spousal approval. An interview
There were cases in which sexual partners with a nurse indicated that spouses had
blatantly did not want to discuss issues negative attitudes and misconceptions
regarding FP as illustrated by the following about modern FP methods: “They believe
sentiments: “He just does not like that Jadelle can move from the site of
discussing such matters” insertion to the heart”. Spousal approval
Spousal Attitudes was critical to the survival of marriage
Among the 55% of the respondents who unions as illustrated by an FGD discussant
had talked with their sexual partners about who observed that when the husband
the use of modern FP methods, half (27.5%) disapproves of modern FP use. When a
had spouses who did not approve use of disapproving partner finds the wives using
modern FP methods. The sexual partners it, the wives are subjected to humiliation
cited mostly the fear of the modern FP or worse gender-based violence and even
method's side effects including perceived divorce as illustrated by the following
infertility and changes in body sizes as the excerpt. “I was chased away to go back to
reasons behind their modern FP method's my parents by my mother-in-law after my
disapproval. Spousal approval played a husband reported to her that I was using
critical role in enhancing the uptake of FP.”
modern FP methods since among the 30%
Table 8: Spousal approval and modern FP usage
Partner approves Partner does not approve

Currently using FP services 25.0% 5.0%

Currently not using FP 2.5% 22.5%


Number of Living Children users of FP services as compared to girls

The results indicated that current users of and vice versa. This indicates that the
modern FP services had an equal number gender of living children was an important
of living children. However, the number of determinant of using modern FP methods.
living children was different by gender, the This could be attributed to the value of the
number of boys was higher among current boy child in society with the desire of

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women with fewer male children to have
more male children hence avoiding the use
of modern FP methods.
Table 9: Number of living children and modern FP use
Currently using any modern FP services

Yes No
Mean Mean
Number of boys living 3 1
Number of girls living with 1 3
Total number of living 4 4

Education Level College or university education had the

As shown in the table below, the highest prevalence of contraceptive use.
prevalence of the use of modern FP This therefore indicates that higher
methods increased with an increase in education was associated with more use of
women’s highest education level. In modern FP methods.
addition, women with spouses who had

Table 10: Education level and modern FP methods use

Currently using any FP services
Yes No
Frequency % Frequency %

Education level College/university 4 80.0 1 20.0

Secondary level 7 53.8 6 46.2
Primary and below 8 36.4 14 63.6
Education level of College/university 7 70.0 3 30.0
spouse Secondary level 1 14.3 6 85.7
Primary and below 11 47.8 12 52.2

Religious Influence respondents whose religion did not

Modern FP methods use was highest support the use of modern FP methods
among respondents who thought that their defied their religious doctrine and used
religion supported their use while lowest modern FP methods. This shows that
among respondents who were not sure of religion was not a significant determinant
whether their religion allowed the use of of modern FP methods use.
modern FP methods. However, half of the

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Table 11: Religious influence and modern FP methods use
Currently using any modern FP
Yes No
Frequency % frequency %
Does your religion support the use of Yes 7 63.6 4 36.4
these FP services
No 5 50.0 5 50.0
Not 7 36.8 12 63.2

Polygamy however, respondents in monogamous

As shown in Table 12 below, modern FP marriages reported higher use of modern
methods had low prevalence among FP methods compared to respondents in
respondents in polygamous marriage polygamous marriages. This in general
while respondents who were never married shows that polygamous marriage
had the highest prevalence of using discouraged and hindered the use of
modern FP methods. In comparison, modern FP methods.

Table 12: Marital status and modern FP methods use

Currently using any modern FP services

Yes No
Frequency % Frequency %

Marital status Monogamously married 7 53.8 6 46.2

Polygamous married 4 33.3 8 66.7
Single/ never married 5 62.5 3 37.5
Separated/widowed/divorced 3 42.9 4 57.1

