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Open access Original research

Acute effects of the food preservative

propionic acid on glucose metabolism
in humans
Gail K Adler ‍ ‍,1 Ezra S Hornik,1 Gillian Murray,1 Shreya Bhandari,1 Yogesh Yadav,2
Mahyar Heydarpour,1 Rita Basu,2 Rajesh Garg ‍ ‍,3 Amir Tirosh ‍ ‍4

To cite: Adler GK, Hornik ES, ABSTRACT

Murray G, et al. Acute effects Introduction Propionic acid (PA) is a common food
Significance of this study
of the food preservative preservative generally recognized as safe by the US
propionic acid on glucose
Food and Drug Administration; however, exogenous
What is already known about this subject?
metabolism in humans. ►► The use of propionic acid (PA) as a food preservative
PA has effects on glucose metabolism that are not
BMJ Open Diab Res Care has rapidly increased over the past few decades.
2021;9:e002336. doi:10.1136/ fully understood. Our preclinical studies demonstrated
exogenous PA increases glucagon, norepinephrine, and ►► PA was suggested to act as a metabolic disruptor, in-
endogenous glucose production (EGP). creasing insulin counterregulatory hormones in mice.
Research design and methods We performed a ►► A pilot study in humans suggested that consumption
►► Supplemental material is randomized, placebo-­controlled, crossover study in 28 of PA with a meal increases glucagon, norepineph-
published online only. To view, healthy men and women to determine the effect of PA rine, and insulin resistance.
please visit the journal online (1500 mg calcium propionate) on these factors. Subjects
(http://​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1136/​ What are the new findings?
had two study visits, each preceded by a 1 week, PA-­ ►► Consuming propionic acid, as compared with pla-
free diet. During each visit, glucose, insulin, glucagon, cebo, increases glucagon and norepinephrine under
norepinephrine, epinephrine, and EGP were assessed
resting, fasting conditions and increases glucagon,
RG and AT contributed equally. for 2 hours after oral administration of PA/placebo
norepinephrine and epinephrine during euglycemic
under resting conditions (protocol 1) and during either a
hyperinsulinemic clamp conditions.
Received 20 April 2021 euglycemic (~85–90 mg/dL) or hypoglycemic (~65–70 mg/
Accepted 30 June 2021 ►► Consuming propionic acid, as compared with place-
dL) hyperinsulinemic clamp (protocol 2).
bo, increases norepinephrine, epinephrine and en-
Results PA, as compared with placebo, significantly
dogenous glucose production during hypoglycemic
increased: (1) glucagon and norepinephrine during
hyperinsulinemic clamp conditions.
protocol 1; (2) glucagon, norepinephrine, and epinephrine
►► Thus, propionic acid, when consumed orally in hu-
under euglycemic conditions in protocol 2; and (3)
mans activates the insulin-­counterregulatory hor-
norepinephrine, epinephrine, and EGP under hypoglycemic
conditions in protocol 2. monal network.
Conclusion Oral consumption of PA leads to inappropriate How might these results change the focus of
© Author(s) (or their activation of the insulin counterregulatory hormonal research or clinical practice?
employer(s)) 2021. Re-­use network. This inappropriate stimulation highlights PA as a ►► PA, a common food preservative, activates the insu-
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No potential metabolic disruptor.
commercial re-­use. See rights
lin counterregulatory hormonal network and is thus
and permissions. Published a potential metabolic disruptor in humans.
by BMJ. ►► This highlights the need for careful assessment of
Department of Medicine, INTRODUCTION the long-­term metabolic effects of this widely used
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) ‘Generally Recognized As Safe’ food preservative.
Boston, Massachusetts, USA are serious health problems that are influ-
Department of Medicine,
enced significantly by environmental factors
University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA such as diet.1 Over the past 30 years, there of foods. Some of these chemicals have been
Department of Medicine, has been a marked increase in the preva- suspected to exert adverse metabolic health
University of Miami Miller lence of obesity in the USA (from 22% to effects, but there is an absence of studies eval-
School of Medicine, Miami, 40% of adults between 1988 and 2016). By uating these effects.1 The use of food preser-
Florida, USA
4 2016, 72% of US adults were overweight or vatives, such as propionic acid (PA), has also
Division of Endocrinology,
Sheba Medical Center and obese and 16% had diabetes.2 These rapid increased substantially in recent decades.3
Sackler School of Medicine, increases in obesity and diabetes are likely PA is a naturally occurring short-­chain fatty
Tel-­Aviv University, Tel-­Aviv, driven by environmental factors, not genetic acid that is commonly used as an antimicro-
Israel drift. The increasing use of processed and bial agent in packaged foods such as bread
Correspondence to
processed foods in modern nutrition and cheese. It is ‘generally recognized as
Dr Gail K Adler; involves the utilization of several chemicals in safe’ by the FDA and is widely used in food
​gadler@​bwh.​harvard.​edu the processing, preservation, and packaging with no limitation other than current good

BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2021;9:e002336. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2021-002336 1


manufacturing practice.4 The metabolic consequences and Women’s Hospital Center for Clinical Investigation
of consuming PA are not fully understood in humans.5 (Boston, Massachusetts, USA).
PA increases hepatic pyruvate cycling through its conver-
sion into succinate, thus increasing gluconeogenesis.6 7 As Participants
early as 1912, it was noted that administration of PA to dogs Healthy men and women, aged 18–55 years with body
increased glucose levels by more than could be accounted mass index 20–35 kg/m2 were recruited using online post-
for by gluconeogenic conversion of PA alone.8 9 Later studies ings and physical flyers. Eligible participants provided
similarly demonstrated PA as a potent stimulator of endog- written informed consent during a screening visit, which
enous glucose production (EGP) in various mammals.6 7 10 included a complete medical history, physical examina-
Given this unique property of PA, it is widely used in feeds for tion, blood analysis (complete blood count, lipid panel,
dairy cows and sheep to increase glucose concentration in thyroid-­stimulating hormone (TSH), complete meta-
milk.11 More recently, it became apparent that direct conver- bolic panel), urine pregnancy test (if applicable), and
sion of propionate to glucose accounts for only 5% of the total ECG. Exclusion criteria included any acute or chronic
increase in PA-­induced increase in glucose production, with illness, current or ongoing use of prescription medica-
the remainder attributed to activation of pyruvate carboxy- tions, systolic blood pressure >140 mm Hg or diastolic
lase by mechanisms that remain elusive.7 Data regarding the blood pressure >90 mm Hg, abnormal ECG, pregnancy
effects of propionate as a food preservative in humans are or breast feeding, history of current smoking, alcohol or
limited. In healthy human subjects, consumption of bread drug abuse, and abnormal laboratory values (estimated
supplemented with PA resulted in mild postprandial hyper- glomerular filtration rate <45 mL/min, impaired hepatic
insulinemia at 60 min and attenuated suppression of post- function (aspartate amino transaminase and/or alanine
meal FFA, which is suggestive of increased adipose tissue amino transaminase >2.0×upper limit of normal range),
insulin resistance as expected with increased catecholamine hematocrit <36% for females and <41% for males, and
concentration.12 Preclinical studies in mice by us and others abnormal TSH). Sample size was determined using a
suggested that acute administration of PA induced a marked power calculation described below under ‘Statistics’
glycogenolysis. Along with increasing glucose production and section.
insulin secretion, PA administration stimulated the release of
glucagon, fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4), and norepi- Center for Clinical Investigation study visits
nephrine, which likely mediated the hyperglycemic effects Each participant completed two study visits (oral PA
of PA.13–16 Furthermore, chronic oral administration of PA administration visit and oral placebo administration visit,
for 20 weeks in mice resulted in gradual weight gain, insulin in random order) with a minimum of a 7-­day between
resistance, increased fat mass, and increased EGP relative to visits wash-­out period (figure 1A). Prior to each visit,
placebo.16 participants were provided with a PA-­free diet for 7 days
In our pilot, randomized, placebo-­ controlled, cross- prepared by the BWH Center for Clinical Investigation
over study involving 14 participants, consumption of a (CCI) Nutrition Core. Participants, study staff, and
mixed meal containing a low dose of PA (1 g of calcium nursing staff were blinded to drug treatment. Partici-
propionate) led to significant postprandial increases in pants were randomized with equal probability to one of
glucagon, norepinephrine, FABP4, and insulin resis- two sequence groups (PA then placebo, or placebo then
tance (assessed by Matsuda Index17) as compared with PA) using a permutated block method. Randomization
a control meal.16 These results raise the possibility that was done by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Investi-
PA in food could contribute to impaired metabolic func- gational Drug Service using the website ​randomization.​
tion in humans. However, this was a small study, and the com. The research pharmacists did not have contact with
impact of PA on EGP was not studied. study participants and did not communicate with study
Therefore, the goal of the current study was to deter- staff regarding assigned treatments. Study staff were
mine the effect of low dose PA, as compared with placebo, blinded to assigned treatments until after the last partici-
on glucagon, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and EGP pant completed study procedures.
under basal conditions and in the presence of hyper- Participants arrived at the CCI for each study visit
insulinemic euglycemic and hypoglycemic clamps in (figure 1B) at 07:00 hours after fasting for at least 8 hours
healthy individuals. We performed both euglycemic and overnight, having consumed a PA-­free diet for 7 days, and
mildly hypoglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamps; hypogly- having abstained from caffeine for 24 hours. Vital signs
cemia is a known stimulator of insulin counterregulatory were measured, and urine pregnancy testing was done (if
hormones and could potentially amplify the effects of PA applicable) on arrival. An intravenous line was placed in
on these outcomes. a hand or wrist and then the hand was placed in a heated
(66°C (150°F)) acrylic ‘Hot Box’ to facilitate frequent
blood draws throughout the procedure. A second, ante-
MATERIALS AND METHODS cubital intravenous line was placed to be used for infu-
Study design sions of deuterated glucose, dextrose, and insulin. Blood
We conducted a double-­ blind, randomized, placebo-­ was drawn (T=−10 min) and an infusion of deuterated
controlled, crossover, mechanistic study at the Brigham glucose (0.03 mg/kg/min [6,6-2H2] glucose, Cambridge

