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Food Chemistry 136 (2013) 1590–1596

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Endocrine disruptor activity in bottled mineral and flavoured water

Monika Plotan 1, Caroline Frizzell 1, Victoria Robinson, Christopher T. Elliott, Lisa Connolly ⇑
Institute of Agri-Food and Land Use, School of Biological Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT95AG, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A panel of reporter gene assays (RGAs) coupled with a single solid phase extraction (SPE) step was devel-
Available online 14 February 2012 oped and used to screen bottled mineral water for the presence of four classes of endocrine disruptors
(EDs), oestrogens, androgens, progestagens and glucocorticoids.
Keywords: Fourteen brands of bottled mineral water in triplicate (42 samples) were analysed. Overall, hormonal
Oestrogens activity was found in 78% of the samples. Oestrogenic, androgenic, progestagenic and glucocorticoid
Androgen activity was found in 38%, 38%, 36% and 55% of the samples, respectively at an average concentration
of 10 ng/l 17b-estradiol equivalent (EEQ), 26 ng/l testosterone equivalent (TEQ), 123 ng/l progesterone
Reporter gene assay
equivalent (PEQ) and 13.5 ng/l hydrocortisone equivalent (HEQ).
Bioassay The level of oestrogenic, androgenic and progestagenic activity observed is not considered a matter of
Food safety concern for the consumers’ health. It is unknown whether the glucocorticoid levels observed are safe. The
Drinking water ED source, long term exposure and mixture effects remain to be investigated.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction samples showed oestrogenic activity up to 23.1 ng/l 17b-estradiol

equivalent (EEQ). Wagner and Oehlmann (2009) also used an
An endocrine disruptor (ED) is ‘‘an exogenous substance or in vitro yeast bioassay to provide evidence of oestrogenicity in glass
mixture that alters function(s) of the endocrine system and conse- and PET bottled mineral water with 60% of samples surveyed
quently causes adverse health effects in an intact organism, or its showing oestrogenic activity up to a maximum of 75 ng/l EEQ.
progeny, or (sub) populations’’ (OECD, 2010). EDs can interact with They also reported that this contamination partly originates from
the endocrine system by mimicking or blocking natural hormones compounds leaching from the PET bottles into mineral water as
or their pathways, EDs may also influence the production, secre- indicated by a molluscan model, whereby mud snails (Potamopyr-
tion or metabolism of endogenous hormones or/and their nuclear gus antipodarum) that are highly sensitive to oestrogens were
receptors (Tabb & Blumberg, 2006). Consequently, exposure to raised in glass and PET bottles and reproductive output measured.
EDs may lead to detrimental health effects including interference The results of the in vitro yeast based assay confirmed the oestro-
with both the male and female reproductive systems, causing a genic results of the in vivo molluscan model in all except one PET
spectrum of disorders throughout life, including sexual precocity, bottled sample which showed a minimal response in the yeast
hormone related cancers e.g. testicular and breast cancer, repro- assay but induced a more significant response in the mud snail
ductive tract abnormalities and infertility (Diamanti-Kandarakis experiment. Therefore, this result may imply that the in vivo assay
et al., 2009). Other impacts of EDs may include effects on thyroid is more sensitive than the in vitro assay, or that bottled water con-
function, obesity and metabolism (Diamanti-Kandarakis et al., tains a mixture of EDs, potentially of other classes. For example, if
2009). EDs such as anti-androgens are present, they will remain unde-
It is now widely accepted that one of the major routes of ED tected by the oestrogen receptor specific in vitro assay, but may
exposure for humans is through the diet (Connolly, 2009). Conse- still have effects on reproduction (Tillmann, Schulte-Oehlmann,
quently, with the consumption of bottled mineral water increasing Duft, Markert, & Oehlmann, 2001). Further confirmation of the
worldwide (Doria, 2006) the presence of oestrogenic EDs in partic- presence of oestrogenic compounds in bottled mineral water has
ular has become more widely investigated (Pinto & Reali, 2009; again been reported by Wagner and Oehlmann (2010) using an
Wagner & Oehlmann, 2009; Wagner & Oehlmann, 2010). Pinto improved extraction procedure and the E Screen bioassay.
and Reali (2009) used an in vitro yeast bioassay to screen PET Three potential sources of oestrogenic ED contamination have
bottled mineral water and reported that 10% of the surveyed been outlined by Wagner and Oehlmann (2009); contaminated
source water, contamination with plastic components or deter-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 9097 6668; fax: +44 9097 6513. gents used in the production process or substances migrating from
E-mail address: (L. Connolly). packaging materials. EDs found in the environment and having the
These authors contributed equally. potential to be present in resources used for drinking water

