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We will begin when you are all seated with your

materials ready." This is an example of:

redirecting language

Teachers may sometimes consider sources of student

diversity as having a negative effect on student
performance and then lower expectations, content,
and activities accordingly:
Select one:
a. False
b. True

All of the following are ways to avoid satiation of

the students except
Select one:
a. offering a sufficiently challenging activity
b. providing variety in instructional materials
C. responding promptly to off-task behaviors
d. highlighting progress and providing feedback

About 13 percent of students in the United States

are identified as
Select one:
a. students at risk
b. being gifted students
c. having disabilities
d. having creative potential
All of the following are serious, adverse conditions that
some students may have to deal with except:
Select one.
a. substance abuse
b. homelessness
c. students being abused
d. struggling learner

An inviting message is used to:

a. identify and affirm students' specific positive work
and behavior
b. prompt students to remember their responsibilities
c. tell students that they are able, valuable, and
d. guide students to act differently

Based on evidence from successful schools, ways to

boost achievement include all the following except:
Select one:
a. strengthening sell-efficacy
b. building positive classroom dynamics between the
teacher and students
c. increasing student engagement
d. modifying classroom assessments

A teacher's level of dominance involves all the

following except:
Select one:
a. guidance on academic issues
b. clarity of purpose
c. guidance on behavioral issues
d-guidance with a personal interest in students

:‫يشمل مستوى سيطرة المعلم كل ما يلي باستثناء‬

:‫اختر واحدا‬
‫ التوجيه في القضايا األكاديمية‬.‫أ‬
‫ وضوح الغرض‬.‫ب‬
‫ التوجيه بشأن القضايا السلوكية‬.‫ج‬
‫ التوجيه مع االهتمام الشخصي بالطالب‬-‫د‬

A teacher's threatening body position increases the

likelihood of a student cooperating
b. False

All of the following help teachers conduct an

effective parent-teacher conference except:
providing a copy of the discipline policy

It is a good idea to require parents to sign a sheet

indicating that they have seen the materials sent home
papers are often not shown to parents by students.

Withitness is a term that describes the ability of a

teacher to interact with students in a businesslike
manner even when distressed about a classroom
Select one:
a. True
b. false
Show me how you will follow the rules in the hall'
This statement is
a. an invitation for dialogue with the student
b. an expression of redirecting language
c. an invitation for cooperation
d. an expression of dominance
‫أرني كيف ستتبع القواعد في القاعة "هذا البيان هو‬
:‫اختر واحدا‬
‫ دعوة للحوار مع الطالب‬.‫أ‬
‫ تعبير عن إعادة توجيه اللغة‬.‫ب‬
‫ دعوة للتعاون‬.‫ج‬
‫ تعبيرا عن الهيمنة‬.‫د‬
When comparing male and female student
characteristics, females generally exhibit the
following except
Select one:
a. are more extroverted and trusting
b. are less aggressive
c. develop verbal and motor sicils slower
d. exhibit lower self esteem

When grouping students to vary your instruction,

one caution is that grouping too often can:
Select one:
a. leod to student dependence on other students
b. struct student integration and cooperation
c. result in more discipline problems
d. be an extra challenge when assessing students
One way for teachers to gather information about their
students at the start of the school year is to check
Facebook and other social media

All of the following relate to communicating caring and

support except
A. giving specific, descriptive feedback
b. enabling success
c. establishing clear learning goals
d. being sensitive to cultural and ethnic differences

An example of clear, direct teacher language is:

Select one:
a. Ashley, you need to clean up your area now
b. Ashley, I see that your area still has material to put
c. Ashley, would you please clean up your area
d. Ashley, I am concerned that someone might trip over
material in your area
:‫مثال على لغة المعلم الواضحة والمباشرة‬
:‫اختر واحدا‬
‫ أنت بحاجة لتنظيف منطقتك اآلن‬، ‫ أشلي‬.‫أ‬
‫ أرى أن منطقتك ال يزال لديها مواد للتخلي عنها‬، ‫ أشلي‬.‫ب‬
‫ هل تسمح من فضلك بتنظيف منطقتك‬، ‫ أشلي‬.‫ج‬
‫ أنا قلق من أن شخًص ا ما قد يتعثر على المواد في منطقتك‬، ‫ أشلي‬.‫د‬
The verbal message in a ______ seems to say stop, but
the action message says stopping is neither expected
or required
a. desist
b. firm limit
c. directive
d- soft limit

