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Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123384

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Possibility of incorporating waste plastic film flakes into warm-mix

asphalt as a bitumen extender
Arminda Almeida a,b,⇑, Silvino Capitão c,d, Carla Estanqueiro a, Luís Picado-Santosc d
Universidade de Coimbra, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Rua Luís Reis Santos, 3030-788 Coimbra, Portugal
CITTA Centro de Investigação do Território, Transportes e Ambiente, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Rua Pedro Nunes, 3030-199 Coimbra, Portugal
CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 A WMA produced at 100 °C and Rela ve performance of asphalt mixtures

incorporating waste plastic film flakes (with and without plas
was evaluated.
Water sens
 Waste plastic has a positive effect on ITSR
stiffness and rutting resistance. Waste
FLAKES Film Flakes
 Waste plastic slightly decreases R ng resistance,
Ease of laying
fatigue resistance. 20%
 WMA incorporating waste plastic is a
WMA addi ve (wax) Fa e resistance,
promising solution for low- ε6
WMA mixed
intermediate volume roads.
@100°C Fa e resistance,

Sasobit-Redux® Bitumen

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A warm-mix asphalt (WMA) produced at 100 °C and incorporating waste plastic film flakes was evalu-
Received 6 January 2021 ated. The investigation comprised two stages analysing the WMA and a conventional HMA with the same
Received in revised form 25 March 2021 plastic material. The first stage established the WMA composition. The second stage comprised perfor-
Accepted 13 April 2021
mance evaluation, for which the incorporation of plastic slightly increased stiffness, and fatigue resis-
Available online 28 April 2021
tance was similar for both mixtures. WMA with plastic was the worst in the uniaxial compression test
and the best in the wheel-tracking test. The conclusion is that WMA incorporating waste plastic is a
promising solution for low to intermediate traffic volume road infrastructures.
Warm-mix asphalt
Plastic film
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Urban waste
Circular economy
Water sensitivity
Mechanical performance

1. Introduction

In an increasingly environmentally conscious world, the asphalt

industry, like so many others, has been developing techniques to
enhance asphalt mixtures sustainability by reducing energy con-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Universidade de Coimbra, Departamento de Engen- sumption, conserving natural resources, and helping waste man-
haria Civil, Rua Luís Reis Santos, 3030-788 Coimbra, Portugal. agement. These techniques can range from materials recycling
E-mail addresses: (A. Almeida), (S. Capitão), [1–5] (reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), waste tyre rubber, waste (C. Estanqueiro),
plastic, waste cooking oil, furnace slag, jet grouting waste, among
(L. Picado-Santosc).
0950-0618/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Almeida, S. Capitão, C. Estanqueiro et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123384