0308-8146/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Plotan et al. / Food Chemistry 136 (2013) 1590–1596 1591

production include: natural hormones and their metabolites, syn- expression vector was inserted, as the T47D cell line does not con-
thetic hormones, phyto- and mycooestrogens, drugs with hor- tain the androgen receptor gene. The RGA procedure was followed
monal side effects, heavy metals, pesticides and their as described in a previous study by Plotan et al. (2011). The
metabolites, and industrial and household chemicals and their progestagen and glucocorticoid responsive RGAs were performed
by-products (Burkhardt-Holm, 2010). Most research so far has exactly as for the androgen assay using their corresponding stan-
focused on the detection of compounds in bottled water that bind dards. 17b-Estradiol, testosterone, progesterone and hydrocorti-
to the oestrogen receptor, however, ligands for other hormone sone were applied as the standards for the oestrogen, androgen,
receptors may also be present. Multiple ED classes have previously progestagen and glucocorticoid RGAs, respectively.
been shown to exist in wastewater effluents and surface waters
using a panel of reporter gene cell lines (Van der Linden et al., 2.3. Cytotoxicity testing
2008). This study showed that androgen, progestagen and gluco-
corticoid hormonal activities were present at similar or much All extracts produced for validation of the assay and the sam-
higher levels than that of oestrogens. The identity of many of these ples used in the screening study were tested for cytotoxicity on
substances have yet to be established. Cleaning reagents with ED all four cell lines, MMV-Luc, TARM-Luc, TM-Luc and TGRM-Luc.
activity may originate in the production process and have been The thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide (MTT) based cytotoxicity
observed in bottled water previously (Diana & Dimitra, 2011). assay was used to check the toxicity of the applied samples, the
The widespread use of compounds such as parabens and perfluoro- protocol used was as described previously by Frizzell et al. (2011).
nited compounds (PFCs) has lead to their detection in drinking
water resources, lower levels of PFCs have been observed in bottled
2.4. Oasis HLB cartridge SPE
water (Richardson and Ternes, 2005). Low levels of bisphenol A has
recently been reported in bottled mineral water, with bottle clo-
Solid phase extraction (SPE) was used for the extraction of EDs
sures, the water itself or recycled PET being suggested as possible
from the bottled mineral water samples. Waters Oasis HLB glass
sources of contamination (Bach, Dauchy, Chagnon, & Etienne,
columns (5cc/200 mg) were used. The extraction procedure in-
2012). Phthalates also have the potential to leach from plastics
cluded conditioning with 3 ml of tert-Butyl methyl ether, methanol
(Casajuana & Lacorte, 2003) and individual phthalates such as
and HPLC grade water; loading of the sample (10, 20, 50 and
DBP and butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) have been reported as
250 ml); washing with 3 ml of 5% methanol in water and elution
weakly oestrogenic (Jobling, Reynolds, White, Parker, & Sumpter,
with 6 ml of 10% methanol in tert-Butyl methyl ether. Eluent was
1995), while others such as the plasticiser DEHP has been shown
evaporated under a nitrogen stream at 40 °C and resuspended in
to be non-oestrogenic. However, all of these phthalates have been
50 ll methanol.
shown to have anti-androgenic effects (Parks et al., 2000; Sohoni &
Sumpter, 1998; Takeuchi et al., 2005). Therefore not only oestro-
2.5. Extraction recoveries
genic EDs but a range of ED classes may be present in bottled min-
eral water, this remains to be investigated.
Pure HPLC grade water (250 ml) was spiked with 17b-estradiol,
The present study aimed to investigate the presence and activ-
testosterone, progesterone and hydrocortisone at 0.5, 2.9, 5 and
ity profile of a broader range of EDs in bottled mineral water sam-
100 ng/ml, respectively, and extracted using the SPE procedure
ples by combining a suitable sample pre-treatment step prior to
described in Section 2.4. The recoveries were determined based
analysis in oestrogen, androgen, progestagen and glucocorticoid
on the RGA results for these extracts which were compared with
responsive RGAs.
the spiked concentrations results for each of the standards. The
extraction recoveries for each RGA was determined from seven
2. Material and methods independent experiments. All concentrations (ng/ml) presented
in the manuscript describe final well concentrations.
2.1. Chemicals and reagents
2.6. Influence of sample volume on the HLB extraction
All cell culture reagents were supplied by Invitrogen Ltd.
(Paisley, UK). Reference standards including 17b-estradiol, testos- In order to investigate the influence of the sample volume on
terone, progesterone and hydrocortisone, HPLC grade water and the HLB extraction and subsequent RGA results, a series of volumes
tert-Butyl-methyl-ether were obtained from Sigma (Poole, Dorset, of HPLC grade water was extracted and applied to the androgen
UK). Falcon tissue culture flasks were supplied by BD Biosciences responsive cell line. Two samples of each of four volumes of water
(Oxford, UK). Specialised RGA plates were supplied by Greiner were measured: 10, 20, 50 and 250 ml. One was left unspiked and
Bio-One (Stonehouse, UK). A luciferase kit (Promega, E1501) was the other was spiked with 29 ng testosterone (to give a 2.9 ng/ml
obtained from Promega (Southhampton, UK). Oasis HLB glass final well concentration in each case), both were then extracted
cartridges (5 cc/200 mg) were supplied by Waters Chromatogra- and applied to the androgen RGA. The influence of the sample vol-
phy Ireland (Dublin, Ireland). Methanol and acetone were obtained ume was measured based on the extraction recoveries determined
from BDH (Poole, Dorset, UK). (Section 2.5) and this was investigated in duplicate.

