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LL.B. V Term, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi

LB-501: Moot Court, Mock Trial and Internship
Questionnaire for Lawyers (5 Marks)
Name of the Centre – Campus law centre
Term: 5th Section: I
Student’s Name: TARUN GUPTA
Exam Roll No: 19309806870

(To be completed before you conduct the interview)

Please read the following questions and answer them briefly in the space
1. Before you meet the 'client' describe briefly:
A. What are the objectives of the interview?
As an advocate, firstly we have to establish a comfortable relationship with the
client. If our client will not comfortable then he / she will not tell his /her story
deeply. The main objective of the interview is to collect all the necessary
information regarding the case and never miss the important facts required for
the case.
B. Describe briefly how you plan to structure the interview (topics, order,
time, etc.):
Firstly, introduction of client and him/her comfortable to choose an
appropriate location like (in the office, chamber). If we are in the office, so,
check no one should be present at the time of interview. Plan the question to
be asked should be present at the time of interview. Plan the question to be
asked and handle the situation in such manner that the victim view the
advocate behaviour as positive. Open question and avoid to explain legal or
law language deeply. Closure, time management, sufficient time should be
given to the client.

C. What have you learned from your reading about interviewing that you
intend to practice or avoid?
As an advocate, I should not avoid a client's expectation let him / her know
that the conversation between me and my client are confidential, so, they
share everything comfort and tell all the facts truthfully. And I also ensure that
me and my office staff have developed the safety plan for my own workplace
and have protocols in place to ensure safe and confidential communication
with my client
D. What is your role in the interview and what standpoint do you wish to
My role as an advocate in the interview and standpoint will be to provide
him/her best possible remedy and to ensure that he / she will get justice.

(To be completed after the Interview)
2. In your conduct of the interview how well/poorly do you think that you
performed the following?
a. Very well average Not poorly
well well
b. Placing ✓
client at
c. Empathizing ✓
with the
d. Eliciting ✓
e. Checking ✓
facts and
f. Explaining ✓
g Advising ✓

h. Agreeing ✓
follow up
i. Reassuring ✓
j. Note taking ✓
k. Time ✓

B. What, if any, ethical or moral issues did you encounter?

There are some ethics, which we need to keep in mind confidentially,
awareness about his rights.
3. A. What in brief are the key facts of the client's legal problem?
Legal problems in the case are cheque dishonoured u/s 138 NIA and summary
suit order 37 cpc for recovery of suit property
B. What is / are the legal issue(s) involved?
Legal issue cheque dishonoured u/s 138 NIA and recovery of suit property
Summary order 37 cpc.
C. Were there other facts in the case which seriously concerned the client but
which were not related to the legal issue(s)?
The agreement of the suit was correct and limitation period
4. A. List the other possible outcomes in this case:
Recovery of the amount with pendent elite and future interest from the date
of investment And other expenses
B. Which in your opinion is the most likely outcome?
Client will get justice and the hon'ble court will allow the petition
. The recovery amount was given to the client with interest.
C. What is/are the client's desired outcome(s)?
Client desired outcomes are the recovery of him amount which he paid as
bayana and consideration amount with interest
D. What are the main obstacles, if any, to this/these being achieved?

Type your text

Type your text

There are no obstacles, we have all the important documents

E. How will it / they (client's desired outcome(s)) be achieved?
Collection of all the relevant documents Serve legal notice Filed a suit u/s 138
NIA and summary suit under order 37 cpc
F. What alternative strategies were available?
Serve the legal notice
5. A. What did you learn from the interview?
Communicating with client and gathering information while making the client
comfortable Ask more and more questions to client and listen carefully To
make appropriate referrals and provide information about resources in the
community and safety planning
B. What did the interview remind you of from your previous reading about
I have spent more time emphasizing with the client and providing reassurance
C. What could you have done to improve the interview?
The client was satisfied with the interview and felt relieved and confident but I
have to spent more time in listening.
D. What do you think the client thought of the interview?
The client is satisfied and ready to serve legal notice

✓ Partner's Name: SURYA TANWAR

Exam roll no - 19309806855

Date of
interview- 13 march 2022

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