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J Appl Physiol 130: 149–159, 2021.

First published October 29, 2020; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00502.2020


Physiology of Thermal Therapy

Distinct contributions of skin and core temperatures to flow-mediated dilation

of the brachial artery following passive heating
Geoff B. Coombs,1 Joshua C. Tremblay,1 Daria A. Shkredova,1,2 Jay M. J. R Carr,1 Denis J. Wakeham,3
Alexander Patrician,1 and Philip N. Ainslie1
Centre for Heart, Lung and Vascular Health, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, University of British Columbia
Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada; 2Department of Physiology, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen,
The Netherlands; and 3Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, United Kingdom

We measured acute vascular responses to heat stress to examine the hypothesis that macrovascular endothelial-dependent
dilation is improved in a shear-dependent manner, which is further modified by skin temperature. Twelve healthy males per-
formed whole body heating ( þ 1.3 C esophageal temperature), bilateral forearm heating (38 C skin temperature), and a
time-matched (60 min) control condition on separate days in a counterbalanced order. Bilateral assessments of blood flow
and brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD) were performed before and 10 min after each condition with duplex
Doppler ultrasound. To isolate the influence of shear stress, a pneumatic cuff was inflated (90 mmHg) around the right
forearm during each condition to attenuate heat-induced rises in blood flow and shear stress. After forearm heating, FMD
increased [cuffed: 4.7 (2.9)% to 6.8 (1.5)% and noncuffed: 5.1 (2.8)% to 6.4 (2.6)%] in both arms (time P < 0.01). Whole body
heating also increased FMD in the noncuffed arm from 3.6 (2.2)% to 9.2 (3.2)% and in the cuffed arm from to 5.6 (3.0)% to
8.6 (4.9)% (time P < 0.01). After the time control, FMD decreased [cuffed: 6.3 (2.4)% to 4.7 (2.2)% and noncuffed: 6.1 (3.0)%
to 4.5 (2.6)%] in both arms (time P = 0.03). Multiple linear regression (adjusted R2 = 0.421 P = 0.003) revealed that changes
in esophageal temperature, skin temperatures, and heart rate explained the majority of the variance in this model (34%,
31%, and 21%, respectively). Our findings indicate that, in addition to shear stress, skin and core temperatures are likely im-
portant contributors to passive heating-induced vascular adaptations.
NEW & NOTEWORTHY The primary determinant of vascular adaptations to lifestyle interventions, such as exercise and heat
therapy, is repeated elevations in vascular shear stress. Whether skin or core temperatures also modulate the vascular adapta-
tion to acute heat exposure is unknown, likely due to difficulty in dissociating the thermal and hemodynamic responses to heat.
We found that skin and core temperatures modify the acute vascular responses to passive heating irrespective of the magnitude
of increase in shear stress.

endothelial function; heat stress; reactive hyperemia; ultrasound; vascular function

INTRODUCTION The precise mechanisms mediating improved cardiovas-

cular function are unclear in part due to the difficulty of iso-
Recent reports from large-scale, prospective population lating the effects of temperature from the associated
studies suggest that regular exposure to passive heat stress via hemodynamic responses. Acutely, regional limb heating
various methods (e.g., sauna, hot tubs) is associated with lower improves endothelial function of the brachial artery (7, 8)
risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and related mortality and whole body heating additionally reduces blood pressure
(1, 2). Several studies have investigated potential physiological and aortic stiffness (6, 9). However, lower limb/body heating
mechanisms underlying the reduction in CVD risk with is often accompanied by increased core temperature (10–12)
repeated heat exposures (3–6). For example, Brunt et al. (3) confounding interpretation of underlying mechanisms. The
demonstrated in a sham-controlled study that blood pressure importance of shear stress as a hemodynamic stimuli has
and arterial stiffness were reduced and endothelial-dependent been highlighted (13) and it is widely reported as the main
dilation (flow-mediated dilation, FMD) was improved following stimulus for heat-induced vascular adaptation (7, 11, 12).
8 wk of repeated whole body hot water immersion via hot tub. Some studies have used pneumatic cuff inflation around one

Correspondence: G. B. Coombs (

Submitted 16 June 2020 / Revised 23 September 2020 / Accepted 21 October 2020 8750-7587/21 Copyright © 2021 the American Physiological Society 149