Contraceptive Use mostly due to perceived or real side
Modern FP method with over half (37.5%) effects. A small portion had discontinued
having used injectables, 32.5% having used FP since they wanted to have another child.
implants, and 2.5% using sterilization. The discontinuation rate was however
According to this study, it was found that lower compared to a study among Kenyan
47.5% of women were currently using women aged between 18 to 24 years which
modern FP methods with 17.5% using pills, found a discontinuation rate of 42.4% [14].
12.5% using implants and 10% using This study found that the discontinuation
injectables. The current contraceptive rate was high among those using
prevalence was found to be higher than the injectables and implants while those using
national average of 39% [8]. Also, this pills had the lowest discontinuation rate.
study found that pills were the most This was contrary to a study in Nairobi
commonly used modern FP method Slums that found that women previously
contrary to the national average where using pills had the highest discontinuation
injectables and implants are the most rate [15].
widely used as compared to pills. Similar Factors Hindering Access to FP services
to a study by Tsui et al. [13] this study Physical Accessibility of FP Services
observed that one in four women had an Centres
unmet need for contraceptives. The study Women in the Kween district sourced
also found that 22.5% discontinued the modern FP methods from more than one
modern FP method they previously used source mostly including health centers or
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dispensaries followed by chemists and which limited the provision of these
relatives or friends. Despite sourcing from services.
public health facilities there were some Affordability of FP Services
cases in which women were not counseled Although modern FP methods in public
before being given these methods, health facilities were offered free of
however, health workers remained the key charge, tests required in assessing
source of information on contraceptives. eligibility for an FP method were not
This meant that the women who were not covered by cost subsidies. However, all
counseled then sourced information from these services according to the
their social networks which could be respondents were affordable hence
attributed to widespread misconceptions affordability of FP services did not hamper
about contraceptives. Nearness to a health the use of modern FP methods. Due to a
facility reduces the costs and time needed persistent shortage of FP supplies, some
to travel to these health facilities hence women were forced to seek FP services
increasing the likelihood of access and from private facilities which most of them
utilization of FP services. This study found considered to be unaffordable. Generally,
that the majority of women sourced their findings depicted that modern FP methods
modern FP methods from facilities nearby were affordable across all socio-economic
and hence did not spend much time and statuses of women and hence did not
money traveling to and fro these facilities. determine the use of modern FP methods.
Given that the modern FP prevalence was Contrary findings were made in Uganda
higher than the national average it was [16] and Zambia [17] which found that
therefore inferred that their closeness to women in poorer households had a lower
the source of modern FP methods likelihood of using modern FP methods in
enhanced the uptake of these methods in comparison to women from wealthier
Kween. households.
Availability of FP Services Acceptance of FP Services
Consistent availability of FP supplies in In this study, perceived and actual side
health facilities increases the probability effects of contraceptive methods emerged
of flexible choices and reduces the need as a primary barrier to use. Modern FP
for repeated visits to health facilities methods were believed to cause temporary
hence reducing costs that would have infertility or reduce one’s childbearing
burdened women who need FP services. capacity, limiting the number of children
The findings in this study however they were able to conceive in their lifetime.
revealed that FP supplies were not always It was also believed that modern FP
available therefore forcing women to have methods predisposed women to give birth
repeated facility visits or forced women to to twins who were considered culturally
seek FP services from private chemists. unacceptable. Similar to a study by Sharan
The availability of FP services was further et al. [18], this study therefore infers that
hampered by a shortage of health workers acceptance of FP was traditionally low
coupled with high cultural resistance to FP.
Factors Hindering Utilization FP Services
Spousal Communication Uganda [19] which found that FP use was
Spousal communication is critical in associated with partner discussion. This
eliciting support from the spouses which study also found that issues to do with
goes a long way in enhancing compliance contraceptive use were at times viewed as
to FP methods. The findings indicated that a women's issue. Similar findings were
women who had communication regarding made in a study in Tanzania which found
FP issues were more likely to use modern that some men believed that discussing FP
FP methods. However only a portion of issues with their partners was not that
women discussed with their spouses these important [20]. This was also noted in a
issues for they feared that they might be study in Nigeria which reported the lack of
opposed to FP methods. Similar findings interest in men as they viewed that it is the
were made in Western Kenya [9] and
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role of women to determine when to get increased with the number of living male
pregnant [21]. children.
Spousal Attitudes Education Level
In this study, it was found that the decision Education enhances access to information
to start or discontinue modern FP methods on FP which helps in demystifying the
was not entirely decided by women but myths and misconceptions about
was significantly influenced by the contraceptives. In this study, the
spouses and extended family views. In this prevalence of the use of modern FP
study, women who had approval and methods increased with an increase in
support from their spouses about the use women’s highest education level. The
of FP methods were more likely to use study further found that women with
modern FP methods. The women who higher education tended to be married to
deviated from their husband’s views on spouses with higher education who
contraceptives and proceeded to use happened to have higher approvals for
contraceptives were deemed to have modern FP methods. Higher education
hidden agendas and thus linked to level enables women to mitigate the effects
promiscuity. Spouses in this study who of spousal locus of control hence
were opposed to using modern FP methods increasing their ability to use
feared it might have side effects on their contraceptives despite opposition from
wives, reduce their sexual urges or even the spouse as they will be able to purchase
result in difficulties in giving birth or when FP methods without having to rely on the
the wife conceives it was feared that she spouse to provide. More educated women
might give birth to a child with disabilities. are also likely to keep women with higher
These findings were similarly recorded in education levels in their social networks
a study in Nigeria which found that women who are likely to have utilized FP methods
