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question One ofthefolowing is not a primary way to use information gathered about your

students (LOJ-InTasc 930)

Select one:
@ d'to prepare tests and homework assignments

One of the folowing is not an example of an oncepted and professional way to get to know
your students: (LO)-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
0 a consulting the school's cumulative records for your students
0 b. contocting your students' parents and familes for information about your students
qualities and interests
0 c. looking up your students on social networking websites
O d using student questionnaires to learn about their interests

Teachers can help maintain their emotional objectivity when they: (LO.]-InTasc 9,10)
Select one.
Oa create a high level of cooperation
@J. look for reasons for the student's misbehavior
O c. enable student success
O d. establish clear classroom rules

Teachers may sometimes consider sources of student diversity as having a negative effect on
student performance and then lower expectations, content, and activities accordingly: (LO.J-
InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a. False
O b. True

All of the following are ways to avoid satiation of the students except (LO)-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a. offering a sufficiently challenging activity
O b. providing variety in instructional materials
C.respondingpromptly to off-task behaviors
O d. highlighting progress and providing feedback

About 13 percent of students in the United States ore identified os (10 ]-InTosc 930)
Select one:
O a. students at risk
O b. being gifted students having disabilities
O d. having creative potential
All of the folowing are serious, adverse conditions that some students may have to deal with
except: (LO.J-InTasc 9,10)
Select one.
O a substance abuse
O b. homelessness
0 c. students being abused
O d. struggling learner

An inviting message is used to: (LOJ-InTasc 9,10)

Select one:
O a identify and affirm students' specific positive work and behavior
O b prompt students to remember their responsibilities tel students that they are able,
valuable, and responsible
O d guide students to oct differently
Based on evidence from successful schools, ways to boost achievement includes all the
following except: (LOJ-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
0 a strengthening sell-efficacy
O b. building positive classroom dynamics between the teacher and students
O c. increasing student engagement
O d. modifying classroom assessments

A teacher's level of dominance involves all the following except: ([O]-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a. guidance on academic issues 0 b. clarity of purpose
O c. guidance on behavioral issues guidance with a personal interest in students
A teacher's threatening body position increases the likelihood of a student cooperating
(LO.1-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a. True
O b. False

About 13 percent of students in the United States ore identified os: (10 )-inTosc 930)
Select one:
O a students at risk
O b. being gifted students
O .c. having disabilities
O d. having creative potential
All of the following are serious, adverse conditions that some students may have to deal
with except: (LO.]-InTasc 9,10)
Select one.
O a substance abuse
O b. homelessness
O c. students being abused
_struggling learner

Withitness is a term that describes the ability of a teacher to interact with students in a
businesslike manner even when distressed about a classroom incident (LO)-InTasc 930)
Select one:
0. a True
"Show me how you wil follow the rules in the hall' This statement is (LO)-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a. an invitation for dialogue with the student O b. an expression of redirecting language an
invitation for cooperation O d an expression of dominance
When comparing male and female student characteristics, females generaly exhibit the
following except (LO.J-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a. are more extroverted and trusting
0b are less aggressive
& develop verbal and motor sicils slower
O d. exhibit lower self esteem
When grouping students to vary your instruction, one caution is that grouping too often can:
(LO.]-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a leod to student dependence on other students 0 b. obstruct student integration and
0 c. result in more discipline problems
O d. be an extra challenge when assessing students

One of the following would not be a good strategy to use when working with students with
limited English: (LO]-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
0 a emphasizing individual work in assignments and seatwork
0 b. using a variety of reading supports such as graphic organizers
0 c. providing increased time and opportunity for meaningful tok
0 d, providing clear and consistent instructions expectations, and routines
One way for teachers to gather information about their students at the start of the school
year is to check Facebook and other social media (10]-In Tasc 9,10)
Select ono
0 b. True

All of the following relate to communicating caring and support except (LOJ-InTasc 9.10)
Select one:
0a giving specific, descriptive feedback
O b. enabling success establishing clear learning goals
O d. being sensitive to cultural and ethnic differences
Anexample of clear,direct teacher languageis: (LOJ-inTasc 9,10)
Select one:
0 a. Ashley, you need to clean up your area now
O b. Ashley, I see that your area stil has material to put away
O c. Ashley, would you please clean up your oreo
O d. Ashley, I am concerned that someone might trip over material in your area

The verbal message in a ______ seems to say stop, but the action message says stopping is
neither expected or requirect (LO]-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
0a desist
O b. firm limit
O c. directive
Ay .soft limit
To strengthen behaviors that are valued and to motivate students to do things that wil
benefit them, teachers would use: (LO]-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
a. a reinforcer
O b. withitness techniques
O c. assertive behavior
0 d positive human relations stils

One of the following would not be a good strategy to use when working with students with
limited English: (LO)-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
0 a emphasizing individual work in assignments and seatwort 0 b. using a variety of reading
supports such as graphic organizers
0 c. providing increased time and opportunity for meaningful tak
O d. providing clear and consistent instructions, expectations, and toutires
One way for teachers to gather information about their students at the start of the school
year is to check Facebook and other social media (LO.]-in Tasc 9,10)
Select one False
O b. True

When knowing when to be silent, one of the folowing is not usetut (10)-infosc 900)
Select one:
O a. repeating o student's response to reinforce the point
Ob listening to what that student had to say
0 c. providing wait time
. refraining from repeating directions

When teachers are monitoring attention during lessons and see students showing signs ol
losing interest or becoming frustrated, teachers should provide: (10)-InTasc 910)
Select one
O a situational assistance
0 b. group focus strategies 0 c. disciplinary interventions
Od clear learning goals