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limb to reduce regional flow with the aim of attenuating the Research and Ethics Board at the University of British
increase in shear rate compared to the contralateral limb. Columbia (H17-01817) and all procedures conformed to the
For example, using this experimental paradigm, Tinken Declaration of Helsinki, except for registration in a database.
et al. (8) observed greater brachial artery FMD in the non- None of the participants reported a history of cardiovascular,
cuffed arm immediately following acute forearm heating respiratory, metabolic, or neurological disease and were not
thereby demonstrating a role for shear rate in vascular adap- taking any medication for such conditions.
tations to passive heating. This finding was further supported
by subsequent studies with chronic repeated increases in Measurements
local shear rate (14) and moderate ( þ 0.6 C) increases in core Before baseline measurements, participants were instru-
temperature (15); however, the FMD response of the brachial mented with general purpose probes (RET-1, Physitemp
artery to acute and large elevations in core temperature Instruments, Clifton, NJ) inserted 40 cm into the esopha-
remains unclear. Although both shear rate and skin tempera- gus for the measurement of esophageal temperature (Tes).
ture are involved in adaptation to 8 wk of local forearm heat- During the insertion of the esophageal probe, 500 mL of
ing in the cutaneous microvasculature (16), the interaction of water was consumed for participant comfort and to ensure
local shear rate, skin temperature, and core temperature on euhydration before baseline measures. Skin temperature
brachial artery endothelium-dependent dilation requires fur- (Tsk) probes (MLT422/A, ADInstruments, Colorado Springs,
ther investigation. Indeed, rises in skin temperature increase CO) were placed on the ventral surface of each forearm and
local shear stress, but increased core temperature imposes a secured with medical tape. Heart rate (HR) was monitored
greater systemic cardiovascular stress similar to mild exer- via lead II electrocardiogram and peripheral blood pressure
cise, such that a larger cumulative increase in shear stress was measured via automated brachial artery auscultation
occurs. (BP5100, Omron Healthcare Canada, Burlington, ON,
Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to determine Canada). A segmental cuff (SC5, Hokanson, Bellevue, WA)
the thermal and hemodynamic factors that contribute to was placed immediately distal to the elbow and antecubi-
vascular responses to acute heat stress. To delineate these tal IV catheter on the right arm to attenuate increases in
interactions, using a within-subject design, we bilaterally blood flow to that arm. Skin and core temperature probes
assessed vascular function in the brachial artery before and were interfaced with a data acquisition system (PowerLab
after: 1) bilateral local forearm heating (to increase shear rate 16/35, ADI) via thermistor and T-type pods, respectively
and skin temperature); 2) whole body heating (to increase (ML309 and ML312, ADI), whereas the ECG signal was
shear rate, as well as skin and core temperatures); and 3) connected via a Dual Bio Amp (FE232, ADI).
thermoneutral time control. During each condition, forearm All vascular sonography was performed using high resolu-
blood flow (and therefore shear rate) was attenuated to one tion duplex ultrasound (Terson uSmart 3300/T3200, Teratech,
limb via forearm cuff inflation. It was hypothesized that Burlington, MA) interfaced with a 4– 15-MHz linear array trans-
FMD is greater following passive heating in a shear-depend- ducer (15L4 Smart Mark, Teratech). An angle of insonation of
ent manner, and that the increases in FMD are greater dur- 60 was maintained throughout all scans. The same experi-
ing whole body heating compared to forearm heating, and in enced sonographer performed all scans on the same arm
the noncuffed arm compared to the cuffed arm. during each trial for each participant. Endothelial-de-
Furthermore, we hypothesized that FMD is greater following pendent dilation was assessed via FMD according to inter-
forearm heating compared to whole body heating in the national guidelines (20, 21), which consisted of a 1-min
cuffed arm due to higher skin temperature. As previously baseline recording of brachial artery diameter and velocity
established, we also anticipated that FMD is reduced follow- followed by a forearm occlusion period of 5 min using
ing the time control condition where greater retrograde and rapid cuff inflation 220 mmHg. During occlusion, record-
low mean shear stress will be a result of immobilization (17) ing was paused but imaging of the vessel was continued to
and cuff inflation (18). ensure consistent location and angle of the image. Before
the end of the occlusion period, recording was resumed
METHODS and the cuff was rapidly deflated to induce reactive hyper-
emia while the recording was continued for 3 min. At each
Participants time point of the protocol, recordings of brachial artery di-
ameter and velocity were performed for 1 min or 20 car-
Based on recently published data (7) reporting improve-
diac cycles. Recordings were made using screen capture
ments in FMD after forearm heating [5.8% standard devia-
software (Camtasia Studio, TechSmith, Okemos, MI) and
tion (SD) = 2.2 vs. 8.4% SD = 3.6], an a priori sample size
saved for offline analysis.
estimate (a = 0.05, b = 0.80) using G*Power version 3.1
(University of Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Germany) required a Experimental Protocol
minimum of 11 participants for this study (19). We therefore
recruited 12 white male volunteers to account for potential The participants visited the laboratory for one preliminary
loss of data inherent with vascular ultrasound. All partici- visit where V_ o2peak was determined while upright cycling.
pants [age: 25 (SD = 5) yr; body mass index (BMI): 23.1 (2.6) The protocol consisted of a 2-min warm up at 50 W with sub-
kg/m2; peak oxygen consumption (V_ o2peak): 41 (8) mg/kg/ sequent increases of 20 W every minute at a rate of 0.33 W/s
min] completed the study and provided written, informed until volitional exhaustion, inability to maintain >50 rpm,
consent before any experimental measures. Approval of the or a plateau in oxygen consumption determined via expired
experimental protocol was obtained from the Clinical gases (Vmax Encore Metabolic Cart, Carefusion, San Diego,

