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The release of a hormone via the posterior pituitary can have which of the following

● Reduced uterine muscle contractility

● Increased growth at the epiphyseal plates
● Reduced diuresis
● Increased thyroxine production

2. Which of the following hormones can freely pass through the plasma membrane?

● Testosterone
● Catecholamines
● Insulin
● IGF-1

3. Which of the following hormones are NOT directly involved in metabolism?

● Growth hormone
● Cortisol
● Thyroid Hormone
● Aldosterone

4. Polyuria can be caused by

● Decreased insulin
● Vasopressin
● Catecholamines
● Reduced thyroid hormone

5. How does RANKL promote bone resorption?

● It binds directly to osteocytes

● It inhibits osteoblast differentiation
● Its release is stimulated by PTH
● It enhances the expression of OPG

6. Which of the following does NOT support bone formation?

● Release of IGF-1
● Release of GH
● Release of GHIH
● Release of Calcitriol

7. A signaling pathway that would activate cyclic AMP, would in turn activate:

● protein kinase A.
● G protein.
● adenylyl cyclase.
● diacylglycerol.
8. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding fluid balance?

● Aldosterone is antagonistic to vasopressin effects on fluid balance

● Vasopressin is antagonistic to atrial natriuretic peptide effects on fluid balance
● Aldosterone is antagonistic to atrial natriuretic peptide effects on fluid balance
● Vasopressin promotes water retention in the body


9. Consider the following physiological reactions: an increase in plasma glucose and a

reduction in immune function. Which of the following hormone imbalances is likely?

● Increase in insulin
● Increase in TSH
● Increase in glucagon
● Increase in cortisol

10. Maria is a university student in a lab course that is running late. It is early afternoon, and
she has not eaten anything for many hours. How is her body responding to her hunger?

● Her pancreatic alpha cells are releasing glucagon to raise her blood glucose
● Her pancreatic beta cells are releasing glucagon to lower her blood glucose
● Her pancreatic delta cells are releasing insulin to raise her blood glucose
● Her pancreatic beta cells are releasing insulin to stimulate fat breakdown

11. Damage to the zona glomerulosa that leads to a reduction in endocrine function of that
area may lead to what?

● A rise in blood pressure

● High blood potassium
● Suppressed immune function
● High blood sodium

12. Which of the following can occur as a result of the anterior pituitary secreting excess

● Decrease in FSH
● Decrease in TRH
● Decrease in TSH
● Decrease in Cortisol

13. Which of the following is correct regarding insulin?

● Both GIP and GLP-1 can increase insulin release

● Insulin release is not affected at all by plasma amino acid levels, only plasma glucose
● Insulin is released by exocrine pancreatic cells
● Insulin release can decrease glycogenesis

14. Which of the following is correct?

● TSH and T3/T4 are all peptide hormones
● Thyroglobulin is an active hormone
● T3/T4 stimulate adenylate cyclase signalling
● TSH G-protein coupled receptors are on the thyroid gland

15. Why do people with hyperthyroidism often lose weight?

● TSH lowers basal metabolic rate.

● Decreased thyroid hormone enhances lipolysis.
● Increased thyroid hormone increases energy mobilization.
● Increased thyroid hormone promotes glycogenesis.


16. A 10 year old male is about 15cm taller than his peers and has enlarged hands and feet.
Lab results show GH: 38.4 ng/mL (normal range, 0-5 ng/mL); insulin-like growth factor 1
(IGF-1), 624.0 ng/mL (normal range for age, 220-616 ng/mL) and
T3/T4/TSH/Cortisol/Prolactin were within normal limits. Which of the following is a likely

● Hyperthyroidism
● Grave’s disease
● Acromegaly
● Gigantism

17. What is the correct statement below?

● GnRH secretion decreases at the onset of puberty.

● Sertoli cells secrete Androgen Binding Protein, which binds testosterone
● FSH secretion promotes both sperm and oocyte development
● Leydig cells secrete FSH for sperm development

18. Which of the following is true regarding serum testosterone levels commonly seen in XY

● Testosterone is very high during childhood

● Testosterone is high during fetal life
● Testosterone is low during puberty
● Testosterone is found in a stable, constant amount throughout life

19. Which of the following is true regarding Leydig (interstitial) cells?

● They secrete LH
● They have receptors for FSH
● They function to promote male secondary sex characteristics
● They provide the blood-testis barrier

20. In the female menstrual cycle, the thickest endometrium corresponds to the same time
● Corpus albicans production
● High levels of LH
● The follicular phase of the ovarian cycle
● High levels of progesterone

21. Which of the following accompanies degeneration of the corpus luteum?

● Circulating levels of estrogen rapidly increases

● FSH secretion starts to rise
● The endometrium thickens
● hCG is released by the endometrium

22. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the ovarian cycle?

● The development of antral follicles and menstruation both occur during the luteal
● The secretion of estrogen occurs only during the luteal phase.
● Increased vascularization of the endometrium occurs during the luteal phase.
● Secretion of progesterone occurs during the follicular phase


23. In order to build more muscle mass, some males take extra androgenic steroids for
several years. What may happen in response (compared to normal before taking the
androgenic steroids?

● GnRH is low
● LH is low but FSH is high
● Endogenous testosterone is high
● LH and FSH are high

24. Why does a woman’s menstrual cycle (period) usually stop during pregnancy?

● High progesterone by the corpus luteum maintains the endometrium

● High estrogen by the corpus luteum inhibits the secretory phase
● High FSH by the anterior pituitary maintains the uterine lining
● High progesterone by the anterior pituitary maintains the uterine lining

25. Which of the following is FALSE regarding placental hormones?

● They contribute to maternal progesterone levels

● They provide precursors for estrogen
● They stimulate ovarian function for follicle development
● They contribute to mammary gland development


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