One of the folowing is not a main tool in developing the art of listening. [10]-inTac 8,30)
Select one:
0a express cooperation
0 b. demonstrate acceptance
0 c. just remain silent
O d provide an invitation to talk

One of the following is not a primary goal of culturaly responsive teaching (LOI-InTasc
Select one:
0 a accepting cultural differences
0 b. building on students cultural backgrounds
c. endorsing dual language instruction
O d. accommodating different cultural interoction patterns

The rates of student disengagement are higheramongallthe followingexcept(LO)InTasc 9,10)

Select one:
youths from suburban districts
O b. youths from ethnic groups other than white or Asian
O c. youths from lower socioeconomic status households O d. mole students

The Universal Design for Learning is an instructional approach that typically uses pre-set
curriculum and instructional strategies, often focusing on individualized instruction:
(10)InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
Oa True
O b. False

When comparing male and female student characteristics, females generaly exhibit the
following except (LO.J-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a. are more extroverted and trusting
0 b. are less aggressive
O c. develop verbal and motor sicils slower
O d exhibit lower self esteem
When grouping students to vary your instruction, one caution is that grouping too often can:
(LO.]-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a leod to student dependence on other students
.obstruct student integration and cooperation
0 c. result in more discipline problems
O d be an extra challenge when assessing students

Opinions and questions are effective ways for guiding and correcting student behavior. (LO.]-
InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
0 b. True
Teachers can express caring and support by: (LOI-inTasc 930)
Select one:
a communicating basic attitudes and expectations
0 b. differentiating instruction with various instructional approaches
0 c. contacting parents early when misbehavior occurs
O d using a variety of assessment proctices

It occurs when a teacher goes too fast sometimes and too slow other times: (LO]-InTasc
0 a. Overlapping
b. Jerkiness
O c. Momentum
0 d. Withitness

Itoccurswhen the teacherasks students to stay on a learningtasktoolong and the students

begin to lose interest and get off tasic (10.J-InTasc 9,0)
Select one:
0 a. Momentum
O b. Fragmentation
O c. Jerkiness
Q/d Satiation

The core of teacher-student relationships in urban settings relates to the rules and
procedures used in the classroom: (LO)-inTosc 9,10)
Select one
0 b True
Themost effectiveteacher-student relationships are built with a high degree of dominance
and a moderate degree of cooperation (tal-inTrasc 5.0)
Select one
O a False
0 b. True

Terminating lessons that have gone too long is related to: (LO.]-InTasc 9,0)
Select one:
O a. maintaining student attention
O b. level of dominance
O c. use of desists
O d. level of cooperation

The appropriateness of our verbal communication relates to each of the folowing except
(10.1-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a word choice
0 b vocabulary
? inclusiveness
O d. volume

In nonverbal communication, kinesics deals with all of the following except: (10.1-InTasc
Select one:
O a. facial expression
O b. gesturing
c. vocal intonation
O d. personal space
In one of the following RTI tiers do students receive instruction in addition to typical
classroominstructionwithmorefrequent assessment:(LO.]-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a. differentiated assistance
O b. core instruction
O c. intensive intervention
O / supplemental phase

One of the following involves statements that identity and affirm students specific positive
workand behavior. (LO.]-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a. reminding language
0 b. redirecting language
@/c. reinforcing language
O d. being intentionaly inviting

One ofthe following is a strategy used in active listening: (LOJ-InTasc 9,10)

Select one:
6. expressing nonverbal support
O b. perception checking 0 c. providing openings
0 d. remaining silent

Effective use of individualized instruction and inquiry activities can help reach at risk
students: (LO.]-InTosc 9,10)
Select one: /6. True
O b. False
English language learners benefit from: (LO.]-In Tasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a. inquiry instructional approaches
O b. individualized instruction
Oc. opportunities to interact with other students
O d. tests at the end of the unit

When trying to develop good teacher-student relationships in urban settings, teachers

needtogivespecialattentionto:(101-InTasc 930)
Select one.
0 a using cooperative learning instructional approaches
O b. teaching rules and procedures
0 c. having a variety of classroom assessments
@learning about their students' backgrounds and communities

When working with students in poverty, you should do all the following except (10)-In Tosc
Select one:
Oa give clear and specific directions
O b. be sure expectations are realistic
c. arrange for independent work and tasks
O d capitalize on their interests

When knowing when to be silent, one of the following is not usetut (10)-infasc 800)
Select one
0 a repeating a student's response to reinforce the point
O b. listening to what that student had to say
0 c. providing wait time
0 d refraining trom repeating directions

When teachers are monitoring attention during lessons and see students showing signs ol
losing interest or becoming frustrated, teachers should provide: (10]-InTasc 930)
a. situational assistance
0 b. group focus strategies
0 c. disciplinary interventions
0 d clear learning goals

One of the folowing is not a primary way to use information gathered about your students
(LO]-InTasc 930)
Select one:
O a. to prepare tests and homework assignments 0 b. to help select instructional strategies
O c to make adjustments for individual differences
O d to interoct with students

One of the folowing is not an example of an oncepted and professional way to get to know
your students: (LOJ-InTasc 9,30)
Select one:
0 a consulting the school's cumulative records for your students
0 b. contocting your students' parents and familles for information about your students
qualities and interests poe looking up your students on social networking websites
O d using student questionnaires to learn about their interests

Higher socioeconomic status (SES) students tend to be at a greater risk for dropping out of
school: (LO.]-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a. False
O b. True

If you are constantly asked to repeat questions, directions, and explanations, or if your
students do not understand your expectations, you are not exhibiting. InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
0 a. appropriateness
O b. firm limits
Cr Clarity
O d. articulation

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