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Marketing Strategy

A. Social Media
IMPACT 2023 is a nationwide business competition that aims to attract the attention of aspiring and existing entrepreneurs.
Aligned with its vision to address real-life problems, it also intends to bring people together. In this day and age, one of the
fastest ways of spreading awareness and information is through the power of technology and social media. PREMIER has its
own social media outlets to inform the public. However, this marketing strategy aims to create a main outlet which focuses on
promoting IMPACT 2023, starting by building its presence in the social media world.
The following are samples of social media for marketing IMPACT 2023:

Figure 1. Sample Facebook Page for Impact 2023

Figure 2. Sample Instagram Account
Figure 3. Sample Twitter Account

With the use of these popular social media platforms, IMPACT 2023 will be known to the market and attract the attention of
intended users.
B. Email Marketing
With a market share of 70%, event email marketing is the most used marketing tactic among people who regularly
host events. Since the target audience would be start-ups or entrepreneurs, most of them usually have their own business
emails. With that, email marketing campaigns is one of the best ways to connect and invite them to join IMPACT 2023.

C. Create a pre-event activity

Holding a pre-event activity may include conferences, trade shows, display of brands, or seminars in which could
spark the interest of the audience. One of the traditional marketing is by ‘word of mouth’ wherein people share their
experience to others. Hence, by holding a pre-event activity, people would get a first-hand experience which will then trigger
their curiosity on what IMPACT 2023, the main event, would have.
D. Sponsorships
Having event sponsorships is a strategic partnership in order for different brands to showcase their products and
services in the event. We can reach well-curated audience as sponsors will advocate IMPACT 2023 which can also improve
the event’s image and achieve the event’s goals.

Marketing Plan
IMPACT 2023 Marketing Timeline
February March April May June July August
E-mail Meeting and
 Pre-launch generating of
Collection of
 Launch official e-mail Dissemination Event proper,
Start of requirements
 Bid Planning accounts of tasks and Registration Engagement with Evaluation,
Registration and
 Updates and (assigned for official email Period applicants Dissemination of
Period screening of
continuous various tasks accounts information
engagements and
Social Media Meeting and Dissemination Start of Start of Official Social Media Real time event
 Generating generating of of social scheduled shooting pubmats on updates and details and
accounts official social media postings per video applicant posting of events highlights
 Pre-Launch media operators, social media presentations, screening successful
 Launch accounts graphic continuous and applicants
 Scheduled designers, scheduled guidelines
Postings moderators postings
 Pubmat
 Audience
Pre-Event Activity
 Pre-Launch
 Canvassing of Pre-
launching of
Materials Preparation of tasks and Start of
pre-event Pre-event Assistance and Assistance and
 Invitations and meeting canvassing of scheduled
activity (with activity preparation for preparation for
 Launch for pre-event materials for pre-event
the help of evaluation the main event the main event
 Conference and activity the planned activities
social media
Seminar activity
 Evaluations
 Invitations
 Sponsorship
Meeting with
Programs Sponsorship
potential Sponsorship
 Legal Preparation Invitation of Sponsorship exposure in
sponsors + exposures in
agreements and and meeting potential engagement Evaluation of physical event,
arrangemen pre-event
conditions for sponsors and s with sponsors on allocation of
t of activities and
 Finalization of sponsorship preparation of aspiring applicants activities and
agreements social media
sponsorships matters documents applicants prizes provided
and postings
 Allocation of by sponsors
duties on the

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