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OCT Rollout

Phase 1

December2021 – Version1
OCT Rollout
OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) is an advanced, non-invasive scan which uses light waves to
take cross-sectional pictures of the retina and is quickly becoming an essential and expected
instrument in an optical practice. As such, we have begun a phased rollout plan to bring OCT to our
Asda Opticians practices.

It is mandatory that all locum optometrists have completed training before using OCT or attempting
to interpret results. There is a locum Training Brief which should be read alongside this briefing

Providing OCT
All patients, regardless of being private or NHS, should be offered OCT as part of their pre-screening.
The benefits of having this scan carried out should be explained.

The charge for both private and NHS patients for a routine OCT scan is £8. It is not covered by a
standard GOS1 claim or private sight test fee.

You must read the OCT SOP that accompanies this brief, found alongside the Asda SOPs on Venloc,
which outlines our expectations of the use of OCT in practice.

OCT & Enhanced Services

England - CUES stores

Stores that are delivering CUES should now utilise the enhanced fee for completing OCT, the initial
triaging of the patient will indicate whether the symptoms presented warrant ‘referral’ to an OCT
practitioner. The patients highlighted by the triage process have previously been sign posted to
other practices for their OCT scan. We should now be seeing these patients.

If the face to face CUES appointment indicates that an OCT is required, it is at the discretion of the
optometrist whether the OCT test is appropriate, and if so, complete and ensure that this is captured
accurately on OPERA to ensure the appropriate fee is invoiced.

CUES OCT ‘top up’ fees vary from £30-£80. You should ensure that when processing through EPOS,
the additional OCT fee is added to the CUES fee. You can discuss this further with the Optical
Manager in store.


OCT will support the use of Band 2 EHEW examinations:

• Patients are eligible for a Band 2 if the optometrist/ OMP performing the GOS or private
sight test identifies signs or symptoms that may need referral to a hospital and performing a
Band 2 would facilitate adding valuable information to that referral or may even prevent it.

What would normally indicate eligibility for a Band 2:

• Macular conditions where additional examinations are carried out to determine the nature
of the problem and whether referral is required.

Ensure that your records are clear on your rationale of claiming a Band 2.


In addition to the primary eye exam fee, a supplementary fee can be claimed when OCT has been
used as detailed in the following supplementary codes:

• 2.2 – Follow-up / repeat procedures (without dilation and not associated with glaucoma)

Use this code for additional or repeat procedures – not requiring dilation – that are required to
refine a diagnosis or clinical outcome.

This will determine whether the patient needs referral or can be retained for ongoing care in the

• 4.2 - Follow-up / repeat procedures (with dilation and not associated with glaucoma)

Use this code for any additional or repeat procedures requiring dilation that are required to
refine a diagnosis or clinical outcome. The result will determine whether the patient needs
referral or can be retained for ongoing care in the community.

• 2.3 – Suspect glaucoma (without dilation)

Use this code specifically for suspect glaucoma review, in keeping with SIGN 144 guidance for
diagnosis and referral for glaucoma. This includes ocular hypertension. Dilation should not occur.

• 4.3 - Suspect glaucoma (with dilation)

Use this code specifically for a suspect glaucoma review, in keeping with SIGN 144 guidance for
diagnosis and referral for glaucoma, and which requires dilation. This includes ocular

• 2.8 – Unscheduled appointment (without dilation)

Use this code for a supplementary eye examination for a patient who presents with symptoms
for an unscheduled visit within the normal interval between primary eye examinations. Dilation
should not occur.

• 4.8 - Unscheduled appointment (with dilation)

Use this code for a supplementary eye examination for a patient who presents with symptoms
for an unscheduled visit within the normal interval between primary eye examinations. Dilation
will be required.

NI & England Stores that do not deliver CUES

OCT at £8 should be offered to all patients as part of their pre-screening process. Every patient
should have the choice of having an OCT scan included as part of either their private or NHS sight

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