others) to production temperature reduction (warm, half-warm unaged and aged specimens [27]. The plastic incorporation in
and cold-mix asphalt). Sometimes more than one technique is con- unaged specimens resulted in an adequate moisture susceptibility
sidered with extra environmental benefits as mentioned below: and workability, better resistance to traffic-compaction and rut-
100% RAP, waste plastic and waste cooking oil [6]; warm mix ting, higher stiffness values and slightly lower fatigue resistance.
asphalt (WMA) and RAP [7–11]; WMA and electric arc furnace slag The ageing improved every performance parameters of the modi-
[12,13]; WMA and waste tyre rubber [14]; WMA, RAP and waste fied mixtures.
tyre rubber [15]; WMA, RAP and steel slab aggregates [16]. An Hence, the purpose of this study is to continue previous studies
extensive amount of research concerning WMA exists [17], includ- by investigating the possibility of incorporating waste plastic film
ing long-term performance studies [18]. Also, the application of flakes into WMA, gaining thus an improved understanding of
WMA in road pavements has been increasing [19]. The lower pro- waste plastic modified WMA.
duction temperature of WMA by comparison with hot-mix asphalt
(HMA) is due to a set of three technologies, namely chemical addi-
tives, organic (waxes) additives and foaming processes. This tem- 2. Materials and methods
perature reduction brings substantial benefits [17,20], which
reduces fuel and energy use and, consequently, the carbon foot- 2.1. Materials
print. Wu et al. [18] stated that using WMA technologies may
reduce CO2 emissions by around 70% on average compared with The AC mixture type and the aggregates, the bitumen, and the
HMA. It depends on the WMA type, production temperatures, waste plastic considered in this study are the same used in the pre-
and fuel type. The Advera additive resulted in the highest reduction vious authors’ work [27]. Table 1 gives a concise summary of those
(89%) of CO2 emissions, considering the production temperatures materials. Fig. 1 shows the aggregate gradation as well as the
of 177 °C for the HMA and 117 °C for the WMA. The lowest reduc- imposed upper and lower limits. Fig. 2 illustrates the waste of plas-
tion (43%) happened with the Astec Double Barrel Green technol- tic film flakes.
ogy and the production temperatures of 158 °C for the HMA and Regarding the WMA additive to achieve the low-level tempera-
142 °C for the WMA. ture for production and lay down, this paper uses the organic addi-
As noted above, WMA has been incorporating several waste tive technology, more precisely the Sasobit-ReduxÒ. As mentioned
materials (recycling). However, research with waste plastic incor- above, it is soluble in bitumen at temperatures above 85 °C, a tem-
poration in this type of asphalt mixtures is still limited. Yu et al. perature 15 °C below the required by the SasobitÒ. The authors had
[21] incorporated waste packing tapes in WMA enhanced with already used the Sasobit-ReduxÒ to evaluate its potential to
Fischer-Tropsch wax, using blending and compacting temperatures decrease the WMA production temperature [25]. As in this previ-
of 160 °C and 145 °C. Compared to a similar HMA, the WMA pre- ous study, 1.5% of Sasobit-ReduxÒ (by weight of bitumen) was con-
sented better mechanical properties. sidered. The additive was added to the bitumen (at 100 °C) and
Wu and Montalvo [22] presented a literature review regarding manually stirred until dissolution is complete. The waste plastic
the incorporation of ten different types of waste plastic into AC film flakes were then incorporated, by a dry process, during the
mixtures: polyethylene terephthalate (PETE), high-density poly- asphalt mixture blending (at 100 °C). Before compaction, the
ethylene (HDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), low-density polyethy- asphalt mixture was kept at 100 °C in an oven for 30 min to ensure
lene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), and others target compaction temperature and facilitate interaction between
such as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), ethylene–vinyl acet- the waste plastic and the bitumen.
ate (EVA), polycarbonate (PC), and polyurethane (PU). They con-
cluded that, in general, the waste plastic incorporation improves
performance parameters such as stiffness and rutting and fatigue 2.2. Methods
resistance. The performance of plastic modified asphalt mixtures
tends to be temperature-dependent. In general, they perform bet- Stage 1 of the study consisted of a preliminary evaluation of
ter at high-temperature (rutting resistance) and worse at low-level Marshall properties, water sensitivity and workability of the
temperature (resistance to fatigue cracking). However, such per- WMA. Stage 2 included stiffness assessment, fatigue cracking and
formances depend, in particular, on the plastic type and modifica- rutting performance evaluation (using both uniaxial dynamic
tion method. Du et al. [23] studied the low-level temperature creep tests and wheel-tracking tests). For comparison purposes,
performance of polyethylene (PE) modified asphalt mixtures. They both HMA and WMA, with plastic (6%) and without plastic (0%),
concluded that the LDPE-modification led to better asphalt perfor- were considered, totalling four mixtures in comparison. Most of
mance than the HDPE and that the modification by the dry method the HMA test results were obtained in previous work [27], as above
also led to better results. mentioned. Table 2 clarifies what comes from the previous study
This study aims to combine the WMA with the incorporation of and done in this one.
waste plastic. What concerns the WMA composition, a wax addi-
tive produced by the Fisher-Tropsch process, more precisely the
Sasobit-ReduxÒ, was used. It dissolves in bitumen at temperatures
above 85 °C, while the same temperature for the well-known Saso- Table 1
bitÒ is 115 °C [24]. The authors have evaluated this additive’s abil- Summary of the materials.
ity to reduce WMA production temperature [25] and achieved AC mixture - Mixture type: dense-graded mixture; AC 14 surf (EN
positive results at three compaction temperatures (90, 100 and 13108–1 - [28])
110 °C). A low melting-temperature plastic was used to facilitate - Maximum aggregate size: 16 mm
- Typical pavement layer: surface layer
the waste plastic incorporation, specifically waste plastic film
Aggregates - Gneiss and limestone
flakes. The flakes were gathered during the recycling process (after Bitumen - 35/50 penetration grade bitumen (EN 12,591 - [29])
shredding), whose ultimate aim is pelletisation. Pelletisation of the - Bitumen content = 5.0% (by weight of mixture)
recycling process (sorting, shredding and pelletisation) contributes Plastic - Waste plastic film flakes from the urban waste collection
92.85% for the climate change [26]. The authors incorporated that (including consequently different single-use plastic film
plastic in an HMA and compared the obtained results with corre- - Plastic content: 6.0% (by weight of bitumen)
sponding values from a non-modified HMA, considering both
A. Almeida, S. Capitão, C. Estanqueiro et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123384

