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Blood And Magic

This is a homebrew supplement for Vampire The Masquerade: Fifth Edition. This supplement aims to add
powers and rituals for Blood Sorcery aimed at recreating the abilities of Tremere in older editions. One of the
biggest changes to V5 was the both in-setting and out-of-game hits to Clan Tremere. In-setting, this was
aimed at reducing them to Low Clan status and removing them as a pillar clan of the Camarilla to force them
to seek opportunity elsewhere. This justified them being playable in any sect, in any game, and brought some
much needed diversity to a Clan famed for producing stereotypical characters. Out of game, this brought
their power in line with other Clans, as Thaumaturgy was far stronger than any other Discipline in the game.
There were few situations a Brujah, Toreador or Ventrue could do as well in as a Tremere who spent all their
XP in the right thaumaturgical Paths, and Thaumaturgy contributed strongly to the “modern fantasy” feeling
that many disliked in older editions.

This supplement is aimed at players bridging the gap between V5 and V20. The main example in my mind of
when this supplement would be used is for NPCs who still have powers from before V5’s start date, or games
taking place during or before the fall of Vienna. This is not meant to be a “V20 but with V5’s hunger system”
brew. This is a brew for V5. It is simply meant to bring older powers of Thaumaturgy into Blood Sorcery.
These powers are significantly weaker to fit V5’s emphasis on street level horror over the gothic fantasy that
V20 could often become.

The following Paths are converted in this document:

● Elemental Mastery
● Hands of Destruction
● Neptune’s Might
● Movement Of Mind
● Path Of Conjuration
● Path Of Mars
● Path Of Technomancy
● Path Of Father’s Vengeance
● Counter Magic
● Weather Control.

On Paths Not Found Here. Path of Blood is already in V5 as of the corebook. Lure of Flames and The Green
Path can be found in Cults of the Blood Gods. Path of Corruption, due to being underused by players and
STs and already feasible with Dominate and Presence, has been left out.
Elemental Mastery Hand of Destruction
This Path allows the Sorcerer to create a scene This path saw frequent use by those Tremere who
straight out of a story, spilling their blood and joined the Sabbat. Though its use has fallen by the
causing that which does not live to move. wayside as that sect has lost itself in its Gehenna
Onlookers panic as statues move and cutlery Crusade or been attacked by the Second
march to slice their target. Inquisition, it has seen a resurgence among those
Tremere who learned it and reported back to the
Ritual Pyramid.

