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Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 695–702

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Characterizing the cracking and fracture properties of geosynthetic

interlayer reinforced HMA samples using the Overlay Tester (OT)
Lubinda F. Walubita a,b, Abu N.M. Faruk b, Jun Zhang c,⇑, Xiaodi Hu d
PVAMU – The Texas A&M University System, Prairie View, TX 77446, USA
TTI – The Texas A&M University System, College Station, TX 77843, USA
Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA
Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China

h i g h l i g h t s

 Reflective cracking is one of distresses occurring in the hot-mix asphalt (HMA) overlays.
 Crack-impeding interlayer materials are used to improve the life of the HMA overlays.
 The Overlay Tester (OT) is used to evaluate cracking resistance of HMA samples in the laboratory.
 Different geosynthetic interlayer materials embedded in HMA samples are evaluated by the OT.
 Crack resistance of geosynthetic interlayer reinforced samples are substantially improved.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Reflective cracking is one of the undesirable distresses occurring in hot-mix asphalt (HMA) overlays;
Received 19 February 2015 costing highway agencies millions of tax payer dollars in maintenance and rehabilitation activities. To
Received in revised form 9 June 2015 mitigate this distress, crack-impeding interlayer materials such as geosynthetic interlayers are specified
Accepted 12 June 2015
to protect the HMA overlays as part of maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. Currently however,
Available online 27 June 2015
there is no universally standardized laboratory crack test method to aid in the selection of the most
appropriate geosynthetic interlayer material for maximum crack resistance and performance. This study
was undertaken to evaluate the laboratory cracking-resistance and fracture performance of different
HMA overlays
Reflective cracking
geosynthetic interlayer materials embedded in HMA samples. As a means to investigate its applicability
Geosynthetic interlayer for testing interlayer materials, the Overlay Tester (OT), in a monotonic tensile loading mode
Geogrids (3.375 mm/min) at 0 °C, was explored as the study test method. Eight different geosynthetic interlayer
Paving fabric products with different properties were compared to a ‘control specimen’ using a dense-graded HMA
Paving mat mix. Although field validation is still warranted, the study results indicated a substantial improvement
Composite grid (over 20%) in the laboratory crack and fracture performance of the geosynthetic interlayer reinforced
Overlay Tester (OT) samples over the Control samples; suggesting that use of these interlayer materials may be beneficial
in mitigating reflective cracking in HMA overlays. For the test conditions considered, the OT test in mono-
tonic tensile-loading mode also exhibited promising potential as a rapid crack test method for testing
geosynthetic interlayer materials. The sample crack failure mode, test repeatability, and statistical
variability in the test data were generally within reasonable expectations.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction mitigate reflective cracking in existing pavements, various meth-

ods including application of crack-impeding geosynthetic interlay-
Reflective cracking is one of the undesirable structural dis- ers such as paving grids, paving mats, or paving fabrics are often
tresses occurring in hot-mix asphalt (HMA) overlays over flexible used in maintenance and/or rehabilitation projects as part of the
and concrete pavements; costing highway agencies millions of HMA overlay construction; see Fig. 1 [1–3].
tax payer dollars in maintenance and rehabilitation activities. To As illustrated in Fig. 1, the primary role of a geosynthetic inter-
layer is to arrest the upward propagation of cracks from an existing
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 (979) 845 9291. pavement to the surface. The geosynthetic interlayer is used to
E-mail address: (J. Zhang). mitigate the cracks from reflecting through the HMA overlay to
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
696 L.F. Walubita et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 695–702

Fig. 1. Geosynthetic interlayer and HMA pavement construction.