Fig. 1. Aggregate gradation and imposed limits [27].

2.2.3. Stage 1: Workability

Workability evaluates the suitability of asphalt mixtures to be
produced, transported, laid and compacted [34]. It influences void
characteristics of AC mixtures and, consequently, their perfor-
mance [35]. Moreover, waste plastic incorporation might lead to
workability issues, mainly in low-level temperature mixture pro-
duction. Therefore, to evaluate it, compaction curves of the speci-
mens produced, in the gyratory compaction (GC), for the uniaxial
dynamic creep tests (specimens with 150 mm in diameter and
115 mm high) were drawn and analysed. A total of five specimens
per AC mixture were considered. The compaction curves display
the bulk density (y-axis) variation as a function of the compaction
energy (number of gyrations on the x-axis) on a logarithmic scale,
Fig. 2. Waste plastic film flakes [27].
in which the bulk density is represented as a percentage of the
maximum density of the mixtures. These curves allow us to infer
about AC mixture workability from production to use phase, and
2.2.1. Stage 1: Marshall compression test consequently, several parameters have been developed to analyse
To carry out Marshall compression tests, according to EN it [36–39]. When GC is considered, the standard EN 12697-10
12697-34 [30], four cylindrical specimens per mixture (102 mm [38] models the compaction curve as defined in Eq. (1):
in diameter and 64 mm high) were prepared using the impact
compactor by applying 75 blows on each side of the specimen
v ðngÞ ¼ v ð1Þ  k  lnðng Þ ð1Þ
[31]. Then, void characteristics (air voids content and voids in the where v ðng Þ is the void content for the number of gyrations ng in
mineral aggregate) and mechanical properties (stability and flow) per cent, v ð1Þ is the calculated air content for one gyration in per
were determined. cent, and k is the compaction curve slope. From the parameter
v ð1Þ, it is possible to infer the ease of laying the AC mixture [36].
The lower the values, the easier the laying is. The parameter k is
usually considered to assess the compactability of AC mixtures.
2.2.2. Stage 1: Water sensitivity Higher k values indicate easier compactability [39]. Also, the com-
Water sensitivity was evaluated using indirect tensile strength paction energy index (CEI) is used to evaluate compactability. CEI
(ITS) tests [32], at 25 °C, with Marshall specimens prepared in represents the area below the compaction curve from the 8th gyra-
the laboratory. Calculating the indirect tensile strength ratio (ITSR) tion to the gyration, in which 92% of the maximum density is
described in EN 12697-12 [33], the water sensitivity was estab- achieved [40]. As CEI decreases, the mixture’s compactability
lished. Four specimens per subset (dry and wet) were considered. increases because lesser energy is required to meet the pavement’s

Table 2
Tests carried out in the current study and the previous one used for the sake of comparison.

