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Practice 5: Simulation 5 Office Applications

Objectives: Customize the software and toolbar options, using

the basic elements of document preparation, designing templates.
RA: RA 2 (20.0%)
CE: c) (2.85%)

Evaluation: This practice will be evaluated with a rating from 1

to 10, making the corresponding average with 2.85% of each CE.


2.1.- P age format:

 M argi ns: Top 2.5cm, Bottom 2. 5cm, Left 3cm and Right
 By default
 Times New Roman 10 font
 Front spacing 0pt, trailing 12pt, single line spacing, justified
 Paragraph "Gifts from…"
 Font Times New Roman 24, bold
 center alignment

2.2.- Paragraph “IF WE RESORT TO…”:

- Bold default f on t
- ce nter alig nme nt

2.3.- Columns:
 Equ al wi dth colu mn s, line between col umns

 C api tal le tte r Ti me s Ne w Roman f ont

2.4.- Numbered paragrap hs:

 Def au lt f on t, b old w here ap prop ri ate.
 Fre nch inde ntation 0. 63cm
 Borde r style 1, wid th ½ pt
Practice 5: Simulation 5 Office Applications

2.5.- Table :
 4 rows x 3 colu mn s
 Def au lt 1st row f on t, b old
 Def au lt rest of rows f on t
 Leadin g an d trai ling 0pt spaci ng , si ngle line spaci ng
 Wid th of each colu mn 2.42cm
 cen te r table alig nme nt
 Align men t of each ce ll cen te red ve rtical ly an d
h orizontal ly
 Edg es as sh own in the result
 Whi te Fill, Backg roun d1, Dark 25%

2.6.- Te xt b ox “With imagi nati on …” :

 Font Times New Roman 9, bold
 No outline, no fill
 Width 5.08cm, height 2.36cm
 Fit in front of the text
 Horizontal position centered alignment in relation to the
 Absolute vertical position 14cm below margin
 Top paragraph border, width 2 ¼ pt

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