To strengthen behaviors that are valued and to

motivate students to do things that will benefit them,
teachers would use:
Select one:
a. a reinforcer
b. withitness techniques
c. assertive behavior
d. positive human relations stils

When the nonverbal message is not

consistent with the verbal message, the
recipient tends to see deceit in the

When knowing when to be silent, one of the

following is not useut
a. repeating o student's response to reinforce the point
b. listening to what that student had to say
c. providing wait time
d. refraining from repeating directions

One of the following is not a main tool in

developing the art of listening.
a. express cooperation
b. demonstrate acceptance
c. just remain silent
d. provide an invitation to talk

39- One of the following is not a main tool in developing

the art of listening:
a. demonstrate acceptance
b. provide an invitation to talk

c. just remain silent✅

d. express cooperation

One of the following is a strategy used in active

a. remaining silent
b. providing openings
c. perception checking
d. expressing nonverbal support

One of the following is not a primary goal of

culturally responsive teaching
Select one:
a. accepting cultural differences
b. building on students' cultural backgrounds
c. endorsing dual language instruction
d. accommodating different cultural interaction

culturally responsive teaching: help students find

meaning and purpose
The rates of student disengagement are higher among
all the following except
a. youths from suburban districts
b. youths from ethnic groups other than white or Asian
c. youths from lower socioeconomic status households
d. mole students

The Universal Design for Learning is an instructional

approach that typically uses pre-set curriculum and
instructional strategies, often focusing on
individualized instruction:
a. True
b. False

A Back-To-School Night should not be

used to discuss:
individual students

It occurs when a teacher goes too fast sometimes and

too slow other times:
a. Overlapping
b. Jerkiness
c. Momentum
d. Withitness

The most effective teacher-student relationships are

built with a high degree of dominance and a moderate
degree of cooperation
a. False
b. True

Terminating lessons that have gone too long is related

Select one:
a. maintaining student attention
b. level of dominance
c. use of desists
d. level of cooperation
:‫إنهاء الدروس التي مضى عليها وقت طويل مرتبط بما يلي‬
:‫اختر واحدا‬
‫ الحفاظ على انتباه الطالب‬.‫أ‬
‫ مستوى الهيمنة‬.‫ب‬
‫ استخدام الكف‬.‫ج‬
‫ مستوى التعاون‬.‫د‬

The appropriateness of our verbal communication

relates to each of the folowing except (10.1-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
O a word choice
0 b vocabulary
? inclusiveness
O d. volume

In nonverbal communication, kinesics deals with all of

the following except:
a. facial expression
b. gesturing
c. vocal intonation
d. personal space
In one of the following RTI tiers do students receive
instruction in addition to typical classroom instruction
with more frequent assessment
O a. differentiated assistance
O b. core instruction
O c. intensive intervention
O / supplemental phase

One of the following involves statements that identity

and affirm students specific positive work and
a. reminding language
b. redirecting language
c. reinforcing language
d. being intentionally inviting

Which of the following involves statements

that identify and affirm students' specific
positive work and behavior?
reinforcing language

Effective use of individualized instruction and inquiry

activities can help reach at risk students:
a. True
When trying to develop good teacher-student
relationships in urban settings, teachers need to give
special attention to
Select one.
a. using cooperative learning instructional approaches
b. teaching rules and procedures
c. having a variety of classroom assessments
D. learning about their students' backgrounds and

When working with students in poverty, you

should do all the following except
Select one:
a. give clear and specific directions
b. be sure expectations are realistic
c. arrange for independent work and tasks
d capitalize on their interests

When teachers are monitoring attention during lessons

and see students showing signs ol losing interest or
becoming frustrated, teachers should provide:
Select one:
a. situational assistance
b. group focus strategies
c. disciplinary interventions
d clear learning goals
One of the following is not a primary way to use
information gathered about your students
Select one:
a. to prepare tests and homework assignments
b. to help select instructional strategies
c. to make adjustments for individual differences
d. to interoct with students