Previous study [27] Current study

HMA 0% Plastic HMA 6% Plastic HMA 0% Plastic HMA 6% Plastic WMA 0% Plastic WMA 6% Plastic
Stage 1 Marshall compression test x x
Water sensitivity x x
Workability x x x x
Stage 2 Stiffness x x x x
Fatigue x x x x
Rutting – uniaxial dynamic creep test x x x x
Rutting – wheel tracking test x x x x

A. Almeida, S. Capitão, C. Estanqueiro et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123384

25 6
20 5

Stability (kN)

Flow (mm)
10 min
5 1
0 0
0%Plasc 6%Plasc 0%Plasc 6%Plasc 0%Plasc 6%Plasc 0%Plasc 6%Plasc
(a) (b)
6% 17%

mineral aggregates
5% 16%
Air voids content

Voids in the
3% min
1% 13%

0% 12%
0%Plasc 6%Plasc 0%Plasc 6%Plasc 0%Plasc 6%Plasc 0%Plasc 6%Plasc

(c) (d)
Fig. 3. Results of stability (a), flow (b), air voids content (c), and voids in the mineral aggregates (d) for the four mixtures in comparison.

porosity requirements. As only 40 gyrations (the number of gyra- simulation tests induce stress states in test specimens roughly sim-
tions defined to achieve the target air voids content) were used, ilar to that in the field. The test method and the compaction proce-
parameters with higher percentages of the maximum density, such dure have a considerable influence on rutting results [46].
as the traffic densification index, were not determined. Therefore, this study uses two test methods to evaluate rutting
resistance: the uniaxial dynamic creep test and the wheel-
2.2.4. Stage 2: Stiffness and fatigue cracking tracking test.
Stiffness and fatigue cracking were evaluated using the four-
point bending (4 PB) test following the EN 12697-26 [41] and
the EN 12697-24 [42], respectively. For that, prismatic specimens
(410 mm in length, 50 mm in width and height) were prepared Wheel-tracking test. The wheel-tracking test procedure fol-
in the laboratory (at least nine specimens per AC mixture). The lows the standard EN 12697-22 [44] – small size device, procedure
tests were carried out in strain-controlled conditions at 20 °C, a B in air. For that, specimens were prepared in the laboratory using
representative temperature for this analysis and Portuguese condi- a roller compactor (370 mm in length, 300 mm in width, 40 mm in
tions [43]. thickness). A standardised loaded wheel (700 N) repeatedly passes
For stiffness, a strain amplitude of 50 microstrains was consid- on the specimen during the test, and the rut depth formed is mea-
ered. In what concerns the loading signal, the allowed frequencies sured. The test stops at 10,000 load cycles or before if a rut depth of
are device-dependent. The maximum frequency allowed by the 20 mm is reached. The test was carried out at 60 °C as specified by
used device is 10 Hz, and therefore the following six frequencies the Portuguese Road Administration [45]. Two specimens per mix-
were considered, namely 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 Hz. From the strain ture were tested. After the test, the following parameters are deter-
and load signals, the stiffness modulus and the phase angle were mined: (1) the rut depth at the end of the test (RDair); (2) the
determined. proportional rut depth (PRDair); and (3) the wheel-tracking slope
The loading signal was applied at 10 Hz for fatigue cracking (WTSair).
resistance, and the following three strain levels were considered:
100, 200 and 300 microstrains. For failure criterion, the one speci-
fied in the EN 12697-24 [42] was considered, which represents a
50% reduction of the initial stiffness modulus. From results, a fati- Uniaxial dynamic creep test. The creep test procedure fol-
gue law, as in Eq. (2), is determined. lows the standard EN 12697-25 [45]. For that, specimens (five
per mixture) were prepared, in the laboratory, using the gyratory
e ¼ A  NB ð2Þ compactor (150 mm in diameter and 60 mm high) [47]. To guaran-
tee that the specimens are at the test temperature (60 °C as in the
where, e is the failure strain in microstrain, N is the number of load wheel-tracking test), they were first conditioned in the machine’s
repetitions, and A and B are model coefficients. thermostatic chamber for four hours. During the test, the speci-
mens were subjected to a square and periodical loading pulse
2.2.5. Stage 2: Rutting (100 kPa, frequency of 0.5 Hz, loading time and a rest period of
Rutting resistance could be characterised from simulation (such one second), and the permanent deformation was measured (in
as wheel tracking tests [44]) to more fundamental ones (such as two displacement transducers). The test stops at 3600 loading
cyclic compression tests [45]). Besides, to assess rutting suscepti- applications or before if the permanent deformation exceeds 4%
bility, fundamental tests provide mechanical parameters. In turn, microstrain.
A. Almeida, S. Capitão, C. Estanqueiro et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123384

