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MNC RESUME Top Ablnitio Interview Questions - Solved :Get only Sth to 7th Records cords in diferent files, (Q: output index vs output indexes (9: Run Ablnitio Graph for infinite time Function of Lookup Last Caleulate number of vowels How to reverse ast (9: What are the rales of Co perating system in Abi (9: What isan ICFF file in Abinitio and when would you use one? (Q: How to create ICE file in ab initio? Q: Convert way to 2 way partition (9: Create diferent record for ead wurchase 9: Difference between vector bsearch and vector bsearch all (9: How many ways parallel should you run in Don't Leave it to Chance Create Your Professional Resume Now MNC RESUME ‘page is aesignea oy proressionais working witn cop 11 companies ana naving years or experience on tne tool. we encaurage you co ‘rasp these concepts and logics and do a hands-on before going for an interview. 0: How to get only Sth to 7th record From a static text file containing 10 records using Ablnitio? (One ofthe solution can be with abiito components "leading Records’ and Filter By Expression” ash fs => Step! : Input records willbe fed to “Leading Record” Component. Step2 Set "num. records’ parameter to 7. This will pass ony first seven records from that component Step3 Fed the output of leading record to Filter by Expression where we can set “next in_sequence>=5' Step4: The output wll hve records From record number Sto 7, StepS : the above output can be fed to an output file. 0: There is one scenario where you have to divide one file having 190 records into 5 files having 20 records each in such a way that first 20 records in first file and so on? (ne ofthe solution canbe with ab initio component "partition by round robin" is below: =p ap. ae = =a ‘Step! Input records will be fed to” partition by round robin" Component, ‘Step2 : The "block size” parameter of the component shoud be set to 20 in order to send first 20 records to firs partition ‘Step3 : Now we can connect the output of“ partition by round robin “to ive different files. Step4:: The output files will have 20 records each. MNC RESUME Step!: we can use reformat with global variable count with initial valve as 0 which will be incremented by for each recor till 20 then will again beset to ‘Step2:: Also add one new fiels whichis” whic wll be updated after every 20th record ‘Step3 : The output of the record then should be fed to "Write Multiple Files ” component which will write records into files [vector 12,3.45.6,78) 0: We have an Ab Initio plan with multiple tasks being executed in sequential order. After some tasks are completed, plan gets failed. Now we want to reruno restart the plan from the part it failed and skip the successfully completed task. How? ‘We can use” plan-admin skip-on-plan-restart” tility for this. Below is the syntax MNC RESUME air sandbox run planpset abcrecis the recovery file ofthe failed plan taskname is the task you want to skip when running the pset again. You can getit by running plan-admin dumpjob command on recovery fle plan-admin kip command should be run when plan isnot running, Q: Check all the objects locked by particular user? airlock show -user user-id 0: Identify all the objects impacted by a particular object? air object uses ‘object-eme-path' 0: Check latest version of an object? air-branch branch-name' object versions ‘object-erne-path’ 0: Check difference between two versions of an object? air-branch branch-name' object changed object-eme-path’-version! version-number' -version2 version-number’ iff if objects are on two different branch air object changed ‘object-eme-path’-branchl branch-name'-versionl'version-number -branch2 tbranch-name'-version2 Version-number'- Bria Poty > contacts ur Services > Prfessonal Resumes > tnteniew Prep > Online Python It (ur Social Networks (© Copyright 2022, AllRigts Reserved

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