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The whale shark is the largest species of shark, as well

as the largest species of modern fish, 16-20 meters long

and weighing up to 34 tons. They live an average of 70
years. Despite its large size, the whale shark is
absolutely safe for humans, as it feeds, like giant and
largemouth sharks, exclusively on plankton and other
small organisms, which it filters by absorbing water.
Vietnamese fishermen call this shark "Ka Ong",
meaning "Fish Lady".

The whale shark is the only species in the genus

Rhincodon and in the family of whale sharks
(Rhincodontidae), which belongs to the order of
These sharks have a gray, brown or bluish color, while
the belly is lighter, and the back is covered with light
stripes and spots. Whale sharks have two dorsal fins, as
well as pectoral and anal fins and five gill slits. The
large mouth stretches across the entire width of the
flattened and blunted front part of the head. Due to
their size and unusual coloring, whale sharks cannot be
confused with other fish.
Whale sharks prefer water temperatures between 21
and 25 °C and are distributed worldwide, occurring in
almost all warm tropical and subtropical seas. There
are especially many of them in regions with a high
seasonal content of plankton.
This is an endangered species of animals, protect them,
and do not kill them for your own benefit.

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