Higher socioeconomic status (SES) students tend to be

at a greater risk for dropping out of school:
b. True

If you are constantly asked to repeat questions,

directions, and explanations, or if your students do not
understand your expectations, you are not exhibiting.
Select one:
a. appropriateness
b. firm limits
C. Clarity
d. articulation

group alerting refers to starting ………… transitions

during the lesson
a. True
b. False

A Classroom where students learn to be proud of

……….. speak up for what is right can be described
a.An anti-bias classroom
b. A charter school
c. A standards-based classroom
d. A least restrictive environment

1\ specify the logical consequence for noncompliance

*Appropriateness of verbal communication *

2/ teachers supervising or handling more than one

group or activity at one time *Overlapping*

3/ dealing with vocabulary and word choice

*Appropriateness of verbal communication *

4/ when teachers vary the degree of enthusiasm they

express *Students perform better*

5/ specific and brief *Redirecting language*

6/ arouse and maintain student interest *Attention-

getting strategy*

/1extend the student's thinking *Exploring*

2/ an accommodation for exceptional students *an

adapted test with fewer test items*

3/ help students find meaning and purpose *culturally

responsive teaching*
5/ students' disengaged and dropping out of school
*Cumulative negative school experiences*
6/ Holding low expectations of students contributes
*The types of learning opportunities*

7/ good teacher-student interactions *Teacher


8/ Teacher language *good teacher-student


1-Purpose of classroom management is : Control the


2- The class physical environment intense used to :

improved teaching & learning

3- Rules must follow the following except: ignored

4- Consequences are used to : make the class effective

5- Consequences includes : punishment & reward

6- Procedure are used for : conduct classroom activity

7- Taking attendance is : procedure
8- Teacher have to used : Establish rules and
consequences to control the class
9- Praise can be used effectively if we : used for specific
10- Meaning of overlappingness : Ability to deal with
misbehavior while going right with the lesson

11- Meaning of with-itness : Avoid misbehavior before

it start

12- Meaning of momentum : Absence of behavior that

slow down lesson pacing

13- Classroom rules defined as :Statement that specify

to student what to do & not do

14- Variable and behavior reinforcement could be

represented by : Reward and action that shown

15- Teacher used grade book for all following except :

Take attendance

16- It is a tool, teachers use to draw students attention

to a new activity, or as a transition between activities:
alert signals

17- Attendance check is part of: beginning of the period

18- Classroom management is defined as a teacher
action relates to the following except: managing teacher
time, physical health and distraction

19- One of the causes of students misbehaved: boring

unrelevan work

20- One of the components of the effective classroom

management is establishing class.... and their... to be
applied to all the students: Rules/ Consequences

21- Consequences can be defined as : environmental

stimuli that increase and decrease probability and
behavior when occurs

22- Why do teachers use rewards and privileges? To

reinforce a desirable behavior

23- Classroom management review question : Control

the class

24- The class physical environment intense used to :

improved teaching & learning

25- What is meaning of fragmentation? breaks activities

into overly small units.
26- Safe, orderly and stimulating learning environment
that motivates students and keep them engaged, means
: A- Safe teacher established classroom growth
procedures that are acceptable and teachable
B- le teacher Prepare an Effective and motivating
lesson plans and concerned all
C- teacher ensured that every learner feels comfortable
to express his opinion.