2.2. Reporter gene assay analysis 2.7. Repeatability study

Oestrogen (MMV-Luc), androgen (TARM-Luc), progestagen Repeatability of the oestrogen, androgen, progestagen and glu-
(TM-Luc) and glucocorticoid (TGRM-Luc) responsive mammalian cocorticoid RGAs was investigated by triplicate analysis of (un)-
reporter cell lines were previously produced by stable transfection spiked HPLC grade water, this was performed in a single
with the MAR-Vit-Luc vector into the MCF-7 cell line in the case of experiment. Three water samples (250 ml) were left unspiked
oestrogen, and with the MMTV-Luc vector into the T47D cell line and the other three water samples of the same 250 ml volume
for each of the other three hormone specific cell lines (Willemsen, were spiked with one of the four hormone standards at the same
Scippo, Maghuin-Rogister, Martial, & Muller, 2002; Willemsen concentrations: 17b-estradiol (0.5 ng/ml), testosterone (2.9 ng/
et al., 2004). Additionally for the androgen cell line the pSV-AR0 ml), progesterone (5 ng/ml) and hydrocortisone (100 ng/ml). These
1592 M. Plotan et al. / Food Chemistry 136 (2013) 1590–1596

water samples were extracted (SPE method, Section 2.4) and ap- The water samples EEQ, testosterone equivalent (TEQ), proges-
plied to their corresponding RGAs. terone equivalent (PEQ) or hydrocortisone equivalent (HEQ) were
determined based on the samples % activity (% activity = (sample
2.8. Reproducibility study RLU negative control RLU)/(positive control RLU negative con-
trol RLU)  100%), hormone spiking concentration and dilution fac-
In order to determine the reproducibility of the method devel- tor; expressed in ng/ml or ng/l.
oped, the same study as described in the previous section (repeat- Recoveries were determined as a ratio of the calculated concen-
ability study, Section 2.7) was performed over three independent tration of the spiked extract (EEQ, TEQ, PEQ, HEQ) and the value of
experiments within a two week period. Each experiment involved the spiking concentration before extraction, this was multiplied by
two 250 ml HPLC grade water samples, one left unspiked and the 100 to achieve a % extraction recovery.
other was spiked with one of the four steroid hormones (17b-estra-
diol, testosterone, progesterone and hydrocortisone at 0.5, 2.9, 5 3. Results and discussion
and 100 ng/ml, respectively). Each set of samples was extracted
and tested by their corresponding RGAs on the same day. 3.1. Standard curves and RGA sensitivity

