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SCHOOL Quezon National GRADE LEVEL Grade 10


PLAN STUDENT Renalyn A. Gemina LEARNING Science
DATE December 16, 2023 Time 9:50-10:50 AM
A.CONTENT STANDARD The students demonstrate an understanding of:
1. Organisms as having feedback mechanisms, which are
coordinated by the nervous and endocrine systems
2. How these feedback mechanisms help the organism maintain
homeostasis to reproduce and survive
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
1. Determine the major endocrine glands in our body and their
Specific Objectives
2. Label the different glands in the human endocrine system
3. Recognize the importance of endocrine system to living
VALUING Suggest possible ways on how to keep the endocrine system work well.
A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Science Teachers Guide pages 176-178
2. Learner’s Materials pages Science Learner’s Material Pages 240-243
3. Textbook Science 10 Learners Material (Acosta, Herma D. et. al)
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Rubrics, Activity Sheet, Answer Sheet, Laptop, Flaglets


A. Preliminary

1. Prayer May I request everybody to please stand for the

prayer. Anyone who wants to lead? (Student lead a prayer)

2. Action Song Anyone who can lead an action song? (Student lead the action song)

3. Greetings Good morning class. Good morning, Ma’am, it’s nice to see you

It’s nice to see you also. How are you today? We’re fine, thank you! How about you?
I’m fine also class. Thank you.

Before you take your seats, please arrange your

chairs and pick up the pieces of trash under it, keep (Students arrange their chairs and pick up the
them in your bag, and throw it later in the trash pieces of trash)
4. Checking of
Attendance None ma'am.
Is anyone absent today?
Okay, very well. Give yourself a “wow clap” for
attending this class and having complete
attendance. Everybody says “I made it”. (Students do the “wow clap”)

I made it!
5. Collecting/
Checking of Do we have an assignment?
Assignment Please pass it forward in the count of five. 1, 2, 3, Yes ma’am.
4, 5.
(Students pass their assignments in the said
6. Classroom manner)
Agreement What was our classroom agreement during
Science Class?
In this class we learn SCIENCE: (Students read the classroom agreement)

Yes, Ma’am, we bring it.

Please be reminded of our agreement all
throughout our class. I am expecting everyone to
show these behaviors. (Students bring out their flaglets)

Did you bring the flag that I told you to bring?

Ok, kindly get it now because we will be using it

in our review.
A. Reviewing Do you still remember our previous lesson? Yes ma’am.
lesson or What was it all about? Our previous lesson was all about the endocrine
presenting system.
the new
lesson What a good memory! Now to check if you really
understand our previous discussion, let us try this
(5 minutes) activity entitled, “Raise me up!”

All you have to do is to raise a or

green flag if the given statements tell a
fact about the nervous system, and
raise a
or a red flag if not.
1. The Central Nervous System (CNS) is the
main processing center for the entire
nervous system while the Peripheral
Nervous System (PNS) connects the
central nervous system to the organs and
limbs by relaying information through the
2. The brain and cranial nerves are the two
main components of the central nervous
3. The three main parts of our brain are
cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem.
4. The two main divisions of peripheral
nervous system are somatic nervous
system and autonomic nervous system. 5.

5. The two subdivisions of autonomic

nervous system are sympathetic and

Very good! It seems that you had remember your

previous lesson about circulatory system.
Give yourself a “ang galing clap” for that.
B. Establishing a Before we proceed to our discussion let us have
purpose for the another activity.
Activity 2. Pictoword
instances of the
new lesson Kindly read the mechanics of the game. Mechanics:

1. With your groups, the first to raise the

flag will have the chance to answer.
(ENGAGE) 2. Guess the word using the hint pictures.
(5 minutes) 3. If answer correctly your group will be
rewarded with a star. If not, another
group can steal.
4. The group that gathers more star is the

You will be working with your group. This will be

the group 1, 2, 3, and 4. Write the words formed on
your improvised boards.

Is the direction clear class? Yes, ma’am.

Yes, ma’am.
Are you now ready?

Okay, you may now start!

Answer: Thyroid

Answer: Pineal


Answer: Pancreas

Job well done class! You just have unlocked the

important terms for this lesson.
We will be using these words in our topic for Based from the picture being presented and the
today, and let us find out how these words are word that we have formed, our lesson today is all
related to each other. about the endocrine system.