D- All of the above ✔

27- Procedures should be taught on the first or second

day of the school year: True

28- Procedures are established primarily to prevent

inappropriate behavior: False

29- When teaching and reviewing classroom procedure

with the student teacher should try to do each of the
following except: have student guess what the
procexures are

30- It is best to remind student about the rules: at the

start of every class session

31- All of the following are aspects of misbehavior

except : annoys you with personal questions
32- All of the following are causes of misbehavior,
except: medication by the student

33- Grades are important to students because they

show students: Academic accomplishment

34- A good example of classroom rule would be: raise

your hand to use the restroom

35- Conflict usually arise between teachers and student

because: teacher have the power

36- It occurs when the teacher asks students to stay on

a learning task too long and the student begin to lose
interest and get off task: Fragmentation

37- A teacher's ability to know what is going on in the

classroom at all times and to act on that knowledge is
called: withitness

38- It when a teacher goes too fast sometimes occurs

and too slow other times : Momentum

39- Firm limits include the use of warnings and

reminders: True
40- Random feedback is commonly used because
teacher save time: False

41- Group alerting refers to starting lessons on time,

keeping moving, and making appropriats transitions
during the lesson: True

42- A group focus can be established with the use of all

the following except : personal discussions and

43- A classroom where students learn to be proud of

themselves , respect human differences , and speak up
for what is right can be described as: a standards -
based classroom

44- Dealing with misbehavior in context means that

teachers need to: view all disruptive behaviors as

45- If students have difficulty during practice of a

procedure , the teacher should : give consequences

46- Students typically perceive all forms of misbehavior

as being more severe than how teachers perceive the
acts of misbehavior: Flse

47- When teaching the rules , teachers should inform

students about : the procedures for sending
misbehaving students to the principal
48- Classroom procedures: are approved ways to
achieve specific tasks

49- Which of the following is not a way that a teacher

can minimize problem behaviors? Ignoring problem
behaviors so that they will not be repeated.

50- Effective teachers know that handling transitions

effectively can : Both A and B

51- When teachers are dealing with serious behavioral

issues, it is important to : keep accurate written records
of what has occurred

52- When dealing with common behavior problems, the

teacher should : respond to problems quickly and

53- The guidelines for student behavior specific to a

class or teacher: Classroom Rules

54- Specific guidelines that translate the class rules into

concrete actions expected of students: Classroom

55- The steps teachers take to optimize learning by

shaping their classroom environment, engaging students
in learning, and minimizing inappropriate behavior:
Classroom Management
56- An example of a moderate level of misbehavior is :
vandalism in school

57- Teachers generally define classroom management

in terms of: having a positive classroom environment

Drag and drop the best answer.

Exploring: extend the student's thinking

an adapted test with fewer test items: an

accommodation for exceptional students
Cumulative negative school experiences: students'
disengaged and dropping out of school

The types of learning opportunities: Holding low

expectations of students contributes

Teacher language: good teacher-student interactions

good teacher-student interactions: Teacher language

Q. Assertive Discipline is a model that establish

neutral relationship building

✅✅positive relationship building

romantic relationship building

Q. Assertive Discipline is a structured and systematic

approach designed to manage the behaviour


Application of Model can be carried out at:

school level
class room level

✅all of the above

Q. Consequences should be based on teacher's mood.

appropriate for the grade levels.✅

Which method of discipline places teachers in the

authority position in the classroom?
a. Ignoring
b. Collaboration

C. ✅Assertive
d. Democratic

Which of the following is NOT true of assertive

It was created by Lee and Marlene Canter.
It includes positive feedback for good behavior.

It was developed by Rudolph Dreikurs.✅

Rules must be followed to avoid punishment

How is assertive discipline defined?

Teachers and students have the right to teach and to
learn in an environment that is free of disruption and
What is the one thing to take away from Canter's
management theory?

"The key to assertive discipline is catching students

being good - and letting them know that you like it."

What do we call punishment for undesired behaviors?

• Discipline✅

Does Canter's model state: As a teacher do you feel

your role is to be the "boss' in the classroom ‫؟‬

✅✅✅A - Yes
B- No
C-Unsure .

What are the three types of discipline?

A;Preventive, assertive, hostile

B;Assertive, hostile, non-assertive✅

C;Corrective, strict, skimming
D;Accurate, hostile, non-accurate
Q. What are the characteristics of an assertive teacher?
A- Ignores misbehaviour and establishes limits
b- Use of sarcasm and put down students
C- Rewards bad behaviour

✅D- Clear instructions and establishes limits

Q. Who came up with the assertive discipline mode?

William Glasser
Marvin Marshall

Lee & Marlene Canter✅

Lewis & Mary Canter

:Q. Is this statement true or false?