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CA). The study consisted of three separate visits to the labo- v 5.1, Reed C, Perth, WA, Australia) (23). Regions of interest
ratory for experimental sessions. All participants arrived were placed around the highest quality portion of the
between 07:00 AM and 09:00 AM (except one at 12:00 PM) B-mode longitudinal image of the artery and the Doppler
after 6 h of fasting, having avoided alcohol and strenuous tracing of blood velocity. This software tracks the vessel
exercise for 24 h and caffeine for 12 h. The start time of the walls and peak envelope velocity within their respective
protocol was consistent within each participant for all visits, regions at 30 Hz. The product of calculated cross-sectional
with at least 48 h between sessions. After instrumentation, area (CSA; Eq. 2) and mean blood velocity (MBV; Eq. 3) were
the participants rested supine for 20 min before baseline used to determine brachial blood flow (Eq. 4).
measures were performed, which included three blood pres-
CSA ¼ p ð0:5  diameterÞ2 ðcm2 Þ ð2Þ
sure recordings on the left arm (i.e., noncuffed) followed by
simultaneous assessment of FMD on both arms. The partici-
pant was then raised into a semirecumbent position on the MBV ¼ ðpeak envelope velocity=2Þ ðcm=sÞ  60 ðs=minÞ
bed and rested quietly for 5 min before three more blood
pressure recordings and a 1-min brachial artery ultrasound
recording. These measures were repeated halfway and at the Flow ¼ CSA  MBV ðmL=minÞ ð4Þ
end of the protocol. Immediately before commencing the ex-
perimental intervention, the cuff around the right forearm Diameter postcuff occlusion was measured automatically
was inflated and maintained at 90 mmHg throughout to using a 3-s moving window-smoothed average where the
attenuate the increase in blood flow during heating (14–16) maximum median value was determined as the peak diame-
and to induce disturbed flow patterns during the time-con- ter and FMD was then calculated as the absolute and relative
trol session (18, 22). difference between peak and baseline diameters (Eq. 5).
On the whole body heating day, the participant donned a Baseline following WBH was considered as the last 30 s of
water-perfused suit (Med-End, Ottawa, ON, Canada) cover- cuff occlusion considering the influence of the large shear
ing the entire skin surface area except for the head, feet, and stimulus on preocclusion diameter. Postcuff occlusion diam-
arms below the shoulder (see Fig. 1). A Coghlan’s emergency eter and velocity were interpolated from 30 Hz into 3-s bins
blanket was placed on top to prevent any further heat losses. where peak reactive hyperemia was determined as an index
The suit was circulated with water maintained at 49 C using of forearm microvascular function (24).
two heaters (A2.2-120V-US Sous Vide, Anova, San Francisco, FMD ¼ ðpeak  baseline diameterÞ=baseline  100 ð%Þ
CA) and a magnetic drive pump (WMD-20RLT-492GPH, ð5Þ
Iwaki America, Holliston, MA) with the aim of increasing
esophageal temperature by 1.5 C. Forearm heating was per- Shear rates (SR) were estimated with Eq. 6 using ante-
formed with the same method while only covering the fore- grade, retrograde, and mean blood velocities. The oscillatory
arms (including the occlusion cuff) with the aim of rapidly shear index (OSI) was calculated per Eq. 7.
increasing forearm Tsk to 38 C. The whole body and fore- SR ¼ 4  MBV=artery diameter ðs1 Þ ð6Þ
arm heating sessions were completed in a counterbalanced
order to match the duration of whole body heating OSI ¼ jretrograde SRj=ðjantegrade SRj þ jretrograde SRjÞðauÞ
(60 min) as closely as possible. The time control sessions ð7Þ
were completed last to match the durations of the heating
sessions. All trials were time-matched to the first visit for
Statistical Analyses
each participant to ensure there was no intraindividual vari-
ation in protocol duration. The forearm heating and time All data are presented as means (SD). Data were analyzed
control sessions were performed wearing regular clothing using two-factor linear mixed models with a compound sym-
(i.e., pants and t-shirt). Core temperatures were not meas- metry covariance structure where time (pre/mid/post inter-
ured during the time control because it is not expected that vention) and arm (cuffed/noncuffed limb) were repeated
core temperature will change in a thermoneutral environ- variables. Central hemodynamics and Tes were compared
ment (3) and to maintain participant comfort. At the end of between trials, whereas the forearm Tsk and vascular
the intervention, the participant was returned to the supine responses were compared within trials only. A Bonferroni
position for 10 min before the final FMD measurement. correction was used for multiple comparisons between main
effects. When significance (a = 0.05) was observed, simple
Data Analysis main effects were determined with post hoc testing using a
All temperature data and heart rate were sampled at paired sample t test with a Holm–Bonferroni correction. The
400 Hz from PowerLab into LabChart Pro software (v 7, model for FMD was run with logged changes in diameter as
ADI); data are reported as 5-min averages. At each time the dependent variable and logged baseline diameter and
point, blood pressure measurements were averaged and SRAUC as covariates. Corrected group means and SD for
mean arterial pressure (MAP) was calculated as the sum of FMD were back calculated from the estimated means (EM)
two thirds of diastolic pressure and one third of systolic and standard errors of the model using the formula: (eEM  1)
pressure (Eq. 1).  100 (25, 26). The delta values for FMD between conditions
were compared with a one-way ANOVA. Before correlational
MAP ¼ 1=3  SBP þ 2=3  DBP ðmmHgÞ ð1Þ
analyses, the data were screened for normality by calculating
The saved ultrasound recordings were analyzed using skewness and kurtosis, where values within ±2.00 were con-
semiautomated edge detection software (FMD/BloodFlow, sidered acceptable. Repeated-measures correlations were