Based from the picture presented and from the

word that you have formed, what do you think is
our lesson for today? Yes, Jade.

(Students read in unison)

Great! Now, everybody please read our lesson
(students will read the objectives)
At the end of the lesson the learners should be
And for us to be guided during our lesson, these able to:
are our learning objectives for today. 1. Determine the major endocrine glands in
our body and their function
2. Label the different glands in the human
endocrine system
3. Recognize the importance of endocrine
system to living organisms
Boys, please read No. 1

Girls, please read No. 2

Everybody, please read No. 3

C. Discussing new 1. Pre-Activity
concepts and To deepen your understanding of our lesson. Let us
practicing new have activity. This activity will help you determine
skills #1 and understand the different parts and functions of
the endocrine system and its importance to living
(15 minutes) A. Setting of standards
Before we begin our activity, please be reminded
of our agreement.

Is that clear? Yes, ma’am.

Those group who will follow our agreement will

be given additional chips. Do you agree with that?

B. Groupings
You will be grouped based on your assigned
groups. This will be the group 1, and this is your
learning area, 2, 3, and 4…

C. Presentation of Rubrics
I have here the rubrics that will be used to rate
your activity.

(see attached rubrics)

Group 1 will rate the performance of group 2.

Group 2will rate the performance of group 3.
Group 3 will rate the performance of group 4.
Group 4 will rate the performance of group 1.

D. Giving of instruction

Now, here are your materials and the procedures

of the activity. Answer all the guide questions
assigned for your group and write your answer in
the answer sheet. You have 5 minutes to perform
your tasks and to answer your questions, and 2
minutes to present it later in front. Each group will
choose a leader to facilitate the activity, a
secretary to write your answer, a monitor to check
cooperation and representatives to present your

Is everything clear? Yes, ma’am.

2. Activity Proper

Activity 3: Label Up
The student was given the picture and functions of
major glands of human endocrine system. All they
need to do is to label/paste the corresponding
major glands of endocrine system provided below
to its appropriate place. Then, they will be
answering the following guide questions.

(See attached activity sheet)

3. Post-activity

A. Reporting back

Kindly, present your assign task. Let’s start with

the group 1, followed by group 2, 3 and
(All groups presented their tasks)
(the teacher processed the questions and the
B. Processing the Activity students rate their classmates)
Checking and scoring of the students’ output.
D. Discussing Okay the time is up! Please go back to your
new concepts and respective seats. Group representatives will present
practicing new their tasks. Group 1 will be the first one to present
skills #2 their answers, then groups 2, 3, and 4.

(8 minutes)

The pituitary gland controls the output of other

glands in the body.
The thyroid gland is located below the voice box
1. Which gland of the endocrine and nervous
and regulates body metabolism by producing
system controls the other glands in the
calcitonin that reduces blood calcium level;
while parathyroid gland is located on the thyroid
glands and produces parathormone that increases
2. How will you differentiate thyroid and
blood calcium levels and normalizes bone
parathyroid glands in terms of location and

The person’s pancreas is possibly involved when

blood sugar level becomes unstable.

3. If a person’s blood sugar level becomes

unstable, what glands might be involved in
the problem? The thymus gland enables the body to produce
T- cells that help in fighting infections and
4. How important is the thymus gland in
keeping your body free from diseased?
A person born without a thymus gland will not
develop an adaptive immune system and may
5. What might happen to a person born
without a thymus gland?

(The teacher will now rate students answer

using the rubrics.)
(leads to

(15 minutes)

Similar to the nervous system, the endocrine

system controls and regulates body processes.
Generally, the endocrine system is in control of the
mechanisms in the body that slowly take place,
such as cell growth. Rapid processes, such as body
movement and breathing, are controlled by the
nervous system. Although these two systems are
different, they work together in a coordinate
manner to enable the body to function properly.
After studying about the nervous system, now you
will learn about the endocrine system, its
functions, and the glands that comprise the system.

