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1. In the sum A + B = C, vector A has a magnitude of 12.0 m and is angled 40.

0◦ counter
clockwise from the +x direction, and vector C has magnitude of 15.0 m and is angled 20.0◦
counter clockwise from the -x direction. What are (a) the magnitude and (b) the angle (relative
to +x) of B?

2. A vector B, when added to the vector C = 3.0i+4.0j, yields a resultant vector that is in the
positive y direction and has a magnitude equal to that of C. What is the magnitude of B?

3. A penny is dropped from the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago. Considering that the height
of the building is 427 m and ignoring air resistance, find the speed with which the penny strikes
the ground. The penny starts from y = 0.

4. A tennis ball is struck such that it leaves the racket horizontally with a speed of 28.0 m/s.
The ball hits the court at a horizontal distance of 19.6 m from the racket. What is the height of
the tennis ball when it leaves the racket?

5. A golf ball is hit at a speed of 35.0 m/s at 50.0◦ above the horizontal toward a large brick
wall whose base is 80.0 m from the point where the ball is launched. (a) At what height does
the ball strike the wall? (b) What is the speed of the ball when it hits? (c) When the ball hit the
wall was it still rising or was it descending?

6. From her bedroom window a girl drops a water–filled balloon to the ground, 6.0 m below.
If the balloon is released from rest, how long is it in the air?

7. A small mass moves on a circular path of radius 2.50 m with constant speed; it makes one
revolution every 3.20 s. (a) what is the speed of the mass? (b) What is the magnitude of its
centripetal acceleration?

8. A 20 cm long tendon was found to stretch 40 mm by a force of 14 N. Assuming the tendon

was approximately circular and has a diameter of 9 mm. calculate

i) Tensile stress and Strain

ii) Young’s modulus under tensile stress
9. What is the principle behind hydraulic brakes used in automobiles?
A) Bernoulli’s theorem
B) Pascal’s law
C) Newton’s law
D) Archimedes’ principle
10. Explain briefly
i) Newton’s first law of motion
ii) Newton’s second law of motion
iii) Newton’s third law of motion
11. A small mass moves on a circular path of radius 2.5 m with constant speed, it makes one
revolution every 3.20 sec. a) what is the speed of the mass? b) What is the magnitude of its
centripetal acceleration?
12. A car has kinetic energy K. What will be the effect on its kinetic energy if its velocity is
13. A particle oscillates with a simple harmonic motion (SHM) along the x-axis. Its position
varies with time according to the equation (X= (2m) cos (πt + π/4), where t is in seconds
and the angles in the parentheses are in radians.
A) Determine the amplitude, frequency, and period of the motion.
B) Calculate the velocity and acceleration of the object at any time t.
C) Determine the maximum speed and maximum acceleration of the object.
14. Atoms in a solid are not stationary, but vibrate about their equilibrium positions. Typically,
the frequency of vibration is about f = 2.0×1012 Hz, and the amplitude is about 1.1 × 10−11
m. For a typical atom, what is its (a) maximum speed and (b) maximum acceleration?
15. Write the four basic characteristics of waves which are important in determining the size
of waves, the speed of waves, etc.
16. Two sphere: 4 cm apart, attract each other with a force of 1.2 *10-9 N. Determine the
magnitude of the charge on each, if one has twice the charge (of the opposite sign) as the
17. Write the main contribution of Physics in health science and medical imaging?
18. Equation of continuity………….

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