Level 3 Blood Sorcery Powers

Animate The Unmoving Level 3
❏ Ingredients: The caster’s own blood, an Atrophy
object to animate This power allows the caster to transmute their
❏ Process: The caster opens a vein, and vitae into a deadly substance that rots flesh, alive
draws a bloody symbol on the object to or not. This power differs from similar powers of
be targeted. The bigger the object, the Blood Sorcery in that the substance created, while
bigger the glyph must be. The caster then far more destructive, is far too thick to coat a
utters a command and wills the object to blade and must be applied by hand to harm its
follow it. target. Because of this, it saw frequent use by
❏ System: The caster makes the Ritual roll. Sabbat Tremere who believed brute force was an
Unlike other Rituals, the Difficulty of effective methodology.
this Ritual is determined by the size of ❏ Cost: One Rouse Check
the object. An object the size of the ❏ System: Following the Rouse Check, the
caster’s hand would be difficulty 4. An caster grips their victim (requiring a
object the size of caster would be Strength + Brawl roll if the victim is
difficulty 6. Regardless of successes trying to avoid the caster), with the
scored, the caster cannot animate victim suffering two levels of aggravated
anything larger than their own body. damage as well as a crippling injury.
On a success, the object begins to If this injury is inflicted to an
move. It carries out the command given arm or leg, the target limb is rendered
to it to the best of its ability. While an crippled and will in the case of mortals
object cannot be made to do a clearly require lengthy rehabilitation, while
impossible feat (doors cannot be made to vampires can mend the damage as regular
fly, a carpet could not spontaneously Aggravated damage. Likewise, Atrophy
combust), they do gain a form of may render a target mute, deaf or blind.
maneuverability while animated. Chairs See crippling injuries inVampire: The
can walk on their legs and statues can be Masquerade (p. 303) for details on the
made to slowly walk or hold someone in mechanical effects of crippled limbs.
place. Once the object completes its given Storytellers may decide that such
task, or fails, it ceases to animate. mutilation warrants stains.
❏ Duration: One Turn
Neptune’s Might to activate the ritual, they pour the water
they’ve stored into their eyes.
This power allowed Tremere to claim dominion ❏ System: The caster makes the ritual roll.
over water, as a puddle became a means of spying On a success, they are aware of everything
on others and even a bottle of it could become a within the body of water they spilled
deadly weapon in the right hands. their blood in, and can see and hear
things near it. They see and hear
Powers everything as if they’re swimming just
below the surface, possibly making
Level 4
hearing a conversation difficult. This
Neptune’s Grasp ritual lasts a scene, after which the caster
This ritual allows the caster to weaponize water must reapply their blood to the body of
and ice alike, creating impromptu binds and water and recast the ritual.
weapons from little more than bottled water.
❏ Cost: One Rouse Check
❏ Dice Pools: None
❏ System: The caster touches the water to
Movement Of Mind
be manipulated and it moves as they This Path is frowned upon by those in the
command. While controlling the liquid, Camarilla, both for its proximity to the abilities
they can freeze it or shape it as they wish. of Thinbloods and also its potential to create
Making the water move with any potent Masquerade breaches. Still, to hear it from
significant force requires an Intelligence + the Tremere they held this power first and its uses
Blood Sorcery roll to animate it with are just as subtle as they can be blatant.
sufficient force. Bindings made by Powers
freezing the ice are not supernaturally
durable, however with enough water one Level 2
could create bindings strong enough to Mind’s Grasp
hold even some Kindred. The caster can The source of comparisons to Thinbloods the
animate water of a roughly equivalent world over. This ritual allows the caster to grasp
mass to themself. an object from a far, as well as push or pull a less
Rituals than compliant target given enough skill.
❏ Cost: One Rouse Check
Level 2
❏ Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery
Eyes Of The Sea vs. Strength + Athletics
This ritual turns a simple puddle or lake into a ❏ System: The caster activates the power
tool to spy on others, requiring little more than and can then lift, pull or push a physical
the caster’s vitae to use. object or person under 100 kg, within
❏ Ingredients: The caster’s vitae, a portion their sight and closer than 10 meters. The
of the body of water to be used. object moves swiftly, but not rapidly
❏ Process: The caster spills some of their enough to injure a person with the blow;
vitae into the body of water to be used the object may break if it is fragile. The
and stores some of the water. When ready exception: knives or other small metal
tools, which the caster can wield with a inevitably cease to be, and attempts to use this
Intelligence + Blood Sorcery test at a power to build something of lasting power are
two-dice penalty because of the need for foolish at best. And fourth is that the caster
precision. A knife used this way does only cannot create any specific item. Items created are
one point of extra damage. utterly mundane and typical. Attempts to create
Trying to move someone actively keys would create an unfiled key, attempts to
resisting requires a contest of Intelligence create a rifle would create one fresh off the
+ Blood Sorcery vs. Strength + Athletics. assembly line. In contrast, attempts to create my
On a win, the caster can pull the victim keys or my rifle would fail outright. STs are
within grabbing or clawing range, or encouraged to be wary of players using this Path,
throw them one meter for each point of as a player can use it to circumvent Backgrounds
the margin on the contest, doing an equal and other requirements to get what they need.
amount of Superficial damage. They land
prone. Keeping someone or something
floating in mid-air requires a Intelligence
+ Blood Sorcery (Difficulty 3) roll every
turn. Fine manipulation (such as pulling Level 3
the pin of a grenade_ requires Wits Conjuration
+Alchemy roll at a suitable Difficulty, as
This ritual is the crux of this Path, however
determined by the Storyteller. This ritual
learning it is only the beginning. There are
ends after a scene.
Tremere who use only this Path, relying on its
versatility to supplement other abilities. To those
who demonstrate such loyalty, they find it easier
Path Of Conjuration and easier to conjure that they need.
Ingredients: The caster’s own blood, chalk, candles
Creating objects from thin air has been an icon of
and something to create a flame.
occult and supernatural myth almost as long as
Process: The caster draws a sigil on the floor,
vampires have. Through use of this Path, Tremere
encircled with chalk and lit candles. They then
learned to do just that.
bleed onto the sigil and imagine what they wish to
Use of this Path has several limitations.
First, objects can only be created if it were
System: The caster spills his blood, making the
something the caster could reasonably obtain
Ritual roll and paying the cost. Unlike other
without it. Creating steel bats, clothing and even
Rituals, the difficulty is determined by the size of
phones are all possible. However unless the caster
the object to be conjured. An object the size of the
worked on the Manhattan Project, creating a
caster’s hand is relatively easy (Difficulty 4). An
radioactive isotope or a nuclear bomb is
object half the size of the caster’s body such as a
impossible. Second, objects created cannot be
rifle or a steel pipe or bat, is much harder
larger than the caster, with objects approaching
(Difficulty 5) and one the size of the caster is
that size becoming harder and harder to conjure.
impossible for some initiates (Difficulty 7). On a
Third is that objects created through this power
success, the object emerges from the sigil coated in
inevitably fade into nonexistence given time. This
blood but otherwise ready to be used.
means that objects conjured with this power will
The caster can meditate on a specific This ritual was the foundation of what made this
object. While the specifics vary, studying the Path so fearsome. Scholarly Warlocks became
object, actually meditating and even simply deadly combatants given only a few minutes to
drawing it are all suitable methods. Once a night prepare, their limbs bulging with blood fueled
has been spent in deep focus towards the targeted strength.
object, the caster finds rolls to summon it for the ❏ Ingredients: The caster’s own blood, the
remainder of the story at a -1 difficulty. blood of a person the caster deems strong
❏ Process: The caster cuts their hand, before
pouring the blood of another into the
open wound.
Path Of Mars ❏ System: The caster makes the Ritual roll
This Path saw frequent use in the Sabbat. It and imbibes the blood. On a success, their
allowed those Tremere who fought in the sect to body is suffused with supernatural might.
push their bodies to the limit and become deadly The caster gains +2 to all physical
combatants. This Path was studied by those attributes for a scene. This can stack with
Tremere in the Camarilla, however due to a Blood Surge.
difference in temperament it rarely saw use by the

