Police Quest 4 Open Season Walkthrough

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Police Quest 4 Open Season Walkthrough

1. In the Alley, South Central LA

Click the notebook on the civilians. Click your keys from the inventory on the trunk of your car. Take the
kit. Look at the body and open your kit, take the chalk and click it on the body and the cigarette, open
the dumpster and click the notebook on the body, close the dumpster. Click the notebook on the
grafitti, talk to everybody until they say the same thing.

2. Monday

Parker Center

Leave Lt. Block's room. Look at your desk, take the memo from your desk, read the drawer. Open the
left drawer and take the photo, open the right drawer and take the 3.14 report. Look at your photo. Use
the phone, dial the number from your photo. Talk to Hal. Click the notebook on the 3.14 report, give the
report to Hal. Take a new 3.14 report. Click the handicon on the computer. Your ID number is 612 and
the password is "GUNNER". Look at gang information and choose "Rude boys get bail", read everything
about them, then choose Cancel, Main menu, Log out. Go to the elevator and press "2". Use your
sparechange on the candy machine, pick up the chocolate. Leave the builing, you will meet a
bothersome reporter. To get past her, click the handicon on her.

LA County Morgue

Enter the building. Show your badge to Sherry, enter. Talk to Russ (if you want to hear sick jokes, talk
more to him). Then get the personal belongings envelopes, that is next to Russ. Enter the room, click the
notebook on Hickmans head. Talk to Sam. Click the notebook on Sam. Leave the LA County Morgue.

LA Police Academy Target Range

Take a 13.5.1 buff from the counter and give it to Bert, then click the wallet on Bert, and take the ammo
and the head-gear. Go to the next screen and click the head-gear on John Carey. Take up the gun. When
you need to reload, click the ammo on your gun in the inventory. When you have finished the shooting,
give the head-gear to Bert.
Hickmans' House

Knock on the door and talk to Valerie, (the girl who open the door) Give Hickmans personal things to
Katherine, then talk to her. When she beacomes upset she will run away. Talk to Valerie, and take the
handicon on the closet, and take the pills from the pocket of one of the jackets, and leave the house.

South Central LA

Go to the alley and go down to another screen. Take the eyeicon on the wall with the bullet holes, then
click the knife from your kit on the slugs, then use the plastic bags from your kit on the loosen slugs.
Now you got the bullets. Open the door in the burned out building. Show your badge to guys and talk to
them, then take the notebook on them. Go to the Lucky Mini Mart. Show your badge to the drunkard,
and talk to him, then give him some spare change and talk to him again, click the notebook on him.
Enter the store. Oh...... look you're on TV. Take the glue and an apple. Click your wallet on Kim Chee,
then click the notebook her. Go to the alley then go east twice, and show your badge to Lasondra, then
talk to her and give her the apple, go east again to Mrs. Washington, show your badge to her and talk to
her. Give her the envelope containing Bobby Washingtons personal things.

Parker Center

Click your ID on John Carey. Go to the elevator and press "B". Go to Chester and talk to her. Give her the
glue and the pills. Go to the eleator and press "4". Talk to Teddy and give him the bullets, talk to him and
pick "Shelf Storage". Go to the elevator and press "3". Go to your desk and answer the phone. Give the
crime scene report to Hal. Now go to the elevator and press "L". BE SURE TO SAVE YOUR GAME and that
you have the walkicon ready!

South Central LA

Duck behind your car whit the walkicon and put the Kevlar west on you. Go to the trunk and open it with
your keys. Ahh... a shotgun, click your keys on it to unlock it. Close the trunk and click the shotgun on the
burned out building, aim and shoot'em. If you're out off ammo you can reload it once (by clicking the
shotgun-ammo on the shotgun, then you have to use your Beretta).
3. Tuesday

Parker Center

Click your notebook on the 3.14 report and give the report to Hal, then talk to him. Open your desk
drawer and get a new 3.14 report. Go to the elevator and press "B". Talk to Chester.

Yo Money's House

Click the notebook on the body outline in the lawn. Walk to the house, look into the bushes and get the
shoe. Knock on the door, and your badge to the guard, and talk to him. Show the shoe to Yo Money and
his girlfriend, question Yo Money then his girlfriend and when the phone rings quick take the cigarette.
Ask Yo Money about the call.

LA County Morgue

Show your badge to Sherry, talk to Russ, go to Sam talk to him.

Parker Center

Put your ID on John Carey and go to the elevator, press "3". Use the computer. Select Hate Crimes from
the main menu, type "WALKER". Log out. Click the notebook on the 3.14 report, and take a new 3.14

South Central LA

Go to Mrs. Washington and talk to her, then talk to Lasondra and click the notebook on her.

Dennis Walker's place

Use your notebook on the door, knock on the door and Dennis Walker will open the door, show him
your badge and then talk to him. Talk to him again but he won't hear you because the music is too loud.
SAVE YOUR GAME HERE! To turn off the radio, click the handicon on the stereo and when Dennis Walker
runs away his girlfriend will come and try to stab you, click the gun on her, then click the talkicon on her
twice. And click the handcuffs from your inventory on her.

Parker Center

Talk to Mrs. Garcia. Then take the memo from your desk, then read it inside your inventory. Use the
notebook on your 3.14 report and give the report to Hal. Then take a new 3.14 report from your desk

Hickman's House

Talk to Katherine. Then leave the house.