2 BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2021;9:e002336. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2021-002336


Figure 1 (A) Overview of study protocol. (B) Study visit timeline.

Isotope Laboratories, Andover, Massachusetts, USA) was at 100 mU/m2/min for 5 min and 50 mU/m2/min for
then initiated at approximately 08:00 hours (T=0 min) 5 min (priming doses) followed by an infusion of 25 mU/
and continued throughout the 7-­hour study. m2/min. Twenty per cent dextrose infusion containing
0.455% deuterated glucose was infused at a variable rate
Protocol 1 in order to achieve the desired blood glucose targets.18
Participants received their first dose of either four 500 mg Blood glucose was measured every 5 min using a
calcium propionate capsules (796 mg PA) (Niacet, Hemocue (HemoCue, Angelholm, Sweden) and/or YSI
Niagara Falls, New York, USA) or four 269 mg calcium bedside glucose analyzer (YSI 2300 STAT Plus Glucose
carbonate capsules (Roxane Laboratories/Hikma & Lactate Analyzer; YSI, Yellow Springs, Ohio, USA). A
Pharmaceuticals, Columbus, Ohio, USA) orally over second dose of calcium carbonate or calcium propio-
the course of 15 min starting 2 hours after deuterated nate was administered 1 hour into the hyperinsulinemic
glucose infusion was initiated (T=120 min). Both treat- clamp (T=300 min). Participants underwent either eugly-
ments contained the same mass of calcium. After the first cemic (85–90 mg/dL) or hypoglycemic (65–70 mg/dL)
five subjects, the dose was decreased by 25% from four to hyperinsulinemic clamp at both study visits. Hyperinsu-
three 500 mg calcium propionate capsules (597 mg PA) linemic clamps were terminated 3 hours after initiation
or three 269 mg calcium carbonate capsules, and the first (T=420 min).
pill of each administration was given with 4 oz sugar-­free Blood samples for measurement of glucose, insulin,
jell-­O to reduce incidence of nausea. PA is typically found glucagon, plasma catecholamines, and enrichment of
in processed food at a concentration of 0.15–0.30% w/w.12 deuterated glucose were obtained prior to administra-
At this concentration, 270–530 g of PA-­containing foods tion of the second PA/placebo dose (T=300 min) and
(eg, cheese sandwich) contains an equivalent mass of PA then at T=315, 330, 345, 360, 390, and 420 min (see study
to what was administered in this protocol. visit timeline, figure 1B).
Blood samples for measurement of glucose, insulin,
glucagon, plasma catecholamines, and enrichment of
deuterated glucose were drawn periodically (see study Laboratory analysis
visit timeline, figure 1B). Blood draws at T=−10 and Assays for blood analytes were performed at the LabCorp
120 min were used for calculating baseline EGP. laboratories using validated assays used for clinical care of
patients. LabCorp used the highly specific and sensitive
Protocol 2 Millipore assay19 to measure glucagon for our samples.
Four hours after initiation of deuterated glucose infu- Glucose data reported in graphs and tables were obtained
sion and 2 hours after administration of the first dose from blood collected in tubes containing sodium fluo-
of PA/placebo, a 2-­hour hyperinsulinemic clamp was ride and potassium oxalate and analyzed for glucose at
initiated at T=240 min (figure 1B). Insulin (Humulin LabCorp or using YSI. Deuterated glucose enrichment
R, Lilly USA, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA or Novolin R, was measured by gas chromatography mass spectrometry
Novo Nordisk, Plainsboro, New Jersey, USA) was infused method as previously published.18 20

BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2021;9:e002336. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2021-002336 3


