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The bridge of Eastborn

Everything beginned after 3rd world war, and high tech companies are decided to
initiate Mars migration with bunch of elitist scientists and politicians. The capacity of
the spaceship was so large but they've decided to get only utilizing things. It was
embarrassingly dramatical for other people in our world but the tasks of this mission
was clear and important. They were thought that can be good idea to not impact the
capacity or power of spaceship with unrequired things even trivial peoples. This
decision was so important and would be dependent an robust infrastructure. The
people's from all around world begin to search the location of spaceship but it was so
difficult to stay well during research, because there were a lot soldiers, terrorists,
religionists, and other crazy people. Obviously, the war were not between countries
or even not entente and alliance states, it was fearly and remarkably were
continents! So, hate and anger were a lot and unstoppable, for that reason some of
the peaceful people also stopped to prevent it, because it was so late for
conventions or consensus approach. The main reason of the peaceful people that for
quit halfway was comprehensive, because huge amount of them understood that
sometimes they're not irrefutable in their approach even causation. For that reason,
they've just cut deliberation on that and move to fact to quit faith back. Erudition was
the ticket of spaceship and most of the people were not capability or widely to
passing tests. The tests were already done in the past as god messaged or others!
But, the consequences of exam was already indicated and wise people already had
chance to get this journey with other contributors, ah, wait a minute only except of
unextincted and overbearing politicians. The represent of the politicians were always
seemed like "presence to absence story maker" or "start already ended with start".
Politicians were always shows their front face to the their folks or dependent
supporters that they want to help or understand their needs to fix in legitimate ways!
But I think it's totally Fiddlesticks! Because their unview or ghost side or face were
always there for solving it with a chaos! Yes, there was a war and stupid people with
their haters, angers and believing things, but politicians were already in spaceship to
take of soon without their faithful folks and fighters. To be honest, if a scientist willing
to tackle of handle to play chess with a mind of politicians, he would win, but it wasn't
happened, because the main reason was the fact perception of scientists or
engineers. Since past to now, non of the scientists handled or not defeat any of the
politicians, because of their iron and stupid mind and unemotional construction. So
that was the main reason of being slave of politicians until now. Obviously, stupid
idea is that; these scientists or engineers always trying to fix existing world or
universe problems, so only materialistic and honorable! Not real… Why?, Because
real were always there nearby with an enormous existing ignorant people army
under the guidance of the politicians they created! Nevertheless, scientists were
always had ticket from politicians for the tough days. So they've seeming opposite
but aiming similar roadmap and ready to working in new home Mars with a huge
wonder! Here is so hot now and will be more than 70 degress. Because climate
change were also melt to glaciers and stream of nature, so huge amount of animals
extincted and some of them striving to survival or migration unknown place with a
unconscious approach. That's the our world and here is the end of world as
religionists expressed day by day with a Apocalypse.
This is Joanne, which invented and compound AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)
system with a meta-consciousness and tricked and quited by her scientists and
engineer teams that are dependent on a bunch of politicians in our moribund world.
They've already stolen my laboratory tools and all my study papers by agents of
politician. Obviously, I feel good that because I wasn't extended my last research into
study papers and I know something more to apply but the problem is exactly
constrains of resources! But, there is a person that I am not sure about his life
situation or presence! He was Alexander Itinaria and he's my best research scientist
friend from Moscow University. Alexander is a survival and robust infrastructure
characteristic person. He's also tall and extremely remarkable blue eyes! I was fall in
love with him in my graduation years from Cambridge. Therefore, I always looked
from far a way to his research and optimistic approach on people but which little
angry that because he was so positivist for all people! But he was always same and
smiling during doing this smile appearance. Anyway, the time was already restricted
and short to develop a spaceship after build an AGI work team to leave from world
for a long time. By the way Alexander is special polymath person that he already
acquired some accomplishments on Mechanical engineering and metalürji. So that
was chance to compound our skills and save humanity with him. I'll start to trip from
London to Moscow to find him quickly there but not sure that he's alive or not, well
it's just a poor prediction from now and must be in observation and research. I've just
checked memory of setting-broken GPS system to find him recent location to move
there to initiate or discuss plans of studying and progress of building. I also known
that in France bunch of smart people hiding in Paris, so that was great chance to
extend research and study teams to make things faster. But road was already
dangerous from Paris to Metz City which is France's northeastern grand est region.
Because most of the Islamic and Christianity people were already fighting there in an
incredible way. So, I've thought that maybe best way to find these people in Paris to
accompaniment me during trip from Paris to Bottembourg of the Luxembourg, so that
we can rest in this canton of Esch-sur-Alzette. Supposedly, there were a lot comuns
construction that they've always tried to being independent in itself so. Maybe they
already trying to occupy other comuns to become a greater one like Canton, but, it's
just my poor prediction, and maybe they are already protecting their comuns or
cantons to external forces. Nevertheless, I need to find a damaged or half-work
yatch, ship or filika to move fishing port on the normandy coast of northern France.
