Topic 2 Periodic Table

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Basic Physical Chemistry


Prepared By Wan Siti Hafizah Bt Wan Mohd Azmi

2.1 Explain the Periodic Table and Atomic Structure

Explain the electron configuration of an element and relate it to

2.2 its position in the Periodic Table.

2.3 State the properties of groups and periods in the Periodic Table.
2.1 Periodic Table &
Atomic Structure
• The concept that atoms play a fundamental role in chemistry is formalized by the
modern atomic theory, which was first stated by John Dalton, early nineteen century.
It consists of three parts:
 All matter is composed of atoms.
 Atoms of the same element are the same; atoms of different elements are different.
 Atoms combine in whole-number ratios to form compounds.
• The theory was further developed by J.J Thomsom and Ernest Rutherford with the discovery
of electrons.
• In 1897, Thomsom announced that cathode rays were stream of negatively charged particles,
• Similar experiment conducted by Goldstein, led to the discovery of protons.
• In 1911, Ernest Rutherford pointed to a nuclear model of the atom. He proposed that:-
 The relatively massive protons and neutrons are collected in the center of an atom,
in a region called the nucleus of the atom.
 Protons are positive charged particles and neutrons are neutral particles.
 The nucleus is very small compared to the size of the entire atom.
 The electrons account for the rest of the atom.
The Bohr’s atomic model
In 1931, Niels Bohr proposed a model of hydrogen atom to explain the behavior
of matter. The Bohr model of hydrogen atom suggested that the single electron
moves about the nucleus in a fixed circular orbit according to its energy level.

If the electron absorbs energy, it can be excited

to outer orbit that have a higher energy level
(excited state).
Electron at the excited state is unstable and will
return to its ground state.
The closer the electron is to the nucleus, the
lower its energy.

But, in the mid 1920s, his model later approved to be incorrect,

and scientists was pursued a totally new approach.
Quantum Mechanic Model
• Schrodinger’s quantum mechanic model is currently the accepted model
of atom used today.
• The quantum mechanic model describe the energy levels of the electron
in three dimensional spaces (orbitals).
• It can be summarized as follows:-
 The location of an electron cannot be determined
 The energy of an electron in an atom is limited to
discrete value.
 Principal quantum number (𝑛) indicates the
general energy level of a specific electron,
known as shell.
 The maximum number of electrons that may be
found in a shell with the principal quantum
number of 𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝟐𝒏𝟐 .
 Every shell consists of subshells/sublevels with
number of orbitals.
The Modern Periodic Table
• The modern periodic table is based on Moseley’s design, which arranges
elements according to proton number.
Proton number also known as
 Proton number (Z) : The total number of protons in nucleus. Atomic number.
 Nucleon number (A) : The total number of protons and neutrons in nucleus Nucleon number also known as
Mass number.

Proton number is equal to

electron number in a
neutral atom
• Element are arranged in a table with seven horizontal rows called periods
and 18 numbered vertical columns called groups.

periods groups
2.2 Electron Configuration
Electron Configration of Atom
• Electronic configuration is the distribution of electrons in orbitals in an atom.
• There are two way of writing the electronic configuration (eg; nitrogen(N) atom);-
• spdf notation ; 1𝑠 2 2𝑠 2 2𝑝3
Nitrogen (N) atom has
• Orbital diagram ; 2 electrons in the 1𝑠-subshell,

2 electrons in the 2𝑠-subshell, and
3 electrons in the 2𝑝-subshell
1𝑠 2𝑠 2𝑝

Proton number is equal to

electron number in a Number of electron
neutral atom of N is 7
• The Aufbau principle is used to determine the electronic configuration
of an atom.
• According to Aufbau principle, electrons fill lower energy orbitals first.
Electronic Configuration of Elements
Position of Element Based on Electronic Configuration (the outermost electron filling)

The outermost The outermost

electrons filling electrons filling The outermost
the s-orbitals the d-orbitals electrons filling
the p-orbitals

The outermost
electron is known
as valence electron

The outermost
electrons filling
the f-orbitals
• Since the periodic table reflects the electronic structure of the atoms, it can be
used to deduce the configuration of any atom if we know;-
 Number of valence electron
 Period number - corresponds to number of electron shells
 Group number - corresponds to number of valence electrons
2.3 Properties of Element
in Periodic Table
Classification into metal, metalloids & non-metal
Metals- element that tend
to lose valence electrons
during chemical change,
forming cations.