Calculations Table 1 Demographics and baseline characteristics

The rates of glucose turnover were estimated, as previ-
Demographics All study participants
ously described.21 Total rate of appearance of glucose is
calculated using a single-­compartment model of glucose n 27
kinetics (Steele) using non-­steady state calculations that Women 15 (56%)
have been used by us and others in the field.22 EGP is Men 12 (44%)
calculated by subtracting the glucose infusion rate from
White 18 (67%)
the rate of glucose appearance.
Black 3 (11%)
Statistics Asian 3 (11%)
Variables were reported as mean±SD or least square Hispanic 2 (7%)
means±SEs. Mixed model linear regression analyses with
Age (years) 30 (9)
repeated measurement were used to analyze the data
for an effect of PA versus placebo, within and between BMI (kg/m ) 26.7 (3.8)
subjects over time. Model is adjusted for sex, age, and HR (bpm) 72 (15)
BMI as fixed effects, as well as baseline and average SBP (mm Hg) 120 (13)
glucose levels when relevant. The effect of each subject DBP (mm Hg) 71 (13)
is included in the model as a random factor. Student’s
Placebo PA Study p-­value*
t-­test and Wilcoxon test were used for comparing indi-
Study Visit Visit
vidual time points. The study was powered at 80% for a
mean EGP of 2.5±1 mg/kg/min with a mean and SD of Glucose (mg/dL) 84.6 (7.0) 83.2 (5.8) 0.27
the PA versus placebo difference expected to be 0.5±0.8. Insulin (µIU/mL) 6.9 (5.1) 5.7 (3.1) 0.26
Hypotheses were tested at the level of α=0.05. All statis- Glucagon (pg/mL) 62 (13) 63 (14) 0.63
tical analyses were performed using JMP (JMP, V.14; SAS Norepinephrine (pg/mL) 256 (123) 231 (80) 0.14
Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA, 1989–2020).
Epinephrine (pg/mL) 30 (17) 29 (13) 0.57
EGP (µmol/kg/min) 10.6 (1.5) 10.1 (1.2) 0.12
*p values for baseline characteristics were calculated with paired
Participant flow and demographics
t-­tests. Data are reported as mean (SD) or n (%).
Twenty-­eight individuals completed the study (see consort BMI, body mass index; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; EGP,
diagram, online supplemental figure 1). One participant endogenous glucose production; HR, heart rate; PA, propionic
was excluded due to protocol non-­ compliance. One acid; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
participant did not have EGP data collected. Therefore,
data for 27 individuals (26 for EGP) are reported in the significant increases at T=180 and at T=210 (figure 2).
analysis for protocol 1. Of the 27 individuals included in PA ingestion also significantly increased norepineph-
our analysis, 15 were women and 12 were men. The mean rine relative to placebo treatment (figure 2) with post
age was 30±9 years, and the mean BMI was 26.7±3.8 kg/ hoc analysis revealing a significant increase in norepi-
m2 (see table 1, which displays demographics and base- nephrine levels with PA relative to placebo at T=150
line characteristics obtained at the screening visit). (figure 2). There was no significant effect observed of
Twenty-­four individuals are included in the analysis for PA on glucose, insulin, epinephrine, or EGP relative to
protocol 2 (23 with EGP data), 12 of whom had eugly- placebo (figure 2).
cemic clamps (11 for EGP) at both study visits, and 12
