Review Tenses

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‘TENSE REVIEW SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS (UPPER INTERMEDIATE) PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS ~ 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a suitable verb. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. During the summer months, the muscum ...<.3:5.% .- at 7 pm. 2. This week, my favourite shop ......>@\\%... perfume at a big discount. soo ALER. pizza for lunch on Mondays. You can only get 3. The cafeteria sandwiches We aren’t coming because We ......X dancing. size 38, so these shoes won't fit. eras your idea is great. He's excited to get involved with the project. 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. They never ...96...5440K....... (go out) to restaurants because they (prefer) cating at home. KyacaabaysS.... (know) where Josie is at the moment? She always .. (arrive) on time. 3. This year they ve. AewaNg... (rent) a flat in town because they +880 UE ARE. (not want) to drive to Work. 5. Look! Someone .. -= GESEGIANE... (recognise) him? 6. Be quiet! The teacher ..\%. s22y>itreq... (explain) the homework assignment and I - (want) to meet? I Sip...noik. swag... (not .. YOU .SMAMG....... (think) about? You (look) so upset. 3. Complete the sentences with the time expressions below. te estat eet usually + every Year + this mrfing 2. SMS 3. She's working ...Aiaws cn ysatiegand can’t ved disturbed until noon. 4, They ....ANSSONY go straight home after school, but today they are going, shopping. 5. We're watching the sunset together .S\3...2WOOWAg. 4 Complete the telephone conversation with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present ‘Simple or Present Continuous. Pam: Hi Sally. As. _ You ....e:0s@n°\a@x-.. (remember) when it’s Carol’s birthday? Sally: . (believe) it’s on Friday. *........D2 you . (Want) to get her.a gift? Pam: That’s a good idea. She *. (read) a lot these days, so maybe we should get her a gift certificate from one of the bookshops in town. *......22. you. a AK. .sesee (think) that’s good idea? Sally: Yes, let’s meet at the shopping centre this afternoon, Scanned with CamScanner AES... Pam: OK.1 “{o..rek.9i0§... (not do) anything special, so that (Suit) me. Sally: Great! Sec you then. Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use the Present ‘Simple or Present Continuous. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences. 1. How heavy is this box? (weigh) ASS A NIRET, phone? (belon; As..X}aIS..., lung s...6o..Fona.2, 3. The baby is awake. (sleep) Th. NAN AYMAN... 4. What's the price of these boots? Gos) ULE. ASAE... Coven 5. T’ve got an appointment with CThis..0f fen naci...nn.gping. AG. S08..AN2.. ean.Lick. PAST SIMPLE AND PAST CONTINUOUS / 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1. As she . cust Acsuiving.. (drive) to the airport, she ......\ACAXA...... (hear) about the accident. Serge... . (forget) the name of the street that I 30>...) 9 for). 3. Who .X¢SehRnsck.. (recommend) the restaurant that we .. to last night? Tt .aaucr, QUAN. (snow) heavily when the plane ....L006 They «9c. 5. He -chuciaa 4: ARON. (hot want) to disturb you, so he .... quietly. aan Write sentences with the words below. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1. who / Jill / talk to / when / we / arrive / at the party /? Que. .SeSe. Alig. oT, Ube warS.cocce. deine. cyaoa bg. 2, 2. when/1/ bump into / Lisa and Graham / they / have / an argument / . Luda rparReSh.00.G. LLRGn: GOYA SAYA MERAY oo MARI GeO CA CUEUON 3. we/ not go out / last night / because / we / study / AAO. SETS ab. SE RECO AR ARR SPARES DAN AAD DALAT. b 4, what / she / say / when / you / tell her / the truth /? WWSCON.. schsSh.. min... BEES. SAA gM NR 5. you/ sleep / when /1/ phone / last night /? MAM SEIS.. IES Y920g LIAL ero DOO nl ODA OL SILLD, 