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汉语教育和 technology
university students- academic english?general english
English for special purposes

research aim
Research questions/assumptions
Research contexts

Literature review
 theoretical framework
 previous research (the last decade)
--> research gap / based on theories

Research design
-research methods ( procedures)
mixed research methods
participants- sampling
interview questions?
limitations of research methods
 research limitations/implications/contributions
***plan (timetable)
university students
Hongkong college students: world Englishes
EFL->language competence-
ELF english as a lingua franca- English communication

1. "The Impact of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning on EMI: A Comparative Study."

2. "Self-Regulated Language Learning in Second Language Acquisition: Strategies and
3. "Assessing Academic Discourse in EMI Contexts: A Language Policy Perspective."
comparison with mainland language policies
4. "Exploring the Role of L2 Listening/Writing in Academic Literacy Development."
5. "The Development of Early Biliteracy: A Comparative Study of Bilingual Education
"Mobile-Assisted Language Learning in EMI": With the increasing use of technology
in education, there is a need to explore how mobile-assisted language learning
impacts English Medium Instruction and whether it enhances language proficiency

"Second Language Writing": Research in this area can explore the specific challenges
and strategies in second language writing, particularly in academic contexts.
EAP -academic English and teaching

"L2 Listening in Academic Literacy": Investigating how L2 listening skills contribute to

academic literacy can provide valuable insights into language education.

**Emerging Technologies in Language Learning**: With the constant evolution of
technology, research into the most effective ways to integrate emerging technologies
like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and adaptive learning systems into language
education is ongoing.

**Multilingualism and Language Diversity**: Research on how to effectively support

multilingualism in educational settings, especially in contexts with linguistic diversity,
is an evolving area of study. (Europe)

**Language teaching for Specific Purposes**: Customized language assessments for

various academic and professional domains, such as healthcare or engineering,
continue to evolve to meet specific needs.

**Language Teacher Education and Professional Development**: Investigating

effective methods for training and developing language teachers, especially in
response to new challenges and changing educational environments, is essential.

1. **Emerging Technologies in Language Learning**:
- How can virtual reality be effectively integrated into language education to enhance
immersive learning experiences?
- What are the cognitive and pedagogical impacts of artificial intelligence-driven
language tutors on language acquisition?
- In what ways can adaptive learning systems be customized to suit individual
language learners and their needs?

**Social and Pragmatic Aspects of Language Learning**:

- How do cultural differences influence communication in online and offline
- What strategies are effective in teaching business communication and intercultural
competence online?

7. **Language Teacher Education and Professional Development**:

- What are the most effective teacher training methods for equipping educators to
adapt to new technologies and teaching methodologies?language teacher education
- What impact does ongoing professional development have on language educators'
teaching practices and student outcomes?

Research context
motivation/language autonomy
language investment
cultural capital
**Emerging Technologies in Language Learning**:
- In today's digital age, the use of emerging technologies like virtual reality, AI, and
mobile apps is reshaping language education. These technologies offer the potential
to create more engaging and personalized learning experiences.

**Social and Pragmatic Aspects of Language Learning**:

- Effective communication goes beyond grammar and vocabulary. Understanding how
language is used in different social and cultural contexts is vital for successful
intercultural interactions and professional communication.
ELF+CFLteaching methods 的更新

**Language Teacher Education and Professional Development**:

- Effective language teaching is crucial for language learners' success. Ongoing
professional development for language educators is necessary to keep pace with
changing pedagogical approaches and diverse student needs.

港澳-phd- 英语
google scholar
connected papers
content and language integrated learning
CLIL (task-based)+CFL + technology
Effectiveness of ChatGPT in CFL Classroom: Investigate how the use of AI-powered
chatbots, like ChatGPT, influences English language learning in classrooms. Evaluate
the impact on student engagement, language proficiency, and overall learning

Adaptive Language Learning with ChatGPT 教学的适应性: Explore the potential of

adaptive language learning systems using AI like ChatGPT. Develop and test systems
that tailor language lessons and materials based on individual student needs and

interview- teachers?
classroom observation (case studies)

adult international students in mainland China

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT): TBLT emphasizes learning through
tasks and problem-solving. You can examine how ChatGPT can be
integrated into task-based language teaching approaches to enhance
language acquisition.
Zhao, K., Zhou, J., & Zou, B. (2022). Developing subject

knowledge co-construction and specific language use in a

technology-enhanced CLIL programme: Effectiveness and

productive patterns. International Journal of Bilingual Education

and Bilingualism, 25(6), 2172-2185.

 student-centred ( language investment) motivation

 social-cultural aspects VS technology in language learning

ChatGPT for Autonomous Learning: 学生自主性(motivation->

language investment: capital/cultural/social capital ) Study how
AI chatbots can support autonomous Chinese language
learning. Analyze how learners use and interact with these tools
outside the classroom and their impact on self-directed
language learning.

AI in Language Assessment:语言测试 Investigate the use of AI,

including ChatGPT, in English language assessment. Explore its
potential in automating and improving the grading of language
assessments, including speaking, writing, and listening

Cross-Cultural Aspects of ChatGPT in CFL: Examine how cultural

factors impact the use of AI in Chinese language teaching.
Investigate if and how ChatGPT can be customized to address
diverse cultural nuances in language learning.
Kao, I. L., Chang, C. C., & Yen, W. H. (2022, August). YouTuber’s video as cross-cultural learning resource for Chinese-as-

foreign-language learners–perspective of big ‘c’and small ‘c’culture. In International Conference on Innovative Technologies

and Learning (pp. 262-271). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Teacher Training and AI Integration: Research how educators

can be trained to effectively integrate AI, such as ChatGPT, into
their teaching methodologies. Evaluate the skills and training
necessary for teachers to use these tools.

Constructivism: This theory emphasizes that learning is an

active process where learners construct knowledge through
interaction. You can explore how ChatGPT can facilitate a
constructivist approach in CFLclassrooms, enabling students to
actively engage with the language.

Sociocultural Theory: Developed by Vygotsky, this theory

focuses on the influence of social and cultural factors on
learning. You can investigate how ChatGPT can support social
and collaborative language learning, taking into account cultural

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): TAM is often used to

study the acceptance and adoption of new technologies. Apply
this framework to understand how teachers and students
perceive and use ChatGPT in CFLinstruction.
Connectivism: This theory posits that learning is a networked
process, and you can explore how ChatGPT can be used to
create a learning network where students connect with various
resources and people to acquire English language skills.

Motivation Theories (e.g., Self-Determination Theory):

Investigate how the use of ChatGPT in CFLclassrooms affects
student motivation and engagement in language learning.
Apply motivation theories to analyze the impact.

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