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Figure 1. Experimental setup demonstrating the location of ultrasound measurements of the brachial artery and the skin surface areas covered by the
water-perfused suit in black. Created with

performed between selected variables (Tes, forearm Tsk, HR, either SPSS v 24 (IBM, Armonk, NY) or R, and Figs. 2–4
antegrade SR, retrograde SR, and OSI) and the change in were generated with GraphPad version 6.0 (Prism, La
uncorrected FMD using the rmcorr package for R (27) to Jolla, CA).
determine the influence of intraindividual changes of the in-
dependent variables on FMD. A standard multiple linear
regression analysis with the aforementioned independent RESULTS
variables was then performed on the change in uncorrected
Central Hemodynamics and Thermometry
FMD values during each heating intervention. The abso-
lute value of each standardized b coefficient from the Heart rate, MAP, and Tes are presented in Table 1. There
model was used to calculate the relative contribution of was a time by arm interaction for heart rate (P < 0.01), with
each independent variable as the quotient of b for a given greater increases during whole body heating compared to
variable and the sum of b coefficients from all variables forearm heating and time control. There were no differences
[e.g., ba/(ba þ bb þ bc)  100] (28). To avoid unaccept- in MAP between conditions or before and after heating
able multicollinearity, only independent variables with (interaction P = 0.83). There was also a time by arm interac-
tolerance >0.1 were accepted. Our Durbin–Watson value tion for Tes (P < 0.01), which increased more during whole
of 1.96 indicates that there is no autocorrelation between body heating [D1.3 (0.25) C] compared to forearm heating
observations. All statistical analyses were performed in [D0.11 (0.19) C]. Skin temperatures are presented in Fig. 2

Figure 2. Forearm skin temperatures during each intervention in the cuffed and noncuffed arms. *P < 0.05 vs. contralateral arm.

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Figure 3. Antegrade (top) and retrograde (bottom) shear rates during each intervention in the cuffed and noncuffed arms. *P < 0.05 vs. contralateral

During forearm heating, there was a main effect of time for Brachial Artery Hemodynamics
forearm Tsk (P < 0.01) which increased by 8 C on both
arms with no time by arm interaction (P = 0.42). During During whole body heating, blood flow in the brachial ar-
whole body heating, there was a time by arm interaction (P = tery increased more (interaction P < 0.01) in the noncuffed
0.01) where forearm Tsk increased by 3 C in the noncuffed arm [24 (13) to 240 (114) mL/min] compared to the cuffed
arm compared to 0.8 C in the cuffed arm. During the time arm [23 (10) to 115 (75) mL/min]. During forearm heating,
control, there was a time by arm interaction (P = 0.02) where brachial blood flow also increased more (interaction P <
forearm Tsk decreased by 1.5 C in the cuffed arm but not in 0.01) in the noncuffed arm [31 (28) to 142 (77) mL/min] com-
the noncuffed arm. pared to the cuffed arm [30 (19) to 59 (37) mL/min]. Brachial

Figure 4. Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) before and after each intervention in the cuffed and noncuffed arms. Top displays actual values (individual val-
ues in symbols and group means in gray bars), and bottom displays the group means corrected for baseline diameter and the shear stimulus (i.e.,
SRAUC). *P < 0.05 vs. preintervention. dP < 0.05 vs. cuffed arm. SRAUC, shear rate area under the curve.

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Table 1. Core temperature and cardiovascular variables

Whole Body Heating Forearm Heating Time Control ANOVA
Pre Mid End Pre Mid End Pre Mid End P value

Tes, C 36.99 (0.28) 37.70 (0.29)* 38.28 (0.50)* 36.98 (0.31) 36.99 (0.28) 37.10 (0.27) - - - <0.01
HR, beats/min 55 (8) 84 (17)*† 95 (16)*† 57 (8) 62 (9) 64 (11)† 55 (7) 58 (9) 54 (8) <0.01
MAP, mmHg 84 (7) 80 (9) 83 (7) 84 (4) 84 (6) 84 (6) 84 (6) 83 (6) 86 (7) 0.83
HR, heart rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure; Tes, esophageal temperature. Data are means ± SD. Tes was not measured during time con-
trol for participant comfort. *P < 0.05 vs. forearm heating. †P < 0.05 vs. time control.

