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NIVELES: B1+, B2 y C1-


0.5 1.0 1.5 2

PRONUNCIATION Frequent problems with Pronunciation and intonation Pronunciation and Pronunciation and
pronunciation and errors sometimes make it intonation are usually intonation are almost
intonation. difficult to understand the clear/accurate with a few always very clear/accurate.
student. problem areas.

GRAMMAR & There is no control of Shows only limited control of a Shows sufficient control of Shows a good degree of
VOCABULARY grammatical forms and few grammatical forms. simple and some complex control of simple and some
vocabulary. grammatical forms. complex grammatical
Uses a vocabulary of isolated forms.
words and phrases when Uses appropriate
talking. vocabulary when talking. Uses a range of appropriate
vocabulary when talking.

FLUENCY & Speaks with much Speaks with some hesitation Speaks with some Speaks smoothly with little
COHERENCE hesitation, which often which sometimes interferes hesitation, but it doesn´t hesitation which doesn´t
interferes with with communication usually interrupt the flow of interrupt the flow of
communication conversation. conversation. Speaks with
The speaker hardly ever confidence.
The speaker does not connects ideas using linking The speaker sometimes
connect ideas using words and discourse markers. connects ideas using linking The speaker often connects
linking words or discourse words and discourse ideas using linking words
markers. markers. and discourse markers.

INTERACTIVE Does not initiate or Occasionally initiates and Frequently initiates and Constantly initiates and
COMMUNICATION respond to other´s responds to other´s questions responds to other´s responds to other´s
questions or or contributions. questions or contributions. questions or contributions.
Maintains and develops Maintains and develops Maintains and develops the
Needs support to develop speaking interaction and speaking interaction and interaction and negotiates
speaking interaction. negotiates with support. negotiates with very little without any support.

TOPIC Information, ideas and Presents information, Presents information, Presents information,
DEVELOPMENT arguments are not arguments and develops ideas arguments and develops arguments and develops
related to the asked topic in a quite clear manner, but it is ideas clearly related to the ideas in a clear and concise
and the evaluator cannot not always related to the asked asked topic and the manner related to the
follow his/her reasoning. topic and the evaluator finds it evaluator can follow asked topic and the
difficult to follow his/her his/her reasoning evaluator can easily follow
reasoning his/her reasoning.

DOCENTES: Cristina Lopez, Reina Becerra, Juan Carlos Silva, Angelica Velastegui, Sylvia Rivera

Esta rúbrica proyectos se aplicará para los proyectos de las Unidades 3-4 y 9-1

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