2000 7%
1750 6%

Air voids content

1500 5%
ITS (kPa)
250 1%
0 0%
dry wet dry wet dry wet dry wet dry wet dry wet dry wet dry wet


0%Plasc 6%Plasc 0%Plasc 6%Plasc 0%Plasc 6%Plasc 0%Plasc 6%Plasc

(a) (b)


0%Plasc 6%Plasc 0%Plasc 6%Plasc
Fig. 4. Water sensitivity results: (a) ITS, (b) air voids content and (c) ITSR.

3. Results and discussion compression test. A performance-based design is especially appro-

priate when non-conventional materials are used [49], as happens
3.1. Stage 1: Preliminary study in this case.

3.1.1. Marshall compression test 3.1.2. Water sensitivity

Fig. 3 presents the average Marshall compression test results Fig. 4 presents the indirect tensile strength (ITS) values for both
and the corresponding volumetric properties for the four asphalt dry and wet specimens, their air voids contents and the calculated
mixtures in comparison. Also, the Portuguese specification require- indirect tensile strength ratio (ITSR). The error bar represents the
ments [48] are depicted (horizontal dotted lines in red). standard deviation.
The results presented in Fig. 3 show that the WMAs have lower HMA and WMA performed differently when plastic was incor-
stability than the HMAs and higher flow, and the incorporation of porated into them. The first significant difference arises because
plastic increased the air voids content and slightly decreased flow the addition of plastic did not increase ITS results for WMA. As
for WMA. The addition of plastic differently influenced HMA and mentioned before, the level of interaction between the LDPE and
WMA. Apparently, the main reason for this finding is the mixing the bitumen is temperature-dependent. In the case of WMA, the
temperature of the constituents. The WMA was mixed at 100 °C, mixing temperature was 100 °C, so the increase in the mixture’s
so the added LDPE can be more challenging to combine with bitu- cohesion was low, even in dry conditions. Moreover, the water sen-
men at that temperature than it happens in HMA, which was man- sitivity is generally reasonably correlated with the void content as
ufactured at 165 °C. In this situation, the LDPE micro-flakes not the water more easily enters within the material. Because WMA
combined with the bitumen will fill more space in the mixture’s with LDPE had high voids content, the measured performance
mastic, increasing voids’ volume. Also, because the temperature did not achieve increased results compared to the WMA without
is lower for WMA, the portion of LDPE that interacted with the plastic.
bitumen tends to increase the viscosity of the resulting binder than The HMA and the WMA incorporating plastic exhibited a higher
for the HMA, potentially generating a thicker binder film involving ITS value, with this increase being most pronounced for the HMA.
the aggregates and, thus, increasing the spacing between the par- The WMA present a lower ITS value than the HMA. An analysis of
ticles and, therefore, the voids content. The volumetric properties variance (ANOVA) was carried out to assess the results’ signifi-
and the WMA’s flow are the combinations of several effects: the cance, and the resulting p-values for both dry and wet conditions
wax reduces the bitumen’s viscosity, and the LDPE increases it are lower than 0.05. Besides providing detailed information on dif-
when combined with the binder; the micro-particles of plastic ferences among the tested AC mixtures, Tukey’s multiple compar-
not combined with bitumen may exist in higher number within ison analysis tests were also carried out. In dry conditions, only the
the mastic. WMA with plastic does not significantly differ of the unmodified
Some of the Portuguese specification empirical requirements WMA. In contrast, in wet conditions, the WMA with plastic does
are not fulfilled, namely the flow. This aspect was not an issue not significantly differ from both unmodified HMA and WMA.
because the compositions derived from stage 1 were based on an The results indicate that the most sensitive AC mixture to moisture
empirical mix-design, which is not decisive when a fundamental was the WMA with plastic. This fact is likely to occur because this
mix-design procedure is carried out. Good mechanical perfor- asphalt mixture had higher voids content. However, the results
mance must be achieved, irrespectively, the results of the Marshall measured for ITSR are satisfactory because the ITS value of the
A. Almeida, S. Capitão, C. Estanqueiro et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123384


