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college students
EAP: writing

EMEMUS (English-medium education in multilingual university settings)

academic writing/EMI/EAP

in the EMI context in mainland China: challenges and supports

1-english-related majors ,college students/teachers -> EAP- academic
writing/realities, challenges and supports- ELT
2- EMI context in mainland China, english academic writing-students in EMI
context, EAP, ELT

EAP course???
EAP in academic writing for mainland university (students in EMI contexts):
challenges and implications/supports in ELT

research background
research aim
research questions
research gap

Reference list!!! (research aim+research

methods, findings- evaluation+limitations)

Methodology- mixed methods: quan/qua

Literature review
EAP in AW studies:
EMI development in mainland China:
EAP in AW in mainland China (English majors???)
EMI in mainland China and ELT support in EAP

Note: the needs of EMI students in English Academic writing

google scholar+connected papers

AI + EAP in academic writing for students/teachers (in the EMI contexts)

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