blood flow decreased more (interaction P = 0.03) during the points in the cuffed arm. There was a main effect of time
time control protocol in the cuffed arm [32 (20) to 7 (12) mL/ where FMD decreased in both arms after the time control
min] compared to the noncuffed arm [42 (31) to 36 (24) mL/ (P = 0.03) by 1.5 percentage points. In the noncuffed arm,
min]. the change in FMD was greater with whole body heating
Antegrade and retrograde shear rate responses are pre- compared to forearm heating (P < 0.01) and time control
sented in Fig. 3 During forearm heating, there was a time by (P < 0.01); however, forearm heating tended to induce a
arm interaction for antegrade SR (P < 0.01) where the cuffed greater change in FMD compared to time control (P = 0.06).
arm increased by 57% and the noncuffed arm increased by In the cuffed arm, the change in FMD with whole body heat-
240%. There was a time by arm interaction for retrograde SR ing was greater than time control (P < 0.01) but not that
(P < 0.01) where the cuffed arm increased by 217% and the induced by forearm heating (P = 1.0); however, forearm heat-
noncuffed arm decreased by 99%. There were also time by ing induced a greater change in FMD compared to time con-
arm interactions during whole body heating (both P < 0.01) trol (P = 0.04).
for both antegrade and retrograde SR. In the cuffed arm,
antegrade SR increased by 400% and retrograde SR Reactive Hyperemia
increased by 130%. In the noncuffed arm, antegrade SR Postocclusion peak reactive hyperemia (RH) values are
increased by 641% and retrograde SR decreased by 466%. presented in Table 2 There was a main effect of time (P <
During the time control, antegrade SR did not change (P = 0.01) where peak RH increased by 33% and 23% in both the
0.52), whereas there was a time by arm interaction for retro- cuffed and noncuffed arms, respectively, after forearm heat-
grade SR (P < 0.01). Retrograde SR increased in the cuffed ing. There was also a main effect of time (P < 0.01) where
arm by 488% and by 33% in the noncuffed arm. whole body heating increased peak RH by 37% and 53% in
both the cuffed and noncuffed arms, respectively. During
Flow-Mediated Dilation
time control, there was a main effect of arm only (P < 0.01)
Brachial artery characteristics before and after each inter- where peak RH was 23% higher in the noncuffed arm com-
vention are presented in Table 2 Individual values as well as pared to the cuffed arm.
allometrically scaled and shear-corrected mean FMD values
are presented in Fig. 4 There was a main effect of time where Correlations of Selected Variables and Regression
FMD increased by 1.5–2 percentage points in both arms after Analyses
forearm heating (P < 0.01). There was a main effect of time The changes in FMD pooled from all three trials demon-
(P < 0.01) where whole body heating increased FMD by 5.5 strated significant positive correlations with changes in Tes,
percentage points in the noncuffed arm and 3 percentage Tsk, HR, and antegrade SR, whereas there was a significant

Table 2. Brachial artery baseline characteristics and endothelium-dependent dilation before and after each
Whole Body Heating Forearm Heating Time Control
Variable Arm Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Baseline diameter, mm C 3.97 (0.62) 4.28 (0.69)* 4.10 (0.68) 4.18 (0.70) 3.98 (0.55) 3.90 (0.59)
NC 3.93 (0.42) 4.12 (0.38)* 3.96 (0.32) 3.98 (0.38) 3.90 (0.46) 3.93 (0.56)
FMD, mm C 0.21 (0.10) 0.35 (0.17)* 0.18 (0.09) 0.28 (0.05)* 0.25 (0.10) 0.18 (0.08)
NC 0.14 (0.09) 0.37 (0.12)* 0.20 (0.11) 0.25 (0.10) 0.23 (0.11) 0.17 (0.09)
FMD, % C 5.6 (3.0) 8.6 (4.9) 4.7 (2.9) 6.8 (1.5) 6.3 (2.4) 4.7 (2.2)
NC 3.6 (2.2) 9.2 (3.2) 5.1 (2.8) 6.4 (2.6) 6.1 (3.0) 4.5 (2.6)
Corrected FMD, % C 5.9 (3.5) 8.9 (3.1)* 3.8 (0.7) 6.9 (1.9)* 6.4 (2.3) 4.7 (2.7)*
NC 4.1 (3.1) 8.7 (3.5)* 4.6 (2.4) 6.5 (2.4) * 5.9 (2.3) 4.3 (2.7)*
SRAUC C 15,855 (10,256) 32,797 (16,922)* 20,031 (9,988) 33,316 (22,285)* 21,768 (9750) 14,931 (8,112)*
NC 18,568 (5,564) 47,399 (17,470)*† 23,644 (8,267)† 37,493 (12,348)* 27,099 (9,215) 28,311 (8,960)†
Peak RH, mL/min C 247 (84) 338 (130)* 248 (68) 330 (139)* 266 (91)† 245 (77)†
NC 258 (91) 395 (128)* 285 (84) 353 (86)* 321 (94) 308 (137)
Data are means ± SD. Post hoc Holm-Bonferroni corrections: *P < 0.05 vs. pre-intervention, †P < 0.05 vs. contralateral arm. C, cuffed;
NC, noncuffed; FMD, flow-mediated dilation corrected for baseline diameter and shear stimulus; RH, reactive hyperemia; SRAUC, shear
rate area under the curve.