of whom had hypoglycemic clamps at both study visits. Initiation of hyperinsulinemic clamp
Three individuals had a euglycemic clamp at one visit There was no residual effect of treatment at T=120 min
and a hypoglycemic clamp at the other, so they were not with PA or placebo on any of the variables at T=240 min
included in the protocol 2 analysis. (figure 2). Hyperinsulinemic clamps were initiated at
T=240 min. Glucose was infused achieving a target of
Effect of propionic acid in protocol 1 85–90 mg/dL in 12 participants and 65–70 mg/dL in 12
Protocol 1 baseline blood samples, obtained 120 min participants. Table 2 shows least squares means data at the
after start of deuterated glucose infusion and prior to clamp start (T=240 min) and 60 min later (T=300 min)
administration of PA or placebo, revealed similar levels generated by mixed model analysis performed separately
between PA and placebo treatment days for glucose, for euglycemic and hypoglycemic clamps. Infusion of
insulin, glucagon, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and insulin for 60 min significantly decreased EGP during
EGP (table 1). The effect of consuming PA versus placebo both the euglycemic and hypoglycemic clamps, and
on our end points from T=135 to T=240 min was investi- decreased glucagon during euglycemic, but not hypo-
gated using a mixed model analysis controlling for sex, glycemic, clamp. Norepinephrine and epinephrine were
BMI, age, time, and baseline values at T=120. significantly different between T=240 (preclamp) and
PA ingestion significantly increased glucagon as T=300 min (clamp at 60 min) for hypoglycemic clamp
compared with placebo with post hoc analysis revealing under placebo conditions only.

4 BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2021;9:e002336. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2021-002336


Figure 2 Effects of propionic acid (PA) vs. placebo on glucose (A), insulin (B), glucagon (C), norepinephrine (D), epinephrine
(E), and endogenous glucose production (EGP) (F) during protocol 1. Mixed model analyses controlling for sex, BMI, age,
time, and baseline value at T=120 minutes revealed: a significant effect of PA vs placebo on glucagon and norepinephrine and
no significant effect of PA vs placebo on glucose, insulin, epinephrine, or EGP. Data reported as least squares means ± least
squares standard error. Post-­hoc, pairwise Wilcoxon test was used to compare responses with PA vs placebo at individual
timepoints. *p<0.05, **p<0.01. N=27 for panels A–E, N=26 for panel F. Gray bar indicates time of PA or placebo consumption.

BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2021;9:e002336. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2021-002336 5


Effect of PA versus placebo in protocol 2

Clamp at 60 min
PA or placebo was administered over 15 min starting at

7.95 (0.34)***
T=300 min, which is 60 min after initiation of the 3-­hour

71.3 (1.4)***
38.7 (1.4)***
clamp protocol. Outcome data were then collected every

277 (19)*
52 (6)*
15–30 min over the following 2 hours. Data were analyzed

67 (5)
using mixed model analysis to determine if there was
an effect of PA versus placebo on our outcomes during
either a euglycemic or hypoglycemic clamp.

