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Problems of youth in the contemporary world.

There are many problems in our world. For example, you can take the
same teenagers. Their life can be quite difficult. They have their own
problems, some experiences. The first thing I would like to discuss is
the generation gap. This is one of the main problems of teenagers. They
have their own views on life and the future, which often do not
coincide with the opinion of their parents or grandparents. It has
always been a problem but each generation becomes more difficult
than the previous. Teenagers think that they are old enough to have
their own opinion, while their parents don’t take their opinion into
account. It is not right. Adults should try to give more attention to their
children especially at such a difficult age. Also, parents often limit the
freedom of choice of adolescents, preventing them from expressing
themselves. For example, a girl wants to buy a black T-shirt, and most
often in such a situation, the child will hear: "You're a girl, choose
something pink. I won't buy you black clothes." Or the child wants to go
to art school, and he is enrolled in dancing. Is it fair? I think not. Due to
the fact that parents do not hear the child, he may have huge problems
in the future. The next problem teenagers have is love. Unfortunately,
most people fall in love unrequited many times. And mutual love
happens a little later, over time. Teenagers suffer from unrequited love
quite often. This is a difficult stage in their life. Of course, I, like
everyone else, went through this and I know how unpleasant it is.
Fortunately, in my personal life, everything is fine with me and all the
unpleasant moments have been forgotten. The third problem of
teenagers is dislike for their appearance. I also have this problem, so I
perfectly understand those who are worried about this. Teenagers
worry about the condition of their skin, hair, eye size and color, nose
shape, and more. Some are helped by the correct use of cosmetics and
the services of a beautician. And the last issue I would like to discuss is
the fear of the future. Already at the age of 16-17, teenagers should
decide on their future profession. It's pretty hard for most people. And
teenagers are afraid that they will not be able to do anything and that
they are not capable of anything.
From and everything that I wanted to tell. What bothered you as a

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