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The moderator in a nuclear reactor slows down neutrons, making them

more likely to interact with the fuel rods and cause fission. The essential
components of a nuclear reactor are the moderator, the fuel rods, the
control rods, the coolant, and the reactor vessel.
2. The primary safety features and systems in a nuclear power plant are
designed to prevent accidents and control radioactive materials. These
features include containment buildings, emergency core cooling systems,
and radiation monitoring systems.
3. There are two main types of reactors used in nuclear power plants: light
water reactors (LWRs) and heavy water reactors (HWRs). LWRs use
ordinary water as both a moderator and a coolant, while HWRs use heavy
water as a moderator and ordinary water as a coolant. LWRs are the most
common type of reactor in the world, while HWRs are primarily used in
Canada and India.
4. Performance curves show the relationship between the output of a power
plant and its input. They can be used to determine the efficiency of a
power plant and to identify the optimal operating conditions.
5. The points to be noted for an economic load dispatch including
transmission losses are:
○ The cost of generating electricity from different sources
○ The transmission losses associated with different sources
○ The reliability of different sources
○ The environmental impact of different sources
6. The purpose of an electrical substation is to transform the voltage of
electricity from the high voltage transmission lines to the lower voltage
distribution lines. This is done to reduce the losses associated with the
transmission of electricity.
7. The main components of a substation are:
○ Transformers
○ Switchgear
○ Busbars
○ Protective devices
○ Control systems
8. The difference between a transmission substation and a distribution
substation is the voltage at which they operate. Transmission substations
operate at high voltages, while distribution substations operate at lower
9. The different types of busbars used in substations are:
○ Main busbars
○ sectionalizing busbars
○ feeder busbars
○ shunt busbars
10. The importance of protective devices, such as circuit breakers and relays,
in a substation is to protect the equipment and personnel from electrical
hazards. Circuit breakers are used to interrupt the flow of electricity in the
event of a fault, while relays are used to detect and protect against
overcurrent, undervoltage, and other electrical hazards.
11. The incremental cost characteristics of two generators delivering 200 MW
are as follows:

Code snippet
Generator 1: dF1/dP1 = 2.0 + 0.01P1
Generator 2: dF2/dP2 = 1.6 + 0.02P2

For economic operation, the generators should be operated at the point where
the incremental cost is equal. This occurs when:

Code snippet
2.0 + 0.01P1 = 1.6 + 0.02P2
0.04P1 = 0.02P2
P1 = 0.5P2

The total load of 200 MW must be divided between the two generators in the
ratio of 5:4. Therefore, Generator 1 should generate 120 MW and Generator 2
should generate 80 MW.

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