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RGU/ACA/R Ect2o23-24t odd-Even/ 13 m'wu:u f ,En / zrrz -zs 4

The Assam Royal Gtobal urrir".rifl f ,

Tentative Academic Calender for the year 2023 -2024

SI. No. Date (Day) Activify
# commencement/ orientation programme for all odd-semester
I August 7th (Monday) Classes, exceot UG / PG lst semester
# Submission of Re-registration forms. *
2 August 15th (Tuesday) Independence Day (Celebration Day without Classes)

August I 6th (Wednesday)

August I 6th (Wednesday)

Mandatory orientation prograrnme & commencement of classes for
New admittted Ph.D. Scholars, Session: J:u/ry,2023
Commencem entl Orientation programme of lst Semester UG
Classes, for students admitted in the sessio n 2023-24.
5 August l Sth (Friday) Tithi of Srimanta Shankardeva (Holiday)
Commencem ent/ Orientation programme of 1st Semester PG
6 Augu st 23rd (Wednesday)
Classes, for students admitted in the sessio n 2023-24.
7 September 6th (Wednesday) Janmastami (Holiday)
8 September 17 th (Sunday) Viswakarma Puja (Celebration Day)

9 October 2nd (Monday) Gandhi Jayanti (Celebration Day without Classes)

Octob er 20th (Friday) -
10 Durga Puj al Dussehra (Holiday)
Octob er 24th (Tuesday)

Octob er 26th (Thursday) / Mid Semester Examinations (in the I st period, thereafter Regular
November 9th (Thursday) 't classes resume), of all Odd-Semester students.
t2 Octob er 28th (Saturday) Lakshmi Puja (Holiday)
November l2th (Sunday) -
November 1 5th (Wednesday)
Diwali &Kali Puja/ Bhai Dooj & Bhatr Dwitiya (Hotiday)
t4 November 19th (Sunday) chhathP@v)
Declaration of Mid Semester Examinations Results, of the all Odd-
15 November 2}th(Monday)
Semester students
Parents Teacher Interactions for all Odd-Semester students as per
t6 November 22nd (Wednesday)
schedule of all schools/ departments
November 27th (Monday) Guru Nanak Jayanti (Holiday)
December 4th(Monday) Form fill-up of RGU Semester End Examinations,December 2023-
DecemberJth (Thursday) January-February, 2024 for all Odd semester.

t9 December 08th (Friday)

Notification of rime schedule for all odd-semester RGU Semester
End Examination, December 2023-Jantary- February, 2024.

20 December 25th (Monday) Christmas (Holiday)

Last date recorded for Class Attendance of the Odd semester
2l December 26th (Tue sday)
students, except (JG/PG I st semester.
Final submission of Cumulative attendance of the Odd-semester
students (except UG/ PG l st semester) to Registrar Office, RGU/
22 December 26th (Tuesday)
Dy. CoE, RGIJ. Mid-Tefin marks, Continous Evaluation marks to
Study Leave for students appearing in Odd-Term RGLI Semester
23 December 27 th (Wednesday) EndExaminations, D tIJG/pG
l st semester students.
. Digan[a Iv{unshi

The Assa,
',=l-' {|j}ff ar Universny
No, RGU/ACA/REG|2,23-24|odd-Even/ 13 The Assam Royal GIobaI University
Tentative Academic Calender for the year 2023 -2024
SI. No. Date (Day) Activify

Issue of Admit Cards for Odd-Term RGU Semester End

24 December 27 th (Wednesday)
Examinations, January,2023, except uG/pG lst semester students.

Odd-Term RGU Semester End Examinations, December 2023-

December 28th (Thursday)
25 January 2024, except uG/PG lst semester, admitted in the session
January l2th(Friday)
26 January 01st (Monday) New Year Day (Holiday)

27 January 05th (Friday)

Last date recorded for Class Attendance for UG lst Semester
students, admitted in 2023-24
Final submission of Cumulative attendance of lst Semester UG
28 January 05th (Friday) students to Registrar Office, RGIJIDy. CoE, RGIJ. Mid-Terrn
marks, Continous Evaluation marks to Py.CoE, RGII
Study Leave for students appearing in RGIJ l st Semester End
January 08th (Monday) Examinatiors, January ,2024, except PG I st semester, admitted in
the session2023-24
Issue of Admit Cards for I st Semester tlG Semester End
30 January 08th (Monday)

January 09th (Monday) RGIJ lst Semester End Examinatiors, January- FebrudA,2oz4,
J anuaruy 2 5th (Thurs day) except PG lst semester, admitted in the session2023-24.
32 January 1lth (Thursday)
Last date recorded for Class Attendance for PG lst Semester
students, admitted in 2023-24.
Final submission of Cumulative attendance of lst Semester PG