6. my friend / listen / to music / while /1/ try / to study /. ‘ s MN PAULING Nees. b M2. AKUMA 7. where /you / have / lunch / yesterday /? PANG. Ghd APHID, 8. why / everyone / shout / all night /2 Nig... Sdo@iBONe.... HINA. AU SOE. IR SEKADI?. Scanned with CamScanner 3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. A family in the Uni (not have) enough money to pay for their x (tell) them that they had to move out. They sadly (begin) to get ready. While they “418...eRRIN01..... (pack) their 3ev05h....... (find) an old Superman comic book from the year 1938. On the cover, Superman ©... LLP ieck. (lift) a car above his head. The mother 7 GOMADK...... (Call) a comic book expert, and as he "usm... \ioy . (alk), she suddenly ®......A¥63.\80\.. (start) to realise that they didn’t have to leave their home after all, The old comic book "......26¢t (be) a very special item that many collectors "-c1xe. eesWoas.XG. (look for) ~ a rare copy of the first Superman comic book. Tt was worth at least $250,000! 4 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences, 1, Some of the students left the room during the guest speaker's talk. (While) QdaNe.. Ae. Gert... APRON AND AIK IA § dH 2. He travelled by train and on the way he listened to music. (as) AS.DE.MNENEA..IA.1MES, ASOIDRE A orp AKA 3. She paid for the dress; at the same time she decided to buy the bag, (while) Adi K2... S198. AWE. AADLIG.. Fra. AN MRL 1 SAQCh AHA AR ath AI, JASE 4, [worked at a hotel and met my boyfriend. (while) WOME rind NOD. ROOM, Ate. rH MA DY OAD AGL. 5. We didn't drive because of the snow. (was) Uk ua sroming So WR Gade TA UNE FUTURE SIMPLE, FUTURE CONTINUOUS, BE GOING TO AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS, 1 Choose the correct answer. 1. At this time next week, I ... on a beach in Thailand. G will be relaxing . am going to relax c. will relax 2. Let’s watch the film now! I... you wash the dishes later. a. am helping b. am going to help © willhelp 3. Watch out! You ... off the ladder! a. are falling b. will be falling © are going to fall 4, Your trip sounds amazing. I think I... you. a. will join am joining 5. Do you think she ... a car next month? @ is going to buy b. will buy c. is buying 6. Do you know Sam? Come on, I... you. a. am going to introduce —b. will be introducing @ will introduce 7. What ... tonight? a. will you wear @ are you going to wear. you are wearing 8. Which team ... the game? a. will be winning b. will win © is going to win 2 Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of the future. There may be more than one possible answer. 1, I think /it/rain / during the football match / tomorrow Bat AALS SERN, NE... LORAIN. SEES MAMAN, 2. at this time next week / we / fly / to London 3. the train / artive / tomorrow / a half past three Te. KING... 2.4. AIMS... MORIA. AE) 4, we/ mect/ our friends /in Rome / next week WE antl Ve mesting ovr QEnas in Rone neck wsek Scanned with CamScanner 3 5. 17 open/ the door / for you Ase \aalLciae.n, s dt 6. you/not get /a ¢ restaurant / tonight SCA... SANS ‘ Sook. cendswnent..Aaass. Write a suitable sentence to follow each sentence below. Use the words in brackets and the Future Simple, be going fo or the Present Continuous. There may be more than one possible answer. |. You should see this film. (love it) “ MATRON AB MAR ed Tl CLA LMM AHR, 2. We can’t mect you at the weekend. (go on holiday) Bu... YAE..GOLING FL SADLA DL, 3. Be careful with that knife. (cut yourself) VICI. RAM. CLE. Sx CUOERE. 4. Thanks for inviting me to dinner. (you / make?) JLartiageen... RSMo mie. aL. op CL. KR bE oye hing Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the future tenses. There may be more hore thea one correct answer, (go) to the doctor in the near future? If so, he Xvye..