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Understanding the signs of toxic
relationships including friendships is
crucial for maintaining mental health
and well-being. This presentation will
explore common indicators of toxic
friendships and provide strategies for
navigating these relationships.
Manipulative Behavior

Manipulative friends may use guilt or emotional

blackmail to control your actions. Recognizing
and addressing manipulative behavior is crucial
for preserving your autonomy and well-being.
Excessive Demands
Toxic friendships often involve excessive
demands on your time, energy, and
emotions. The friend who always need
something when he talks to you when
he needs something this a very telling
sign that you have a toxic relationship
with that person . A friend who is always
asking for things from you without
giving anything back is certainly
someone who will not contribute to
your happiness
True friendships involve mutual
interest and not one person just
taking from the others.
Additionally people tend to change
their relationship priorities at
different times in their lives, and it’s
normal for your friends to have less
time for you ,when they start
working on personal project or
when they find a partner,what’s not
okay is only looking for you when
they need something and then
giving you zero priority and
disappearing once they get what
they want .
Lack of Support
Toxic friendships often lack emotional
support and reciprocity. Building a
support network of positive
relationships is essential for nurturing
your mental and emotional health.
They betray your trust
trust and loyality are key to every
meaningful relationship .do they
share your secrets to others ,talk
behind your back or break their
promises to you?,do you feel like
you can’t depend on them to be
there for you when you need
them?if you feel like you can’t trust
your friend anymore then it might
be time to consider ending things
with them.
Identifying and addressing toxic friendships is an important
step in prioritizing your mental and emotional well-being. By
recognizing the signs of toxic relationships and setting
boundaries, you can cultivate healthy connections that
support your growth and happiness.

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