10.73 (0.34)
83.3 (1.4) Glucose (figure 3A,B) and insulin (figure 3C,D) were

4.7 (1.4)

223 (19)
similar in individuals receiving PA versus placebo under
Parameters at start and after 60 min of euglycemic and hypoglycemic clamps: before administering respective drugs during protocol 2

66 (5)

34 (6)
both euglycemic and hypoglycemic conditions, indi-
cating consistency of the experimental conditions. Under
Hypoglycemic clamp (first 60 min)

euglycemic conditions, PA as compared with placebo

Clamp at 60 min

significantly increased glucagon (figure 3E), norepi-

7.89 (0.34)*** nephrine (figure 3G), and epinephrine (figure 3I), with
69.3 (1.4)***
40.5 (1.4)***

no significant effect on EGP (figure 3K). Under hypo-

262 (19)

glycemic conditions, PA as compared with placebo again

70 (5)

44 (6)

significantly increased norepinephrine (figure 3H) and

epinephrine (figure 3J). Of note, glucagon levels, were
Propionic acid

significantly elevated (by ~50%) following induction of

10.70 (0.34)

hypoglycemia compared with the euglycemic conditions

84.5 (1.4)
4.9 (1.4)

238 (19)

(figure 3E,F), but the further rise in glucagon levels

72 (5)

30 (6)

following PA consumption did not statistically differ

from placebo (figure 3F). Furthermore, under hypogly-
cemic conditions, consumption of PA increased EGP as
Clamp at 60 min

compared with placebo (figure 3L).

7.52 (0.31)***
43.1 (2.6)***
89.1 (1.6)

320 (28)
48 (3)**

*p<0.05; **p<0.01, ***p<0.0001 comparing T=240 min (preclamp) with T=300 min (clamp at 60 min).
28 (3)

This placebo-­ controlled, crossover study evaluates the

acute effects of PA versus placebo on glucagon, norepi-
nephrine, epinephrine, and EGP under three conditions:
10.72 (0.31)

fasted resting conditions, euglycemic hyperinsulinemic

85.9 (1.6)

8.1 (2.6)

287 (28)

clamp, and hypoglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp.

61 (3)

31 (3)

Under euglycemic conditions in the presence or absence

of infused insulin, consumption of PA as compared with
placebo leads to an activation of a significant insulin coun-
Euglycemic clamp (first 60 min)

Clamp at 60 min

terregulatory response, namely an increase in glucagon,

norepinephrine, and epinephrine. Under mild hypo-
7.40 (0.31)***
42.2 (2.6)***
90.1 (1.6)**

glycemic conditions in the presence of infused insulin,

282 (28)
41 (3)**

when glucagon levels were already elevated, PA consump-

27 (3)

tion, as compared with placebo, further increased cate-

cholamine levels with a subsequent rise in EGP. Thus, PA
Propionic acid

consumption provokes an inappropriate stimulation of

10.31 (0.31)

the insulin counterregulatory network under euglycemic

82.9 (1.6)
6.3 (2.6)

288 (28)

conditions, and an exaggerated response under mild

61 (3)

32 (3)

hypoglycemic conditions, leading to reduced hepatic

EGP, endogenous glucose production.

insulin sensitivity (ie, increased EGP).

The current findings that PA increases glucagon and
norepinephrine are consistent with our prior preclinical
Norepinephrine (pg/mL)

studies demonstrating acute effects of PA on glucagon and

Epinephrine (pg/mL)

norepinephrine and our studies in humans showing that

EGP (µmol/kg/min)
Glucagon (pg/mL)
Glucose (mg/dL)

consumption of PA in a mixed meal increases glucagon

Insulin (μIU/mL)

and norepinephrine.16 In this study, we extended these

published results to show that PA increases epineph-
Table 2

rine under conditions of euglycemic and hypogly-

cemic hyperinsulinemia. With mild hypoglycemia, PA
increased EGP, likely secondary to PA-­induced increases