The key to assertive discipline is to catch the students
doing something inappropriate.


Q. What style of discipline is conveyed? "Wow, you've

only made that one small mistake. Great work Bob!
A , Hostile
✅✅B, Assertive
C, Non-assertive
D, Corrective

Q. What style of discipline is represented? "Quit acting

like a baby. Act your age."


1- Nonverbal signals include all the following types

a. listening
b. visual
c. auditory

d. musical✅

2- Opinions and questions are effective ways for

guiding and correcting student behavior:
a. False

b. True✅

3- One of the following is not an example of an

accepted and professional way to get to know
your students:
a. using student questionnaires to learn about their
b. contacting your students' parents and families for
information about your stude
nts qualities and interests
c. looking up your students on social networking

d. consulting the school's cumulative records for your

4- The core of teacher-student relationships in urban

settings relates to the rules and procedures used in the
a. False

b. True✅

5- The appropriateness of our verbal communication

relates to each of the following except:
a. vocabulary
b. word choice
C. volume

d. inclusiveness✅

6- Teachers can express caring and support by:

a. contacting parents early when misbehavior occurs
b. using a variety of assessment practices
c. differentiating instruction with various instructional

d. communicating basic attitudes and expectations✅

7- One of the following is not an example of providing

recognition with a social reinforce

a. certificates✅
b. verbal expressions
c. bodily expressions
d. nonverbal proximity

9- All of the following are examples of rewards/

reinforcement, except: Select one:
a. Praise.

b. Grade deduction.✅
c. Tangible rewards.
d. Special privileges.

11- With-itness is one of Kounin's variables describing

the management of behavior teachers use. It is defined
as: Select one:
a absence of behaviors that interrupt the
b. absence of behaviors that slow down lesson pacing.
flow of activities
c. the ability to accurately spot deviant behavior, most

of the time, before it starts.✅

d the ability to ignore deviant behavior to avoid

12. Teachers can use rewards and privileges for

classroom management. They are all of the following,
except: Select one.
a points for certain kinds of work or behavior.
b. special honor rolls for academic work.
c. teacher's appearance, manner, rules and procedures

that manage the classroom.✅

d. symbols such as gold stars, happy faces, or

13. Classroom management is defined as teacher's

actions related to the following except Select one:
a. carrying out disciplinary actions
b. managing teacher's time, physical health and

C. establishing and enforcing rules and procedures
d. maintaining effective teacher- student relationship

14- Procedures are used to communicate the expected

O a. Refusal to do their homework.
O b. Leaving the room.
O c. Classroom participation.
Od.Collecting assignment

15. All of following is true about procedures and rules

Except Select one: .
a. They should be simple and clear.
b. They should be imposed on students
c. They should be positive.
d. They should refer to stated behaviors.

16- her breaks activities into overly small units, it is

called. Select one:

a. Fragmentation✅
b. Flip-flops
c. Dangle
d. Momentum

17- Safe, orderly and stimulating learning environment

that nurtures motivation and engagement of learners
means that: Select one:
a. Teachers establish classroom rules and procedures
that are acceptable and teachable
b. Teachers prepare effective and motivating lesson
plans that consider all learners

c. All options are correct✅

d. Teachers ensure that every learner feels comfortable
to express his/ her opinion
18- Feedback contributes to effective classroom
management. Teachers must do the following except
Select one:
a. Give Sporadic feedback
b. Never give feedback to all the students

c. Offer continuous encouraging feedback.✅

d. Give regular feedback

19- Procedures are used to communicate the expected

behavior for the following Except: Select one:
a. Classroom participation.
b. Refusal to do their homework.
c. Collecting assignment.

d. Leaving the room.✅

20- Effective managers' classroom ran smoothly and

efficiently because of the following Except Select one:

a. No need for rules and procedures.✅

b. monitoring students' progress carefully
c. clear work requirements for students d. clear
presentations and explanation.