2.9. Bottled mineral water samples A procedure was developed to detect the presence of oestrogen-
ic, androgenic, progestagenic and glucocorticoid compounds in 14
For the purpose of the study a range of bottled mineral water brands of bottled mineral water. Standard curves were established
was purchased randomly from various sources in the region of using 17b-estradiol, testosterone, progesterone and hydrocortisone
Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK): supermarkets, off-sales, health for the oestrogen, androgen, progestagen and glucocorticoid RGAs,
shops, restaurants and pharmacies. Fourteen brands of bottled respectively. The sensitivity of each RGA can be compared by the
mineral waters (samples coded 1–14) were purchased in triplicate, EC50 values which were 0.006 ng/ml, 0.8, 0.3 and 53.5 ng/ml for
giving a total of 42 samples. Half of the samples were UK products the oestrogen, androgen, progestagen and glucocorticoid RGAs,
from England (5), Wales (1) and Scotland (1). The remaining prod- respectively.
ucts were imported from Italy (3), Ireland (2) and France (2). All of
the water samples were bottled in either plastic (samples 1–10) or 3.2. SPE recoveries
glass (samples 11–14) packaging. One sample was carbonated,
sample number 11. Three samples were flavoured waters (samples The percentage recovery was determined for each hormone. The
8–10), containing sweetener (sucralose) and various flavourings. highest recoveries were obtained for 17b-estradiol (94 ± 6%) and
These three samples were also promoted to enhance wellbeing, hydrocortisone (89 ± 14%) followed by testosterone (86 ± 7%) and
having additives such as L-carnitine, green tea extract, blueberry progesterone (80 ± 4%).
or pomegranate. Each of the triplicate samples possessed different
batch numbers except for the flavoured waters (samples 8–10) and 3.3. Influence of sample volume on SPE
samples 3, 5 and 12, all of which came from the same batch. All 42
samples were kept according to the manufacturers guidelines: Four sample volumes (ranging between 10–250 ml as recom-
sealed and stored in a dry place and out of direct sunlight, until mended by the manufacturer) were assessed for use with the Oasis
testing commenced. HLB column for the detection of low levels of EDs in the bottled min-
Each sample was tested for agonist activity in all four RGAs and eral water. Results for all 4 sample volumes investigated are pre-
additionally in the androgen RGA for antagonist activity. The sented in Fig 1 and show that levels of recovery were similar in
250 ml volume of each of the unspiked water samples were ex- each volume (ranging between 73% and 90%). Therefore it was
tracted and applied to all four RGAs and MTT assays. Similarly an-
other 250 ml of each water sample was spiked with testosterone to
give a final concentration of 2.9 ng/ml that the cells were exposed
to, this was extracted and applied to the androgen responsive
assays only. For each experiment a set of negative and positive con-
trols (17b-estradiol, testosterone, progesterone and hydrocortisone
at 0.5, 2.9, 5 and 100 ng/ml, respectively) was extracted and
applied to both the RGAs and MTT assay. All the experimental
points were tested in triplicate and in three independent

2.10. Data analysis

Standard curves were fitted based on the sigmoidal dose-

responsive equation, using SlideWrite Plus V6 software, where Y
is the response, X is the logarithm of concentration, while bottom
is 0 and top is 100 percent of the maximum achieved response:
Y bottom + (top bottom)/(1 + 10(logEC50 X)).
Fold induction was measured by calculating the ratio of the re-
sponse when compared with the negative control (n-fold). The
concentration that produced a 50% increase in maximal response
(EC50) was used as a measurement of the assays sensitivity.
Coefficient of variation (% CV) was calculated as the ratio of the
standard deviation (STDV) and average of sample repetitions, pre- Fig. 1. Four HPLC grade water volumes were spiked with 29 ng testosterone (final
sented in %. well concentration of 2.9 ng/ml), extracted and tested in the androgen RGA.
M. Plotan et al. / Food Chemistry 136 (2013) 1590–1596 1593

