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RADAR and Satellite Communication

Assignment (Last Date of Submission: 08/12/2023)

1. A satellite at a distance of 36,000km from earth radiates a power of 5W from an antenna with
a gain of 16dB. Find the power received by an earth station antenna with gain of 45dB.
Operating frequency is 11 GHz.
2. The cosmos 1675 satellite has an apogee height of 39342 Km and a Perigee height of 613Km.
Determine the semi major axis and the eccentricity of its orbit. Assume a mean earth radius of
6371 Km.
3. A satellite downlink at 12 GHz operates with a transmit power of 6 W and an antenna gain of
48.2 dB. Calculate the EIRP in dBW.
4. An antenna has a noise temperature of 35 K and is matched into a receiver which has a noise
temperature of 100 K. Calculate the noise power density and the noise power for a bandwidth
of 36 MHz.
5. A geosynchronous satellite is transmitting a TV signal to an earth-based station at a distance of
40,000 km. Assume that the dish antennas of the satellite and the earth station have diameters
of 0.5 m and 5m, and aperture efficiencies of 60%. If the satellite’s transmitter power is 6 W
and the downlink frequency 4 GHz, calculate the antenna gains (satellite antenna and earth
station antenna) in dB and the amount of received power.
6. A TDMA system operates at 100M bits/s with a 2ms frame time. Assume that all slots are of
equal length and guard time 1 micro sec is required between slots. Compute the efficiency of
the communication resource for the case of 1, 2,5,10 slots per frame.
7. For any satellite located in the orbit, mean anomaly and eccentric anomaly is 2050 and 204.9380
respectively. Find the eccentricity of the orbit.
8. A satellite is moving in a highly eccentric Molniya orbit having the farthest and the closest
points as 35000 km and 500 km respectively from the surface of the earth. Determine the orbital
time period and the velocity at the apogee and perigee points. (Assume that Earth’s radius =
6360 km)
9. An S-band radar antenna transmits pulses at PRF of 300 Hz with pulse width of 10 µs.
Determine the minimum distance between the two closely spaced targets that can be identified
by the radar.
10. A satellite is in a 322 km high circular orbit. Determine
a. The orbital angular velocity in radians per second
b. The orbital period in minutes; and
c. The orbital velocity in meters per second.

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