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Nama : Aris W.

Prodi : Teknik Mesin
NIM : 2023105002

The Impact of Waste on the Environment and Health

Thesis :
Human life is inseparable from waste. Plastic bags, food and beverage wrappers, used clothes,
broken furniture, and also food waste or stale food, are all waste. Reporting from the World Bank Group,
Indonesia produces 175,000 tons of waste every day and 20% of it ends up in rivers and beaches. Not
only in Indonesia, all countries in the world also produce waste every day. But did you know that garbage
and waste cause many adverse effects on the environment. Organic waste such as paper, food waste, and
wood can be degraded in a short time. But plastic waste is very difficult to degrade in up to hundreds of

Argumentations :
Did you know that trash that is carried into the ocean is very dangerous for the animals that live
there. Animals don't have the mobility and intelligence of humans, so if they get trapped, they won't be
able to escape. Many animals have their necks entangled in plastic bags or ropes and cannot free
themselves. Air pollution is caused by waste in the form of gas. Burning fossil fuels such as gasoline
produces a lot of carbon dioxide. The use of refrigerants produces CFC gas, and piles of garbage produce
methane gas. All three gases are considered greenhouse gases. They form a layer in the atmosphere like a
greenhouse, trapping heat and reflecting it, damaging the ozone layer. Fossil power plants and industries
emit fumes containing sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide into the air. When these two gases meet water
in the air, acid rain occurs. According to Live Science, acid rain is rain with water that is acidic because it
has a low pH.

Acid rain can turn soil and water acidic, stunting growth or killing many fish and other small
species. Because of its acidic nature, this rain can damage buildings by chemical erosion. In public
dumping grounds or landfills, garbage will continue to accumulate and contaminate the surrounding soil.
Garbage that accumulates on the ground releases harmful substances that make it impossible for plants to
grow around it. Areas with accumulated garbage tend to be dirty, arid, and a source of disease.

Reiteration :
Waste has a negative impact on human life. In garbage that accumulates and decays, there are
many bacterial and viral diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid, dysentery, fungus, cholera, and various skin

Source :

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