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A study on the breakdown of relationships

Aim: to establish some of the causes of a breakdown in a relationship. Hypothesis: Loss of stimulation has a significantly negative effect on a relationship. Research Methods: In the group we decided to use a questionnaire. By producing a questionnaire, qualitative data can be obtained so therefore it is easier to analyse. Research Design: individual groups, we decided to use this design as you get a variety of answers, and you can generalise from your results. Sampling technique: Opportunity sampling- this way it is more specific and valid to what we are studying. Ethical Issues: Confidentiality- to overcome this problem we just won't print the names of anyone so the information they give us won't reveal their identity. Extraneous Variables: Demand Characteristics- from questionnaires that are handed out to our participants, they may feel pressured into writing something that is socially desirable, therefore affecting the results. Qualitative data is produced- In the questionnaire a lot of the questions produce qualitative data, which means that it is difficult to analyse and compare with other results. Previous research carried out in this field was a study conducted by Rollie and Duck. The first phase of the study was when one of the partners became distressed with the way the relationship was conducted. Inequitable relationships are more likely to create dissatisfaction than equitable relationships, so the realisation may be the first step in the eventual breakdown of the relationship. The next stage is the Intrapsychic process, this includes social withdrawal symptoms such as; rumination, resentment, brooding on partner's faults and relational costs. There is also reevaluation of alternatives to relationship. The next stage is the Dyadic process, these include feelings of; uncertainty, anxiety and hostility. The person will also make complaints and discuss discontents. Discussion of the relationship with the other partner about equity and roles in the relationship is also made. The next stage is Social process, this process involves going public by seeking support from third parties, denigration of partner, alliance building, social commitment and outside forces creating cohesion. The second last stage is Grave-Dressing process which involves tidying up memories; making relationship histories, stories prepared for different audiences as well as saving face. The final stage is called Resurrection process, which is recreating sense of own social value, defining what to get out of future relationships , preparation for a different sort of relational future and reframing of past relational life. There are many reasons for relational breakdowns. A study by Duck found there were three main causes of relationship breakdowns. One of the three was due to lack of skills; for some people, relationships are difficult as they lack the interpersonal skills to make them mutually satisfying. These individuals lack social skills making them poor conversationalists, poor at indicating their interest in others and are

likely to be generally unrewarding in their interactions with other people. This means that others perceive these people as not being interested in relating, therefore relationships with these kind of people breakdown before they really get going. The second one is due to lack of stimulation. According to social exchange theory people look for rewards in relationships, one is stimulation, therefore lack of stimulation would be one of the reasons for relationship breakdowns. Another study conducted by Baxter showed that relationship breakdowns were caused by boredom or belief that the relationship wasn't going anywhere. People tend to expect change and development in a relationship overtime, when this doesn't occur it is seen as sufficient justification to end the relationship or begin a new one (having an affair). The last one that was found in Duck's study was maintenance difficulties. In some circumstances relationships become strained simply as partners cannot see each other enough, such as going away to University. While enduring romantic relationships can be strong enough to survive the pressures of decreased daily contact, it is evident that for many this is not the case. For our study, we decided to test Duck's theory and whether or not the main reason behind relationship breakdowns is due to lack of stimulation. We decided to use a questionnaire to see whether or not there were other reasons behind relationship breakdowns. Below are the results that we have found from our study on a number of couples who had broken up.

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