decided to use a volume of 250 ml in sample analysis to androgen, progestagen and glucocorticoid assays. Antagonist activ-
maximise the detection of EDs that may be present in very low ity was also screened in the androgen assay due to the anticipation
concentrations. that some androgen antagonists e.g. pesticides, phthalates may be
present. The overall ED activity profile of the 14 brands of bottled
3.4. Repeatability mineral water (42 samples) is presented in Table 2. These results
are discussed separately for each ED class.
The repeatability of the analysis of EDs in bottled mineral water
samples for all four RGAs was investigated. Three unspiked and
three spiked (with a respective standard steroid) 250 ml HPLC
3.6.1. Oestrogens
grade water samples were extracted and analysed in their appro-
Oestrogenic agonist activity was detected in 9 brands of bottled
priate RGA. Very good repeatability was observed as shown in
mineral water as shown in Table 2; including two brands of water
Table 1 and confirmed by low coefficients of variation (CV). Per-
that presented agonist activity in all 3 triplicate samples (brand
centage CV (% CV) values for the negative controls were lowest in
numbers 8 and 10). The samples for each of these brands possessed
the progestagen and oestrogen assays, 10% and 14%, respectively.
identical batch numbers and were flavoured waters, containing
A higher % CV was observed for the glucocorticoid assay (17%)
sweetener and various natural flavourings and also promoted as
and the highest for the androgen assay (24%). The positive controls
enhancing wellbeing. Some of these additives may be responsible
presented lower % CV values than the negative controls, ranging
for the oestrogenic activity observed. Of the 42 samples, 38% pre-
between 2% and 3% for the androgen and oestrogen assays, and
sented an EEQ ranging between 1–34 ng/l with a mean of 10 ng/l
up to 11–13% for the glucocorticoid and progestagen assays,
(Table 3). In comparison, the study performed by Wagner and
Oehlmann (2009) reported that 60% of the 20 brands of bottled
mineral waters tested contained oestrogenic contamination with
3.5. Reproducibility
mean EEQ activity levels of 18 ng/l. In a more recent study, (Wag-
ner & Oehlmann, 2010), used different sample preparation meth-
A reproducibility study was performed by repeating the same
ods and detected an oestrogenic response in 61% of 18 samples
study outlined in Section 3.4 in three independent experiments.
analysed, corresponding to 1.9–12.2 pg/l EEQ. Another study by
The reproducibility results showed a higher degree of variation
Pinto and Reali (2009) reported that 10% of samples surveyed
than those obtained in the repeatability study (Table 1). Variability
showed oestrogenic activity up to 23.1 ng/l EEQ. Within the pres-
(% CV) for the negative controls was lower than those obtained for
ent study, one brand of bottled mineral water (brand number
the positive controls, in the range of 9–30%. The lowest deviation
12), packaged in glass, showed oestrogenic activity in two of the
was observed in the glucocorticoid and oestrogen assay (9% and
triplicate samples with the same batch number. This observation
13%, respectively) and the highest observed in the androgen and
is consistent with that of Wagner and Oehlmann (2009, 2010)
progestagen assay (23% and 30%, respectively). Spiked samples
where some water samples packaged in glass bottles also exhibited
presented the lowest % CV in the oestrogen assay (19%), higher in
oestrogenic activity.
the glucocorticoid and androgen assay (33% and 40%, respectively)
and to the highest in the progestagen assay (83%). ‘Day 1’ results
presented much higher fold induction values than the other days
in almost all the cell lines, except for the oestrogen assay positive 3.6.2. Androgens
control which showed a low % CV. These higher RLU readings may The screening for androgenic EDs included both agonistic and
be due to the use of a different batch of luciferase substrate. If the antagonistic activity. Androgen agonists were detected in 11
results from ‘Day 1’ were removed from the calculations, the % CV brands and androgen antagonists in 6 brands of bottled mineral
values for positive controls would be in a significantly lower range water as shown in Table 2. Antagonist activity was found in all
of 3–24%. three replicates of brands 8, 9 and 10, the flavoured water samples.
Of the 42 samples, 38% presented TEQ agonist activity at concen-
3.6. Bottled mineral water results trations ranging between 3 and 63 ng/l and 29% presented TEQ
antagonist activity at concentrations ranging between 13 and
All fourteen brands of bottled mineral water in triplicate (42 84 ng/l (Table 3). Interestingly, in many samples that displayed
samples) were screened for agonistic activity in the oestrogen, antagonism, agonism was simultaneously observed (Table 2).

Table 1
Repeatability and reproducibility of the RGAs presented as fold inductions of the relevant hormones spiked in HPLC grade water.

