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A. Look at the picture. Do you think the paintings make the area look better or worse?


I think that the paintings are a modern and urban decoration and make it look better

and colorful.

B. Read and listen to the radio show. What three problems do the people talk about?

There are 3 problems, among these are garbage, noise, and graffiti. People talk about

possible solutions.

C. Read and listen again. What are the solutions to the problems?

Solution 1: keep the area clean so that people don't say dirty. Solution 2: make graffiti

only in authorized places solution 3; talk to people so that they fear better


D. Do you think the community members’ solutions from the radio show in exercise 1C

will work? Why or why not.?

I think that they will solve the problems because they are excellent alternatives to be

able to improve.

2. VOCABULARY: Adverbs of manner

A. Listen and repeat the words. Which words are positive? negative? neutral? Then

find and underline five of the words in the conversation in exercise 1B.

Positive: beautifully, calmly, clearly, correctly, politely, safely

Negative: angrily, dangerously, loudly

Neutral: completely, loudly, quietly

B. Ask and answer the questions.

1 Do you play music loudly or quietly?

I play loud music.

2 How should people explain things to children?

Things are explained to the children patiently and slowly.

3 Who do you know that drives safely? Dangerously?

My dad drives very safely.

4 When is it important to do something correctly?

You must always do things correctly.

C. Now go to page 146. Do the vocabulary exercises for 6.2.

6.2 ADVERBS OF MANNER (page 56)

A. Complete the sentences with the adverb form of the words in parentheses ( ).

1 Sandra speaks loudly (loud) when she’s on the phone.

2 Duncan speaks politely (polite), even when he’s upset.

3 It’s hard to understand Jeff because he doesn’t speak clearly (clear).

4 Mia draws beautifully (beautiful), but she can’t paint at all.

5 Does your bus driver drive safely (safe) or dangerously (dangerous)?

6 How many questions did you answer correctly (correct)?

7 Did Ida react calmly (calm) or angrily (angry) when you told her the news?

8 The city cleaned up the street completely (complete) after the tree fell down.
B. Cross out the word that does not work in each sentence.

1 John and Kara drive their motorcycles dangerously / clearly / safely.

2 We need to speak completely / politely / calmly if we want people to listen to us.

3 Trish writes beautifully / clearly / loudly, so she can make the sign for our meeting.

4 When you talk angrily / loudly / safely, I stop listening to you.

5 Melvin answered most of the questions correctly / dangerously / clearly, and he passed the


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