6 BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2021;9:e002336. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2021-002336


Figure 3 Effects of propionic acid (PA) vs placebo on glucose (A and B), insulin (C and D), glucagon (E and F), norepinephrine
(G and H), epinephrine (I and J), and endogenous glucose production (EGP) (K and L) during euglycemic (left panels) and
hypoglycemic (right panels) hyperinsulinemic clamp studies. During euglycemic clamp, PA as compared with placebo
significantly increased glucagon, norepinephrine, and epinephrine but had no significant effect on EGP. During hypoglycemic
clamp, PA as compared to placebo increased norepinephrine, epinephrine, and EGP, but had no significant effect on glucagon.
Glucose is reported as observed means ± standard deviation and the mixed model analysis controls for time to determine the
effect of PA vs placebo. Insulin, glucagon, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and EGP are reported as least squares means ± least
squares standard error, and the mixed model analysis controls for sex, BMI, age, time, average blood glucose, and baseline
value at T=300 minutes to determine the effect of PA vs placebo. Post-­hoc, pairwise Wilcoxon test was used to compare
responses between PA and placebo at individual timepoints. *p<0.05, **p<0.01. N=12 for panels A–J and L, N=11 for panel K.
Gray bar indicates time of PA or placebo consumption.

in norepinephrine and epinephrine.23 The ability of PA insulin sensitivity could allow for detection of an effect of PA
to reduce hepatic insulin sensitivity (ie, blunt the insulin-­ on EGP under euglycemic conditions. Second, it is possible
induced decrease in EGP) under mildly hypoglycemic that by studying individuals under fasting conditions, there
conditions is consistent with our preclinical data that PA was insufficient glycogen to produce significant glucose
consumption reduces insulin sensitivity.16 via glycogenolysis.24 Indeed, the hyperglycemic response
PA consumption resulted in a significant increase in induced by PA in various mouse models was attributed to
insulin counterregulatory hormones under fasting eugly- marked glycogenolysis and was significantly attenuated in
cemic conditions, although EGP was not significantly the fasting conditions.16 Third, the increases in glucagon,
different than placebo. There could be several reasons for norepinephrine, and epinephrine were mild, and had rela-
our inability to observe a change in EGP under these condi- tively minimal effects on EGP. Yet, human exposure to oral
tions. First, in this study, healthy individuals were enrolled. PA is in the context of prandial conditions, usually with the
Potentially, studying individuals with obesity or impaired consumption of processed food-­based meal. In this setting,

BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2021;9:e002336. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2021-002336 7