the surface. Many types of geosynthetic interlayer materials are then concludes with a summary of key findings and
presently available in the commercial market and are widely used recommendations.
in HMA overlay projects during maintenance and rehabilitation
projects [3].
Currently however, there is no universally standardized labora- 2. Experimental plan and materials
tory crack performance test method to aid in the selection of
geosynthetic interlayer materials. Engineers therefore have to rely Eight different geosynthetic interlayer products, referenced as
on the index properties of the geosynthetic interlayer products GIM1 thru to GIM8, were evaluated using a single dense-graded
alone, as there is minimal or no crack performance data on geosyn- HMA mix with 12.5 mm nominal maximum aggregate size (gran-
thetic interlayers when embedded in HMA. Consequently, a funda- ite/quartzite) and PG 64-22 asphalt-binder (ffi5.0% by weight of
mental challenge exists to provide a laboratory crack performance the aggregates). HMA samples, reinforced with each of the geosyn-
test method that can evaluate geosynthetic interlayer materials thetic interlayers, were tested using the OT to get the fracture
that would best improve the crack performance of any asphalt properties and crack resistance potential versus the Control HMA
layer. Therefore, for a given overlay, on a pavement (PVMNT) with samples. All geosynthetic interlayer types were installed using a
a cracked existing surface, how does one select the best geosyn- PG 64-22 hot asphalt tack coat. A minimum of three replicate spec-
thetic interlayer material to effectively mitigate the reflective imens were tested for each geosynthetic interlayer type.
cracking? Which of the laboratory crack test methods could one HMA samples (150-mm diameter by 100-mm in height) con-
use to fundamentally characterize the fracture properties and structed with the geosynthetic interlayer material were molded
accurately evaluate the crack performance potential of the geosyn- using the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) in two layers,
thetic interlayer materials when embedded in HMA? With this namely the ‘‘bottom 50-mm thick HMA’’ plus tack-coat (PG
background, this laboratory study was initiated to address the fol- 64-22) plus interlayer material plus the ‘‘top 50-mm thick HMA’’.
lowing primary objectives: Then the geosynthetic interlayer reinforced HMA samples were
fabricated/cut to the final test specimen dimensions as shown in
(1) To investigate if the Overlay Tester (OT), when run in mono- Fig. 2.
tonic tensile-loading mode, could satisfactorily serve as a The HMA samples were basically molded in two steps (bottom
laboratory crack test method for characterizing the fracture 50-mm thick layer first and top 50-mm thick layer second) follow-
properties and evaluating the interactive cracking resistance ing the SGC volumetric procedures for fabrication of 150-mm
potential of geosynthetic interlayers when embedded in diameter HMA samples using a gyratory compactor. One hundred
HMA samples. and fifty-millimeter diameter samples of geosynthetic interlayers
(2) To comparatively evaluate the fracture properties of various were then cut and placed into the measured (by weight) amounts
geosynthetic interlayer materials using the OT test method of hot tack coat that had been placed on the base 50-mm thick
and rank them in their order of superior cracking resistance HMA layer. The tack coat rates were reflective of the individual
performance; in comparison to Control samples with no interlayer requirements by their manufacturer. The interlayer ori-
interlayer. entation was marked on the sides of the base and then on the top
of the final 50-mm thick HMA layer thickness. As indicated in
To achieve these objectives, eight different commercial geosyn- Table 1, only one interlayer, GIM5 (a biaxial product), was mea-
thetic interlayer materials with different properties were evaluated sured off angle at 45° from the machine or cross-machine direction
alongside Control samples in the OT test using a dense-graded and the product provided equivalent resistance regardless of the
HMA mix. As presented in this paper, the study also addressed orientation.
the following key aspects: (a) the fracture performance improve- As shown in Fig. 2, all the HMA samples were cut to a total
ment of each geosynthetic interlayer type/material over Control thickness of 62.5 mm and then notched to 18.75-mm depth
samples; (b) a comparison of the fracture performance of different (3.125-mm wide) from the bottom in the direction of the SGC com-
geosynthetic interlayer types; (c) the potential of the OT test and paction to simulate a reflective crack on an existing cracked pave-
the measured fracture parameters to screen and effectively differ- ment (PVMNT) surface. While the geosynthetic interlayer was
entiate between geosynthetic interlayer types; and (d) the OT test’s located at 25-mm from the bottom in the direction of the SGC com-
repeatability and statistical variability in the lab test data when paction, the notch depth was only 18.75-mm (instead of 25-mm)
run in monotonic tensile-loading mode. so as to avoid cutting the interlayer material during the notching
In terms of the paper organization, the experimental test matrix process. With the notching, the effective thickness of the test spec-
including the geosynthetic interlayers is discussed in the first sec- imens was 43.75-mm over the notch; see Fig. 2. At an asphalt mix
tion, which is followed by the monotonic OT test setup and loading specific gravity (Rice) value of 2.656 (Gmm), the average density of
configuration. Thereafter, the data analysis models are discussed; the composite HMA samples (with the interlayer material) prior to
followed by the test results and synthesis of the findings. The paper notching was measured to be fairly consistent at 87.45% with a
L.F. Walubita et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 695–702 697

Fig. 2. HMA samples and example of One-Cut test specimen.