I've already start to move Eastbourne of England's southeast coast with my with my
barely moving vehicle that was under fire in the chaos. To be honest, London streets
are seeming under fire and some of them already unders huge attack and it is so
scary to move each steps or pressing gas with a breathless break each time! But, I
must move against of each actions or exposure to reach Eastbourne to manage next
steps, because it's the way of the keep safe humanity from the humanity!!! By the
way, Is it worth it for these people? I don't say it in my heart, but my conscientious
side says that it is too late to question values and the right thing to do is to create
hope through their stupidity. Was this thing called conscience a kind of
manipulation? However, the truth was being staged right in front of me and brutally!
I began to rave with shudder and pride that I would continue to protect my humanity,
not people. I guess, my amenable consisting presence was the part of brave, or
maybe optimistic illusion. I must stop the talk with myself, because road is not
seeming safe to judge my feelings in fair. To go to the Crawley which is east Sussex
town yo from Croydon town was so stupid with the car and I thought a minute to
whether check if some of the trains are working or not! I was already in Croydon so I
get out of my car, because of fuel insufficient. I've try to walk until East Croydon train
station from 5 Bedford Park. To be honest, my unlucky was exactly the fuel level and
the fuel car. There was a charging station for the electric car but I haven't yet one!
Dingwall Rd seeming like post-war ruin. It was as if everything had collapsed, and
then other creatures were humming in the fear and silence of this, trying to make
sense of it. Giving meaning to such a wreck is a very appropriate approach. I
wouldn't even think of seeing these. But in a world where everything was possible,
there was no reason not to see it. İ should walk quickly to reach train station of
Croydon, so that I can continue to Crawley as soon as possible. That was the
possibility to being soon in Eastern side. The train station looks bustling. But I'm not
sure if it's human or other creatures, which I walk towards the counter to check. I
think there is someone there, whom I don't recognize, but he might be watching me
uneasily. I'm going to call out to check on this, but the same uneasiness is upon me
that I feel doing so will have frightening consequences. I heard a voice saying "don't
come closer" and I immediately jumped towards the gap next to the tracks and
decided to hide under the wall. I started shouting that I didn't have a gun, but
footsteps started to come along with a buzzing sound, I closed my eyes and was
now questioning myself on the line between living and dying. I hugged the stone
with one hand and covered my face with the other, but when I was a child, I created
a curtain as if I was looking through my fingers and I was chanting in that fearful and
anxious voice, "Please don't come, I'm not a bad person." A pair of brownish
trousers with wide legs were dangling in front of me, and this long shoe-style shoe
was almost identical to the museum curator's shoe, which I fell on the ground just
before reaching the exit door of the museum when I walked away from my mother
and father because of the fear of the Aristotle statue I had dropped in Sir John
Soane's museum when I was a child. It took me a while to get over this trauma, but
that responsible person picked me up and told me the story of the confused cat so
that I wouldn't be afraid. This tale made me laugh so much and listen with
astonishment that it allowed me to take my eyes off those shoes and focus on the
smile on his face. Fortunately, the person at the train station held my hand and
asked me to calm down, just like that museum curator, who was a part of my
childhood's fear and happiness. Frankly, he was so afraid while doing this that I
could feel the coldness on his face along with the trembling in his hands. But the
truth is that humanity was still alive. Maybe Robert would now be a part of my
journey! Right now I'm in doubt to rest my eyes, so I started listening to him and
realized that he had encountered so much misfortune in his story that I started to
think that this was a simulation designed to test us. Now he was walking with me,
with hopeful but also uneasy steps, towards the warehouse where the food and
drinks reserved for the machinists and all employees who worked before Robert died
during the war were stored. I think it felt good and was easy to understand. It was
encouraging and reassuring for me that he started to trust me. I was determined to
talk to Robert to talk about myself and my next plans, and now was the time, and the
toll booth office, surrounded by sheets and looking like the people inside were dead,
was too reassuring to talk about something. Sipping the tea she prepared with an
old-style teapot and served with milk, I was looking around and looking at her face at
the same time, trying to take a step towards talking to her. I had to start by
introducing myself, so that what I was about to tell would not seem like a long
journey or an imaginary thought. Yes, the moment had come and Robert started to
say "well", "how should I say it" and he called out in a delicate voice, please speak
ma'am, but he didn't know my name and I had to tell him to reassure him, when he
saw the necklace around my neck and said, well, I think you must be Joanne, he
immediately intervened. Frankly, his attention impressed me and I already felt that I
would become a good friend with him, maybe I should have been more optimistic
and assertive to talk about my plans, after all, there was a man with a smiling face
and who could understand me. I called Robert again and started talking about

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