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Martin Luther king is the greater figure of black American who fights for black’s
freedom in USA, and even knows as activist of minister and civil rights. In order to put an end
to the long history of racial injustice in America, congresses were organized by black elites
that allowed them to express their wills, demand for their rights and duties. Many speeches
were pronounced, but here our concern is “I have a dream” 28 August 1963 in Washington by
Martin Luther king .In that famous speech, king is convening his audience to hold his country
accountable for its founding promises of freedom, justice and equality. In our analysis, we
will analyze how the speech "I have a dream" engages freedom for black Americans by going
along with firstly the impact of the speech on blacks’ American life in USA and then the idea
of hoping a better future.
The impact of King's "I have a dream" on black American Life in USA is that there's
too long time ago, black have been denied equality because of their skin color. But, with an
engage speech, black mentality has changed, it affected American, his goading of a note to
live up to the democratic principles its founders was a sharp display of America's private
grief. Also, the speech brought greater attention to the civil right movements, which had been
going on many years, it made Congress move faster in passing the civil rights Act. that's to
say that despite the promises of the proclamation of independence by American government,
black American were continually suffering, their freedom has been promise but not
really .That’s why Luther king uses the metaphor of cheque in that terms “it's evident today
that America failed in his promise of freedom concerning his black citizens, America deliver
to black people a cheque without provision” so King is calling out the “shameful condition"
which took long time ago. Next King's speech influenced black's mind for his embrace of
nonviolent resistance or the practice of achieving social change through peaceful
demonstrations. Indeed during the summer of 1963, King's assertion that nonviolent
resistance, pacific voice was the surest path to change situation, came to a crucial moment in
the long Fight for civil right. Face to this racial segregation, what does king hoped for his
brothers black Americans?
The idea of hoping a better future for black American in King's speech is justified first
of all by the title of the speech itself. “Dream” which means imagination and often refer to
impossible things, king uses “dream” to show that freedom is not impossible for black
American but it's a question of time, for him, they must fight and their children will profit the
result of their struggle in the future. Let us analyze this sentence: “I have a dream that one
day the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and the sons of formers slave’s owners will
be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood”. Here we understand the main
objective of their struggle is to realize what was seems to be impossible in USA at that time.
For instance a black was not allows to squeeze the hand of a white man by greeting him or
black children do not frequent the same schools With white children, according to some
children in Washington, “it's not normal to school at the same place because God did not
made us in the same way” 1963. For King all of that things will be possible in the future
because it's time for justice, he ended by saying that “It's a future in which his four (4)
children will be judged not by their skin Color but by the content of their character. He's
Condemning racism in America and expects an end of the indignity, segregation so dreaming
to a Wonderful future.

Finally, we retained that black American history has been marked by a racial
discriminations; they have been victims of violence in America because of their skin color.
According to us, We Can said that Martin Luther king played a bravoes role in black
emancipation in USA by using his meaningful speech as a powerful weapon against racism.
King’s attitudes marked the society and are still bed in our mind even today and he can be
uses as an example for the new generation.


 Luther, Martin King. “I have a dream" 28 August 1963.


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