How does your endocrine system function? Endocrine glands secrete chemicals known as
hormones into the bloodstream, which carries
them throughout the body. When a hormone in
the blood reaches the target organ, it produces a
notable effect. The endocrine system sends
signals all over the body, much like the nervous
system, but unlike the instant responses activated
by the nervous system, the effects can take a few
hours or even weeks.
Great! The endocrine system contains a group of
glands that releases hormones into the body. From
your activity, what are the major glands in the Based from our activity, the major glands in our
body? body are pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus,
adrenal, pancreas, testes in males and ovaries in

Excellent! Now, what is the function of pituitary

glands? Pituitary glands stimulate growth, and controls
the functions of other glands.

Very good! How about the thyroid glands? Thyroid glands regulate body metabolism, and
causes storage of calcium in bones.

Awesome! If the thyroid causes the storage of

calcium in bones, what glands is responsible for
controlling the calcium levels in our body and
normalizes bone growth? Anyone? Parathyroid glands ma’am.

That is correct! What is the function of thymus

glands? Thymus glands enables the body to produce
certain antibodies.

How about the adrenal glands? Adrenal glands prepare the body for action,
controls the heart rate and breathing in times of

Splendid! And the glands that regulates the blood

sugar levels? Pancreas ma’am.

Great! What are the two glands in reproductive

system? Reproductive glands in males are testes and in
females is ovaries.

How does testes and ovaries work? Testes control maturation and male
characteristics while ovaries influence female
traits, and support reproductive function.

The following table lists all the major glands in the

body, with their functions, locations, and the
hormones they release.

Gland Location Hormones Function

Pituitary At the Oxytocin, stimulate
base of Vasopressin, growth, and
the brain Growth Hormone, controls the
Adrenocorticotropic functions of
Hormone (ACTH), other glands
Hormone, Follicle
Thyroid Below Thyroxin, regulate body
the voice Calcitocin metabolism,
box and causes
storage of
calcium in

Parathyroi In the Parathyromone Controls the

d neck calcium
levels in our
body and
bone growth
Thymus In front Thymosin enables the
of the body to
heart produce
Adrenal On top Adrenaline prepare the
of the body for
kidneys action,
controls the
heart rate and
breathing in
times of
Pancreas Between Insulin, Glucagon regulates the
the blood sugar
kidneys levels
Testes Androgen, control
Testosterone maturation
and male
Lower characteristic
abdomen s
Ovaries Progesterone influence
female traits,
and support

After knowing the different major glands of human
endocrine system, let us answer the following
questions that we usually experienced.
Yes, ma’am.
Have you tried riding a bicycle or a motorcycle?

Imagine you’re riding your bike, and a person or If I am riding my bike, and there is an animal or
animal appears suddenly in front of you. What person suddenly appeared in front of me, I will
should you do? stop or swerve my bike to avoid hitting it.

Exactly! Your body will produce adrenaline, which

leads to an immediate physical reaction. You may
sweat, feel your heart racing, or your body
shaking. This is a healthy, natural response. When
you’re in a dangerous, unsafe, or problematic
situation, this adrenaline can help you react

In addition, you can experience an adrenaline rush

when taking the stage at a crowded stadium, before
a competitive sporting event, when you’re on a
roller coaster, or if you’re in the middle of an
argument, among other situations.

Endocrine system is important to living organism
How important is endocrine system to living because it helps control mood, growth and
organisms? development, the way our organs work, and
reproduce. In addition, it regulates all biological
processes in the body from conception through
adulthood and into old age, including the
development of the brain and nervous system,
the growth and function of the reproductive
system, as well as the metabolism and blood
sugar levels.

In order to keep my nervous system function

In order to keep your nervous system function well, I would get plenty of exercise, eat a
well, what will you do? nutritious diet, go for regular medical checkups,
talk to the doctor before taking any supplements
or herbal treatments, let the doctor know about
any family history of endocrine problems, such as
diabetes or thyroid problems.

Indeed! Therefore, it is very essential. Since it is

important, we have to take good care of our body.

And now, to sum our lesson for today, let’s have
an activity entitled “Complete me”.
Activity 4. Complete me!