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Figure 5. Repeated-measures correlations between selected variables on the x-axis and the change in flow-mediated dilation (FMD) following each
intervention. The colored circles and lines represent individual participants and their correlation, respectively, and the dashed black line is the group av-
erage regression. Ante SR, antegrade shear rate; HR, heart rate; OSI, oscillatory shear index; retro SR, retrograde shear rate; Tes, esophageal tempera-
ture, Tsk, forearm skin temperature.

negative correlation with OSI and no correlation with retro- induced rises in skin temperature, irrespective of lower shear
grade SR (Fig. 5). The multiple regression model (adjusted rates in the cuffed versus noncuffed arms; and 3) FMD
R2 = 0.421, P < 0.001) shows that the relative contributions to decreased following a time-matched control condition where
the explained variance were 33.6% for Tes, 31.1% for forearm mean shear rates were reduced. Overall, in a multiple linear
Tsk, 21.1% for HR, 12.2% for antegrade SR, 1.4% for retrograde regression model with independent variables of both thermal
SR, and 0.70% for OSI (Table 3). and hemodynamic nature (Table 3), Tes, forearm Tsk, and HR
were the largest predictors of the change in FMD during 60 min
DISCUSSION of whole body or local heating and a time-control period.
Our findings of increased FMD with forearm heating are
The purpose of this study was to determine the thermal and consistent with existing literature in young adults (7, 8);
hemodynamic factors that contribute to vascular responses to however, the improved FMD with whole body heating is a
acute heat stress. The main findings were that: 1) FMD novel observation. The difference between the current study
improved following whole body passive heating in the non- and others likely relates to differences in measured limbs (e.
cuffed arm from 3.6 (2.2)% to 9.2 (3.2)% and in the cuffed arm g., arm vs. leg) (11, 30) and recovery time (e.g., immediate in
from to 5.6 (3.0)% to 8.6 (4.9)%, irrespective of lower shear rates the current study vs. 30–60 min in others) (9, 11, 30, 31).
in the cuffed versus noncuffed arms; 2) FMD improved in the Previous studies have also demonstrated that increased
cuffed arm from 4.7 (2.9)% to 6.8 (1.5)% and in the noncuffed shear stress is important for vascular adaptation with acute
arm from 5.1 (2.8)% to 6.4 (2.6)% following forearm heating- (8) and chronic forearm heating (14) as well as repeated and

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Table 3. Multiple regression model for changes in FMD across whole-body heating, forearm heating, and time
Unstandardized b SE P value Tolerance Explained Variance, %
DTes,  C 2.178 1.518 0.175 0.194 33.6
DTsk,  C 0.318 0.129 0.018 0.723 31.1
DHR, beats/min 0.044 0.055 0.427 0.170 20.9
DAnte shear rate, s1 0.002 0.003 0.483 0.388 12.2
DRetro shear rate, s1 0.001 0.017 0.938 0.264 1.40
DOSI, au 0.148 4.600 0.974 0.360 0.70
Adjusted r2 0.421 - - - -
ante, antegrade; FMD, flow-mediated dilation; HR, heart rate; OSI, oscillatory shear index; retro, retrograde; r2, partial contribution to
total variance; SE, standard error of the slope coefficient; Tes, esophageal temperature; Tsk, skin temperature; b, unstandardized regres-
sion coefficients. Tolerance values >0.1 indicate acceptable collinearity.