Path Of Technomancy
Flying in the face of Elder Tremere, the Path of
Level 3 Technomancy was created by Neonate Tremere
Solemn Mind who wanted to control the creations of the
This ritual allowed Sabbat Tremere to rise against modern world. Later on, it became a tool of
those who would use their minds against them, Anarch Tremere and those involved in the Red
making Tremere in the Sword of Cain particularly Letter, and its use was outlawed by the Inner
deadly to Ventrue and Toreador. Council. Still, it retains some use in modern
❏ Ingredients: The caster’s own blood nights.
❏ Process: The caster slices both of his
palms, allowing his blood to seep onto the Ritual
floor around him. He then meditates five
minutes and the ritual takes effect.
Level 2
❏ System: The caster makes the Ritual roll On/Off
as usual. On a success, he adds his Blood To those who see this ritual in action, electronics
Potency to pools to resist mind altering simply fail to function. Cell phones die,
effects (such as Dominate and Presence). computers blue screen and a vehicle loses speed.
On a Critical Win, he can spend a ❏ Ingredients: A battery that has soaked for
Willpower point to negate these effects at least one hour in the caster’s blood
without even having to roll. This trance ❏ Process: The caster places the battery
ends after a scene. against the object to be manipulated.
Level 5 ❏ System: The caster rolls the Ritual roll.
Fearless Heart On a success, the object turns off (or
turns on if it was already off). Larger Countermagic
objects, such as those larger than the
caster, may require more successes to Not a true Path, this ritual rose to prominence as
affect with this ritual. A car or similarly a means of countering Blood Sorcery. When your
sized object may be Difficulty 5, whereas enemies learn to wield Rituals of their own,
a crane may be Difficulty 7. knowing how to stop them becomes an effective
way of achieving your aims.