Table 1
Geosynthetic interlayer types.

# Test sample notation Geosynthetic interlayer type Tensile strength Replicates Comment
1 GIM4 Paving mat–fiberglass/polyester 25 kN/m P3
2 GIM5 Same material as GIM4, but off-angle at 45° ASTM D5035 P3
3 GIM1 Paving mat–fiberglass/polyester 50 kN/m P3 Oriented in the machine
ASTM D5035 direction within the HMA samples
4 GIM2 Composite grid–fiberglass grid / polyester 50 kN/m P3
ASTM D4595
5 GIM3 Composite grid–fiberglass grid / polypropylene 50 kN/m P3
ASTM D4595
6 GIM6 Paving mat–fiberglass/polyester blend 200 N/50 mm P3
ASTM D5035
7 GIM8 Paving fabric–nonwoven polypropylene 450 N P3
ASTM D4632
8 GIM7 Composite grid–polyester 50 kN/m P3
ASTM D5035
9 Control None P3
Total P27

coefficient of variation (COV) of 1.06%. The cut specimen dimen- Table 2

sions were also consistent in terms of length (150-mm), width OTM test parameters and loading configuration.
(75-mm), and thickness (62.5-mm) with zero standard deviation # Item Parameter or characteristic
(Stdev) and COV; see Figs. 2 and 4.
1 Monotonic tensile 3.375 mm/min (0.135 in./min) in tension
As per the Tex-248-F specification, high strength 2-ton 2-part loading rate mode
epoxy (14 ± 2 g) was used for gluing the specimen to the OT plates 2 Sample relaxation time 10 min  necessary to relieve residual stresses
[4]. The epoxy was allowed to set and cure for a minimum period prior to testing in the specimen after bolting/screwing it to
of 12 h (overnight) with a 44.5 N (10-lb) curing weight at room the machine
3 Test temperature 0 °C (to simulate cold-weathercracking/
temperature (i.e., 25 °C). To minimize the effects of oxidative aging
fracture issues) [3]
during storage, the samples were kept in a cold room at around 4 Sample temperature P12 h (overnight) at 0 °C
15 °C in plastic zip-lock bags [5]. conditioning
5 Temperature Via a thermocouple wire inserted into a
conditioning dummy OT sample put in the same chamber
3. OTM test setup and loading configuration monitoring as test specimens
6 Data capturing Every 0.04 s so as to capture sufficient data for
The Overlay Tester (OT) was conducted in monotonic tensile subsequent analysis
7 Test time 610 min for one specimen
loading mode, denoted as OTM. The OTM test setup and loading 8 Test specimen 150-mm long by 75-mm breadth 62.5-mm
conditions are listed in Table 2. The 3.375 mm/min (0.135 in./min) dimensions thickness
loading rate at 0 °C was established after several trial testing with 9 Notch dimensions 18.75-mm long by about 3.125 mm width; see
numerous dummy OT samples interlayered with the same geosyn- Fig. 6
10 Effective test specimen 43.75-mm; see Figs. 2 and 4
thetic interlayer materials listed in Table 1 [6]. The framework for
establishing this loading rate was for the OTM output to yield rea-
sonably acceptable load–displacement response curves and mean-
ingfully interpretable data [7,8]. The OTM machine and sample namely the material tensile strength and strain. The analysis mod-
setup are exemplified in Fig. 3. els for computing these fracture parameters are discussed in the
subsequent text.

4. Data analysis models and statistics

4.1. Data analysis models
During OTM testing, the measurable parameters include the
applied load, the horizontal tensile displacement rate, time, and As previously stated, the primary output from the OTM test is
test temperature. The primary output of the OTM test is the load– the L–D response curve (Fig. 4) that is used to calculate the fracture
displacement (L–D) response curve exemplified in Fig. 4. From parameters of the test sample. Table 3 lists the load and calculated
the OTM output data and the L–D response curve shown in Fig. 4, fracture parameters together with their respective mathematical
the following load and fracture parameters were computed, models [7–9].
698 L.F. Walubita et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 695–702

Fig. 3. OT machine and sample setup.

