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Why is the belief in Tauheed important for the Muslims in daily life? Explain it
in detail.



In Arabic, the term tauheed means describing Allah as one and unique,
without a counterpart or peer in His essence and qualities. The Quran and
Sunnah use this word (tauheed) and its derivatives with this meaning.

In the Holy Qur'an, Allah claims:

"Say (O Muhammad): He is Allah, (Ahad]." Allah-us-Samad [Allah the Self

Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need (He neither eats nor drinks). He
begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none co-equal or comparable
unto Him” [al-Ikhlas 112:1-4]


daily lives are based on their belief in Tauheed because it is the cornerstone
of Islam and has a profound impact on their attitudes, deeds, and behaviors.
Tauheed, which is the belief in Allah's (God's) oneness in all things, can be
broken down into three primary categories:

1. Tauheed al-Rububiyyah:

This term refers to the belief that Allah is one and unchangeable in all of His
deeds, including creation, rule, management of affairs, provision, granting of
life and death, sending down of rain, and other such deeds. Without the
declaration that Allah is the Lord, Sovereign, Creator, and Provider of all
things, a person's Tauheed is incomplete.

2.Tauheed al-Uluhiyyah:

Tauheed al-Uluhiyyah refers to the practice of dedicating all acts of worship,

whether internal or external, verbal or physical, to Allah Alone and refraining
from worshiping anything or anyone else—regardless of their identity.

Allah declares in the Holy Quran:

“And your Lord has decreed that you

worship none but Him” [al-Isra 17:23]

3.Tauheed al-Asma' wa al-Sifat:

This component concentrates on the conviction
that Allah's names and qualities are perfect and one-of-a-kind. Muslims hold
that attributes of absolute perfection, such as mercy, knowledge, and wisdom,
belong to Allah. They are motivated by this conviction to strive for moral
perfection in all aspects of life and do their best to aspire to these traits.


Tauheed belief is essential for Muslims to uphold in daily life

since it:

1. Reminds them that Allah is the ultimate source of direction and

support, giving them a strong feeling of purpose and direction.

2. Organizes their worship and devotion to ensure that it is completely

directed towards Allah..
3. Has an impact on their moral judgments, motivating them to uphold the
principles and traits attributed to Allah.

Overall, a Muslim's everyday life and faith are built on the principles of
tauheed, which directs them in their quest for righteousness and submission
to Allah's will.


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