-+ (try) to get as much information as possible about you before giving you medicine. But there’s still a chance that the medicine >. wm. kb... (not work) or that you paeekrw sk cess ict) badly to it. In the future, however, thin; S Aga \h.YAR. (be) different, For the next ten years, a large number of universities and industries ©.4.\\.\2e..43¢415/%Qwork) to develop a way to ereate medical computer models of people. When the project is finished, we ®.c.sse.s.63)\6)... (Walk) around with a model of ourselves shoving ‘our genes, allergies and past health problems. Doctors (0 Hin) simulations on the model, so they can find the correct treatment before giving it to the patient. The European Union *sr2.Guvssc....-. (give) millions of euros to this project, which ". xu \\. asx... (save) lives, time and huge amounts of money. Correct the errors in the following sentences. 1. [think it’s raining tomorrow. Lona IMIR. - Don’t buy her that. She isn't liking it. Dea. sath JARi, ts 3. Someone’s at the door. I’m answering it. Semeoa.. 2.8388 4. They will get married next Apri poh OR RDI 5. Will ote inviting us? Ahir. Titty cre. c.2th Xv GENERAL REVIEW) 1 Complete the sentences with the time expressions below. last mofith « at this time fext week + whflle + tomgrrow nat a 1. She WEDS. Junteers at the hospital on eg DAR AIMS A.ARKE Sisitbe hiking in the Andes. 3. They won't go to the beach .. 4, They heard an explosion 5. She cut her hair ...10 6. Pm resting .. they were having lunch. , but it’s already long again. . so won't be tired tonight. Scanned with CamScanner 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets, Use present, past or future tenses. «While I .u.cs..cvciyvn>. (study) for the exam yesterday, I forgot to call you back. Next summer, we swt), \a-Ruv( travel) to iceland. is Sree s+eS6RSORMVR NT. (remember) to wish her Happy Birthday last night? What ....... 04. (say) when he discovers the truth? . Tean’t hear. What (talk) about? 5. Be carefull You xe. . . At this time tomorrow, We .AvA\\onee..33 (sit) on a plane. Mays 3 White sentences withthe words below. Put the verbs inthe correct form. 1. at this time next year /1/ work / and / earn / some money / Abin ANMSS.2 0008. MSE LAG MIE OM LET SALE CDF 2. You call /me / when / you / arrive / tonight /? ZEAL ARISING Re ANOS dy Lee MMR ve 3. Suu / alway call when /1/ watch TV COL... Loan. ARON LIAA1G oo. a 4. She/ moet her boyfiiend / while / she / live in New York / She... 8848,.904. 024 BLA. MAM. SING MAG AM SUUDS. Ale Bled LEH he / always / think / he / know / everything / . Re olsucnay 5. AOA V2. aI anselnt.. a S.. Suie.tep Massa. 4 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences. 1, She started to exercise. Then her phone rang. (while) SNE... SRODLAG, 41. ROTEL IMM NEN or OARS. 2. What's your opinion of the new manager? (think) ARNDOLE. BS yO A oo RQ ATE DOLL INIOYGR Fa 3. She wasn’t an English teacher. (teach) wne..choan.L.£...beh. Cg sia }. Tom is busy with his homework, (do) RGN. HALLS CLOUDS cbs OTA SELSS 5. They are awake now, (not ste) TOyf tench. As s 5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use present, past or future tenses. Mikey Holmes is one of the world’s top ten skydivers, but this (aot help) him during one of his routine dives. He jumped out of the plane, and as he 2 syn. 2EMing.... (fall), he 3... 20RAMSEON.... (Tealise) it, there was something wrong with his parachute — it wouldn’t open! But Mikey * aan (not panic), because he had a reserve parachute, He *...., (pull) on it — but it wouldn’t open either! “T® Gon. ggeuen..LSSdie),” thought Mikey, falling faster and faster, and then he hit the ound. But miraculously, he *.... sgh 2x. (suffer) only minor injuries. How *. n ted now? Mostly, he’s just glad to be . (think) of giving up his sport? No way! woakl...sluyciuigg (skydive) again, He He says ‘that within a few months, assess SSAIRI....0. (LOVE) it too much to stop. Scanned with CamScanner REVIEW TENSES 2° BACH (UPPER INTERMEDIATE LEVEL) PERFECT TENSES 1 Complete the sentences with a suitable verb. Use a perfect continuous tense. 