Fig. 4. OTM load–displacement (L–D) response curve.

Table 3
OTM fracture parameters and analysis models.

# Fracture parameter Notation Unit Mathematical model

1 Peak failure (tensile) load Pmax kN Peak load from load–displacement response curve; see Fig. 4
2 Material tensile strength rt kPa rt ¼ CrossPeak load
section area
¼ Pmax
3 Material tensile strain at peak failure load – ductility potential et (mm/mm) DPmax Do
et ¼ dp
4 Effective specimen cross-sectional area Ae mm2 tb ffi (lcr  b) ffi b(t  dn) ffi 75  (62.5–18.75) ffi 3281.25 mm2

Legend: t = specimen thickness (62.5 mm), b = specimen width (75 mm), Do = initial displacement measured at start of test, DPmax = displacement measured at peak load,
dp = opening of OT base plate (2 mm), lcr = length traversed by crack (t  dn), dn = notch length or depth (18.75 mm).

4.2. Statistical tools and methods 5. Lab test results and analysis

To authenticate the validity of the test results and the corre- Table 4 lists the OTM test results in a rank order of superiority
sponding findings in terms of the reliability/repeatability of the based on the computed fracture parameters; which are individu-
OTM test, variability in the laboratory test data, and performance ally discussed in the subsequent text. A graphical plot of the L–D
differences among the different geosynthetic interlayer materials, response curves is also shown in Fig. 5. All these lab test results
the following statistical tools were engaged: and graphical plots represent an average of three replicate test
specimens per material type.
(a) Standard MS Excel descriptive statistics such as average
(Avg), standard deviation (Stdev), and coefficient of variance
5.1. The peak tensile failure load, Pmax
(b) Comprehensive statistical analysis using t-Tests, ANOVA,
In terms of the magnitude of Pmax, Table 4 shows that GIM1 is
and Tukey’s HSD methods [10].
the superior material consecutively followed GIM2, GIM3, GIM4,
For OTM repeatability and variability assessment in the test GIM5, GIM6, GIM7, GIM8, and lastly, the Control. From Table 4
data, a COV of 30% was used as the threshold value (i.e., and Fig. 5, it is also evident that the Pmax of GIM2 and GIM3 are
COV 6 30%) [5,7–9]. For the t-Tests, ANOVA, and Tukey’s HSD, sta- insignificantly different and so, are GIM4 versus GIM5 and GIM6
tistical analyses were performed at both 90% and 95% confidence versus GIM7. As theoretically expected, the least amount of tensile
levels, respectively. force (Pmax) to cause failure was recorded in the Control samples
L.F. Walubita et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 695–702 699

