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Defining Design Criteria of Net Zero Energy Building for Composite Climate

Article · June 2020


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3 authors:

Balkar Singh Sanjay Sharma

National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research. Chandigarh National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Chandigarh


Poonam Syal
National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh, India


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© 2018 IJRAR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Defining Design Criteria of Net Zero Energy

Building for Composite Climate Zone
¹Balkar Singh, ²Dr. Sanjay Sharma, ³Dr. Poonam Syal
¹Research Scholar, ²Prof. & Head, ³Associate Professor
¹Department of Civil Engineering
¹National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh, India

Abstract: The concept of Net Zero Energy Building is a realistic solution for the mitigation of carbon
dioxide emission and reduction of energy use in the building sector. During the last few years it gains wide
international attention and seems to be the future for the design of buildings. Out of different climate zones,
composite climate zone has typical mix of hot, dry, humid and cold climatic conditions – a challenge for the
design professionals to design net zero energy building. This paper focuses on the net zero energy building
definition, classification and defining different design strategies. Integration of passive design technologies,
energy efficient measures and renewable energy system are the key focus areas to define design criteria of
net zero energy building for composite climate zone.
Keywords: Composite Climate Zone, Passive Design Technologies, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy


Energy consumption of buildings accounts for 40% of the primary energy in USA and Europe,
nearly 30% in China and even upto 80% in Hong Kong. Net Zero Energy Buildings have a promising
potential to reduce the energy use and increase the share of renewable energy. Goals for the implementation
of Net Zero Energy Buildings are discussed and proposed at the international level in the USA within the
Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. The Act authorizes the Net Zero Energy Commercial
Building Initiative to support the goal of net zero energy for all new commercial buildings by 2030[1].
Design and control issues of net zero energy building require review the effects of climate and site, design
optimization methods, sensitivities analysis for robust design and system reliability, control and scheduling
issues related to building demand response, model predictive control methods and the use of advanced smart
technologies[2]. The configuration of raw materials, both renewable and nonrenewable may differ as
compared to the national data, which may pose issues when calculating operational energy use for net zero
energy buildings [3].
Net zero energy buildings should ideally be designed to function in synergy with the local utility grid
and not putting extra stress on the existing power infrastructure [4]. The net zero energy building design
concept is a progressions from passive sustainable design. Various innovative energy efficient technologies
are mature and can be considered for the improvement of the energy efficiency and indoor comfort
improvement in buildings [5]. The wise combination of standard and innovative energy performance
measures with renewable system is able to achieve the zero energy performance without significant efforts
. Multi-criteria system design optimization for net zero energy buildings are under uncertainties [7].
Emulator test bed may allow the simulation of a building cluster connecting multiple buildings [8]. The
detailed model is the foundation of the overall process of building energy modeling based on the energy
performance of different system design strategies [9]. Introduction of architecture for operating a data center
in a manner that consumes no net energy from public utility grid is required to meet the overall goal of
achieving net-zero energy over a data center's lifecycle [10]. Integrated District Energy Assessment by
Simulation is used for assessing the electrical challenges at feeder level of a building stock evolving towards
zero energy buildings [11]. Improvements in residential energy efficiency can be made by better modeling
and monitoring of energy consumption data to determine where to make changes and how these decisions
impact the environment for net zero energy buildings[12]. Reversible heat pump coupled with a passive
house increases the performance of net zero energy building [13]. The new generation of bottom-up building
stock models should include multidisciplinary and dynamic approaches [14]. The sustainability will not be
reached by technology alone, but by deep learning [15]. The feature improvements in residential energy
efficiency can be made by better modeling and monitoring of energy consumption data to determine where
to make changes and how these decisions impact the environment for net zero energy buildings [16]. Design
and construction of energy efficient buildings is one of the solutions to combat global warming. Enhanced
energy efficiency can be accomplished by addressing the related issues every stage of building, from

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planning, designing, material arrangements, construction and use. It is testimony to the fact that necessity
for design of functional and energy efficient buildings has been very well recognized. The efforts are needed
to design and construct buildings that would function in conformity with the climate and not against it.
The net zero energy building is an extremely energy efficient building having very low demand of
energy that can be met from renewable energy generation on site accounted annually. This building first
minimize energy demand integrating energy efficient technologies and then meet its remaining demand
through utilizing renewable energy sources. The annual energy balance is maintained by grid power and
renewable energy system though net metering process to maintain availability of power 24x7 in the
building. Net metering allows banking of power generated by solar photovoltaic panels at grid through
installing bi-directional meter to measure export and import of power between grid and solar power plant.
This is the logical conclusion to reach at net zero energy building. The graphical representations are given in
the Fig. 1 & Fig. 2.

