True Power of Journalism - Marked

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The Power of True Journalism:

Safeguarding Democracy and Empowering

the Common Man

The essence of true journalism is to challenge the regime

by fearlessly posing tough questions every day,
recognizing that power has the potential to corrupt all
In a thriving democracy like India, it is imperative for citizens
to grasp the fundamental essence of journalism and its
indispensable role in society. Frequently, individuals evaluate
news outlets based on their stance vis-à-vis the ruling regime
– the classic common man fallacy. However, it is important to
realize that genuine journalism transcends this, acting as the
voice of the common people and holding the government
News platforms should not be expected to blindly praise or
defend a populist regime. The onus of promoting
governmental policies lies squarely on the Government's
information and broadcasting ministry – in the most literal
and realistic sense. Journalism's primary objective is to act as
a check on the government, preventing the misuse of power
by the bureaucracy and ensuring responsible governance. To
fulfill this mandate, it is important for a media outlet to ask
tough questions and remain critical, objective, and committed
to the pursuit of truth rather than become an unabashed
mouthpiece for the regime of the day. By diligently fulfilling its
role as a critic of governmental policies, the media exerts
continuous pressure on the regime, compelling it to respect
the voice of the people and fulfill its obligations as a welfare
Irrespective of the government's ideological leaning, it
remains imperative to keep it in check, as the corrosive nature
of power can affect even the most well-intentioned leaders.
Thus, the media assumes a substantial position as the fourth
pillar of democracy, alongside the Executive, Legislative, and
Judiciary, by faithfully fulfilling its role as a vigilant watchdog.
Genuine journalism entails questioning the regime, every day.
Sensational headlines should not serve as our guiding
principle; instead, we ought to seek reliable sources that
prioritize truth and accountability. As responsible citizens, we
must demand and support media outlets that uphold the
principles of journalism—scrutinizing authority, and holding
the government accountable for its commitments.
Cherish the journalists who show the heroic courage – almost
like a brick wall – of questioning and scrutinizing even the
regimes that enjoy substantial popular backing, and safeguard
the democracy in process. By embracing the potential of an
independent and impartial media, a nation can collectively
fortify its democracy and forge a brighter future for itself and
future generations.

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