21- The importance of keeping records in a grading book

include the following except Select one:
a. Keeping information for each student organized
b. Keeping parents' appointments and meeting times✅
C. Following students' work
d. Saving time by keeping grades available

22- Teachers can use rewards and privileges for

classroom management. They are all of the following
Except: Select one:
a. teacher's appearance, manner, rules and procedures

that mange the classroom.✅

b. special honor rolls for academic work.
c. points for certain kinds of work or behavior.
d. symbols such as gold stars, happy faces, or

23- The physical classroom Environment should be

organized to: Select one:
a. Help teachers be effective
b. Reflect the personality of the teacher
C. Modeling Courtesy and good manners

d. Further the program of instruction and activity✅

25- The physical environment of the classroom includes

the following exceptSelect one:
a. wall space, shelf space, and cupboard space
b. floor space which is positioning students for various
c. classroom rules, procedures, and consequences✅
d. seating students in rows, circles, semicircles, and long

26- In addition to establishing rules and procedures,

effective classroom managers have to hold students
accountable for their work by doing all the following
except_ Select one:

a. Make students correct their own assignments✅

b. Provide appropriate feedback on assignments.
c. Establish procedures for monitoring student work.
d. Communicate assignments clearly.

27-Teacher's use of behavior reinforcement principle

rests on the teacher's ability to do the following except
Select one:
a. use appropriate procedures to assess desirable

b. identify appropriate reinforcers.
c. identify desirable student behaviors
d. use appropriate reinforcers to encourage desirable

28- It is recommended that classroom rules should be

Select one:
a. written using strong, threatening language to force
students to follow without questioning.
b. used to give teachers power to dominate classroom
activities and control student behaviors.
c. stated in a way that other teachers and school staff
can understand them.
d. stated in terms of positive expectations of behavior
and not to exceed 5 rules.
:‫يوصى بتحديد قواعد الفصل الدراسي‬
‫ مكتوبة بلغة شديدة التهديد إلجبار الطالب على المتابعة دون‬.‫أ‬
‫ تستخدم لمنح المعلمين القوة للسيطرة على أنشطة الفصل والتحكم‬.‫ب‬
.‫في سلوكيات الطالب‬
.‫ مذكورة بطريقة يمكن للمدرسين اآلخرين وطاقم المدرسة فهمها‬.‫ج‬
‫ قواعد‬5 ‫ ذكر من حيث التوقعات اإليجابية للسلوك وعدم تجاوز‬.‫د‬.

29- For praise to be effective as a reinforcer, a teacher

should consider the following except----- Select one:
a. praise focuses attention on task related behavior
b. praise should only be used with academically good

c. effective praise is specific d. praise helps students
attribute success to effort and ability

30- One of the following is not considered privileges

given to students by teachers as rewards to their good
behavior. Which one? Select one:
a. Giving them free reading time.
b. Being excused from some required assignments.
c. Serving as a class leader or helper.
d. Making students stay in class during recess.✅

31- The key to using reinforcement principles to

influence student behavior rests on the teacher's abilit
to do the following Except: Select one:
a. use the reinforcers to strengthen and encourage
desired behaviors.
b. identify undesirable behavior and to help students
get rid of it.
c. identify appropriate reinforcers to use d identify
desirable behavior to reinforce.

32- The physical environment of the classroom includes

the following Except: Select one:

O a. classroom rules, procedures, and consequences.✅

O b. seating students in rows, circles, semicircles, and
long tables.
O c. wall space, shelf space, and cupboard space.
O d. floor space which is positioning students for various

33- Teachers use consequences for rule violations such

as the following Except: Select one:
O a. Damage to property
O b. Fighting
O c. Being always late.

O d. Being absent because of sickness✅

35-All of the following are examples of rewards/

reinforcement Except: Select one;
O a. Special privileges.
O b. Praise.
O c. Tangible rewards.

d. Grade deduction.✅

36- Classroom management rules are defined as: Select


O a. statements that specify what students are

expected to know to prepare for their exams.

O b. statements that specify what teachers can and

cannot do concerning classroom work.