Fig.1. Ideal Case of Net Zero Energy Building Design

Fig.2. Energy Balance of Net Zero Energy Building

Depending upon the boundary and metric, the energy performance of NZEB can be defined in several
ways. Various definitions may be appropriate depending on the project goals and the values of the design
team. There may be following four commonly used accounting methods and each definition uses the grid
for net use accounting and has different applicable renewable energy sources.
 Net Zero Site Energy: NZEB generates renewable energy on site as much as its demand in a year.
 Net Zero Source Energy: Source energy is the primary energy used to extract, process, generate
and deliver the energy to the site. A source NZEB generates at least as much renewable energy as it
uses in a year when accounted for at the source.
 Net Zero Energy Costs: The utility pays money to the owner for export of renewable energy to the
grid at least equal to the amount the owner pays to the utility for the energy services and energy used
over the year.
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 Net Zero Emission: The building generates enough green renewable energy to offset emissions
from all energy used in the building annually. For calculating total emission of the building,
imported and exported energy is multiplied by the appropriate emission multipliers based on the
utility’s emission.
NZEBs can be classified based on the renewable energy supply options used and definitions met as
NZEB: A, B, C and D.
 NZEB: A Classification: These buildings generate and utilize energy through combination of
energy efficiency and renewable energy collected within the building footprint. If the source and
emissions multipliers for these buildings are high during times of utility energy use, but low
during times of the NZEB is exporting to the grid. Qualifying as a cost NZEB may be difficult
depending on the net metering policies in the area.
 NZEB: B Classification: These buildings generate and use energy though a combination of
energy efficiency, renewable energy generated with the footprint and renewable energy
generated within the site.
 NZEB: C Classification: These buildings use the renewable energy strategies as mentioned for
NZEB: A and B buildings to the maximum extent feasible. These buildings also use offsite
renewable resources that are brought on site to generate energy. In these buildings, it would be
difficult to recoup the expenses made to purchase the renewable material to bring it on site.
 NZEB: D Classification: These buildings use the energy strategies as mentioned for NZEB: A,
B and C buildings. On site renewable strategies are used to the maximum extent feasible. These
buildings also use purchasing renewable energy certificates. Once all possible cost effective
efficiency and on site renewable energy strategies have been fully exploited, off site options
should be explored if necessary.
The energy requirements of a NZEB are very low which can be met by adopting energy efficient
measures, energy efficiency technologies and renewable energy generation. Mainly three design strategies
may used to design net zero energy building in composite climate zone.
a) Passive Design Strategy
b) Active Design Strategy
c) Renewable Energy Design Strategy
In composite climate conditions, hot weather pertains for a period of six month in a year. It is
necessary to avoid sensible and latent heat gains to achieve thermal comfort with minimum energy
consumption. Passive Design Strategies involve low heat gain and more of heat dissipation. Passive cooling
lowers the energy requirements of the building and minimizes heat gain by thermal zoning of areas and
installing protective devices. Passive Design consist site planning, orientation, landscaping & horticulture,
day-lighting, ventilation, building envelope, materials and construction techniques.
4.1.1 Solar Control: The building envelope receives the maximum solar radiation and transfer heat
toward the interior of the building. This heat gain can be controlled by designing appropriate
orientation, building form, building volume and window to wall ratio and reflective external finishes.
4.1.2 Thermal Control: The thermal exchange between the indoor and the outdoor environment varies
according to the extent of exposure and thermal properties of the building envelope. Construction
elements; cavity walls, thermal mass, thermal insulation and external reflective coating material
influence the incoming heat in the building.
4.1.3 Thermal zoning: It is the provision of buffer spaces between the inner areas and outer areas. The
active multiple skins reduces the heat exchange through the building envelope.
4.1.4 Passive Cooling: Radiant cooling with chilled pipes, direct and indirect evaporative cooling and
geothermal heat exchangers are the passive cooling systems which may be adopted the design of
NZEB. These strategies are the low energy consuming and minimize the energy demand of the
building. It dissipates heat through architectural elements and natural heat sinks through natural

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© 2018 IJRAR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

4.1.5 Hybrid Cooling: It is the combination of natural and mechanical systems of ventilation to achieve
best indoor air quality and thermal comfort and is less energy consuming system. It consist low
pressure duct works, variable speed fans and waste heat recovery systems.
It involves the energy efficient mechanical system for heating, ventilation and air conditioning,
lighting system and control, electrical and mechanical equipments. LED lighting, inverter and VRV system
of heating ventilation and air conditioning gave a revolution to the most energy efficient active systems for
reduction of energy consumption to reach at net zero energy building design.
4.2.1 Lighting Design: Energy efficient LED lighting design sensing natural light dimming control for
interior and exterior lighting of the building can be done through lighting design simulation tools. It
reduces the heat gain from lights and decreases the energy consumption.
4.2.2 HVAC Design: Proper HVAC design considers all inter related building systems while managing
indoor air quality, energy consumption and thermal comfort. The HVAC design professionals should
address these issues in the schematic design phase and continually improve subsequent decisions
throughout the design development process. Reducing energy consumption through a high quality
and high efficiency design integrated strategy with a whole building approach leads towards net zero
energy building design.
The performance of Net Zero Energy Building depends upon effectiveness of Renewable Energy
System Design Strategy. The size of Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant is calculated depending upon the
requirement of power and availability of shadow free roof area. The solar modules mounted on building
capture solar energy at convert it into electricity. The solar modules are available as crystalline silicon and
amorphous silicon. The wind turbine is installed to capture the wind energy for power generation. The
minimum wind speed of 6 kilometer per hour is required to run the wind turbine. The design professionals
use renewable energy design strategy depending upon the availability of solar radiation, shadow free roof
area and required wind speed.

