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An Inspector Calls

Quotes & Themes [Condensed]

Eva Smith
• Name change to Renton - play on words (rent-on)
• Prostitute - lowering status in society
• Highlighting double standard (men vs women sleeping around)
• 'Millions of [Eva and John] Smiths' - 'smith' - common working class name
• name is identity - identity is tied to lower class
• common name - universal su ering

• No Lines - Upper Class didn't give them a voice - power disparity - e ects of
having a non diverse parliament & voters

Mr Arthur Birling
Mr Arthur Birling Gender

• Patriarchal Society - power to get away with ring Eva

• "Nothing scandalous about this business" - sees it as normal - sees Eva as

• Class Divide - Can't understand others

Mr Arthur Birling Morality & Legality

• Only changes when he personally is a ected - "I'd give thousands"

• Image > Morality
• Money is the way out of issues - disconnected capitalist view
• However had high importance in Edwardian society - attempt to alter views

Mrs Sybil Birling
Mrs Sybil Birling Gender

• Accustomed to societal norms - 'and leave you men' [to talk about business]
• Doing this keeps them rich
Mrs Sybil Birling Age | Older Generation

• Disconnected from younger gen - "things you girls pick up these days!" -
surprised her daughter is di erent

• Whole upper class disconnect from children - even worse with lower classes
• Presented as negative elsewhere
Mrs Sybil Birling Morality & Legality

• No morals - "I accept no blame" - no understanding of lower class struggles

• Only interaction is @ jobs as employer - trying to help people be more
Eric Birling
Eric Birling Gender

• Patriachal Society allows him to get away with rape

• "And that's when it happened" - 'it' - actions ambigious - hiding true actions -
comes out looking better - aws in justice system

Eric Birling Age | Younger Generation

• Lack of good role models (Hegarty) - leads him to rape Eva

• "Not the kind of father a chap could go to when he's in trouble" - distant with

• Younger are 'more impressionable' (Inspector Goole) - need better role

Eric Birling Morality & Legality

• Changes by end - 'still the same rotten story' - accepts moral responsibility
• Disappointed in parents - condescending tone - angry with them - breaking
Shelia Birling
Shelia Birling Gender

• Conforms to norms @ start - "Isn't it a beauty?" - materialistic

• Changes to be more confrontational later on - due to Inspector in uence
• Breaking norms

Shelia Birling Age | Younger Generation

• Views challenged @ start - change at end - more mature

• "Nothing to be sorry for" - sarcastic tone - challenge parents - breaking
societal norms
Inspector Goole
Inspector Goole Age | Older Generation

• Sides with younger gen - "all part of one body" - modern, socialist views -
challenge older gen

• Mouthpiece for Priestley - alter views of upper class audience

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