Negative control Positive control
Rep. 1 Rep. 2 Rep. 3 Average STDEV % CV Rep. 1 Rep. 2 Rep. 3 Average STDEV % CV
Oestrogen 1.3 1.1 1 1.1 0.15 13.5 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.3 0.1 2.7
Androgen 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.15 24.1 7.7 7.4 7.7 7.6 0.2 2.3
Progestagen 1 0.9 1.1 1.0 0.1 10 10.9 10.7 8.6 10.1 1.3 12.7
Glucocorticoid 1.2 1 1.4 1.2 0.2 16.7 74.5 92 89.4 85.3 9.4 11.1
Negative control Positive control
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Average STDEV % CV Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Average STDEV % CV
Oestrogen 1.3 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.15 13.1 3.8 4.5 5.5 4.6 0.9 18.6
Androgen 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.15 22.9 14.3 7.7 7.4 9.8 3.9 39.8
Progestagen 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.3 0.4 30.3 38 10.7 9.4 19.4 16.1 83.4
Glucocorticoid 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.3 0.12 9.1 124 63 89.4 92.1 30.5 33.2

Abbreviation: Rep. – repetition.

1594 M. Plotan et al. / Food Chemistry 136 (2013) 1590–1596

Table 2
Induction levels of ED agonists and antagonists detected in triplicate samples of 14 types of bottled mineral water as tested by RGA. Detected activity was equivalent to reference
hormone, which depending on the cell line was 17b-estradiol at 0.5 ng/ml, testosterone at 2.9 ng/ml, progesterone at 5 ng/ml, hydrocortisone at 100 ng/ml, for the oestrogen,
androgen, progestagen and glucocorticoid RGAs, respectively.

Cell line Detected Positive control [fold Bottled mineral water (samples 1–14, n = 3)
activity induction]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Oestrogen Agonist 3.4 jss sss sss dss dds dss dss djj dds ddd sss dds sss sss
Androgen Agonist 13 dss sss jjs djs sss jjs Nss dss Nss dss sss jjs jjs dss
Antagonist sss sss sss sss sss dss dss djj jNN NNN sss sss dss sss
Progestagen Agonist 7 dss sss dss djs dss jss Nss sss Nss dss dss jss djs dds
Glucocorticoid Agonist 376 djs jss dss ddd djs ddN jNs sss ddj dss jss dss dss djs

Symbols describe the fold induction for: (s) no activity; (d) agonist 1.3–2, antagonist 2–4; (j) agonist 2.1–3.5, antagonist 5–6; (N) agonist 4.5–7.5, antagonist 7–9.

3.6.3. Progestagens to be about 0.42 l/day), exposes them to oestrogen levels approxi-
Progestagen agonist activity was detected in 12 brands of bot- mately 150 times greater than their exposure to trace concentra-
tled mineral water (Table 2). Of the 42 samples, 36% showed pro- tions of oestrogens as predicted via drinking water intake. Indeed
gestagenic activity. The highest ED levels were detected by the it is products such as milk and milk products that supply about
progestagen RGA, presenting a PEQ within the range of 11– 60–80% of ingested female sex steroids (Hartmann, Lacorn, & Stein-
392 ng/l (Table 3). hart, 1998). Additionally, the acceptable daily intake (ADI) for 17b-
estradiol has been established by JECFA (2000) as up to 50 ng/kg
3.6.4. Glucocorticoids bw/day. Therefore, it may be concluded that the levels of EEQ activ-
The largest number of samples presenting endocrine disrupting ity being reported in bottled mineral water are safe for consumers.
activity was detected in the glucocorticoid RGA with more than Hartmann et al. (1998), also concluded that in comparison to the
half of the samples (55%) inducing a positive response (Table 2). Al- human daily production of steroid hormones, the calculated nutri-
most all brands (13 out of 14) presented glucocorticoid activity tional supply of oestrogens (100 ng/day), testosterone (50 ng/day)
with HEQ activity in the range of 3–81 ng/l (Table 3). and progesterone (10,000 ng/day) is not a significant source.
Exposure to androgen agonistic EDs via bottled drinking water
3.7. Exposure to EDs via bottled mineral water (500 ml) can be calculated as being 0.22 ng/kg bw/day and an inhi-
bition of 0.32 ng/kg bw/day for androgen antagonistic EDs (Ta-
This study reports the presence of EDs with oestrogen, andro- ble 3). While there is no comparative data available in the
gen, progestagen and glucocorticoid activity in bottled mineral literature on the levels of androgens delivered in the typical
water. It must be remembered that the assays used within this omnivorous diet, these exposure levels are well below the ADI
and other studies (Wagner & Oehlmann, 2009, 2010; Pinto & Reali, for testosterone established by JECFA (2000) as up to 2 lg/kg bw/
2009) measure all xenooestrogens or xenohormones present in the day. Therefore, it may be concluded that the levels of TEQ activity
samples. Therefore, hormonal activity observed may be due to being reported in bottled mineral water are safe for consumers.
individual compounds (including as yet unknown compounds with The average daily intake of PEQ via a 500 ml bottle of the inves-
hormonal potency) or mixtures of various compounds. The identity tigated products is approximately 1.24 ng/kg bw/day assuming
of these compounds remain to be confirmed. that the average body weight of the bottled mineral water con-
Assuming that the average body weight (bw) of the bottled sumer is 60 kg. As established by JECFA (2000), the ADI of proges-
mineral water consumer is 60 kg and the average daily intake of terone is up to 30 lg/kg bw/day, which is more than 20,000 times
mineral water is one 500 ml bottle, the exposure level to oestro- higher in terms of hormone equivalent levels than that detected in
genic EDs via bottled drinking water can be calculated as being the present study. Therefore, the PEQ levels found in bottled min-
0.08 ng/kg bw/day (Table 3). This exposure level is lower than eral water indicate that they are safe for consumers.
the typical adult eating an omnivorous diet, which was estimated The HEQ was in the range of 3–81 ng/l (Table 3). It should also
to deliver 23 ng/person/day EEQ of endogenous oestrogens, an esti- be noted that none of 42 tested samples (250 ml) exceeded a fold
mate which the authors indicate is likely biased low as this does induction of 7.5 (Table 3). In comparison, the positive control
not take into account the contribution of phytooestrogens or other hydrocortisone (100 ng/ml) presented a fold induction of 376.
oestrogens which no occurrence or oestrogenic potency data is Therefore, the samples tested presented extremely weak activity.
available for (Caldwell et al., 2010). Caldwell et al. (2010) have also There is no ADI available for glucocorticoids and limited informa-
indicated that for a young child, typical milk consumption (assumed tion is available on glucocorticoid activity in water. Up to 16 and