1, It’s ten o'clock, We ...n01a..2e,v..LAEANDITH, for the bus for 20 minutes. 2. sosees MRR... the alarm ..wA.¥\....2000M1i25..... a noise since you opened the door? 3. William finally found the key after he .Is...nee32....4e8261085 for it all day. 4, Try and comfort her. She Jag. NEIA.Cayins.... all day. 5. The ground was wet because it ..Joox ne.en..«ingn4.. all night. 6. By the time they sent me an e-mail, they . cans. ese0...ccd\vins for over a month, 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use a suitable perfect tonse. 1, The painter .1s2.3\.¥-0:98..Pos8stSCh... (finish) painting the house by the time you come home, Naas... the children ... their television programme began? 3, The term tests begin next week, However, the students read) the story by then. 4. I’m surprised that my best friend ...clian!h..colLesh...... (not call) me all week. Maybe she'll call tomorrow. 5. Where have you been? I. .ns98.nes202...s0543.88... (call) you since the moming. 6. After Bill ...... gre cu.cxNech....... (graduate) from university, he got a job in a big company. 7. By the time the summer starts, Alice .......oxe0h. (lose) ten kilos. 8. They toova..WReIn..act\twury.. (Walk) for hours when they finally came to an old house, .- (have) dinner before MEAT. (not 3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs below. Use the perfect tenses. havé - dream + pass apply + move + do try Since last year, I '..rosn..dve2ane.nk. . of working abroad. However, after I 2 nas acranieAehXuene to get a job in Italy for a few months, I realised that it would be much easier if I knew the language. That’s the reason that I *. S922... APEULSL.. a course in Italian since January. Last week, after I the highest level, my teacher told me that my Italian was excellent. eee jobs in Rome and I *.. . better luck because I know Italian. I hope that by the end of the summer, I” to Italy, 4 Write a logical sentence to continue the first sentence. Use the words in brackets and a suitable perfect tense. 1, I’m sure you'll pass the exam. (study / all week) Yous Howd Weer Mudytlty ALL Wael, 2. My parents were pleased when they got home. (clean / the whole house) \ “Yooe peer cleanin tha Uirole RONG 3, I.can pay for my new car next week. (by then / sell / old one) BY ron ( Ho sit Vre aid one 4, What's it like in China? (never / be / there) \ Pee POL ropereeen WUre 5. Alex found a job yesterday. (search / January) rook Axe Sasd-o0 Seen oS yo wy Scuye Scanned with CamScanner 6. I’m exhausted. (look after the baby / all morning) LV none vee teckng ofter Ye vehy all He rowey 7. They bought a little house in town. (save / years) eazy Wook soe Por Yours 46 Yor a ithe Poe CM town 8. The man was arrested. (try / steal a car) TNS MEA Naor Sngedk te steal Aon: 5 Choose the correct answer. 1, Paul ... to repair his car for ages; I hope he succeeds. a. has tried G@ has been trying c. had been trying 2, ... Claire ... her project in class yet? Has ... been presentingb. Had ... been presenting c. Has ... presented 3. @ hasn’t read b. hadn’t been reading —_—_. hasn’t been reading 4, ... the students ... the exercise in an hour from now? a. Have... finished (6) Will... have finished c. ‘Had... finished 5. He ... his new phone at all until he called me. @ hasn’t used b. hasn’t been using c. hadn’t used 6. ... she ever ... pasta before? a. Has.... been cooking. Has ... cooked © Will... have cooked 6 Complete the dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the perfect tenses. Az Is this the first time that you ".wcn.cormvan\e5> (compete) in a marathon? B: Yes, when I finish this race, I? 1ncO},..uSaY2......