Direction: Complete the table by pasting the

appropriate glands to its corresponding location,
hormone released, and function.
Gland Location Hormones Function
At the base Oxytocin, stimulate
of the brain Vasopressin, growth, and
Growth Hormone, controls the
Adrenocorticotropic functions of
Hormone (ACTH), other glands
Hormone, Follicle
Below the Thyroxin, regulate body
voice box Calcitocin metabolism,
and causes
storage of
calcium in

In the neck Parathyromone Controls the

levels in our
body and
bone growth
In front of Thymosin enables the
the heart body to

On top of Adrenaline prepare the

the kidneys body for
controls the
heart rate and
breathing in
times of
Between Insulin, Glucagon regulates the
the kidneys blood sugar
Androgen, control
Testosterone maturation
and male
Lower characteristic
abdomen s
Progesterone influence
female traits,
and support
Pituitary Adrenal

Parathyroid Ovaries

Thymus Testes
G. Evaluating Direction: Read the questions carefully. Write the Answer Key:
learning letter of the correct answer on ¼ sheet of paper.

(EVALUATE) 1. Which of the following major glands

(5 minutes) regulates the blood sugar levels? 1. c
a. Thyroid
b. Adrenal
c. Pancreas
d. Parathyroid

2. Steve run away from danger. What 2. b

particular endocrine gland is responsible
for his action?

a. Pancreas
b. Adrenal glands
c. Thymus
d. Thyroid

For item 3 and 4, refer to the diagram.

7 2


9 5

1o 6

3. Based from the picture, what major glands 3. a

does number 9 represent?

a. Ovary
b. Pancreas
c. Testes
d. Adrenal glands

4. What major glands does number 5 4. b


a. Thymus
b. Adrenal glands
c. Pituitary glands
d. Thyroid

5. The following statement shows the

importance of endocrine to living 5. d
organisms except?

a. Help in the development of the brain and

nervous system
b. Help in the growth and function of the
reproductive system
c. Responsible in the metabolism and blood
sugar levels
d. It provides oxygen, nutrients and
hormones to muscles, tissues and organs
throughout your body
H. Additional Get your Activity Notebook and copy your
activities for assignment.
application or
remediation In your science book, on page 242 answer the
Activity 4: Who’s in control? Write your answer in
(EXTEND) a one whole sheet of paper.
(2 minutes)
Okay, that’s all for today. Goodbye class.
Goodbye, Ma’am. God bless you.
God bless us all. See you next week.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Practice Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher


1 2 3 4

• Systematically presented and
understandable. 5
• Not systematically presented but 4
understandable. 3
• Not systematically presented and not

• All the members cooperate in the group 5
activity. 4
• Half of the members are cooperating with 3
the group.
• Least of the member cooperate.

• Answered all the question correctly. 5
• Answered half of the question correctly. 4
• Failed to answer all the questions correctly. 3

• Finished the task ahead of time. 5
• Finished the task on time. 4
• Failed to finish the task on time. 3


Objectives No. Revised Blom’s Cognitive Level

of Number of
Hours Remember Understand Apply Analyze Create Questions
Determine the
major endocrine
glands in our 1 2 2
body and their

Label the
different glands
in the human
endocrine system 1,2 2
1 hour

Recognize the
importance of
endocrine system 5
to living 1

Total 2 3 5

Activity 3: Label Up!

 Determine the major endocrine glands in our body and their functions
 Label the different glands in the human endocrine system

Given the picture and the functions below, label/paste the corresponding major glands of endocrine system provided
below. Then, answer the following guide questions.


Pineal gland







Placenta Ovaries

Hypothalamus- is in the lower central part of the brain. It gathers information sensed by the brain (such as the
surrounding temperature, light exposure, and feelings) and sends it to the pituitary.
Pituitary- stimulate growth, and controls the functions of other glands
Thyroid- regulate body metabolism, and causes storage of calcium in bones
Parathyroid- Controls the calcium levels in our body and normalizes bone growth
Thymus- enables the body to produce certain antibodies
Adrenal- prepare the body for action, controls the heart rate and breathing in times of emergency
Pancreas- regulates the blood sugar levels
Testes- control maturation and male characteristics
Ovaries- influence female traits, and support reproductive function

1. Which gland of the endocrine and nervous system controls the other glands in the body?

2. How will you differentiate thyroid and parathyroid glands in terms of location and function?

3. If a person’s blood sugar level becomes unstable, what glands might be involved in the problem?

4. How important is the thymus gland in keeping your body free from diseased?

5. What might happen to a person born without a thymus gland?

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