Short Stop Bar

Take some pretzels from the bowl on the table and talk to Sam and Julie Chester.

4. Wednesday

City Hall

Save your game here! Walk to the front and answer the questions, when Dennis Walker starts to attack
you, click the gun on him, then click the talkicon on him twice. And click the handcuffs from your
inventory on him.

Parker Center

Click the notebook on the 3.14 report and give it to Hal. Then take a new 3.14 report from your desk.
Talk to Hal.
Impound Lot

Show your badge to the window and get the password. Talk to the man. Click the handicon patrolcar
door, take the newspaper between the seats, look at the newspaper and talk to the man again.

LA Police Academy

Take a 13.5.1 buff from the counter and give it to Bert, then give him some money and get the head-
gear and the ammo. Then go to the left and click the head-gear on John Carey. Take up the gun. When
you need to reload, click the ammo on your gun in the inventory. When you have finished the shooting,
give the head-gear to Bert.

LA County Morgue

Go to Sam and talk to him.

Graffith Park

OH.... There is a dog and won't let me through. Give the twisted pretzels that you took from the Bar to
the dog, and he will leave you alone. Go to the tree and click the handicon on the ground, near the tree
and you will find a bone, click the notebook on the bone, then click the notebook on the 3.14 report,
and take the plastic bags from the kit on the bone.

LA County Morgue

What? Sherry is gone! Go to Sam and talk to him, then give him the bone.
Hollywood and Vine

Show the man your badge, then talk to him. Click your handicon on the Kitty Bitty door, there is sitting a
woman at a chair, show her your badge and talk to her then show her the shoe, you got from the bushes
outside Yo Money's house. Then ask her about Barbie Cann. And when she asks you if you have a light
take the lighter from the bar table, then leave the Kitty Bitty. Pick up the mirror laying next to your car.
Then go to Ragin records and talk to him. Go to Kitty Bitty again. Show your badge to Barbie Cann. Then
talk to her and show her the shoe.

LA County Morgue

You will see that bothersome report question Sherry. The day will end.

5. Thursday

LA County Morgue

Ask Sam all questions availible.

Parker Center

Go down to chester and question her

Impound Lot

Show your badge to the window to get the codeword. Talk to the man. Look at license plate with the
eyeicon and write down the number, it is "E2BSY669".

Parker Center
Put on your ID on John Carey, then go to elevator. Press and press "3". Use the handicon on the
computer.Your ID number is "612" and the password is "GUNNER". Click on DMV and input "E2BSY669"

Social Services Office

Show your badge to Nora (it is the woman who sitting at the desk) and talk to her. When you?re inside
Luella Parkers office. Click the eyeicon on the desk and take the tape and the cage files. Leave Luella?s
office and talk to Nora again.

Hollywood and Vine

Enter Ragins Records and give the tape to the man. Look at the counter and use the handicon on the
drumstick. Now the man take the drumstick and put it at the counter. Use the handicon on the
drumstick. Press the inventory button an use the glue on the mirror and the drumstick, then click the
mirror on the drumstick. Go to Kitty Bitty and show the shoe to Barbie Cann,then talk to her.

Third Eye Theater

Click the handicon on the ticketbooth and show Mitchell Thurman (the man who sitting in the
ticketbooth) and show him your badge, then talk to him. Press the handicon on the left door, talk to
Mitchell Thurman again. Click the handicon on the tea and drink it. Enter the right door.

South Central

Enter the burned out building and take the rope, that is laying on the empty boxes.

Griffith Park

Use the rope on the dog.

The Alley (game is near the end)

Click the prybar on the door to open it.

The Very Dark Room

Use your flashlight, then click the knife on the door knob and press the handicon on the knob. Now click
the periscope (the mirror and the drumstick) on the crack in the door. Enter the room.

The Room

Open the refrigerator, aaaaaaa...., click the notebook on the head. Close the refrigirator. Go to the other
room. Then pass this room. Give the dog Hickman's pills. Then go towards and to the right.

Open the double door and take your eyeicon on the carpet. Take your handicon on the carpet, then take
your notebook on the shoe and the trapdoor, take the handicon on the trapdoor. Then go to the door.
Aha the theater.

Third Eye Theater

You will see a woman sleeping on a chair and you can't wake her up, click the notebook on her. Then go
towards to the door, pick up the Coca-Cola can and shake it by clicking the handicon on it in your
inventory. AHH you'll find a key. Go to the room whit the movie screen, hmm..... you will see a woman in
red carry out the woman that were sleeping. Use the key on the right door. Wow it's dark in here. Use
your flashlight from the kit from your inventory. Ouch, that woman in red you saw before will hit you,
and she will also take all your stuff from the inventory.

The Room
Take the ball and throw it through the window, now you can get up. (You can do this if you wants to),
take the eyeicon on the window. Go to the kitchen and open the refrigerator, take lighter from the
mouth of the head. Close the refrigerator. Go to the bathroom and open the medicine cabinet and take
the hair spray. Click on the inventory and use your hairspray whit the lighter. SAVE YOUR GAME HERE!
Exit the bathroom and go, to the room with the trapdoor. Click the torch on the killer.

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