Non-metal – element whose

tend to gain valence electrons
during chemical change,
forming anions.

Metalloids (semi-metal) –
have properties intermediate
between those of metal and
• Some of the metalloids are semi-conductors.
This means that they can carry an electrical
charge under special conditions. This property
make metalloids useful in the microelectronic
• The metalloids such as ; silicon, germanium,
boron, antimony and arsernic.
• They are the material used to make a microchip.
• Which also use for transistors, diodes, rectifiers,
thermistors and microprocessors.
Group of The Periodic Table
• There are 18 groups in the periodic table.
• The element of particular group shared similar chemical properties because
they have the same number of valence electrons.
• Some groups of elements have special names;-

Group 1 Group 2 Group 17 Group 18

Element known Element known Element known Element known

as alkali metals as alkaline earth as halogens as noble gas
Properties of Group 1 (Alkali Metals)
 Alkali metals are grey solids with shiny silvery surfaces
when freshly cut.
 These surfaces turn dull when exposed to air.
 Alkali metals are very reactive. They react rapidly with
oxygen and water vapour in the air when exposed.
 Alkali metals are soft solids and can be easily cut.
 Alkali metals have low densities as compared to heavy
metals such as iron and copper.
 Alkali metals are good conductors of heat and electricity
 Alkali metals have low melting and boiling points as
compared to heavy metals such as copper and iron.
 All alkali metal exhibit similar chemical properties because all the atoms
of alkali metals have one valence electron.
 Alkali metals exhibit similar chemical properties in their reaction;-
a) reactions with water to liberate hydrogen gas and form metal hydroxide.

b) reactions with oxygen to produce metal oxides.

c) reactions with chlorine to produce metal chloride.

d) reactions with bromine to produce metal bromide.
Properties of Group 17 (Halogen)
• Halogens exist as diatomic covalent molecules.
• Table shows the molecular formulae and physical properties of halogens;-
• Physical states and colours of halogen
• All halogens exhibit similar chemical properties.
• This is because all the atoms of halogens have 7 valence electrons.
• Group 17 elements exhibit similar chemical properties in their reactions with:-
(a) water to produce two types of acids.

(b) iron to produce iron(III) halides.

(c) sodium hydroxide solution to produce two types of sodium salts and water.
Properties of Group 18 (Noble gas)
• The atomic radii (atomic sizes) of noble gases increase when going down
Group 18 from helium to radon.

• All noble gases have very low melting and boiling points.
• They exist as gases at room temperature and pressure.
• All noble gases have very low densities.
• All noble gases are colourless gases which are insoluble in water.
• All noble gases cannot conduct electricity and poor heat conductor.
• Helium atom has only 2 electrons in one filled electron shell. This electron
arrangement is known as the duplet electron arrangement.
• The outermost shells of the atoms of the other noble gases have 8 electrons.
This electron arrangement is known as the octet electron arrangement.
• The duplet and octet electron arrangement of the noble gases are very stable.
• Hence, atoms of noble gases do not release electrons, accept electrons or
share electrons among each other or with atoms of other elements.

• Thus, noble gases exist as

monatomic molecules and do not
react with the other elements or
• This means that noble gases are
inert chemically or chemically
Differences of Group 1 and Group 17
Group 1 (Alkali metal) Group 17 (Halogen)
Electron 1 7
Properties Shiny, silvery, soft metal Can be found in three phases
(solid, liquid, gas)

Good heat conductor and Not conductor

electric conductor
Reactivity increase down the Reactivity decreases down the
group group
Reaction by lose of electrons Reaction by gain of electrons
The change of element across period
Ionization energy (IE) : The minimum energy need to remove one mole of
electrons from a mole of gaseous atoms.
• IE tends to increase across the period (left to right)
• More energy is needed to remove the outermost electron as compar
ed to element on the left side.

Electron Affinity (EA) : The energy change when one mole of electrons is
added to one mole of gaseous atom or ions.
• EA is negative if energy is released when an electron accepted by an
• The higher (more negative) the EA, the easier it accepts an electron.
(left to right)
• The higher the EA the more electronegative an atom is.

Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract the shared

electrons towards itself in a covalent bond.
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