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For over 40 years, rumors have circulated about how the moon

landing was faked. It is stated that Neil Armstrong never took

that small step for man and big step for humanity and that
astronauts were not astronauts at all. The peak of this theory
occurred on February 15, 2001, when FOX aired a program
entitled "Did We Land on the Moon?" The alleged landing was
staged at a Hollywood studio in order for America to win the
race to the moon. Namely, 4 pieces of evidence for this theory
are crucial. First, the flag placed on the moon is swaying, which
is impossible considering that there is no wind on the moon.
Second, there is no picture showing the sky above the moon,
where some stunning stars could be seen. The third alleged
proof is that shadows can be seen from several angles, which is
impossible because the only source of light is the sun. And the
fourth is a stone that was brought from the moon with the
letter C on it, which indicates more of a prop from the studio
than a stone from the moon. After the broadcast of that
program, many theories and counter-theories appeared. On
top of all that, scientists state that some things from the Apollo
mission could not be falsified, such as signals caught on the way
and stones brought from the moon, which were concluded by
geological research to be several millennia old. Scientists
actually believe that astronauts went to the moon and that
they also found an ancient extraterrestrial civilization and
maybe even more than that. They claim that the inventions are
so frightening that NASA persistently tries to hide them from
the public.

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