episodic increases in core temperature (15). The obligatory results support a role for shear stress in determining the
role of shear stress was demonstrated using similar experimental hemodynamic milieu and predominant cell phenotype
designs to the current study where increases in shear rates (22, 35–37).
were attenuated in one arm via cuff inflation, and improve- Considering that the increase in forearm Tsk in the non-
ments in FMD were only observed in the noncuffed arm. For cuffed arm was about half of that during forearm heating,
instance, in the cutaneous circulation, both increases in skin the larger improvement in FMD is also likely due to the
blood flow (noncuffed arm only) and skin temperature con- 660% increase in antegrade SR in whole body heating com-
tribute to vascular adaptation (16). However, the impact of pared to the 250% increase during forearm heating (Fig. 3).
changes in skin temperature on conduit arteries has not been However, the influence of SR on FMD is limited by design
previously investigated. Moreover, improved FMD in older in the multiple regression model due to the attenuated SR
but not young adults following local heating of the legs occurs in the cuffed arm. In fact, shear rates were not a major con-
alongside increased core temperature (11); therefore, direct tributor to the explained variance of the model (12%), but
comparison of increases in skin versus core temperature is this should be interpreted cautiously considering the pur-
necessary in an attempt to delineate these mechanisms. Our pose of this statistical model was to quantify the contribu-
current data reveal that attenuation of shear rates did not tions to FMD from factors other than shear stress. In the
modify FMD for a given heating stimulus. For example, the absence of appreciable changes in stroke volume during
increase in FMD following whole body heating was not differ- passive heat stress (38), changes in cardiac output are
ent whether shear rates were permitted to fully increase or mediated by HR, and the change in HR explained 21% of
not. The fact that—in the noncuffed arm—the increase in the model (Table 3). Moreover, the change in HR was
FMD was 2.5-fold greater following whole body heating com- related to the change in FMD (r = 0.58, Fig. 5C). As a result,
pared to forearm heating (P < 0.01) further indicates an inde- whole body heating appears to be a more potent stimulus
pendent influence of core temperature on FMD (Fig. 4). for eliciting increased systemic shear stress [and poten-
The similar FMD responses to matched increases in tially circulating factors related to temperature (29)], due
forearm Tsk but differing shear rates during forearm heat- to the greater increases in core temperature and HR (i.e.,
ing, suggest an independent influence of Tsk on FMD. cardiac output). Indeed, whole body heating increased HR
However, Tes explained the largest portion of variance of by 40 beats/min in comparison to an increase of 7 beats/
the multiple regression model (34%), which is consistent min during forearm heating (Table 1). Because shear stress
with greater changes in FMD after whole body heating. increases with cardiac output, the obligatory rise in shear
Increased bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) due to high for vascular adaptation—which has been demonstrated
temperature (32, 33) also appears important for both many times (14, 15, 39–41)—should not be discounted or
macro and microvascular function (Table 2). The view that diminished in this study.
greater NO bioavailability drives increases in FMD is sup- Brunt et al. (29) showed that both temperature per se and
ported by in vivo cutaneous microvascular and in vitro circulating factors reduced basal superoxide production,
studies. For example, inhibition of endothelial nitric oxide whereas only temperature upregulated heat shock protein
synthase (eNOS) with N-x-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA) abol- 70 in cultured human endothelial cells. The effects of heat
ished improvements in cutaneous microvascular dilator shock proteins on macrovascular function are unclear, but
function following 8 wk of whole body heating (34) as well heat shock protein 90, at least, is involved in the activation
as angiogenesis of endothelial cells cultured with serum of eNOS (42, 43). Consistent with the findings of Brunt et al.
taken from the same study participants (4). In that study, (29), the current data support a role for the direct effect of
the increased endothelial tubule formation (i.e., angiogen- temperature in vascular responses to heating. Indeed, Tes
esis) was related to greater abundance of eNOS protein (4). explained 34% of the variance of the model (Table 3) and
This finding suggests that circulating factors are integral was related to the change in FMD (r = 0.59, Fig. 5F). It has
to NO-mediated improvements in vascular function. also been demonstrated that reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Conversely, FMD was attenuated with increased retro- impair FMD and prevention of ROS (via vitamin C) can
grade shear rates or decreased mean shear rates in the reverse endothelial dysfunction in aging (44). There is evi-
time control condition of the current study (Fig. 4). These dence to suggest that heat shock protein 70 (which is