O c. statements that specify what students are

expected to do and not do.✅

O d. statements that specify inappropriate student

37- Teachers slow down the lessons by doing what is
labeled flip-flops which means: Select one:
O a. When a teacher goes on and on after instructions
are clear to the students.
O b. It occurs when keeping a lesson going in a smooth
O c. when an activity is started is started, then stopped
while another is begun and then the original is started

O d. It occurs when starting an activity and leaving it in

38- Procedures are used to communicate the expected

behavior for the following Select one:
O a. Collecting assignment.
O b. Refusal to do their homework.
O c. Leaving the room.
O d. Classroom participation.

1/ A classroom where students learn to be proud of

themselves, respect human differences, and speak up
for what is right can be described as: (LO.1-InTasc 9,10)
Select one:
a. a standards-based classroom
b. a charter school
*c. an anti-bias classroom*
d. a least restrictive environment

2/ A group focus can be established with the use of all

the following except: (LO1-inTasc 9,10) Select one:
a. maintaining group accountability
b. high-participation formats
c. using group alerting
*d. personal discussions and interactions*

3/ Procedures are used to communicate the expected

behavior for the following, except: Select one:
*a. leaving the room.
* b.Collecting assignment.
c. Classroom participation.
d. Students refusal to do their homework.

4/ Classroom management is defined as teacher's

actions related to the following, except : Select one:
*a. managing teacher's time, physical health and
b. maintaining effective teacher- student relationship .
c. carrying out disciplinary actions
d. establishing and enforcing rules and procedures.
5/ Teachers can use rewards and privileges for
classroom management. They are all of the following,
except: Select one:
a. points for certain kinds of work or behavior.
b. special honor rolls for academic work.
*c. teacher's appearance, manner, rules and
procedures that manage the classroom.*
d. symbols such as gold stars, happy faces, or

6/ With-itness is one of Kounin's variables describing

the management of behavior teachers use. It is defined
Select one:
a. absence of behaviors that interrupt the flow of
b. absence of behaviors that slow down lesson pacing.
*c. the ability to accurately spot deviant behavior,
most of the time, before it starts.*
d. the ability to ignore deviant behavior to avoid

7/ All of the following are examples of rewards/

reinforcement, except: Select one:
a. Praise.
*b. Grade deduction.*
c. Tangible rewards.
d. Special privileges.

Teachers can help maintain their emotional
objectivity when they:
a. Enable student success.
b. create a high level of cooperation
c. establish clear classroom rules
d. look for reasons for the student's misbehavior

One way for teachers to gather information about their

students at the start of the school year is to check
Facebook and other social media:
b. False

One of the following is not a primary goal of culturally

responsive teaching:
a. building on students cultural backgrounds
b. accepting cultural differences
c. accommodating different cultural interaction patterns

One of the following is not a primary way to use

information gathered about your students:
a. to help select instructional strategies
b. to make adjustments for individual differences
c. to interact with students
d. to prepare tests and homework assignments
One of the following involves statements that identify
and affirm students' specific positive work:
a. reminding language
b. redirecting language.
c. reinforcing language
d. being intentionally inviting.

Q. One of the following is an example of a modification

when working with exceptional students:
a. extra time provided to complete a test
b. additional practice with the content
c. a test with fewer test items
d. a different level of content and reading material

Q. One of the following is an expression of a firm limit:

a. Please go back to your regular seats now
b. You should go back to your regular seats.
c. Will you get back to your regular seats
d. I think it is time to go back to your regular seats

Q. One way for teachers to gather information about

their students at the start of the school year is to check
Facebook and other social media:
a. True
b. False
* For praise to be effective as a roinforcor, a teacher
should consider the following excopt--• Select one:
a. praise focuses attention on task related behavior

b✔. praise should only bo used with academically good

c. effective praise is specific
d. praise helps students attribute success to effort and

* One of the components of effective classroom

management is establishing classroom ------ and their
----- to be applied to all students. Select one:
O a. procedures ---- rules
O b. laws ------ principles
O c. rules ------ consequences
O d. methods _ ------ effect and their

* One of the following is not considered privileges given

to students by teachers as rewards to their good
behavior. Which one? Select one:
a. Serving as a class leader or helper.
b. Being excused from some required assignments.
c. Making students stay in class during recess.
d. Giving them free reading time.
* Procedures are used to communicate the expected
behavior for the following select one:
a. Collecting assignment.
b. Refusal to do their homework.
c. Leaving the room.
d. Classroom participation.

