Name: Solange Solis

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Name: Solange Solis


A. Look at the picture. What do you think is happening? Then read and listen. What does

Cody invite Mari to do? Why does Mari say she can’t go?

I think they're talking about something on the phone. / He invites Mari to go to a concert

on Friday, but she has other plans for that day, he asks if she is free on Saturday but she

says she is busy all weekend

B. Complete the chart with expressions in bold from the conversation above

Refusing invitations. Responding to a refusal

Maybe after that. / Maybe later. Oh, that’s too bad.

I’d love to, but… I understand.

But thanks for asking let me know if your plans change.

I’m sorry. Unfortunately Let me know if you change your mind.

C. Choose the correct response to each sentence. Then practice the conversations

with your partner.

1. A Do you want to go to a movie on Friday night?

B a Let me know if your plans change. b I’m sorry. Unfortunately, I have to work.

2. A I’m sorry I can’t go to your soccer game on Saturday.

B a I understand. b I’d love to.

3. A Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?

B a But thanks for asking. b I’d love to, but I already have plans.

4. A I’d love to go shopping on Saturday, but I have too much to do.

B a Let me know if you change your mind. b I’m sorry. Unfortunately, I can’t.

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