Table 3
Summary of detected agonistic and antagonistic EDs in 42 bottled drinking water samples with predicted levels of 17b-estradiol, testosterone, progesterone and hydrocortisone

Oestrogen Androgen Progestagen Glucocorticoid

Agonist Agonist Antagonist Agonist Agonist
Number of samples showing hormonal activity 16 [38%] 16 [38%] 12 [29%] 15 [36%] 23 [55%]
Range of activity equivalent to 17b-estradiol, testosterone, progesterone or 1–34 ng/l 3–63 ng/l 13–84 ng/l 11–392 ng/l 3–81 ng/l
Average activity equivalent to 17b-estradiol, testosterone, progesterone or 10 ng/l 26 ng/l 38 ng/l 123 ng/l 13.5 ng/l
EDs intake per 500 ml bottle of drinking water equivalent to 17b-estradiol, 5 ng a 0.08 ng/ 13 ng a 0.22 ng/ 19 ng a 0.32 ng/ 62 ng a 1.24 ng/ 7 ng a 0.12 ng/
testosterone, progesterone or hydrocortisone kg bw/day kg bw/day kg bw/day kg bw/day kg bw/day
Assumptions: average body weight 60 kg, daily intake of mineral water is 1 bottle (500 ml).
M. Plotan et al. / Food Chemistry 136 (2013) 1590–1596 1595

2900 ng/l cortisol (hydrocortisone) equivalents have been detected 4. Conclusions

