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om(G) * Sytuabs Cousige Code" .I\c> unit - A " : Chapter. le Ls A Jutroduction 2 Conc cept 5 : aata and Infowaation delve duction Ae data Structures a pes, ol, 2 bata Sbucture ? “Linear, on pee 04 Unear “data structures, ¢ erodtons on Bote He2\) i BY Oi eye C tnot n Es AHA A And Hroise uitotion, Traversing. Mineo se dtoaeniene Ee ar YES WE CAN ec) ia oo oe Pa $$. * Ttueductions Concept of date Qed motion §— haat awe ee ator Data is defined os a. xa woud undtiuctured fact Rok Meaninglut. Usuoft | Aoto coutaing facts, numbars, £4 uthets ,.4 os set vf data hot t5 © coords Ae at weaning at pact mae voces aoal Aewzeutad aud &huchuyed im Oe fujormactiion Gives wearing. Nees Y YES WE CAN ~@ fuerte ke? aatres the d 44 Aohps As Apaxcrater ste iee oma wediices Comfistten, Thus , aolo idea bieeulads tain Mslaniusties , chures 5- le 2 ota 4 so wsay ata Cy Compute AD saad Tita tc pad fey ¥ Dato Cau AR date. dato. 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K Loc eye) ca =Atk] shop, = SIRI are § Spe es WECAN © Bn EE BEA ip, | Mm Deetiou from Legin yee ae Rae "ee nt Lindon ow ext 3) kelb lool TA Repeat dtep thule K Max s) ancray 6. feo, eS eee ae te Sho cess who oe ae Looking. present ot Dad § sila Bal “worst eae bah ciate vot t Ln ro 8 LOL Wye Dave ante AxQ grrtine O' ‘ mw ey a@D Date: a The usOust “Re sect (ade Hout Cora parit 9 ar erga aoe * Weeden CS oa ence » ate txt, + oll _ iL Siig On) © Sk Se = ORGAN aie r asa role AM% Ay. 24a Ceauch B key. oe ee lave vol Avovich bo Alb Ahom Hotwin Oy ind ol 2 E = @5) Date Ug asccthn tc 1) && - LB, md = VB ong MI = aut +-eMeL 9 Na = t_ fgg ct ene) 2) Rebeat Alep 34 While be <=¢ ond a (mid) \ = itm f 3) AL tem « ACM id] then Set tnd = gMid- | we Set Beg 2 yy | fa Mad tap tt )&et mia Sing Rags find) Fo Lodty 5) 4 i } “4 a Cia - Adem then : SA Loe. mia 2 Ad Loc N 6) exer uit coe bes =O , ts “pe f Oy 2 ‘2 dewk Sle 9 ) at 2 fa? pee Gs « Me GAsu af2}|-3 5S |'= 8: dure 3 <5 id, Conan fabee bea = widt] a 2Q+l= 3 neq -3, tha=4 q Ltial = Tat [ae + +) =J: =x)) Mua = QI almidy \= ttowm at4) 8 %| = = 5 palse ; ; Dinca q. 8 aCund)= (tem Ltep toc = Mra ___tec= 3 ¢h- Sy Ae oe ew pln 4 4a t Case o( te vn) +t Care o(d ” | oa @ am ¥ “Sowting s- Coscting is the _ Cis Of. dustavg ing Alo ol, ge Ap that’ th Com hee $i otto im Asuading ow Ant ACiol=25. 4,10, ‘f, 30, 45, 34,141 G4 —_Sowuteol i Ascending. order, 3 Alwe]= £314) 5/9,10,14) 18,30, 34, ust. 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Jerk y x > A se ee ee ee ge | ecu citation af BOG Wy, Create Meus eur Node aro etek, eg ee a Seti Shuck node knext iid ae A ttt enh top; = (Asuet ire node); Spa", Rete) 5 lo 20) 30 ad {, Chop = = Null) “neus data = elewents News> Next = NUL} 30 } 2000 = New 7 20]! 000 Ube New>datn= le * to_|Nut i tapes Nub y putts ("8 Tack ts emPTY") 5 Ue wn - te i) Ad Available am many Hho calien Paar oe * PoP) Tce [as ooo 032 [oe 116 a 8000 Tram PYiny 220% tooo y " =eN ult peith hd nad? data) ) _ veswecan omp = >nexty § Dever rd b hol fr. : x & sto WET aiin | 0 Atack to Stowe ohesond itor ladys) omy jtenatpastod Jeon ge LOLA pee ane ut Hae leet Js Omwunbee, bul tk Leto | Crack. iz © pean es pepeheands dep eudtow frou tre tak : ee ctor oud pus Mee FUL Arco bo pe Stack . «When tae ex As grded, tenon Abe ctack jeter Strat answesc. Pp 5, G2 yt, Kp ld Rules s-O Badoucting eh operators | ADA bidout ls nde ahi be 3 Rowwest prlortty odors ©} Cave J A tooo F) Yes WE CAN A&dd Age|pe ABC IDE Ape |ne+ ARC) ned akete ARC} ne t¥4 Arcines eth ABe|netk+t + Tick Cont 3= Sos f 6 QUANG, _ sKowas AM . Mati, _oannes, Cua ee : cocking algaxitrs, Ahct “hes onbag cet Care fos’ Rivide QUA Congest bs ada Auth veblous | Hou cekvir aad Conkling Dt sults bac tage as 2p setae ie silgenal. prebtens « Bivide 2- du Divide fot Pick a a pivot Ahoneut, Ate Phat po fasitlten, 2A Auch Art ita one Aub. ae Sy hog su an acagiy He ry Soon Bes ‘phe aa ative Ht YES WE CAN

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