Table 4 example, use of the GIM1 interlayer material leads to over 50%
OTM test results. improvement in the rt of the HMA samples; meaning it can
Rank# HMA sample notation Pmax (kN) rt (kPa) et (mm/mm) withstand up to over 1.5 times the tensile stress sustainable by
1 GIM1 (Paving mat) 8.74 2579 3.36E01 the Control samples without the interlayer material. Overall, all
2 GIM2 (Composite grid) 8.01 2364 2.57E01 the interlayer materials exhibited over 10% improvements in the
3 GIM3 (Composite grid) 7.96 2348 2.49E01 HMA tensile strength, as compared to the Control specimens
4 GIM4 (Paving mat) 7.48 2207 2.07E01 without any interlayer materials.
5 GIM5 (Paving mat) 7.4 2184 1.91E01
6 GIM6 (Paving mat) 6.66 1966 1.63E01
7 GIM7 (Composite grid) 6.6 1948 1.58E01 5.3. The material failure tensile strain, et
8 GIM8 (Paving fabric) 5.92 1748 1.24E01
9 Control 5.38 1588 1.05E01 For the purpose of this study, tensile strain was defined as the
ductility and elongation potential of the material (or sample) prior
to tensile failure (i.e., break at peak load) – the higher in magnitude
without any interlayer material. Compared to the interlayered the better in terms of ductility. As can be seen in Table 4 and Fig. 5,
samples, this means that the Control samples would fail at a lower the interlayered samples, with comparatively higher et values in
tensile loading while almost twice the tensile loading would be magnitude, exhibited superiority over the Control samples. Like
required to cause failure in the samples interlayered with GIM1. with the preceding fracture parameters, the GIM1 thru GIM3 mate-
rials ranked at the top in terms of performance superiority based
5.2. The material tensile strength, rt on the et magnitude followed by the GIM4/5 materials. Similar to
Pmax and rt, GIM8 was the poorest asphalt-interlayer material,
Tensile strength is quantitatively defined as the maximum indicating an average of only 12% et improvement over the
amount of tensile stress that a material can be subjected to before Control samples.
fracture failure. Theoretically, the higher the rt in magnitude, the
better is the material’s crack resistance potential. As shown in 5.4. Material discriminatory ratio (DR)
Table 3, rt is primarily computed as function of Pmax and therefore,
its response trend mirrored that of Pmax; see Fig. 6 below. For the simplicity of interpretation of the results, the concept of
Just like for Pmax, the rank order of material superiority based discriminatory ratio (DR) was also introduced in the data analysis
on the rt magnitude in Fig. 6 is GIM1 > GIM2 > GIM3 > GIM4 > [7]. DR is an arithmetic ratio of two corresponding parametric val-
GIM5 > GIM6 > GIM7 > GIM8 > Control; which is somewhat consis- ues (e.g., rt) comparing a good material with a relatively poor or
tent with theoretical expectations, particularly for the Control reference material such as GIM1 versus the Control. The larger
samples. Clearly, these results highlight the significant benefits of the DR in magnitude, the greater the difference between the mate-
using these interlayer materials to enhance the HMA tensile rials and the more effective the fracture parameter is in discrimi-
strength against reflective cracking and fracture damage. For nating and differentiating the two materials. A listing of these DR

Fig. 5. OTM material L–D response curves.

Fig. 6. rt lab results in rank order of superiority.

700 L.F. Walubita et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 695–702

results and the corresponding performance improvement factors 6.1. Standard MS Excel descriptive statistics
over the Control samples are shown in Table 5. The interlayer crack
performance factor (ICPF) values in Table 5 were computed as fol- OTM test repeatability and variability in the test results was
lows: ICPFi = 10  (DRi  1.0). To convert the ICPF values into per- assessed using a COV of 30% as the threshold value, i.e.,
centage, as given in parentheses in Table 5, simply multiple the COV 6 30% [7,9]. Fig. 7 shows a bar-chart plot of the COV results
ICPF by 10, i.e., %ICPFi = 10  ICPFi or %ICPFi = 100  (DRi  1.0). as a function of material type and the corresponding fracture
In terms of the sustainable tensile stress and strain prior to parameters.
cracking and fracture failure, the interlayer crack performance fac- As can be observed from Fig. 7, the three parameters generally
tors (ICPFs) computed (i.e., ICPFi = 10  (DRi  1.0)) in Table 5 indicate acceptable repeatability with very low COV values that are
shows a significant improvement in performance with the usage less than 30%. For all the materials evaluated including the Control
of geosynthetic interlayer materials. The greatest performance samples, the COV for both Pmax and tensile strength are in fact less
improvement is indicated for the GIM1 thru to GIM3 materials than 10%; reflecting a fairly high level of OTM repeatability and sta-
with ICPF values greater than 50% and 40%, respectively; followed tistical confidence in the results for these fracture parameters gen-
by the GIM4/5 materials. Like for GIM4 versus GIM5 or GIM2 ver- erated under monotonic testing.
sus GIM3, the GIM6 and GIM7 materials’ performance improve- Overall, these descriptive statistical analyses implicitly suggest
ments are hardly different. As theoretically expected, the least that OT test in monotonic tensile-loading mode is fairly a repeat-
performance improvement is indicated for GIM8 with an ICPF of able test based on the three evaluated fracture parameters namely
only 10% for tensile strength. Pmax, rt, and et.
When looking at the DR magnitudes, it is evident that the strain
exhibits superiority in terms of differentiating the materials. For
instance, the strain indicates that GIM1 is about 2.3 times better 6.2. ANOVA, t-Tests, and Tukey’s HSD analysis
than the Control while it is about 1.62 times for the stress.
Similarly, the stress suggests that GIM2 and GIM3 are insignifi- ANOVA, t-Tests and Tukey’s HSD analyses at 90% and 95% con-
cantly different, which is not so apparent with the strain. fidence levels indicated that there was a statistically significant dif-
ference in the fracture performance among the materials for all the
parameters evaluated – that is, at least two or more materials were
6. Variability and statistical analysis statistically significantly different [10]. An example of these results
and ranking/groupings of the materials are shown in Fig. 8.
Variability and statistical analysis of the lab test data was based In terms of the interpretation of the statistical data shown in
on the standard MS Excel descriptive statistics, t-Tests, ANOVA, Fig. 9, the materials having parametric values that are statistically
and Tukey’s HSD methods are discussed in the subsequent text. not significantly different would be categorized in the same Group,
And like all the preceding results, these statistical analyses were e.g., A, B, or C. Materials categorized in Group A would have higher
also based on three replicate test specimens per material type. numerical values or more superior than materials listed in Group B

