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Subject: Global Perspec-ves/Humani-es Dura3on: 35 Minutes

Year: 8 Teacher: Pa:y B. Ghobrial
Name: _____________________________ Date: _______________________

A- Complete
From “Malala”
1. Her Name was:-Malala Yousafzai
2. Malala Yousafzai is a --Pakistani- ac-vist, who was born –on 12th---July-----1997-------
-- in ----Mingora---------------------,------Pakistan------------------.
3. When Malala was just 11, Malala made a --speech--about ---girls’--------rights that
was listened all over –Pakistan.
4. From Malala’s Famous quotes; “ When the –Whole - --World- is ---Silent--, even one
-voice- becomes --powerful-.
5. In October 2012 a member of --Taliban---------- shot Malala.
6. At Just the age of --17-- she is the -youngest- person ever to have -received- the -
Nobel- prize.
7. Let’s remember -One--book, -One- -Pen--, one--child--, one --teacher----- can --
change-- the -whole--,--World--.
B- Choose:
8. The word chronological order refers to the process of organizing events in the
______________ they happened.
A-Place B- Area
C- way D- Correct order
9. The correct term to describe the period before the birth of Christ is:
10. The correct term to describe the period after the birth of Christ is:
11. What is a decade?
A-1000 years B- 100 years
C-10 years D- 200 years
12. What is a century?
A-1000 years B- 100 years
C-10 years D- 200 years
13. What century are we living in now? ________21st__________
14. BC dates run __Backwards___________________.

Revision Code: T1W6R1
Subject: Global Perspec-ves/Humani-es Dura3on: 35 Minutes
Year: 8 Teacher: Pa:y B. Ghobrial

15. Why is it important to know about History?

In order to be able to reconstruct the history of a people or civilisation,
evidence is needed. These are called historical sources. Through history, we can learn
how past socie-es, systems, ideologies, governments, cultures and technologies
were built, how they operated, and how they have changed. The rich history of the
world helps us to paint a detailed picture of where we stand today.
16.Why do we study Geography for?
Geography is about our planet and us. It is linked to almost everything in our lives. It
helps us to understand our world and to shape it.
17.What are the SDG’s ?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to transform our world. They are a
call to action to end poverty and inequality, protect the planet, and ensure that all
people enjoy health, justice and prosperity.
18. On your opinion what are the values Malala was fighting for?
1-The right to learn. 2-Equality.
19- What happened at the Broad-street pump and infected the water?
Most people in London got their water, from street pumps and there was no sewage
system like today Toilet waste fill into smelly pit under house called a cesspool. When
it was full you paid people to come and empty it.
The cholera outbreak had begun with baby girl in Broad-street. She had been infected
elsewhere. And her mother had dropped the baby’s waste full of cholera bacteria, into
the cesspool. But he cesspool was leaky so the bacteria made its way into the well
under the broad street pump.
20- Describe why was it important for Dr. John snow to use a map?
John Snow used the power of mapping to identify the source of a cholera outbreak in
London. The map he created based on the locations of deaths due to cholera allowed
him to see a clear pattern that no one had noticed yet and ultimately determine the
source of the outbreak.

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