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16 Personalities Reflection

Write a half page minimum below describing:

 Whether or not you feel that this is an accurate depiction of your personality (why or why not).
 How your traits and skills connect to your career plan.

Don’t forget to:

 Share WHAT your designation is (the FOUR LETTERS).

 Provide details and examples where possible
 Use paragraphs in your writing


My personality characteristics can help my career path because it’ll help me get out of my comfort zone.
Whether that’s being more out there or doing spontaneous things. Being social is a key component to
lots of jobs like being some sort of instructor or tour guide etc. I plan on being either a gym instructor or
an esthetician and both include being honest to your clients by helping them out at the same time which
my personality type is good at. I believe the ESPF personality type represents me quite well, but as much
as I’m social and unfocused I can get, I also enjoy being quiet and doing my own things sometimes. So
yes, I agree with it but no one would be exactly like the paragraphs they shared, but can help resemble
the person and part of their personality. Being bold is a big part of being an entertainer but for me
sometimes I enjoy doing this normally and not stepping out of my comfort zone. The whole concept of
the 16 personalities is very cool and scary how accurate they can be, and I believe the one it gave me,
ESPF, is the best choice to describe me.

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