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Blog Update #4

Talia Lees

Over the last few weeks, I have worked a lot on my capstone, and I have done my
best to do as much as possible, so I am able to get it done as soon as possible and
hopefully before the due date. I have made multiple posts on my Instagram
account, and I am just finishing up my last posts over the next few days. So far on
my Instagram account and website, I have talked about anxiety, depression, and
bipolar disorder. I need to do PTSD over the next week and then I am done for my
Instagram account. I have also uploaded my website link to my Instagram bio, so
people are able to see my website from my account. I have updated my website
with everything on my Instagram account and added more details to my website
about my capstone. I created a quick 10 question survey on survey monkey and
sent it to my peers at school and people in my family, I also posted it on my
Instagram story and asked people to fill it out. I received 25 responses and I
added all of the results to my mental health website under the data page. I did
not have a meeting with my counsellor in person, but I have been messaging with
her about my capstone and showing her my progress. I am meeting up with her
on Wednesday, December 6th, to discuss my capstone in person. Over the next
week and a half before capstone is due, I am going to be finishing up my
instagram account and making sure everything looks good and ready to hand in
and present. I am going to upload everything to my personal capstone website
and my mental health website that I created. I am going to add all of my
resources to my website as I have only added a few but I have them all written
down in my notes, so I just need to put them on my website. I am also going to
show my capstone so far to my friends/family and ask them their opinions and
thoughts on it. I have already showed it to my parents, and they said they were
impressed and that it all looked good to them. My goal (after my capstone is due)
is to practice reading my presentation and practicing for when I have to present.

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