in surface water and waste water respectively but no activity was
detected in drinking water (Van der Linden et al., 2008). Most of the available literature concerning the presence of EDs
in bottled drinking water is confined to oestrogens (Wagner &
Oehlmann, 2009, 2010; Pinto & Reali, 2009). This study reports
3.8. ED sources the presence of oestrogenic, androgenic, progestagenic and gluco-
corticoid active EDs in bottled mineral waters.
The possible migration of oestrogenic EDs from the PET bottle While hormonal activity was detected in 78% of samples, a com-
into mineral water is a matter of some current debate. Franz and parison of the individual ED levels for oestrogens, androgens and
Welle (2009) presented migration theories, based on the composi- progestagens observed with their individual respective ADI sug-
tional knowledge of plastic bottles and closures and concluded that gests that bottled mineral water consumption should not be of
the migration of potential chemical compounds such as nonylphe- concern for human health, even though the recommended con-
nol, bisphenol A or DEHP cannot be the reason for the level of activ- sumption of 2 l drinking water/day (WHO., 2008) is 3–4 times
ity detected in mineral water by Wagner and Oehlmann (2009), higher than that considered in this study. While levels of glucocor-
due to the fact that the oestrogenic potency of these compounds ticoids detected in this study are quite low, there is no comparative
is too low. However, Sax (2010) suggests that the levels of activity exposure data for glucocorticoids in the diet or drinking water.
observed may be contributed to the use of various grades and recy- Therefore it is unknown whether the levels observed in this study
cled plastic that may contain previously banned EDs with greater are safe or not.
potency. Sax (2010) also suggests that the magnitude of leaching This study also highlights the need to investigate overall biolog-
may be influenced by storage time and temperature. ical activity, as multiple classes of hormonally active compounds
The presence of oestrogenic activity in bottled water packaged have been observed in the bottled mineral water product and their
in glass containers would suggest that plastic packaging may not synergistic effect remains to be fully investigated. Additionally,
be the source or only source of contamination. The water source it- although dietary exposure to hormonally active compounds may
self may be oestrogenic, bottle closures may present contamina- be low via bottled mineral water, they can represent a consistent
tion or perhaps chemicals used in the production process, daily exposure for many individuals who consume bottled mineral
bottling and cleaning may be a source of contamination. Also, the water on a daily basis. Special attention to sensitive sub-popula-
lack of positive replication (Table 2) in identical batch number tions may need to be considered where exposure to hormonally ac-
samples (3, 5 and 12) may suggest that contamination during the tive compounds in the diet is of concern for example, infants,
production process is responsible for the activity observed in indi- pregnant woman, prepubescent males, etc. Fetal exposure to EDs
vidual bottles. Samples number 8–10 included the flavoured fit- is an area of particular concern. For example, the role of glucocor-
ness waters and presented some of the best replication of results, ticoids in the onset of adult diseases has been investigated (Drake,
indicating that the additives may be responsible for the activity Tang, & Nyirenda, 2007), with data suggesting that exposure of this
observed. vulnerable group to excess glucocorticoids leads to programming
The contamination of source waters is another possibility. EDs of cardiovascular, metabolic and neuroendocrine disorders in adult
may be present in waste waters leading to contamination of life (Seckl, 2004). This is an area that warrants further investigation
ground waters, rivers, lakes and potentially drinking water re- due to the pivotal role that glucocorticoids play in human health.
sources (López de Alda & Barceló, 2000). The natural mammalian Overall the levels of EDs observed in this study may be reassur-
hormones oestrogens, androgens and progestagens are produced ing. However, it is undesirable to have any level of EDs in our food
every day in large quantities by humans and animals and excreted chain and efforts to prevent their presence should be made. The
into the environment. Progestagen excretion by farm animals has use of in vitro bioassays has aided the study of EDs (Connolly, Rops-
been shown to exceed 45 and 10 times the amount of androgen tad, & Verhaegen, 2011) however, the identity of the responsible
and oestrogen excretion respectively. Progesterone is more rapidly compounds and source of contamination requires further investi-
degraded in the environment than oestrogens. However, natural gation. The purity of source waters and contamination during the
steroids, synthetic progestagens and their metabolites have been production process calls for monitoring. Previous studies on the
detected in surface waters at concentrations up to several ng/ml leaching of EDs from packaging focuses only on oestrogenic com-
(Van der Linden et al., 2008). Oestrogenic and progestational chem- pounds and popular PET bottles (Franz & Welle, 2009; Sax,
icals are also used in the production of contraceptive pills which 2010). The leaching of other classes of EDs such as anti-androgenic
have increased in use in recent years. Some of these, for example phthalates should also be investigated. The influence of storage
the widely prescribed 17a-ethinylestradiol (EE2), are much more time and conditions on the possible migration of hormonally active
potent than endogenous oestrogens and are consumed in high con- compounds from packaging to the mineral water is also worthy of
centrations, for example 20 lg/day for EE2 (Falconer, 2006). Many investigation. Finally, the addition and stability of sweeteners, fla-
oestrogenic, androgenic and anti-androgenic EDs may also be vourings and active compounds by the manufacturer needs to be
widespread in the environment due to their uses as insecticides, assessed for potential ED activity.
herbicides, industrial chemicals, etc.
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