*Safe, orderly and stimulating learning environment

that nurtures motivation and engagernent of learners
means that: Select one:
a. Teachers establish classroom rules and procedures
that are acceptable and teachable
b. Teachers prepare effective and motivating lesson
plans that consider all learners

c.✔ All options are correct

d. Teachers ensure that every learner feels comfortable
to express his/ her opinion

One of Kounin's variables for describing the group

management behavior of teachers is overlapping ness
which means:
a. the ability to spot and deal with deviant behavior
while going right on with the lesson
b. the absence of behaviors that interrupt the flow of
c. the absence of behaviors that slow down lesson
d. the ability to accurately spot deviant behavior, almost
before it starts.

Teachers use gradebook to used for the following

a. Taking attendance
b.Shows students' accomplishments.
c. Keep records of students' information
d. Keeping students' grades

The term accountability is a technique used by

teachers to:
a. Keep noninvolved students attending and ready for
forthcoming events
b. Make students responsible for their performance
c. keep students involved and enthusiastic
d. invite parents to be involved in their children's

Teachers generally define classroom management in

terms of:
a. student academic success
b. rules and behavior management
c. the number of disciplinary reports they prepare
d. having a positive classroom environment
Momentum is one Kounin's variables that good
classroom managers use to prevent problems from
a. absence of behaviors that slow down lesson pacing.
b. It means: a technique used by teachers to keep
noninvolved students attending and forewarned of
forthcoming events.
c. the ability to accurately spot deviant behavior, almost
before it starts.
d. A technique used by teachers to keep students
accountable for their performance.

Ambience is part of the physical classroom

environment which means---
a. textbooks, reference books, class libraries, and other
special materials.
b. teacher's appearance, manner, rules and procedures
that manage the classroom
c. an atmosphere that conveys excitement, comfort,
and pleasure.
d. bulletin boards used for decoration or for posting
important news. Online Services –

Classroom management is defined as teacher's actions

related to the following except:
a. maintaining effective teacher- student relationship
b. establishing and enforcing rules and procedures
c. carrying out disciplinary actions
d. managing teacher's time, physical health and
All of following is true about procedures and rules
a. They should be simple and clear.
b. They should be positive.
c. They should refer to stated behaviors.
d. They should be imposed on students.

Good classroom management is based on:

a. effective student-teacher communication.
b. teacher's preparedness in the content area.
c. students' understanding of proper behaviors.
d. organized procedures and specific rules.

The following are unstable periods where most rule

breaking occurs. These periods are the:
a. During the transition periods when many disruptions
b. The closing of class when students
c. The beginning of class because they are coming from
other settings (home) or taking roll.
d. While students are engaged in group activities and
busy on tasks.

Classroom Managers use procedures to manage the

following Except:
a. Assignments
b. Group work
c. Leaving the classroom
d. Attendance

It is sometimes difficult for beginning teachers to

establish consistency in enforcing the rules because of
the following Except:
a. Rule breaking occurs when more than one event is
going on at the same time.
b. A novice teacher does not always see or comprehend
what is occurring in a busy classroom.
c. New teachers enjoy confrontation with students to
prove their point.
d. A new teacher cannot always maintain total
awareness of the complex classroom environment.

One of the following is not the name of a tier in the RTI

a. intensive intervention
b. supplemental phase
c. differentiated assistance.
d. core instruction

One of the following would not be a good strategy to

use when working with students with limited English:
a. emphasizing individual work in assignments and
b. providing increased time and opportunity for
meaningful talk
c. using a variety of reading supports such as graphic
d. providing clear and consistent instructions,
expectations, and routines

English language learners benefit from:

Select one:
a. inquiry instructional approaches
b. individualized instruction
c. opportunities to interact with other students
d. tests at the end of the unit

4/ benefit from increased time and opportunities for

meaningful talk *Students with limited English

Students with limited English proficiency: benefit from

increased time and opportunities for meaningful talk

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