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Name: Renan Jorge de Sousa Miranda

Course: Letras - Português e Inglês

Semester: 2º


maroon [məˈruːn] a reddish color how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so
scarlet it was maroon
grudge [ɡrʌdʒ] bad feelings toward someone no, I don’t keep a list, can’t hold a grudge
tantrum [ˈtæn.trəm] angry performance that kid threw a tantrum
evergreen [ˈev.ə.ɡriːn] something that is always new and fresh how evergreen, our group of friends
swindle [ˈswɪn.dəl] to deceive someone for money the old men that I’ve swindled really did
believe I was the one
godspeed [ˈgɔdˈspiːd] an expression of good wishes to someone goodbye, godspeed
reckless [ˈrek.ləs] being careless how could you be so reckless with my heart?
sway [sweɪ] to move slowly my fingers danced and swayed in the breeze
hollow [ˈhɑːloʊ] something or somewhere empty anywhere else is hollow
wisteria [wɪˈstɪə.ri.ə] a type of flower I want to watch wisteria grow right over my
bare feet
sycophantic [ˌsɪk.əˈfæn.tɪk] someone who praises someone with hidden my boss was surrounded by sycophantics
bamboozle [bæmˈbuː.zl̩] to confuse someone he tried to bamboozle his adversaries

hodgepodge [ˈhɑːdʒ.pɑːdʒ] mix of different things the decoration of his room was a
hodgepodge of different styles
lackluster [ˈlækˌlʌs.tər] something without glow, personality his presentation was so lackluster that
everybody fell asleep
whimsical [ˈwɪm.zɪ.kəl] extravagant and peculiar her whimsical personality makes everyone
in the room intrigued
resign [rɪˈzaɪn] to give up of a position the queen resigned yesterday
treacherous [ˈtretʃ.ər.əs] something uncertain, that can’t be trusted this love is treacherous
hoax [hoʊks] a malicious deception I don’t believe in this hoax
matinee [ˈmæt.ɪ.neɪ] an afternoon performance I hit the sunday matinee
burgundy [ˈbɜː.ɡən.di] another shade of red my t-shirt was burgundy
asset [ˈæ] a possession my assets were stolen
ivy [ˈaɪ.vi] climbing plant this ivy is growing in my house of stone


hazard [ˈhæz.əd] danger watch out! that is a biological hazard area
slightly [ˈslaɪtli] slowly, lightly everything changes slightly
foresee [fɔːrˈsiː] to anticipate the future she foresaw this disaster

binge watch [bɪndʒwɑːtʃ] to watch something all at once I will binge watch Game of Thrones
overcome [oʊvərˈkʌm] to get over something she overcame her depression episode
love-junkie [lʌvˈdʒʌŋ.ki] someone who falls in love quickly and recklessly that boy is a love-junkie
outrageous [ˌaʊtˈreɪ.dʒəs] something shocking and unacceptable what they did is unacceptable!
stubborn [ˈstʌb.ən] someone who doesn’t give up after advices or that boy is so stubborn, he just doesn’t listen
prohibitions to me
diminish [dɪˈmɪn.ɪʃ] to reduce someone’s accomplishments I didn’t like the way how you diminished my
aimless [ˈeɪm.ləs] without a purpose or direction my classmate is aimless, he doesn’t know
what he wants to do
harsh [hɑːrʃ] cruel, unkind he said some harsh words to me
disclose [dɪˈskləʊz] to make public something hidden I will disclose what truly happened
suitable [ˈsuːtəbl] something that fits/works perfectly for those attitudes aren't suitable for a king
merge [mɜːdʒ] to combine things soon, all the continents will merge again
sewer [sʊər] place where urine and other dejects go this bug is probably hiding in the sewer
swiftly [ˈswɪ] quickly let’s solve this swiftly
loathe [ləʊð] to hate something/someone I loathe her
commendable [kəˈmen.də.bl̩] something that deserves praise this art is beautiful, which is comendable
noose [nuːs] a rope tied in the circle he is trying to hide the noose
goose [ɡuːs] a different type of duck I am afraid of that goose
hare [heər] similar to rabbit that hare is dangerous
wasp [wɒsp] bugs similar to bees I hate wasps


primrose [ˈprɪm.rəʊz] a type of flower this is a primrose
closure [ˈkləʊ.ʒər] the act or process of closing something I don’t need your closure
wrinkle [ˈrɪŋ.kl̩] a slight line or fold in something, especially years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up
fabric or the skin of the face. enthusiasm wrinkles the soul
letter [ˈletə(r)] a written, typed, or printed communication, yes, I got your letter
especially one sent in an envelope by mail or
rendezvous [ˈrɒn.deɪ.vuː] a meeting at an agreed time and place, typically Winston and the girl were finally able to
between two people. arrange a rendezvous in the country
renegade [ˈren.ɪ.ɡeɪd] a person who deserts and betrays an you wouldn't be the first renegade to need
organization, country, or set of principles. somebody
request [rɪˈkwest an act of asking politely or formally for he didn’t request me this
misunderstand [ˌmɪs.ʌn.dəˈstænd] fail to interpret or understand (something) I said, distinctly separating every word, so
correctly. that she couldn't misunderstand me
bracket [ˈbræk.ɪt] each of a pair of marks [ ] used to enclose words this sentence is inside brackets
or figures so as to separate them from the
keyboard [ˈkiːbɔːd] a panel of keys that operate a computer or everyone who has a computer has a
typewriter. keyboard
vixen [ˈvɪk.sən] a female type of fox there is a vixen outside
boulevard [ˈbʊl.ə.vɑːrd] a wide street in a town or city, typically one we were walking down the boulevard
lined with trees.
creak [kriːk] a harsh scraping or squeaking sound. the creak of a floorboard broke the silence
mystified [ˈmɪs.tɪ.faɪd] to be perplexed I get mystified by how this city screams your
indentation [ˌɪn.denˈteɪ.ʃən] a deep recess or notch on the edge or surface of an indentation for each change of speaker
anticipation [ænˌtɪs.ɪˈpeɪ.ʃən] the action of anticipating something; her eyes sparkled with anticipation
expectation or prediction.
pine [paɪn] suffer a mental and physical decline, especially she thinks I pine because of her
because of a broken heart.
sleigh [sleɪ] a sled drawn by horses or reindeer, especially dog sleds and horse drawn sleighs are also
one used for passengers. available.
gash [ɡæʃ] a long deep slash, cut, or wound. a bad gash in one leg became infected
centerfold [ˈsen.tə.fəʊld] the priority of someone sorry for not making you my centerfold
lonesome [ˈləʊn.səm] to be solitary or lonely she felt lonesome
getaway [ˈɡet.ə.weɪ] an escape or quick departure, especially after the thugs made their getaway
committing a crime.

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