Table 5
DR results and performance improvement factors.
Discrimination Ratio (DR) Interlayer Crack Performance Factor (ICPF)
Material Ranking Load (Stress) Strain Load (Stress) Strain
GIM1 1.62 3.20 ≅ 6 (62.35%) ≅ 22 (>100%)
GIM2 1.49 2.45 ≅ 5 (48.84%) ≅ 14 (>100%)
GIM3 1.48 2.37 ≅ 5 (47.80%) ≅ 14 (>100%)
GIM4 1.39 1.97 ≅ 4 (38.96%) ≅ 9 (97.14%)
GIM5 1.38 1.82 ≅ 4 (37.53%) ≅ 8 (81.90%)
GIM6 1.24 1.55 ≅ 2 (23.78%) ≅ 5 (55.24%
GIM7 1.23 1.50 ≅2 (22.61%) ≅ 5 (50.48%)
GIM8 1.10 1.18 ≅ 1 (10.03%) ≅ 1 (18.09%)
Control (Reference) 1.00 1.00 N/A (Reference)

Fig. 7. Coefficient of variation (COV) results.

L.F. Walubita et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 695–702 701

Materials Compared: All Materials

Type of Analysis: t-Tests, ANOVA, & Tukey's HSD

Are the Materials Stascally Significantly Different?

Fracture Parameter GIM1 GIM2 GIM3 GIM4 GIM5 GIM6 GIM7 GIM8 Control
Peak Load, Pmax (kN) A A A B B C C D E
Tensile Strength, t (kPa) A A A B B C C D E
Failure Strain, t (mm/mm) A B B C C D D E F
Fialure MicroStrains, t A B B C C D D E F

Fig. 8. Statistical comparisons – all materials.

Fig. 9. Undesirable (GIM8#01) and desirable (GIM8#02) crack failure modes.