the expected postmeal inhibition of EGP and the increase all participants fasted for at least 8 hours, it is possible that
in glycogen synthesis may be disrupted by an inappropriate some fasted for much longer and this affected their ability
PA-­induced increase in glucagon and catecholamines. to regulate EGP. Third, the EGP calculation assumes a blood
However, further studies will be needed to confirm these glucose steady state, but it is possible that administration of
effects. PA disrupts this steady state. Fourth, we assessed the impact
The observed effect of PA versus placebo on norepi- of PA versus placebo under mildly hypoglycemic conditions;
nephrine precedes that on glucagon by 30 min. This it is possible that the depth of hypoglycemia could impact
timing is consistent with preclinical studies demon- our outcomes. Fifth, this healthy population included a wide
strating that blocking norepinephrine release with hexa- range of BMIs, which could have introduced some meta-
methonium, an inhibitor of sympathetic nervous system bolic heterogeneity and obscured treatment effects. Sixth,
activation, blunts the effect of PA on glucagon, suggesting we did not collect data on the menstrual cycle, and this could
that sympathetic activation is upstream to the effect of have influenced some outcomes. Seventh, it is possible that
PA on glucagon.16 Indeed, PA has been demonstrated to performing protocols 1 and 2 sequentially on the same day
directly regulate norepinephrine release by sympathetic could have blunted our ability to detect the full effects of PA
neurons via activation of G-­Protein Receptor 41.5 9 on glucose metabolism. Lastly, this study had a small sample
Hypoglycemia is a known stimulator of glucagon and size, so more significant differences and correlations may
catecholamines.25 In our studies, glucagon levels were
have been uncovered with a larger sample size.
increased with hypoglycemia relative to euglycemia prior to
In conclusion, consumption of PA as compared with
the second administration of PA or placebo. Under these
placebo leads to an activation of the insulin counterregula-
conditions of higher glucagon levels during the hypogly-
tory response, that is, increases in glucagon, norepinephrine,
cemic clamp, the further increase in epinephrine is robust,
and epinephrine, and in the presence of mild hypoglycemia
increasing by ~twofold with PA as compared with placebo
this is sufficient to increase EGP. The amount of PA adminis-
and ~fourfold over the levels observed in the euglycemic
clamp (figure 3). So, if we were to estimate the cumulative tered in this study is similar to what is commonly consumed
‘EGP driving force’, it is significantly higher in the hypogly- in processed foods. Future studies are needed to determine
cemic clamp conditions, which is likely the driving force for whether chronic consumption of processed foods with PA
why we observed an increase in EGP with PA versus placebo could have long-­term, adverse metabolic effects.
under hypoglycemic conditions. Mild hypoglycemia was
Acknowledgements We greatly appreciate the contributions of the nursing and
able to uncover the disrupting effects of PA that were not support staff in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Center for Clinical Investigation.
otherwise revealed. Thus, in the setting of processed foods-­ Contributors AT and RG designed the study. RG and GKA conducted the study.
based diet, exposure to exogenous PA may lead to meta- RB and YY analyzed the flux data. SB and GM recruited participants, coordinated
bolically inappropriate activation of the integrated insulin study visits and conducted data entry. ESH coordinated data management and
counterregulatory hormonal network. analysis and drafted the manuscript with support from GKA. MH performed the
statistical analysis. AT, RG, RB and GKA performed data interpretation and wrote the
The chronic effects of repeated exposure to PA are uncer- manuscript. GKA is the guarantor of this work.
tain in humans but could contribute to insulin resistance,
Funding This work was primarily supported by American Diabetes Association
impaired glycemic control, and gradual weight gain. This grant #1-16-­ICTS-113 (AT). The investigators were additionally supported
study reveals statistically significant effects of acute PA by National Institutes of Health grants DK-029953 (RB) and K24-­HL103845
administration on the insulin counterregulatory network (GKA). Additionally, the project described was supported by grant numbers
that, although small in magnitude, suggest that further 1UL1TR001102 and 1UL1TR002541-01, Harvard Clinical and Translational Science
Center, from the National Center for Advancing Translational Science.
research into the chronic effects of this food preservative in
humans is warranted. Chronic hyperinsulinemia and insulin Disclaimer The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does
not necessarily represent the official views of the National Center for Research
resistance may be the cause, and not only the consequence, Resources, the National Center for Advancing Translational Science or the National
of weight gain and obesity.26 Inappropriate sympathetic Institutes of Health.
nervous system activation and increases in counterregula- Competing interests None declared.
tory hormones may be particularly important for patients Patient consent for publication Not required.
with diabetes since reduced suppression of EGP in the post-
Ethics approval The study protocol was approved by the Partners (now Mass
prandial state is a concern in diabetes.27 Furthermore, inap- General Brigham) Institutional Review Board. All participants provided written
propriate changes in glucagon and catecholamines could informed consent.
have adverse effects other than those relating to glucose Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
metabolism. The hormone perturbations we observed in Data availability statement Deidentified data that support the findings of this
this physiological study with acute oral administration of PA study are available on reasonable request to corresponding author.
highlight the need for further investigation into the chronic Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It
effects of this common food preservative. has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have
There are potential limitations to this study. First, the been peer-­reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely
study included a PA-­free diet prior to each study visit, but those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability
and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the
some participants may not have complied, thus begin- content includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and
ning the study procedures with PA already in their system. reliability of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical
Their blood PA levels were not measured. Second, while guidelines, terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible

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