5. Case Study of Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi

All the passive components such as orientation, landscaping, day-lighting, ventilation, building
envelope, materials and constructions techniques were looked upon during the design phase of the building.
The orientation of the building was set towards north south direction with two separate blocks connected
through corridors. A huge central court yard was placed for natural sky light and air movement in the
building. It creates a landscaped connection with rest of the vegetation, provides cross ventilation within the
building. The hot air escapes easily and the cool air is preserved. It minimizes the heat ingress in to the
building. The optimal window to wall ratio is provided.
The building is covered with plantation from outside. Circulation roads and pathways are soft paved
to enable ground water recharge. The inner courtyard serves as a natural light well. The day light is covered
more than 75% of building floor space. The dependence on artificial sources of lighting has been reduced to
minimum. Central courtyard helps in air movement as natural ventilation happens due to stack
effect. Windows add to cross ventilation.
Building Envelope is optimized by Window assembly (U-Value 0.049 W/m2 K), VLT 0.59, SHGC
0.32, uPVC windows with hermetically sealed double glazed using low heat transmittance index glass, Rock
wool insulation, High efficiency glass, Cool roofs: Use of high reflectance terrace tiles for heat ingress, high
strength, hard wearing, AAC blocks with fly ash, Fly ash based plaster & mortar, Stone and Ferro cement
jaalis, Local stone flooring, Bamboo jute composite doors, frames and flooring, High efficiency glass, high
VLT, low SHGC & Low U-value, optimized by appropriate shading, Light shelves for diffused sunlight.
Various active design strategies were adopted during the design of the building. Energy efficient
lighting system (LPD = 5 W/m2), nearly 50% more efficient than Energy Conservation Building Code 2007
requirements (LPD = 11 W/m2) reduces energy demand further, Remaining lighting load supplied by
building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV), Use of energy efficient lighting fixtures (T5 lamps), Use of lux
level sensor to optimize operation of artificial lighting.
Energy Systems / HVAC system was optimized by providing 160 TR of air conditioning load of the
building through Chilled beam system. This reduces energy use by 50% compared to a conventional system.
HVAC load of the buildings is 40 m2/TR, about 50% more efficient than ECBC requirements (20 m2/TR),
Chilled water is supplied at 16° C and return temperature is 20° C, drain pans are provided with the chilled
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© 2018 IJRAR January 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

beams to drain out water droplets due to condensation during monsoon, Water cooled chillers, double skin
air handling units with variable frequency drivers (VFD), Chilled beams save AHU/FCU fan power
consumption by approximate 50 kW, VFDs provided in chilled water pumping system, cooling tower fans
and AHUs, Fresh supply air is pre cooled from toilet exhaust air through sensible & latent heat energy
recovery wheel, Control of HVAC equipment & monitoring of all systems through integrated building
management system, Functional zoning to reduce air conditioning loads, Room temperature is maintained at
26 ±1°C.
Geothermal heat exchange system is provided through 180 vertical bores to the depth of 80 meter all
along the building premises. Minimum 3 meter distance is maintained between any two bores. Each
bore has HDPE pipe U-loop (32mm outer diameter) and grouted with Bentonite Slurry. Each U-Loop is
connected to the condenser water pipe system in the central air conditioning plant room. One U-Loop has
0.9 TR heat rejection capacity. Combined together, 160 TR of heat rejection is obtained without using a
cooling tower.
The building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) Power Plant was installed to meet the reduced energy
demand of the building having Solar PV System of 930 kW capacity on area of 6000 m2 with 2,844 panels
covering area of 4650 m2. The Annual Energy Generation is 14.3 lakh unit which is equal to the annual
energy consumption of 14.21 lakh unit. Thus, the Indira Paryavaran Bhawan is the Net Zero Energy Office
To define design criteria for Net Zero Energy Building, there are three main design strategies:
passive design strategy, active design strategy and integrated renewable energy design strategy. The net zero
energy building is a grid connected energy efficient building that balances its total annual energy
requirements by integrated onsite renewable energy generation. The design professionals needs to work on
sub components of the main three design strategies holistically to reach the energy balancing of Net Zero
Energy Building is composite climate zone.

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