using contraceptives without their which further increases the likelihood of
husband’s consent were brandished using modern FP methods. This finding
promiscuous [21]. concurs with several other local studies
Number of Living Children that have documented that women with
In typical African society, people are lower education levels tend to have low
socialized to attach more value to a higher knowledge about the benefits of FP, are
number of children, especially the boy less likely to approve of FP, and therefore
child. In this study, most users of modern less likely to use modern FP methods [9,
FP methods were found to have a higher 25].
number of boys and vice versa. This was Religious Influence
attributed to the desire for those with According to the functional theory of
fewer boy children to seek more children religion, religion has a strong social and
(boys) and hence avoid using modern FP personal influence and control over the
methods. There was also a misconception believers as it not only determines
regarding the reduction in ability to people's identity but also guides their
conceive after using modern FP methods social and other forms of behavior.
hence women with fewer children tended According to this study although the
to avoid using modern FP methods. This prevalence of modern FP methods was
specifically discouraged the use of FP since higher among women whose religion
social status in the community was viewed supported FP, half of those whose religion
in the number of children a man has in his opposed FP went against their religious
family. Similar findings were found in views and used FP. This showed that
India which found that contraceptive use religion had minimal effect on the use of
decreased with an increase in the number modern FP methods in the Kween district.
of living male children and decreased with Findings of this nature were reported in
an increase in the number of living female Western Kenya which found that religious
children [22]. Similar findings were also affiliation was not a significant predictor
reported in Ghana [23] and Burkina Faso of FP approval among women [9].
[24] which found that contraceptive use
Meshak www.iaajournals.org
Polygamy were believed to cause temporary
In this study, women in monogamous infertility or reduce one’s childbearing
marriages reported higher use of modern capacity, limiting the number of children
FP methods compared to women in they were able to conceive in their lifetime
polygamous marriages. This could be and predisposing them to give birth to
attributed to the notion that women in twins which were considered culturally
polygamous marriages tend to have less unacceptable [28]-[33]. These myths were
education and a wider spousal age gap spread through women’s social networks
which limits their probability of having and further driven by a shortage of health
spousal communication in FP resulting in a workers to provide adequate counseling
wide difference in FP approval. Women in services during administration. There were
polygamous households often feel a need women who had genuinely experienced
to have more children than their side effects including excessive bleeding,
counterparts to attain influence. On the backaches, and headaches as a result of FP
other hand, women in polygamous which resulted in total discontinuation of
marriages often resort to clandestine use these services.
of contraception due to spousal Factors Hindering Utilization FP
disapproval. Similar findings were made in Services
Ndhiwa District [1], Gambia [26], and Although just over half (55%) of women
Ethiopia [27] which found that polygamous had discussed FP with their spouses,
marriage discouraged and hindered the women who had communication regarding
use of modern FP methods. FP issues were more likely to use modern
Contraceptive Use FP methods. In addition, despite low
The majority (70%) of women in the Kween spousal approval of modern FP methods,
district had previously used a modern FP women who had approval and support
method however currently 47.5% of from their spouses about the use of FP
women are using modern FP methods methods were more likely to use modern
mostly involving pills, implants, and FP methods. Due to the value of male
injectables. A quarter of women did not children in society, most users of modern
like to have a child (or another child) in the FP methods were found to have a higher
near future but were not currently using number of boys as compared to girls and
any contraceptive method. vice versa. Also, the use of modern FP
Factors Hindering Access to FP services methods increased with the increase in
Given that most women sourced their women’s highest education level but
modern FP methods from public health women’s religious affiliation did not
facilities, access to these supplies was hinder the utilization of modern FP
sometimes hindered by erratic supplies methods as most women went against their
which forced some women to seek these religious doctrines when it was opposed to
services from private chemists hence FP. Furthermore, women in polygamous
induced considerable costs. Primarily marriages had a low prevalence of modern
access to FP services was hindered by the FP methods as compared to women in
acceptability of modern FP methods. These monogamous marriages as the former
methods were riddled with myths and sought to attain influence in having a
misconceptions. The modern FP methods higher number of children.
Results from the research indicated that including beliefs that Family planning
47.5% of women were using modern FP caused infertility and predispose to giving
methods mostly involving pills, implants, birth to twins, who were considered
and injectables, however, unmet culturally unacceptable. Discontinuation
contraceptive use stood at 25% while the of modern FP methods was predominantly
contraceptive discontinuation rate was blamed on experienced side effects
22.5%. Primarily access to modern FP including excessive bleeding, backaches,
methods was hindered by acceptability and headaches. Also, the study found that
since they were riddled with myths the use of modern FP methods increased
Meshak www.iaajournals.org
with an increase in women’s highest sensitization about modern FP methods. In
education level and it decreased with a these sensitization forums men should
decrease in several living male children adequately be involved as their approval of
and polygamous marriages. Other factors FP methods would drive the uptake of
like religion had minimal effect on the use modern FP methods. The Government
of modern FP methods as women went should ensure an adequate number of
against their religious doctrines and used health workers in health facilities and
FP methods despite opposition from their other community settings to ensure that
religions. women are adequately counseled and
Recommendations examinations done before being
Due to widespread misconceptions and administered modern FP methods. This
myths about modern FP methods, there is will help in psychologically preparing
a need for the Government and other them for the contraindications of modern
health stakeholders to create public FP methods.
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CITE AS: Chemutai Meshak (2023). Unraveling the Intersection of Socio-Economic

Dynamics and Family Planning Accessibility: Insights from Women of Reproductive Age
in Kween District, Eastern Uganda. IAA Journal of Applied Sciences 10(1):1-19.


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