for the same fracture parameter whereas, materials in Group B therefore, withstanding more energy prior to fracture damage
would have higher numerical values than materials in Group C, and crack failure. Compared to the Control samples, these results
etc., and that the difference in their numerical values are statisti- and findings support that the usage of geosynthetic interlayers in
cally significant [7]. Additionally, these statistical methods also HMA overlays may serve to minimize reflective cracking and frac-
takes into account the variability associated with each parameter ture damage. In general, the following can be inferred from the
and the sample replicates when grouping and ranking the materi- results/findings and observations made in this study:
als [7,10]. Based on these statistical interpretations, the following
can be inferred from Fig. 9:  The Pmax and tensile strength parameters exhibited the least
variability, with COV values less than 10%. These two parame-
 With the exception of the tensile strain parameter, GIM1, GIM2, ters also indicated a similar fracture performance differentia-
and GIM3 all fall in the same Group A ranking and therefore, tion and ranking of the materials evaluated. This was not
have an insignificant difference in their fracture performance unexpected because, as indicated in Table 3, tensile strength
for the HMA mix evaluated under OTM testing. is primarily computed as a function of Pmax. Between the two
 The GIM4 and GIM5 are not statistically significantly different parameters however, the tensile strength (rt) should be pre-
in terms of fracture performance under OTM testing and fall in ferred over Pmax for comparatively characterizing the fracture
the same group ranking for each respective fracture parameter. performance of interlayer materials.
 Unexpectedly, GIM6 and GIM7 are categorized in the same sta-  With respect to the GIM1 thru to GIM3 versus the GIM4/5 mate-
tistical Group C; indicating a statistically insignificant difference rials, all the fracture parameters indicated a similar discrimina-
in fracture performances based on the Pmax, tensile strength, tory ranking, with the former being superior to the later.
and strain parameters, respectively.  Likewise and as theoretically expected, the Control samples
 For all the fracture parameters considered in Fig. 8, the Control turned out to be the poorest.
ranks differently as the poorest material; which is consistent Almost all the samples tested exhibited the theoretically
with theoretical expectations. The second poorest is GIM8, expected fracture failure mode with the cracks propagating
which according to Fig. 8 is statistically significantly different through the interlayer material up to the sample surface. One out-
from all the other interlayer materials. lier, GIM8 sample#01, exhibited an undesirable shear failure mode
with the sample shearing off at the layer interface without propa-
Overall, it can be concluded from Fig. 8 that the GIM1 thru to gating through the interlayer material; see Fig. 9. Where material
GIM3 materials (in Group A) exhibited similar superior statistical was available, some additional samples were remolded and
fracture performance, consecutively followed by the GIM4 and retested in the case of undesirable crack failures as exemplified
GIM5 materials (in Group B), then GIM6, GIM7, GIM8, and lastly, in Fig. 9.
the Control (poorest). As well as being credited to good workmanship (i.e., being
meticulous and consistent, adhering to procedures, use of similar
7. Discussion and synthesis of the results operators/technicians, etc.), this observation may suggest that the
OTM has promising potential as a good candidate test method for
As expected, the interlay reinforced samples out-performed the evaluating interlayer materials and characterizing their fracture
Control samples, sustaining more tensile load and strain and properties in the lab to mitigate reflective cracking in HMA
702 L.F. Walubita et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 695–702

pavements. However, it should be noted that these results and parameters derived in this study exhibited promising potential as
findings pertain only to the HMA mix, interlayer materials, and a crack test method for characterizing the fracture properties and
OTM test conditions defined in this study. Therefore, the overall crack-resistance potential of geosynthetic interlayer materials.
conclusions may not be exhaustive. The sample crack failure mode, test repeatability, and statistical
variability in the OTM test data were generally within reasonable
8. Summary and recommendations tolerances for this study. However, it is strongly recommended
that the OTM test method should be explored further along with
In this laboratory study, eight different geosynthetic interlayer correlations to other standard crack tests (i.e., the dynamic loading
products were comparatively evaluated for their crack-resistance OT, etc.) and validation with field performance data.
potential and fracture performance using the OTM test in mono-
tonic tensile loading mode (i.e., 3.375 mm/min); at a test temper- Disclaimer
ature of 0 °C. Numerous composite HMA samples reinforced with
geosynthetic interlayer products were monotonically tested in The contents of this paper reflect the views of the authors who
the lab and compared with Control samples, but fabricated from are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented
the same dense-graded HMA mix. The key findings, conclusions, herein and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies
and recommendations drawn from this study are summarized as of any agency or institute. This paper does not constitute a stan-
follows: dard, specification, nor is it intended for design, construction, bid-
ding, contracting, tendering, or permit purposes. Trade names were
 With the exception of three outlier (i.e., one out of 27 samples) used solely for information purposes and not for product
that failed in shear at the geosynthetic interlayer layer interface, endorsement.
all the other samples failed in fracture mode with the crack
neatly propagating through the geosynthetic interlayer material Acknowledgements
up to the surface; as theoretically expected. The outlier (GIM8
Sample# 01) represents only 3.7% of the total sample pool, The authors thank Saint-Gobain ADFORS for their financial sup-
which is statistically insignificant at 95% confidence level. port and all those who helped during the course of this research
 The OTM test generally exhibited good repeatability with a work. In particular, the technical assistance and guidance provided
reasonably acceptable level of statistical variability in the lab by Daniel Hunt and Tao Yu is gratefully acknowledged. Special
test data. All the three computed fracture parameters had thanks and gratitude also go to all those who assisted with labora-
COV values less than the 30% threshold; with the tensile tory work, data analysis, and documentation, namely: Stanford
strength (rt) being one of the least variable parameter. Nguyen, Jason Huddleston, Geoffrey S. Simate, and Raenita Hassan.
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