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Be going to Dialogues

A: What are going to do next semester?

B: I’m going to study in New Zealand.
A: For how long?
B: Well, I was thinking two years at least.
A: Great! I thought about something like that too, but I’m going to Wales.
A: Nice! We can share our experiences during our time abroad. Don’t you

A: Did you plan your holiday?

B: Yep, I’m going to São Paulo’s Aquarium.
A: Cool! You’re going to like it. It’s so beautiful!
B: Really? I can’t wait to get there!.

A: Do you have plans for the weekend?

B: I’m going to a The Sisters of Mercy concert.
A: I never heard about them. It’s really good?
B: Well, if you like 80’s music you’re going t like it.

A: I don’t know what I’m going to do with this books.

B: You can give them to a public library.
A: But they accept donations?
B: Of course! There’s one, two blocks from here in a real need of new books.
A: Really? Ok, give the right address and I’m going to give these books to them!

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