98 HMA_0%Plasc

96 HMA_6%Plasc

94 WMA_0%Plasc
(% of maximum density)
92 WMA_6%Plasc



86 y = 4.1942ln(x) + 81.555 y = 3.8701ln(x) + 83.145

R² = 0.9965 R² = 0.9974
y = 4.1159ln(x) + 80.744 y = 3.7911ln(x) + 81.288
82 R² = 0.9961 R² = 0.997

1 10 100

Number of gyraons

Fig. 5. Compaction curves from gyratory compaction tests.

20.0 18.5 18.2

18.0 16.3 HMA_0%Plasc
16.0 14.1 HMA_6%Plasc
11.1 WMA_0%Plasc
10.0 WMA_6%Plasc
6.0 4.2 3.7
4.1 3.9 3.8
2.0 0.8
v(1) k CEI

Fig. 6. Results obtained for workability parameters (dimensionless): ease of laying [v(1)], slope of the compaction curve (k) and compaction energy index (CEI).


Sffness (MPa)





1 Hz 2 Hz 4 Hz 6 Hz 8 Hz 10 Hz

HMA_0%Plasc HMA_6%Plasc WMA_0%Plasc WMA_6%Plasc

Fig. 7. Variation of stiffness values, obtained at 20 °C for a strain amplitude of 50 mm/m, with loading frequency.

wet specimens is higher than 800 kPa, and the ITSR value is very Nevertheless, the values determined for v ð1Þ and CEI show that
close to 80%. the WMA without plastic presented slightly better workability
than the conventional HMA. Moreover, incorporating waste plastic
3.1.3. Workability into these two asphalt mixtures caused a slightly higher reduction
Fig. 5 depicts the compaction curves, and Fig. 6 presents the of the WMA workability than HMA. The results for the parameter k
workability parameter values (k, v(1) and CEI). were not conclusive since they are very close to each other. In what
The results show that waste plastic incorporation is expected to concerns CEI, the use of the organic additive in WMA reduced it,
reduce the workability of the asphalt mixtures. According to the meaning improved workability (even diminishing the temperature
results, the ease of laying of the four asphalt mixtures is similar. to 65 °C). On the contrary, incorporating waste plastic increased
A. Almeida, S. Capitão, C. Estanqueiro et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123384


Phase angle (degree)

1 Hz 2 Hz 4 Hz 6 Hz 8 Hz 10 Hz

HMA_0%Plasc HMA_6%Plasc WMA_0%Plasc WMA_6%Plasc

Fig. 8. Variation of phase angle values, obtained at 20 °C for a strain amplitude of 50 mm/m, with loading frequency.

500 results for HMA have already been published [27], they are used
HMA_0%Plasc in this paper for the sake of comparison.
Compared to HMA, WMA present lower stiffness values (about
19% less in the mixture without plastic and 27% less in the mixture
with plastic). The reduction in stiffness may happen because of the
Strain (μm/m)

WMA-associated temperature reduction. This decrease could
diminish the short-term bitumen ageing and, consequently, both
the binder’s stiffness and the asphalt mixture. Also, the fact that
WMA is tested after specimen’s production could do not recover
the HMA level with age [18]. Regarding phase angle values, the dif-
ferences between the mixtures without plastic (HMA and WMA)
tend to diminish as the test frequency increases. The incorporation
10000 100000 1000000 10000000 of plastic flakes increased the stiffness values on average (17% in
Number of load applicaons HMA and 8% in WMA) and reduced the phase angle values (the
material becomes ‘‘more elastic”).
Fig. 9. Fatigue laws from 4 PB tests (20 °C and 10 Hz). The stiffness values of the WMA with plastic are valuable indi-
cators of the potential use of this type of mixture as a paving solu-
Table 3
tion for sustainable-oriented road construction.
Fatigue laws parameters.