+« (run) my first marathon, What about you? A:T .0¥R .poves...P2“GNENT participate) in a marathon until now! At usd. «YOU. .Uorski¥0G... (Write) for this newspaper for a long time? B: Yes, I * howe. .clvensis.2& Caliready / be) here for two years. Hopefully by next year, T&.s3.\t. Jace... S00 (find) a job in a foreign country. AL. AR they .....ao22n. (live) in Japan a long time before the tsunami struck? B: No, they *. JAE. ARNEL Gust / arrive), but they Jooxt.clvesshn: ready J move) back home. 7 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use perfect tenses. (5 x 2= 10 points) 1. We .Were.!k. tone. (not plan) to go to the museum until you suggested it. 2. Eddie .\nam.RMoguns... (sing) for many years before he became a star, 3. Rose .yacsn Lr. .comyz0eie(not complete) her degree by next summer. 4, Sorry I’m late! .....YXO-. you .\neen..WaaNeS... (wait) here a long time? 5. Toncaanth i -S@®... (not see) her in ages. 8 Rewrite the sentences using the time expressions in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences. (4 x 4 = 16 points) 1. Hilary prepared the meal; then we arrived. (by the time) By Awe Ame ose nes rmraak , Hilavy Hore eer PLE Prencarchg WR Meck, 2. Do you eat sushi? (ever) Rowe yoo cay og wRMT. 3. The train will arrive at 7.00. (by 7.15) Ry 76 the tam will He 2 armed. Scanned with CamScanner 4, It’s now 5 pm and they are still studying, (all aftemoon) Trey rest Foer sudyny all gierncon. 9 Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Uso the correct perfect tense, simple or continuous. (6x 4= 24 points) Although most people “. (hear) of WOTYs, they chien te them frequently! WOTYs, or Word(s) of the Year, are those words that +. JRECAMAR...+++ (become) popular during an entire year, The Merriam-Webster Dictionary ars REEN... HOW. (run) a WOTY competition for the last five years. ‘The WOTY does not actually have to be a single word — in the past, WOTY nominations +, yx8h. Xinchtse9e\(include) phrases such as “weapons of mass destruction”. Not surprisingly, the digital world *.}nerx. ace. .1)222{hifluence) the choice of WOTYs. By the end of 2010, words such as “to tweet”, “blog”, “app” and “unfriend” ®.....Lv.ilt all eR... xppsesGh (appear) on various WOTY lists. 10. Complete the passage below with a suitable word. Use only one word in each gap. ‘A month ago, we finally bought a high quality camera after We .....:A0Q00.. been using a cheap one * Years. I was sure that it was a wonderful idea. However, after I'd > arenes carrying it for a while, I began to realise how heavy it was. I was a bit sorry that we hadn’t 6...) a lighter one. Now we ®........30 . recently returned from a holiday abroad, where we took hundreds of excellent photos. I've eR . planning to organise them satya. we got back, but I have .. yet found the "have organised the photos and time. I’m sure that by next week, I. sat, P'll feel much better about buying that heavy camera: Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect ‘Simple, Past Perfect Simple or Future Perfect Simple. 1. Last year, Megan ... 2030)... 0% .. (rent) a flat near the university before the school year started. She hopes that this year she ....1\L.ncth..Jeu0Mh....... (find) a place to live by the end of the summer. 2. My friends went on the roller coaster after We ....2SL2..ww00. other rides. I didn’t go. I ... RET. WIA ever. roller coasters because I'm afraid. 3. ows... drinks for the party yet? No, but don’t worry. He .. (buy) them by Friday. ee 4, Icouldn’t chat with you on Facebook yesterday because I .. nad. .YALS oi, (take) my computer to be repaired. The technician .n9m..1.2.AGW1SSA (repair) it by this evening. 12 Rewrite the sentences with the time expressions in brackets. Use a suitable perfect tense. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences. 1. Your mother called a few minutes ago. (just) Youur noeitar juatcottea 0 3 Scanned with CamScanner

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