156 J Appl Physiol  doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00502.2020

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upregulated by heat) may be protective against inflamma- our study is that blood viscosity is a key determinant of shear
tory and ROS responses to in vitro stress (e.g., hypoxia-reoxy- stress at the arterial wall and this could be influenced by
genation) (29), and that heat therapy could therefore be losses in plasma volume due to sweating. For instance, viscos-
protective against ischemia-reperfusion in vivo (31). However, ity-related changes in FMD have been observed following re-
though the role of heat shock proteins requires further moval of 1 L of blood volume (57), but the 1%–2% loss of
research, it has been speculated that upregulation of heat plasma volume during passive heat stress via sweating (56) is
shock proteins in patient groups via heat therapy could be unremarkable in comparison. Moreover, the effects of hemo-
beneficial for insulin resistance and related vascular dysfunc- concentration related to sweating are offset by hyperthermia
tion (45, 46). resulting in no change of blood viscosity (58).
It has been acknowledged that a better understanding of
the factors that cause improvements in vascular function is
required in order to prescribe optimal temperatures, dura- The shear dependency of blood viscosity is well-established
tions, and modes of heating (47, 48). Indeed, passive heating (59), but it was recently demonstrated that blood exhibits
has been evaluated in individuals with CVD [e.g., heart fail- shear-thinning properties where viscosity decreases at higher
ure (49, 50), peripheral artery disease (51)], and those at risk shear rates (60). Given that shear rates vary widely in heating
of CVD [e.g., aging (11), coronary risk factors (52), obesity (5), protocols, future studies should aim to match the shear rates
and polycystic ovary syndrome (53)]; however, there is little experienced in the study conditions to those used for viscosity
consistency between studies regarding passive heating pro- measures using a range of shear rates and an exponential
tocols. Traditionally, heat acclimation protocols aim to decay model. The current results are only relevant to the
increase core temperature above 38.5 C for 60 min (54, 55) brachial artery and the forearm, thus differences could exist
and this approach has been used in short [e.g., 7 days (56)] between limbs and these data should be replicated in the leg
and longer term [e.g., 8 wk (3)] studies to induce both ther- (e.g., superficial femoral, popliteal arteries). Although the use
moregulatory and vascular adaptations, respectively. of a water-perfused suit is not a common mode of heating in
However, such stringent protocols may be difficult to imple- everyday life, the passive heating of skin temperature resem-
ment depending on the mode of heating, patient capacity/ bles that of natural heating modes (e.g., sauna, hot baths) but
tolerance, or motivation. Therefore, it is important to deter- the medium of heat transfer does not directly mimic air or
mine the primary contributors to vascular adaptation to water. Lastly, but certainly not least, we cannot extrapolate
determine how best to modify acclimation parameters (tem- our findings to female participants or other racial groups.
perature, mode, and time) for various groups. We have dem- Previous reports have suggested that sex differences exist in
onstrated herein that protocols increasing skin temperature endothelial function following interventions that manipulate
and core temperature—and not only shear—are likely to be shear stress (61, 62), so it is entirely possible that women could
beneficial. The implications of these observations indicate respond differently to our current protocols. It is not entirely
that interventions increasing skin temperature rapidly (e.g., clear whether the hemodynamic changes to heating would be
sauna) but with low tolerance times may also be of benefit to the same between sexes or across the menstrual cycle when
vascular function compared to the traditional prolonged women demonstrate phase-dependent fluctuations in core
core temperature >38.5 C. However, evaluation of the time temperature (63), but these questions should be addressed in
required to elicit responses are scarce. For example, as little the future. Few studies have addressed racial differences in
as 10–30 min of forearm heating has been reported to vascular function but evidence indicates that cutaneous vaso-
increase FMD in young healthy participants (7, 8), whereas dilation in response to local heating (64) and vascular con-
10–20 min of sauna bathing did not change FMD in older ductance to forearm exercise (65) are lower in black compared
healthy people (9). Conversely, 45–60 min of lower leg heat- to white men. Further studies are required to replicate our
ing improved femoral artery FMD in older but not young findings in other ethnic and racial groups.
adults (11) and may be of benefit in individuals with limited
exercise capacity (e.g., individuals with spinal cord injury)
(10). Clearly, the need for additional evidence on the dura- This study demonstrates that increases in forearm skin
tion and intensity of heating is important, but it is likely that and core temperatures are important determinants of the
even small doses of heat repeated over time are of benefit for vascular responses of the brachial artery to passive heat
the reduction of CVD risk (1, 49). stress. In addition to heat-induced increases in shear stress,
limb heating likely increases local factors such as nitric oxide
Experimental Considerations to improve flow-mediated dilation. Future studies should
address different combinations of skin/core temperatures
The inclusion of a time control condition in our study is an and shear stress, with a range of acute and chronic dura-
important strength. Not only do our data support previous tions, on vascular outcomes. Future focus should now be
reports of a detrimental impact of retrograde shear rates on directed particularly to populations at risk of CVD and with
endothelial function (18, 22), it also demonstrates that the limited exercise capacity.
improvements in FMD during heating are not simply due to
time or other factors during our experimental protocol.
Although FMD was measured supine before and after heating, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
hemodynamic responses were performed in a semirecumbent
position at baseline and during heating to account for the The authors thank the volunteers for time and Connor Howe
effects of supine posture. Another important consideration in for help with data collection.

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GRANTS function in the leg of aged humans. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol
312: H89–H97, 2017. doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00519.2016.
This project was supported by a Natural Sciences and 12. Thomas KN, van Rij AM, Lucas SJ, Cotter JD. Lower-limb hot-water
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery immersion acutely induces beneficial hemodynamic and cardiovascular
Grant and a Canada Research Chair to P. N. Ainsle. G. Coombs responses in peripheral arterial disease and healthy, elderly controls.
was supported by NSERC and Killam doctoral scholarships. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 312: R281–R291, 2017.
13. Green DJ, Hopman MTE, Padilla J, Laughlin MH, Thijssen DH.
DISCLOSURES Vascular adaptation to exercise in humans: role of hemodynamic stimuli.
No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by Physiol Rev 97: 495–528, 2017. doi:10.1152/physrev.00014.2016.
14. Naylor LH, Carter H, FitzSimons MG, Cable NT, Thijssen DH,
the authors.
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G.B.C. and P.N.A. conceived and designed research; G.B.C., 15. Carter HH, Spence AL, Atkinson CL, Pugh CJ, Naylor LH, Green
J.C.T., D.A.S., J.M.J.R.C., D.J.W., and A.P. performed experiments; DJ. Repeated core temperature elevation induces conduit artery ad-
G.B.C. analyzed data; G.B.C., J.C.T., D.A.S., J.M.J.R.C., D.J.W., A.P., aptation in humans. Eur J Appl Physiol 114: 859–865, 2014.
and P.N.A. interpreted results of experiments; G.B.C. and A.P. pre- doi:10.1007/s00421-013-2817-2.
pared figures; G.B.C. drafted manuscript; G.B.C., J.C.T., J.M.J.R.C., 16. Carter HH, Spence AL, Atkinson CL, Pugh CJ, Cable NT, Thijssen
D.J.W., A.P., and P.N.A. edited and revised manuscript; G.B.C., DH, Naylor LH, Green DJ. Distinct effects of blood flow and temper-
J.C.T., D.A.S., J.M.J.R.C., D.J.W., A.P., and P.N.A. approved ature on cutaneous microvascular adaptation. Med Sci Sports Exerc
final version of manuscript. 46: 2113–2121, 2014. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000000349.
17. Restaino RM, Walsh LK, Morishima T, Vranish JR, Martinez-Lemus
LA, Fadel PJ, Padilla J. Endothelial dysfunction following prolonged
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