Lectures 9 and 10

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Lectures 9 and 10

2023-11-09 9:02 AM

Lectures 9
and 10…

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- The good bad the ugly was directed by Leone

○ Shaped the genre of Westerners
- Italian westerners and american westerners are different
○ The italian ones were the first to create charactters that did not depict Americna
cowboys as good
§ Clint eastwood for example had some good qualitieis
□ His movies were more bloody than American films
□ They incorporated tech to elevate the quality of the movies
- Once upon a time movie was dedicted to italian spaghetti westerners

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1. What can food in film, and more broadly, films in general, rell us about external realities?
a. Political state
b. they help to reveal qualities of a character
c. They hjelp to get a message across to the audience through these characters
2. What impact can a film have on an audience?
a. Can educate them
b. Open their eyes to different people, circumstances
i. Can be a uniting factor
c. What happens when we see food scenes?
i. Approximate us to the things happening on screen
ii. Allows us to relate more
3. When were the neorealist films released?
a. 1940-1950s
b. First film to receive a clam was Sushine
i. The next one to receiev an oscar was bicycle thieves
4. What is the mission of neorealism?
a. honesty
b. In Shushine, the boys sitting down at lunch are srtruggling because the food does not
taste good, but they are in prison
i. This film is set in the rice fields of Piedmont regions, where women worked in
these fields in harsha nd tragic conditions
1) The rice harvested went to become part of the gov providd rations
a) The fascists had made a mess with the wheat harvesting industry
ii. Rice fields are really hard to maintain and harvest
c. How does it relate to the topic of food in the specific films mentioned?
iii. In these films, some of these families are eating less or more
1) To the audience, the family can focus on being together and enjoy
simple pelasures

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- Bicycle thieves
○ Motivated prof to study grad school
○ It is about a man (Antonio Richi) whose bike is stolen after he got it
§ The bike meant more to him and his family than just a mthod of
§ He got the bike by his wife selling their belongings including her wedding
□ It is important for him to bike because his job depended on it
§ Antonio and his son, Bruno, spend the entire time searching for the person
who stole the bike
□ Hoping for justice
§ However, justice was hard to come by because this is post war Rome, so
others ares truggling
□ Petty crimes are so rampany that the majority of them are ignored
® In general, there is an indifference in society towards humanity's
§ They learn that in this society, there are more injustices than anything
§ We learn that bike will neevr be found, and this weighs on the audience
□ This felling of hopelessness
§ Antonio decides that he and his son need a break, so they go to a local tataria
□ This scene is happy and sad, where the eating together induces
happiness even though his bike was stolen
® Moment of cinematic masterpiece
§ This scene was like Antonio showing his son there is a future without or with
the bike
§ They ordered mozzarella in carroza: melted cheese on bread
□ Eaten with your hands

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- How do society and cinema change after neorealism?
○ Focus is diffwerent because new things were happening in society
○ Italians did not like neorealism
§ No body wants to go to the movies and be reminded of how depressing life is
- What do audiences and directors want?
○ MAYBE ANSWER: use it as escapism
- How do those changes relate to the topic of food in the specific films (Miracle in Milan,
Bread, Love, and Dreams) mentioned?
○ They start to paint a picture of better lifestyles through the changes in industries like
food imports from the US
○ In the first picture, the person is given an opportunity to make wish
§ All they choose is food, they do not choose material wealth
- What is "Commedia all'italiana?"
○ There is bitter humor in thes movies, but there is a deeper analysis of what is
happening in society
§ These movices even though they have self deprecating aspects of themselves,
people still could relate to them
- How do its themes play out in I soliti ignoti?
○ Love, family, and food
- What role does food play in I soliti ignoti?
○ Climbing through a social ladder through a hiest
○ They do not want to be thieves but they are because they want to live comfortably
without worrying or not being able to eat

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- These are movies coming out of the economic boom

○ Cinema industry experienced a boom in the 1950-1960s
- American artists had been drawn to this allure of italy and hisptur of rome
○ It was cheap to shoot movies there
- Rome was hime to the state of the art movie theatres
○ One of these theatres was Cinecitta
§ Givent his name
§ Translates to City of cinema
- Now the howle zone around these studies is called by Cinecitta
- Tons of italian and american movies were shot in Rome and in this cinema
○ These movies were big successes
- Rome was so popular because it was the filiming locations of American movies
○ Many starts and filmmakeers were in rome shooting
§ Became known as holywood on the timmer

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- Americans were conjuring up what it is like to live in italy because of these holllywood
- DA6:

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- In the first clip, what negative signs did you notice?

○ Skull and crossbones on the horse
○ Fascist salute
○ Nazi salute
○ Green horse

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- In the 2000s, Italy is going through economic crisis

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- There are differences how italians and americansa portray mafia

1. What key characteristics are found in italians films about the mafia?
2. How do italian movies about the mafia invert the way that food-related scenes/themes
are used in other (italian) movies?
3. What examples are found in the film Gomorra?

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- Peaches represent ecomafia

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