JJ January l lth (Thursday) students to Registrar Office, RGIJ I Dy. CoE, RGU. Mid-Tenn
marks, Continous Evaluation marks to Dy.CoE, RGIJ
Issue of Admit Cards for l st Semester PG Semester End
; January l2th(Friday)
Examinations, January- Febru dA, 2024
Study Leave for students appearing in RGU PG 1st Semester End
35 January l2th(Friday) Examinations, January-February, 2024, admitted in the session 2023-
January 13th (Saturday) Winter Break for aII students, except UG/PG lst semester
January 1 7th (Wednesday) students. admitted in the sessio n 2023-24.
January l4th (Sunday) -
,: Magh Bihu (Holiday)
January l6th (Tuesday)
January 17 th (Wednesday) RGU PG l st Semester End Examinations, January-Febru dqt, 2024,
February l st (Thursday) admitted in the session2023-24.
# Commencement I Orientation programme of Even-Semester
39 January 18th (Thursday) Class es, except (JG/ PG 2nd semester
# Submission of Re-registration forms
40 January 26th (Friday) Republic Day (Celebration Day without Classes)
January 27th(Saturday) winter Break for uG lst studentsradmitted in the session 2023-
January 30th (Tuesday) 24.
Declaration of results of Odd-Term RGIJ Semester End
42 January 30th (Tuesduy) Examinatiors, December 2023- January 2024, except UG/pG lst

Jl ,igan" rl unshi

- d,_ The Assa,

ff:,'Jis;rr Univers*y
,No. RGU/ACA/REG.2,23-24.odd-Even/ 13 The Assam Royal Global University
Tentative Academic Calender for the year 2023 -2024
SI. No. Date (Day) Activity
Mandatory orientation prografirme & commencement of classes for
January 3 1 st (Wednesday)
: New admittted Ph.D. Scholars, Session: Jarluary 2024
Commencementl Orientation programme of UG 2nd Semester
January 3I st (Wednesday)
Classes/ Submission of Re-registration forms
February 2nd (Friday) Winter Break for PG lst students,admitted in the sessio n 2023-
February 6th (Tuesday) 24.
Declaration of results of RGU 1st Semester End Examinatiors,
46 February 6th (Tuesday) January ,2024, of IJG Students admitted in the sessio n 2023-24
47 Commencementl Orientation programme of PG 2nd, Semester
Febru ary 07 th (Wednesday)
Classes/ Submission of Re-registration forms
Declaration of results of RGIJ 1st Semester End Examinatiors,
48 February 13th (Tuesday) January , 2024, of PG Students admitted in the sessio n 2023-24

49 Febru ary I 4th (Wednesday) Saraswati Puja (Celebration Day without Classes)

50 March 8th (Friday) Shiv Ratri (Holiday)

March 24th (Sunday) -

51 Holi (Holiday)
March 25th (Monday)

52 March 29th (Friday) Good Friday (Holiday)

; April 10th (Wednesday) Id-IJl-Fitre (Holiday)

April 1lth (Thursday) -
t: April 26th (Friday)
Mid Semester Examinations (in the l st period, thereafter Regular
classes resume) of the all Even-Semester students
April 13th (Saturday) -
55 Bohag Bihu & Ambedkar Jayanti (Holiday)
April 15th (Monday)

^1 May 01st (Wednesday) May Day (Celebration Day)

Declaration of Mid Semester Examinations Results of the all Even-
57 May 2nd (Thursday)
semester students
Parents Teacher Interactions for al, Even-semester students, as per
58 May 3rd (Friday)
schedule of all schools/ departments
TthMay (Tuesday)- Form fiIl-up of all Even- Semester students for Even-Term RGIJ
1Oth May (Friday) End Examinations,June- July, 2024
60 May lTth(Friday) Notification of all Even- Semester Time schedule for Even-Semester
RGU Semester End Examination, June -Jdy 2024
6t May 2kd (Thursday) Buddha Purnima (Holiday)

62 June 3rd (Monday)

Last date recorded for class Attendance of the all Even-semester
students, except UG /PG 2nd semester.
Study Leave for students appearing in Even-Tenn RGIJ Semester
June 4th (Tuesday)
63 End Examinations, June-July, 2023, except UG/PG l st semester
June 5th (Wednesday)
students. E)Mpln IYlr on.-{,,'

Dr. DiganLr lvlunshi

*3- The Assa, -ff:i'Jffi ,r Un iversny

, No. RGU/ACA/REG/2I23-24/ odd-Even/ t3 The Assam Royal Global University
Tentative Academic Calender for the year 2023 -2024
Sf. No. Date (Day) Activity
Final submission of Cumulative attendance of the Even-semester
64 June th(Tuesday) students (except UG/ PG 2nd semester) to Registrar Office, RGIJ/
Dy. CoE, RGU. Mid-Tefin marks, Continous Evaluation marks to
Issue of Admit Cards for RGU Even- Term Semester End
66 June 5th (Wednesday) Examinatiors, June 2024, except for 2nd semester UG & PG
June 6th (Thursday) Even-Term RGU Semester End Examinations, June2024, of all
June 2lst (Friday) Even-semester students, exceot (JG/ pG 2nd semester .

