Chapter 3-1 King Quest Walkthrough

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Chapter 3: Once Upon A Climb

Saving The Baby Owl

This chapter opens with a short intro sequence where you move Graham three time periods by walking
to the right and Old Graham describes the current state of Daventry in each period. On the first screen
ignore the lumps of dirt for now. On the second screen move the trellis over once. On the third screen
we come across a a family of owl's sitting in a nest on a rock. The purple badger for before makes an
appearance and kidnaps the youngest owl in the nest(Side note: ). And so begins our first puzzle and you
can get your first achievement.

Start by picking up the shovel. You don't need it for the achievement but it will save you from
backtracking once you done what you need to do. Now keep trying to walk off the right side of the
screen until you get the achievement. Old Graham gets pretty dark here before Gwendolyn mentions
the snake.

Now the story will start over but you will have a shovel in your pocket. Use the shovel on the first lump
of dirt to get the spiniferous thorn weed seed. Plant in the second lump of dirt. Next dig up the acorn
from the third lump and plant it in the first. Now you can walk through to see the purple badger get
stuck in the thorns. Walk off to the right and we go to the next scene.

Dinner For Two?

Graham is in the throne room with a feast laid before him. He ask the guards if Amaya/the Feys/the
Hobblepots(Whoever you picked at the end of Chapter two to escape with) received his dinner
invitation. And is told they couldn't be there. Graham is lonely, so Triumph gives him the idea to create a
dinner guest. On to the next puzzle.

Right in front of Graham grab the napkin, the meat and the peas, then head over to the backs of the
chairs you can see and grab the portraits of each of the villagers there. You only need one to beat the
game but all three to get an achievement later. Next grab the coat rack from the right side of the room.
Head back to the thrones and place the peas first and then the meat into Triumph's dish. Guard #3 will
go to refill the peas. Quickly take the rug she was standing on.
Now it is time to assemble your guest. Place the rack on the chair at end of the table farthest from the
thrones. Place the rug, napkin, and one of the portraits(doesn't matter which) on top of it. The magic
mirror shows Graham his next adventure and the journey to the tower begins.

The Journey To The Tower

The next few screens you simply need to walk through until you get to the tower. Knock on the tower
door and then start climbing. The climbing sequence it pretty simple to get through. Be sure to explore
sides of each branching path so that you can see which bricks will be stable enough for you to climb. And
I believe it is around here that you get your next achievement automatically.

The Two Princesses

Once you reach the top of the you'll meet two princesses. The witty and competitive Vee and the clumsy
and carefree Neese. You chose which one you want to propose to first and then when that fails you try
the other one. And so begins your courtship of the future Queen of Daventry. Don't stress over your
choice in the beginning because your choices overall will dictate which one you end up with.

After the rejected proposal you need to help make sure some things don't break. Follow the instructions
of the girls(or you can just stand there and get disapproving looks) and stop the two sets of shelves from
shaking off some breakables. Then you'll be given a choice of item to save, Vee's box or Neese's vase.
Pick the one for princess you like and then it'll be time to clean up.

Chit Chat During Clean Up

Time to clean up this mess. Vee has a book of puzzles and copy of duel of wit's that you can pick up and
Neese has a painting and a novel. In my Unhelpful playthroughs I only picked up one of the Princess's
things and she was a little miffed later that I didn't help clean up the other one's things.

The first Princess you pick to converse with will have more dialog options. I'll write a better walkthrough
her in a bit but just stay away from politics, religion, talk of her ex suitor's and pickup lines and you will
be fine. Talk to the other and just know the honest answer wins you more favor than the lie. Also unless
you want the to think a little less of you when they are comparing notes later tell them the both the
same thing when you tell them you are Brave, Wise, or Compassionate.
Now show each Princess the items you've collected and they will tell you where they go. After you
finished putting away the first two items for a Princess another item for that princess will appear
needing to be cleaned up. Collect these item show them to the girls and put them away. Now collect the
acorn or the pole arm(you will only need one or the other) and use you selected item to get the pot that
is outside the barrier. Either give the acorn to the squirrel or use the pole arm on the pot directly.

It is at this point Hagatha appears and you are trying to avoid getting caught in the tower. You'll dive
behind the puzzle box and then hide in the closet and then slowly inch your way to behind the painting.
After that Hagatha will mistake you for another princess and you will be invited to diner. Pay attention
to what your preferred princess likes to eat.

Moral Quarrel

Graham and the Princesses play a game of Moral Quarrel. This section is fun and easy. Just play the
game either honestly or try to pick the answers your preferred princess will like. Vee is more practical
and Neese if more adventurous if that helps. You can lose the game but only if you can't manage to
match any of the princesses responses otherwise the questions will run out before Vee and Neese have
a set and then Old Graham will just narrate you won with whoever your previous choices were going
with. After winning the game you get an achievement.

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