Mixture A B R2
HMA_0%Plastic 2848.1 0.223 98%
3.2.2. Fatigue cracking
HMA_6%Plastic 1888.7 0.199 92% Fig. 9 presents the 4 PB test results for the four mixtures and the
WMA_0%Plastic 5002.5 0.281 87% corresponding fitted fatigue laws. Table 3 presents the parameters
WMA_6%Plastic 5875.4 0.305 95% of Eq. (2). In order to facilitate the comparison between mixtures,
Fig. 10 shows the strain values for a fatigue life of 1,000,000 cycles
(e6), 100,000 cycles (e5) and 10,000 cycles (e4). These strain values
400 365 376 354 were determined using the fitted fatigue laws. Again the HMA
302 HMA_6%Plasc results for HMA previously published are used for the sake of com-
219 parison [27].
Strain (μm/m)

191 197 175 WMA_6%Plasc

200 When comparing the HMA and the WMA without waste plastic
131 121
103 87 incorporation, HMA presents higher fatigue resistance at low strain
levels (e6) since a higher strain level is allowed in the HMA to reach

0 1,000,000 cycles (with plastic: 121 vs 87 microstrains). However,

ε4 ε5 ε6 when strain level increases, and consequently, the number of
allowed load applications decreases, the performance of WMA
Fig. 10. Strains values for a fatigue life of 1,000,000 cycles (e6), 100,000 cycles (e5)
compares to that of HMA (e4). In other words, WMA supports a
and 10,000 cycles (e4).
higher strain level to reach 10,000 cycles than the HMA (with plas-
tic: 354 vs 302 microstrains). The incorporation of waste plastic
CEI significantly, reducing the mix workability compared with the slightly decreases fatigue resistance. This situation can be coun-
mixtures without plastic. However, the laboratory experience of tered by the ageing effect shown in the previous study [27], in
mixing and compacting the materials did not reveal workability which findings showed that the incorporation of waste plastic
issues. could partially offset the negative ageing effect observed in fatigue.
It is noteworthy that, in general, high-volume roads, such as
3.2. Stage 2: Performance evaluation motorways and other high ranked national roads, comprise only
a small part of the road network [50]. Therefore, the studied mix-
3.2.1. Stiffness and phase angle ture (WMA with waste plastic) is expected to be proper for low-to-
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 present stiffness and phase angle values, respec- intermediate volume roads without compromising fatigue
tively, for the six loading frequencies considered. Although the resistance.
A. Almeida, S. Capitão, C. Estanqueiro et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123384

11 HMA_0%Plasc
10 HMA_6%Plasc
9 WMA_0%Plasc
Rut depth (mm)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Loading cycles

Fig. 11. Ruth depth evolution from the wheel-tracking test.

Table 4 higher for the HMA (the rut depth decreased 66% in the HMA while
Wheel tracking test parameters. it decreased 26% in the WMA).
Mixture RDair (mm) PRDair(%) WTSair(mm/103cycles)
HMA_0%Plastic 10.3 25.8 0.111 Uniaxial dynamic creep test. Fig. 12 presents the creep
HMA_6%Platic 3.5 8.7 0.043 curves and Fig. 13, shows the creep rate for the four mixtures in
WMA_0%Plastic 3.4 8.5 0.138 comparison. As mentioned above, the tests were carried out on
WMA_6%Plastic 2.5 6.2 0.085 cylindrical specimens moulded in a gyratory compactor.
Compared to HMA, the WMA performed worse in the uniaxial
dynamic creep test, conversely to wheel-tracking test results. The
incorporation of waste plastic film flakes generated controversial
results. Considering the total deformation of specimens, the perfor-
3.2.3. Rutting mance of HMA increased while that of WMA decreased. Neverthe-
As mentioned above, the rutting resistance was evaluated using less, that parameter seems to be considerably influenced by the
uniaxial dynamic creep tests and wheel-tracking tests, and both
carried out at the same temperature (60 °C).
(microstarin/loading cycle) Wheel-tracking test. Fig. 11 presents the evolution of the rut 2