Path of Father’s Vengeance

This Path saw use in the Sabbat. Drawing
Level 1
inspiration from the Book of Nod, this Path used
the curses of other Cainites against them. It’s use Countermagic
was rare in the Sabbat, where claiming to know The principles of this Ritual are surprisingly
Caine’s will was tantamount to heresy. In other simple. Simply snap your fingers and it's done..
sects, it’s use was virtually unheard of. However in practice, use of this Ritual can be
exceedingly difficult. More masterful Blood
Rituals Sorcerers become increasingly difficult to counter
with this Ritual. Still, when success hinges on a
Level 3 Ritual absolutely failing, this Ritual can be a
Curse Of The Father powerful tool.
This ritual allowed those Tremere in the Sabbat to ❏ Ingredients: The caster’s own blood,
enact planned assassinations of key Kindred in ❏ Process: The caster draws on the magic of
other sects. By invoking this ritual, Kindred their blood and snaps their fingers.
realizes all too late the damnation residing in their ❏ System: The caster makes the Ritual roll
veins. at the same time as their target. If the
❏ Ingredients: The caster’s own blood, the caster of the counter scores more
blood of the target, a copy of the Book of successes, the target’s Ritual fizzles out
Nod and the ingredients are wasted.
❏ Process: The caster draws a circle on the This power can be used on Wards
floor with their own blood with the at the moment of activation, however the
target’s blood in the center. They then caster must know of the ward’s existence
recite a passage from the Book of Nod beforehand and must be present when the
pertaining to their target, before cutting ward is triggered to counter it. On a
their hand and dropping a drop of their success, the ward doesn’t harm whoever
own blood into the center of the circle. triggered it and is disabled for a scene.
❏ System: The caster makes the ritual roll.
On a win, the target’s Bane Severity
increases by 1. On a Critical Win, it Weather Control
instead increases by 2. This effect lasts for
three nights, one for each of God’s angels Eventually, Tremere even sought to control the
that visited Caine. skies with their blood. With this Path, skilled
Tremere could shape the weather, creating heavy
overcast or thunderous rain. Though the concept
of striking down their foes with powerful
lightning remained out of the reach of this Path.

Level 5
Weather Control
Through this Ritual, Tremere could create
considerable alterations in the local weather. Elder
Tremere could perform the impossible with this
Ritual, making it snow in the middle of Summer
or conjure clouds to drench a desert. This power is
not typically a breach of the Masquerade, but as
the caster achieves more impossible feats, it
doesn’t take a meteorologist to realize something
is off.
❏ Ingredients: The caster’s blood, a sundial
❏ Process: The caster draws a rune on the
sundial in his own blood and performs a
❏ System: The caster makes his Ritual Roll.
Depending on the desired result, the
Difficulty could change dramatically.
Creating reasonable weather such as
clearing up rain in summer could be
considered a typical use of this Ritual,
using the normal Difficulty for such
things. Creating something more
outlandish, like making it rain during a
drought could be much more difficult
(Difficulty 8). Doing something
impossible, such as making it snow in a
desert, is out of the abilities of most
Tremere (Difficulty 10)

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