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Johnson 1

David Johnson

ENG 111

Prof. Jessica Williams

1 November 2023

Annotated Bibliography

Daniel Starkey. “Rainbox Six Siege Review” Wired Published 2 Dec. 2015,

Accessed 1 Nov. 2023

The purpose of this article is to show players how to play Rainbow Six Siege, what to expect
when playing, and what goes into the development of the game. This article first talks about the
hyperrealism of the game and goes into detail about what the objectives of both teams are. Then
the article gets into the basics of the game like preparation phase, attack phase, and just how to
play. The article then goes on to explain how the maps change in game due to the destructible
walls and barricades. Finally, the article describes how the game requires teamwork, tactical
precision, and focus to play.

Hunter Cooke. “‘Rainbow Six Siege’ was on life support. Here’s how Ubisoft brought it back.”

The Washington Post,

ed/ Published 8 Jul. 2021 Accessed 1 Nov. 2023

The purpose of this article is to explain how Ubisoft brought a dying game back to life and how
the developers really care about their game and the players. This article starts off by talking
about how Rainbow Six Siege was dying due to in-game issues like bugs and crashes. This
article is about “Operation Health” a period of time when Rainbow Six Siege stopped releasing
new content and focused on improving the game's playability. The article then talks about how
this is what the game needed and it started to skyrocket. After “Operation Health” the developers
were able to begin releasing new content again and it turned into one of today's most popular
Johnson 2

MBO Partners. “5 Strategies to Effectively Reach Your Target Audience.” MBO Partners,

Published 31 Mar. 2023, Accessed 30 Oct. 2023

The purpose of this article is to help people and companies to reach their target audience. To
reach your target audience you have to find out who your target audience is. Then you have to
determine where they are most present and the best place to reach them. Next, you need to speak
to them in a way that they get what they want, and then you need to use other ways to reach out
to them. Finally, you need to use previous connections but this step mainly applies in a business

Rainbow Six Wiki “Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege” Rainbowsix.fandom Accessed 1

Nov. 2023

The purpose of this article is to give information on why the game was made, how to play the
game, and the various operators, game modes, and weapons. The article starts by telling us the
game was created to shed light on the many terrorist operations going on in the world. The article
then describes how to play the game and the various phases that you have to go through in each
round of a match. Next, the article describes the various operators you can choose from all with
unique abilities and their own weapons. Finally, the article describes the playlists and game
modes that you can play on Rainbow Six Siege.

Sourav Banik. “Is Rainbow Six Siege Worth Playing in 2023” Dexerto,

71/ Published 29 Dec. 2023 Accessed 1 Nov. 2023

The purpose of this article is to explain what sets Rainbow Six Siege apart from other
first-person shooter games. This article starts off by talking about the format of the game like the
five versus five aspect and how it’s attackers versus defenders. Then the article starts to talk
about the evolution of the game and how the developers are always changing things up. The
article then begins to talk about what sets Rainbox Six Siege apart from other games that are
similar. Finally, this article talks about how the game is very difficult, especially for new players,
and how it can be challenging to get better at it.

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