depth against the number of loading cycles. Table 4 summarises
Creep rate

the results of all the parameters calculated (the HMA results had 1.5
already been published [27]).
Regardless of plastic incorporation, the WMA performed much 1
better than the HMA because the rut depth decreased by 67%.
HMA had low values of air voids (less than 3%). This threshold is
known to correspond to weak resistance against permanent defor-
mation for conventional AC. In this case, the results revealed higher HMA HMA WMA WMA
initial densification, and consequently, the rut rate rapidly 0%Plasc 6%Plasc 0%Plasc 6%Plasc
increased with loading cycles. The incorporation of plastic
improved the rutting resistance of both mixtures, which was Fig. 13. Creep rate parameter from the creep curve.

Cumulave axial strain (microstrain)

15000 WMA_0%Plasc
12500 WMA_6%Plasc
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600
Loading Cycles

Fig. 12. Cumulative axial strain from the uniaxial dynamic creep test.

A. Almeida, S. Capitão, C. Estanqueiro et al. Construction and Building Materials 291 (2021) 123384

initial accelerated deformation, which may occur due to over- of this study contributed to increasing knowledge about waste
densification or stress concentration in the specimen’s specific plastic modified WMA. The studied mixture, WMA incorporating
points. So, it is not clear to distinguish, in that phase, the test- waste plastic film flakes produced at low-level temperature
dependent behaviour from the performance of the material. (100 °C) by using the Sasobit-ReduxÒ additive, is a promising solu-
Although the creep test’s cumulative strain does not indicate tion to be applied in low-intermediate volume roads with mean-
the rut depth, it is generally used in comparing mixture perfor- ingful environmental benefits and contribution to the circular
mances. If the creep rate is considered the behaviour parameter, economy.
the results show that the WMA with plastic presented better resis-
tance against rutting than the WMA without plastic. This fact con- CRediT authorship contribution statement
firms the tendency observed in the wheel-tracking tests.
Controversial results are also reported in the literature. Özen Arminda Almeida: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investiga-
et al. [51] evaluated the rutting performance of elastomer- tion, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Silvino
modified asphalt mixtures and creep results does not correlate with Capitão: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data curation, Writing
wheel-tracking test results. Baghaee Moghaddam et al. [52] found - review & editing. Carla Estanqueiro: Investigation, Writing -
different rutting performance of PET modified mixtures under static original draft.
and dynamic loads. In the study of Lastra-González et al. [53], PE and
PP increased rutting resistance while PS decreased it significantly. In Declaration of Competing Interest
turn, Vila-Cortavitarte et al. [54] found improvements with PS incor-
poration. They pointed to the testing temperature, the loading con- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
ditions (with rest period or not) and a lack of homogeneity not cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
detected during mixture manufacturing as possible reasons. to influence the work reported in this paper.
Nevertheless, more research is needed to evaluate rutting resis-
tance and thereby diminish the apparent controversial conclu-
sions. It can encompass variations in testing temperatures and
loading conditions.
The authors thank: (1) the SasolWax GmbH company for pro-
viding the WMA-additive; and (2) the enterprise Ambiente – Recu-
4. Conclusions
peração de Materiais Plásticos, S.A for providing the waste plastic
film flakes.
In this paper, the possibility of incorporating waste plastic film
flakes into WMA was investigated in order to gain an improved
understanding of waste plastic modified WMA produced at low- References
level temperature (100 °C). The investigation’s main conclusions
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