68 June 13th (Thursday) Last date recorded for class Attendance of the 2nd semester UG
Final submission of Cumulative attendance of 2nd Semester IJG
69 June 13th (Thursday) students to Registrar office, RGulDy. coE, RGIJ. Mid-Terun
marks, Continous Evaluation marks to Dy.CoE, RGIJ
Issue of Admit Cards for RGLI Even- Term Semester End
70 June l4th(Friday)
Examinations, June 2024, for Znd semester UG students.
7l Study Leave for students appearing in RGIJ 2nd, Semester End
June l4th (Friday)
Examinations, July 2024 for IJG Students
72 June lTth(Monday) Id-UL-Zuha (Holiday)
June 18th (Tuesday) RGU 2nd Semester End Examinations, June-Julyr2L24, for UG
July 2nd (Tuesday) students, admitted in 2023-24
June 22nd (Saturday)- Summer Break for aII Even- semester except UG/PG students,
30th July (Tuesday) admitted in the session 2023-24.
74 June 24th(Monday)
Last date recorded for class Attendance of the 2nd semester pG
Final submission of Cumulative attendance of 2nd, Semester PG
75 June 24th (Monday) students to Registrar office, RGIJIDy. CoE, RG[J. Mid-Tenn
marks, Continous Evaluation marks to Dy.CoE, RGIJ
Study Leave for students appearing in RGIJ 2nd Semester End
June 2lth(Tuesday)
: Examinatiors, July 2024 for PG Students

! June 2lth(Tuesday)

June 26th (Wednesday)-

Issue of Admit Cards for RGU F,ven- Term Semester End
Examinations, June-July 2024, for 2nd semester PG students.
RGU 2nd Semester End Examinations, June-Ju1y,2024, for pG
: July 10th( Wedqesday) students, admitted in 2023-24
July 3rd (Wednesday)- Summer Break for 2nd semester UG students, admitted in the
: July 30th (Tuesday) session 2023-24.
Declaration of results of all Even-Term RGIJ Semester End
80 July 6th (Saturday) Examinatiors, June 2024, except uG and PG 2nd Semester
July 1lth (Thursday) Summer Break for 2nd semester PG students, admitted in the
July 30th (Tuesday) session 2023-24.

; Declaration of results of 2nd Semester UG Semester End

July 13th (Saturday)
Examinations, June- July,2O ft"luar{6/,
Dr. Diganta Munshi
Reg istrar
_'.Lr The Assam Un iversity
No. RG U/ACA/R Ecl2oz3-24/ Odd_Eve n/ L3
The Assam Royal Global university
Tentative Academic Calender for the year 2023 -2024
SI. No. Date (Day) Activity
83 July 2}th(Saturday) Declaration of results of 2nd Semester PG Semester End

# commencement/ orientation programme for odd-semester

(Intermediate and Final year) crasses, exceot Diotoma/
84 July 3lst (Wednesday) IIG / pG
AY 2024_25
# submission of Re-registration forms. ,--

* Programme having internship u'ill commence after

six weeks from the date of end of the semester-End
Examinations (odd-Term) of their respective programme/s
and such has to be approved by the competent
authority/s, however programmes where internship is
not a part of curriculum will start the subsequent
as mentioned and approved via Academic
ffiester carender.


No' of Regular classes/ Teaching and Learning process days (5

I days/week): 1g0 daysryearor 90 days/
2 No. of Examination days (excluding evaluation days)
- 221 year or I l/semester
a Examination papers evaluation shall be completed within
J 7-10 days from the date of completion of the
/\ respective examinations.
4 Re-registration form to be issued/submitted as applicable.
If any of the Holidays/ Restricted Holidays for festivals notified
5 above does not fall on the date/day
notified, necessary modification will be made as per
Government notification.
CulturaV sports events, days/weeks will be notified as
6 and when required during the ongoing semester
and will be held in the aftemoon hour of the day in
the month of FeLruary/ rraarctr
7 Convocation is tentative schedule on November/December,
as per the consent of the Chief Guest.
8 winter/ Summer Break for teaching staffwill be notified by the
competent authority due course of time.
9 Any minor modification may be done only with due approval
from the vice-chancellor, RGU

No. RGU/ACA/REG12023-241 odd-Even I 13

Date: 2610412023

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